ually frustrated fangirl?!

Puppy Love



M-MINHO HYUNG? Minho hyung gave her that ring? But that’s impossible. They just met and that’ll be so stupid. I mean, they just met and he gave her a ring already? What the hell was that? I wouldn’t even give a ring to my future girlfriend on our first anniversary.

I watched her be amazed by her own ring. She seemed so happy just by looking at it. Was it really from Minho hyung? Maybe another Minho. There are so many Minho around the world, right? “Glutton, ottoke?” she blurted out. I just shrugged. Does she expect me to say something? I can’t talk and I don’t even understand the situation.

Daeil slouched her way to the sofa. “Should I write a song for him again?” she asked. Again? So that means her other songs are for that certain Minho? So our little Daeil’s in love. Tsk. No wonder her songs are too cheesy.

She took out her guitar and started strumming out random strings. I never tried composing before and I actually think I’ll just at doing that. Maybe my compositions will just be full of rants of how stupid people acts when they’re in love or how much I love banana milk. Oh wait. Maybe I should try doing the last one. At least, my song has a chance for a banana milk CF.

Not even five minutes and she started writing on a notebook. Perhaps some tunes she had made for the song. This is boring to be honest. She’s not even talking a bit. A very serious Daeil. And that’s just so weird. Anyways, I’m out of here. My adventurous spirit can’t handle this boredom.

I jumped off the sofa. A peek of her room won’t hurt, right? I haven’t been inside a girl’s room. And I honestly believe you’ll be able to understand a person by looking at his/her room. Luckily, the door was open so I didn’t need to exert too much effort with my precious paws.

Her room was a bit bigger than my shared room with Jonghyun hyung. And it’s so clean. She’s really a girl. There was a bathroom inside her bedroom so I decided to go in. Not bad. I went out again and noticed a board full of pictures.

Being the curious dog that I am, I went near only to find some familiar photos. My eyes widened. THAT’S SHINee!!! I found a chair nearby and jumped on it to have a clearer view. There were childhood photos of her and a guy with big round eyes. Then I found some snapshots of a guy who a certainly know. All of the other SHINee photos were focused on him. Is Daeil a stalker of Minho hyung? A pedo! But she’s younger than us. Perhaps a ually frustrated fangirl!!!!

OMG. I should save Minho hyung. But then, she said Minho hyung gave her that ring. But then again, they just met. Did Minho hyung hit on her already? Is he that fast? Did they have a one night stand? Omo. Minho hyung doesn’t seem to be that kind of guy though.

I tried to remember our first meeting with Daeil. Minho hyung doesn’t seem to know her as much as I know but then, he looked as if he had interest on her. Ok. I can’t understand my own thoughts. At least for now, I know that’s it’s really Minho hyung. I should stay with Daeil to know more. I’d be a spy. Agent Taemin to the rescue!!!



YES! Finally, a new song!!! I wish SHINee would be able to sing this. If it weren’t for that stupid Taemin, my songs for Minho oppa would’ve been heard all over Korea then he’ll realize that it’s me then we’ll fall in love with each other and marry, have kids and then live happily ever after!!!

STUPID TAEMIN!!! Anyways, this would be like an emergency song. Just in case somebody needs it. Maybe SHINee should just make a sub group. Just the four of them. Or maybe they should just forget about Taemin and move on with their lives. No. That’ll be too cruel, Daeil. I hit my head with my palm and realized that Glutton isn’t where I left him.

I heard some barking inside my room and found Glutton on top of a chair in front of my… SH*T… board of pictures. He was almost tearing each picture into pieces. SH*T!!!! “YAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!! Who even told you to go here?!” I shouted at him, picked him up and placed him on the floor carelessly.

Omo. My pictures. Tears started swelling up from my eyes. “Do you know how important these pictures are for me?! These pictures are the reason why I am where I am.” I told the dog. I didn’t care if he understood me or what.

I picked him again and put him outside my room then locked my door. “You can’t go in here, little rascal!” I screamed at my door. Stupid dog. He should have just ruined my bed than these pictures. Glutton just ruined my inspirations. My memories with Minho oppa.

I went out of my room to find him just outside my door. “No dinner for you.” I said and he gave me his puppy dog eyes. Uggh.


A/N: Isn’t Taemin’s parts too boring? He can’t even speak. I dunno what to do any more. Huhu. And Daeil’s composing. I had the idea from watching IU’s Peach. Hehehe. I didn’t like the MV, to be honest. But I like the song. Anyways, If you have comments/suggestions/blah blah, just leave a comment, okies cookies? Help this poor author. Huhuhu. Should I make Taemin a human for a bit of time? Uggh. I dunno. Anyways, I’ll do my best. I promise. HWAITING!^^

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Chapter 10: hahahaha taemin~~~ pls update is nice!!!!!!
she's so crazy over minho. xD
lol. taemin thought her s were squishy. XD
Ahhhh taemin is worried! Or not? Hahaha he is so funny... Just imagining him like that makes me laugh... Keep the good marga! You're always awesome <3
I do hope Minho and her will be together, even if it's just for awhile :)
reading this is not boring, really! update soon ! jebaaal!
...A banana milk CF... LOOOOOOOOOOL XDDDDD
Taemin is so mischievous! He actually thought Daeil is Minho's stalker.
Just wait til he found out the truth between them.
Hey, it wasn't boring at all! I really found it adorable imagining Taemin like that. XD
Oh my, this is si cute! Sorry for only commenting now.
Taemin is so cute being helpless with those puppy stuffs. XD
Update soon!