What is this?!

Unexpected Meeting

Key's POV

AISH! What type of answer is 'I want to protect you'?!! That just added to more of my questions!! Like protect me from what? or from who? Aishhh that Jonghyun sure knows how frustrate me.

After i asked him why he was ignoring me and told me to that i should stay away from him he just just gives me more questions that i want to ask than answers but i decided not to say much about it. I just told him that I didn't want him to move away from me like that.That I'm not a child that needs protection and that even though he's not ready to reveal his past to me that i would want for when he was ready to.

I just don't want him cutting off our friendship just because he thinks it's for the best because i don't. Before I knew it, he had become someone important to me and i hate losing people who are important to me.

So with a bit of talking and settling things not really with Jonghyun we I am glad to say things are kind of back to normal with me and him, but then new problems arose..... at least for me they were...

-Week later-

"KEYYYY!!!!" a voice screamed running toward me.

"WHAT?!"  I screamed back.


"From what?"

" SHH just let me hide behind u for a sec"

"wah- WHY??" i ask surprised especially considering the guy hiding behind me used to be feared. Then i hear bickering and a whole mob of girls and some guys from different clubs run by shouting stuff like " omg he was so cool wasn't he??!!" "He's so athletic and has a nice body!!" "Wow i've never seen anyone beat the school record!!" "He' so handsome!!" "we need him on our team!!" "I need his number!!" between the clubs and other fan girls.

".....Well someone's famous now.." I say a bit shocked.

"Aish it's not like I want to be! All I did was high jump and then people started surrounding me! " Minho says, coming out from behind me.

" They said u broke a record?"

" I don't know! i just kept challenging my self with higher levels and then I have people chasing me all over the place."

" How high did u jump anyway?"

"um... i think it was 1.73 meters...why?"

" WHAT! oh wow! you really did beat the the school record the highest record we had was 1.60 meters! Thats amazing!" I say patting is back.

" oh thanks I guess.." he said shyly.

"Umma!!!" I hear my taebaby calling.

"Hm? oh Taemin!! What is it?" I say ruffling his hair.

"I need some help with my English homework. Do you think i can come over so that you can help me?" he asks.

" Well of course-"

"CAN I COME TOO??!!" I turn my my head toward Minho for his sudden outburst.

" I mean... well... i need help too if u wouldn't mind helping me too...?" He says with a slightly noticeable shade of pink on his cheeks.

"um....sure i guess..." I say staring at him suspiciously and noticing that he kept staring at my baby.

" Oh! Minho-hyung! I didn't know u were friends my Key-umma!" Taemin then says suddenly.

"Ha ha yeah....and i didn't now u were also friends with key" Minho says shyly.

"...Wait...how do you guys now eachother?...." I say staring a Minho suspiciously.

" Oh! we have a few classes together umma!" Taemin says.

"...uh huh.... i....see...." i say still staring at Minho giving him the You-better-not- have-done-anything-to-my-baby glare. Him waving his hands in the air signaling me that he didn't do anything.

" Yup! he even helped me from these jerks who kept pinching my during P.E.!" Taemin explains.

I quikly turn my head toward my baby. "WAT!?? WHO?!! I"LL RIP THEM TO PEICES!!! AND i though i taught u wat to do when jerks like those pick on u!!!"

" Yes i know, i was going to but Minho saved me frist!" Taemin said happily looking at Minho.

"Thank you! again Minho-hyung!!" taemin said bowing.

" OH! no no! It's no problem at all! I'm just glad that i was able to help you!" he said blushing.

WHAT IS THIS?!! Some romance novel??!!!! I think to myself One thing is for sure though Mr. Frogeyes has a crush on my baby... and no me gusta

" Hehe well anyway i have to go. I'll see you guys after school ok? Bye!" Taemin says while running off.

Then my eyes go straight to Minho, who is still staring toward where Taemin ran off.


"OUCH!! THAT HURT!! WUT DID U DO THAT FOR!??!" Minho shouts holding his cheek.

" YAH! Stop staring a my baby like some e!" I say glaring.

"I was not!!"

" Oh u so totally were. I can totally tell u have a crush on my baby." I say crossing my arms.

"....I don't know what u mean.." he say looking away, his blush totally visible now.

"YAH! I'm not stupid u know! And what happened to not being gay hmmmm???!" I said kind of annoyed

He then stares at me for a few seconds trying not to give in to what i just said. "..........Is it really that obivious?"

