It feels good to see you again

Puppy Love


Nobody’s POV

“TAEMIN-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH~!!!” Key’s voice echoed around SHINee’s dorm. “Stop it, Key. You know he’s not that easy to wake up.” Minho said.  “We have a recording. I can’t just let past this.” Key answered.

This is SHINee’s dorm every morning. Key’s breakfast would be waking up the little maknae from his deep sleep. Key shouting, shaking of Taemin’s body, banging of pans. Key did it all but he just can’t wake up Taemin.

“I bet he’s dead.” Onew said as he peeked from the room’s door. Key just gave a death glare back at the leader and went back to waking up Taemin. “See? He doesn’t even move a bit.” Onew said and bit on his egg sandwich.

“Aish.” Taemin complained after a few seconds and messed his own hair. “Can’t you even let me sleep for a bit?” He asked angrily. “A BIT?!! You slept first and woke up last. Stop complaining!” Key said and threw a pillow directly at Taemin’s face before going back to the kitchen. Taemin got up reluctantly from his comfortable bed. “See you later, sweetie.” He whispered to his bed and went in to join the others.

“Morning, Taem!” Jonghyun greeted Taemin excitedly. “Morning.” Taemin replied in his husky morning voice. SHINee had their simple breakfast, washed up and rushed to their recording.



“So what’s the schedule today?” I asked our manager as we walked inside SM Entertainment’s building. “You’ll meet the songwriter of the song for your next mini album and discuss the details.” Manager hyung answered. Aish. So many things to do. Why am I even an idol?

We entered President Lee Sooman’s office. Manager hyung was left outside as he needed to go to a certain meeting. “Good morning, SHINee.” He greeted us joyfully as if something good is about to happen. We bowed, greeted back and gladly took our seats. “You’ll meet Ms. Young today. She wrote most of the songs for your next album.” He said shortly.

“Oh. She’s a she.” Jonghyun said dumbly. “She’s done lots of songs already for international artists. And I’m glad she accepted to work with us.” President Lee continued. If she has done such works, she must be a something.

Minutes later, a girl about our age entered the room. Her hair on pigtails. And she was wearing a white shirt and a jumper. So who is this young lady? “Oh. Ms Young. , it’s good to see you again. Have a seat.” President Lee said. “Sorry. I was a bit late.” She said politely.

Seriously? SERIOUSLY? You’re going to let us work with this girl? “Are you a grade schooler?” I asked her. “M-mwo?” she asked back. “Yah! Taemin.” Minho nudged me as if giving me a warning. “Are you in grade school?” I repeated. “Ah. Aniyo. We’re the same age.” She smiled awkwardly. “A-and I’m a fan of SHINee.” She continued.

THE SAME AGE. SAME AGE. And she’s internationally known? Seriously? Hahaha. Is it April Fool’s Day? I watched her carefully as she took out a folder from her backpack. “I made three songs. Two are ballad and one is for dancing.” She said and passed on copies of the songs to us. “The lyrics are nice.” Onew hyung complimented.

“I guess you need some time for this. I need to attend another meeting so I’ll leave now. Feel comfortable here, ok?” President Lee said and went out. I scanned through the songs. Why is it just too... err… cheesy? ‘Baby, I need you. I never thought loving you would hurt this much. I never wanted to lose you.’

Really? I looked back at her. She seemed so young. I can’t even imagine her writing songs. “If a girl wants to leave me, why would I even care? That’s definitely, not my loss.” I blurted out. They all looked at me. “Yah. Taem.” Onew hyung warned me.

“M-mwo?” Ms. Young asked me. “Do I have to repeat everything that I say? I said, why does a guy need to run after a girl who left him? One of your songs is about that, right?” I asked her again. “Have you been in love, Taemin-ssi?” she asked me. I shook my head. “Then you’ll never understand.” She said and went back to explaining things.

What’s the relationship of being in love with singing? Stupid girl. Aish.



“Then you’ll never understand.” I answered Taemin. He kind of glared at me. And I swear. That glare was the scariest thing I’ve ever seen in my entire life. I just puffed my cheeks and chuckled a bit. “So as I was saying, these are the songs I made. We’ll record it tomorrow. So maybe, you should start practicing now.” I said.

I looked back at Taemin and noticed that he’s still dissatisfied. “Ahh.. If you have objections regarding the lyrics, please tell it now so we’ll be able to do something about it.” I said. “I have no objections.” Onew announced. “Same.” Jonghyun and Key said. “But these three songs. They’re about unrequited love, right?” Minho asked.

I nodded shyly. Yes. And they are all about you, oppa. “It seems like you’ve had unrequited love so well.” Jonghyun laughed and so as the others but Taemin’s face remained the same. “Are we going to talk about your personal experiences or are we going to discuss about the songs?” Taemin asked. Aish jinja. He’s older than me by months but he doesn’t give me any reason to respect him.

“Ah. Ne. So basically, the lyrics is about unrequited love so I hope you’ll be able to deliver it very well.” I told them. “Here’s the cd.” I handed them one. “Recording tomorrow will be at 8am. Please come on time.” I continued.

We bowed to each other and they left me on the office. Aigoo. It’s so good to see Minho oppa again. Though I don’t even think he remembers me. I went out of the SM building and walked along the streets of Seoul. I remember first bumping into him.

I was just a 10 year old kid at that time. He was in a hurry to go home so he ended up bumping into me. I found out that his family was our newly transferred neighbors. His mom went to our house that night and gave some ginseng. Our parents started to be really close starting that day. Minho oppa and I would play a lot every day and would go to the same school. We even told each other we’ll marry and make beautiful kids when we grow up.

But one day, he needed to transfer again. His parents needed to transfer work. I tried my best to find out where he lives but when I found out, he was already a trainee in SM Entertainment. I tried to visit him but the guards won’t allow me.

So I made a dream to be a songwriter or singer. Make a name in the industry and get to work with him. And finally, I’m making my dream come true. Hahaha. I hope he still remembers me.



“Hyung, have we bumped into Ms. Young before?” I asked Onew hyung. He shook his head. “I don’t remember seeing her somewhere.” He said. But her face is really familiar. Have I met her somewhere? Aish. Maybe not since Onew hyung doesn’t know her.

“She’s kinda weird talking about love at a young age.” Taemin suddenly said. Hahaha. He really doesn’t know anything about love. “Because you still act like a kid.” Jonghyun hyung told him. “I don’t know why but I just hate her.” Taemin added. His face worse than a sad pug.

I threw a folder at his face. “How can you even hate someone at your first meeting?” I asked him. “YAH! Why are you throwing stuffs at me today?!” he shouted. We laughed as we drove along Seoul. I just can’t get off Ms. Young’s face from my head. I didn’t even get to ask her full name.

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Chapter 10: hahahaha taemin~~~ pls update is nice!!!!!!
she's so crazy over minho. xD
lol. taemin thought her s were squishy. XD
Ahhhh taemin is worried! Or not? Hahaha he is so funny... Just imagining him like that makes me laugh... Keep the good marga! You're always awesome <3
I do hope Minho and her will be together, even if it's just for awhile :)
reading this is not boring, really! update soon ! jebaaal!
...A banana milk CF... LOOOOOOOOOOL XDDDDD
Taemin is so mischievous! He actually thought Daeil is Minho's stalker.
Just wait til he found out the truth between them.
Hey, it wasn't boring at all! I really found it adorable imagining Taemin like that. XD
Oh my, this is si cute! Sorry for only commenting now.
Taemin is so cute being helpless with those puppy stuffs. XD
Update soon!