
Unexpected Meeting


-The next morning-

Me and taemin are walking to school now talking about ramndom things as we walk. I can't help but feel a little nervous as i get to school. I wonder if Jonghyun is still angry at me... I really hope he's not. I'll make sure to apollogize once I see him. But before that-

-Elbow hit-


"You should never sneak up on me or you'll end up dead next time" I say to Minho.


"Yeah whatever" i say uninterested.

"Why You-"

"you ok Minho?" taemin suddenly asks.

"eh?! OH! YEAH! IM FINE! heh heh" He says while while his face turns slighty red and smiles stupidly.

I roll my eyes. GOWD He's like an open book.

"Oh don't worry about him taeminnie, he probablly has killer 'abs' to protect him" i say sarcasticlly and sneakly and quickly lift up his shirt.

Know all of you may think i was really trying to sneak a peek at his body but no no no that  wasnt my plan at all. I was hoping to find just FATTNESS under that shirt so i could embarras him in front of teamin, but NOOOO GOD JUST DOSENT LOVE ME ENOUGH TO ALLOW ME THAT MUCH! NOPE NOT AT ALL!!

"See~ HOLY-" I screech. my eyes going big as i stare at those perfectly formed chocolate abs.

" WTF ARE U DOING" Minho sqeals in a not so manly voice. Hehehe well i at least got that.


"well its not like im not active at all, i do like sports so why wouldnt i?" he says simply

"well i dunno i was hoping to find fat under there so i could make fun of you, but know i cant. Thanks alot for ruining my dreams"


"why thank you. well anyway we should head to class we're gonna be late" i say while turning around toward taemin.

 I find him stare out into space with a slight blush visible on his face. Greaaaattttt i just showed my baby's innocent eye's something he shouldnt have seen untill he got married. DAMNIT. I snap taemin out of his day dream, in which he seems to some what embarresed, and head to class. But before we could Minho stops me for a sec.

"Oh and by the way Jonghyun works out too" he says with a smirk on his face.

. Know I wanna see his abs. DAMN YOU Minho DAMN YOU!

As we walk i see Jonghyun walking toward his class. Maybe knows a good chance to apollogize. I think to my self. Before i could take action Jonghyun comes toward me first.

"Good moring Key!" he say with a smile on his face.

huh?....he's not angry anymore?

"oh!... g-good morning" i say

" Oh hey sorry about yesterday, I wasnt feeling very well so I guess i just took it out on u guys" he says with a visible guilty face.

"O-oh no no dont worry about it! I should be apollogizing! I should have been helping you out on your work but I was too busy playing around. I'm sorry!" i say bowing

"oh no dont worry its ok. How about we forgive each other instead of saying sorry over and over again?"


" he he ok good" he says patting my head. "well lets head to class ok?"

"ok.." I say a little confused with the situation.

That was easy. Too easy. maybe i should just be gratefull that he's not angry anymore.


-At Jonghyun's house after he left key's-

I had been questioning myself why i would care who key liked or who he was close and touchy to. When i hear my phone ringing. I sigh and pick up.

" hello?"

" Oh hey Jonghyun" i hear Minho's voice on the other end. For some reason i just dont feel like talking to him.

" yes? Whats up?"

" oh nothing much but i was kinda wonderin why you left so suddenly?"

" oh... i guess i wasnt feeling too great so i decided to head home."

"oh i see... but u seemed kinda grumpy..."

"...Well i tend to get grumpy when i dont feel well... sorry if it seemed like i was angry at u guys." which i kind of was but i dont know why.

" Nah its ok. but man Key's really out to get me! Aish its starting to get annoying!"

"huh? What do you mean?"

".....!..." i barely could hear minho say.

" hello?"


"tell me."


" Minho!"

"F-fine i tell u damnit! geez"

" thank you now speak frog"

"HEY! not you too!"