"Uh....Yeah." i say simply raising an eyebrow

" A-and W-well I bet u like Jonghyun! so don't judge me!!"

"W-wah!!?? How dare you!! Shut up!!" I say punching his waist while blushing.

"OUCH!! Why are you so violent today geez!" he says rubbing his waist.

Ignoring his comment i continue "W-well anyway what made u like my baby?" I say trying to regain my composure.

" I don't now what it is but he just attracts my attention even if he is a boy......UGH!! I can't explain it!"

"Well thats my baby your talking about and in order to get him you gotta get my approval first!" I say in my umma-diva style.

"WAH?! How?? And WHY!!??" he says surprised.

"Why? Cuz I'm his umma you idiot!! and how?...hmmmm just show me that you can protect him and u won't break his heart when u get together IF u get together" i say smirking.

"....aishh your really are evil" Minho say scratching the back of his neck"

"No it's called being a protective mother"

"Hey! what going on?" a sudden voice interrupts. Both me and Minho turn to find Jonghyun standing there. We both jump back.

"How long have you been standing there?" I ask, worried that he might have herd Minho's stupid comment about me liking him.

" Not very long, why?" Jonghyun says as both me and Minho sigh in relief then jonghyun staring at us curiously

" Oh no reason"

" Well all i herd was something about u being someone's umma..?" Jonghyun says tilting his head wanting an explanation.

" Oh that, well i have a friend who calls me umma, beacuse he says I'm just like a umma to him and he's like my son. ha ha" i said explaining. He just makes a 'o' shape with his mouth meaning he understood. He then looks at Minho wanting to probably ask about this 'Getting together with someone'. As if he had read his mind Minho quickly changes the subject.

"O-OH! hey Jonghyun your having some trouble with english too right? Me and key's friend where going to go to Key's house after school for some help why don't u come too?" Minho says quickly.

"Well yeah but wouldn't I be troubling u, Key?" He said looking at me.

"O-oh no it's no trouble! I'm really good at English so it's ok!" I say shyly and then noticing Minho mouthing a You-owe-me. I just glare at him.

"Really? Then if u don't mind helping me that would be great. You see i have alot of catching up to do...." he said looking at the ground.

" Ok! it's no problem! I'll see u after school ok?" i say with a smile

"OK! Thank you!"  Jonghyun said hugging me, which surprised me and caused me to blush. Before i knew it, he was already waving goodbye.

".......... You still owe me" Minho says

"Shut up!!" I say poking his side

EHHHH IM srryyyy for the late update. i personally dont like this chapter, it didnt turn out how i wanted to. So ...srry if the chap is crappy DX i might change it a lil later but idk yet remember i am a lazy author. so btw this is the start of 2min and im still working on how they'll fall in larv (yes i used larv instead of love lol) ASLO another reason why i think this chappie is crappie (oh that ryhmed lol!) is cuz im kinda in a writer's block not completely though cuz i got some parts that will go on later but there are some stuff i havnt thought of in between so yeah feel free to give some ideas if u want ill see if i can use them and dont worry i will give u credit for ur ideas if i happen to use them and if u give me any ideas ALSO SRRY if there are any typos!! >_<

thank you again my lovely readers

how key is with miho:


Minho when he nows he sees Key's larv for jonghyun:


How i feel about this chapter:


How i feel when there are typos:


how i feel when people subscribe and read:


When u comment:




Now random Gifs:


Well anyway...

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And this was updated MORE THAN A YEAR AGOOO!!!
Chapter 14: More, more, MORE~!!! Please!!!!
i totally love iiiit~~~~~~!!
PLEASE up date soon!!
magicbananas #3
Chapter 14: Yay! New chappie!!
I can't wait for what will happen next!!!!! >o<
Chapter 12: Yunho is a persistent idiot... Can you kill him with insecticide?
Chapter 11: Finally, you realize, you idiot dino xD
BaeYeonRin #6
Chapter 10: :X I love this story... GOD! They are so cute, and Key is just perfect for a mother:)) Jjong, don't be sad, I'm here for you:)) kekeke I'm waiting for your update hugs >:D<
Chapter 9: Jonghyun issssssss jellyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy~
anonymous_95 #9
TT-TT Why did it stop there?!?!?! WHYYY!!! Me shall haunt you in your dreams (like what you're doing right now...) "I will punch you in de throat!"
XD *hugs* LUV YA!!! ^^
YAYYYYY! i really missed this lol minkey banter too cute :D i wonder if jjong got jealous :o