" Ha ha ok ok now tell me"

"fine but u cant laugh or make fun of me ok?"

"ok fine"

"...well u see i kind of like taemin.."

"taemin? key's friend?"


"Like... Like-like?"

"yeah ..."

"but he' s a guy"

"yeah..? and?"

" no nothing"

" dose it bother you?"

"no no... just.... very interesting"


"ok....and how dose this make key out to get you?"






"ha ha naahh not possible... you sure its not cuz he likes you?" It kindof pained me to ask this, i still dont understand why.

"NO WAY!! NOT IN A MILLION YEARS!! i swear we arnt like that. You could say its our fights that makes us get along but thats it man, we'd never be futher than friends"

I dont know why but i felt so relived to hear that. A weight was lifted off my chest. No wonder key kept bugging Minho, he just wanted to protect teamin from minho. I kinda felt sorry for getting angry at key and storming out without a reason more that i did before. i had gotten the wrong idea, thats all. but its still bothering me.... why would i care?

"i see... i guess it kinda make sense" i say thoughtfuly


" oh nothing"

"well ok then, i gotta go know so gnight...oh! and dont tell anyone about what i told you ok?!"

"ha ha yeah ok gnight"

"ok gnight"

i finally hang up my phone. I think that was one of the longest conversations ive ever had with Minho. well any way i was still thinking about stuff. i kept thinking of a reason why i would care so much about what key does and about how key is trying to get in the way of Minho to get to who he likes.

Then i hit me. Could it me because i like him? No Way. But he's a guy!.... But Minho likes a guy too and it didnt bother me...

No way.

How could i be so stupid.

It make so much more sense that way.

I like Key.

heyyyy im backkkk.... kinda.......... sorry it took so long to update ive had school stuff to take care of and also ive been having family problems... which hav been affecting me pretty badly. also i had a writers block but i think ive come up with stuff that'll last me a while know so ill try updating sooner. i apollogize again for taking so long and thank you subbies for staying with me and waiting patiently for me to come bak. I LUV U GUYS!! ;A;

well anyway how are u guys? OMG hav u guys herd dream girl yet?!! of course u have XD u guys r obivous fans. im so happy for shinee's new album. it was amazinnnn!!! oh and i also really liked B.A.P's ONE SHOT bothe the mv and song were amazin aswell!! :D

btw guys..... COMMENT AND SUBSCRIBE PPL!!!! pliz? *puppy dog eyes*

i feel lonely when u dont comment. maybe i should ask u guys questions so i could get to know u guys better? hmmm let me think of something to ask.....OH!

What is ur top three OTP's besides jongkey?

mine are: Taoris, Yunjae, and Eunhae

go ahead and tell what urs r okiiiieee?? :D yessh? no? maybe?


well anyway its already 2am (lol 2am get it? XD yes? no? ok..) so i better go to seep so byeee




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And this was updated MORE THAN A YEAR AGOOO!!!
Chapter 14: More, more, MORE~!!! Please!!!!
i totally love iiiit~~~~~~!!
PLEASE up date soon!!
magicbananas #3
Chapter 14: Yay! New chappie!!
I can't wait for what will happen next!!!!! >o<
Chapter 12: Yunho is a persistent idiot... Can you kill him with insecticide?
Chapter 11: Finally, you realize, you idiot dino xD
BaeYeonRin #6
Chapter 10: :X I love this story... GOD! They are so cute, and Key is just perfect for a mother:)) Jjong, don't be sad, I'm here for you:)) kekeke I'm waiting for your update hugs >:D<
Chapter 9: Jonghyun issssssss jellyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy~
anonymous_95 #9
TT-TT Why did it stop there?!?!?! WHYYY!!! Me shall haunt you in your dreams (like what you're doing right now...) "I will punch you in de throat!"
XD *hugs* LUV YA!!! ^^
YAYYYYY! i really missed this lol minkey banter too cute :D i wonder if jjong got jealous :o