
Unexpected Meeting

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Key's POV

When jonghyun and I had arrive to school for some reason people kept starring at us. Why? i wonder. Theres nothing wrong with walking to school with a friend. People kept whispering things to each other with shocked voice. I started to get annoyed, if they had something to say they should just say it! Thats when jonghyun stops.

"Well ill go on from here, alright?" he says with a some what sad face.

"Oh....ok.....bye...." i say pouting.

He smiles again, this time more happily, and ruffles my hair "Want to hang out after school?" he asks trying to cheer me up.

"ok!!" i say happily.

He chuckles and says "Alright, meet you at the train station?"

"Alright!... but cant we meet right after classes?" I say wondering why he wants to meet all the way to the station when we can just meet after classes. I mean, we go to the same school.

"um... i have to do somthing after classes.... yeah.... so u go on ahead after class and wait for me ok?" he says smiling some what troubled.

"oh..ok" i say. I wonder what he has to do? I say to my self. oh well i guess its somthing important. I think as i walk to class.

Thats when i hear Taemin calling me.

"Key -omma!" he says while running toward me.

"Oh good morning Taemin" I say smiling

"Key-omma why were you Jonghyun!!??" he says shocked

"what? I just walked to school with him, why?" i say

"Because!! Thats the Jonghyun i warned u about!!" he says worriedly

"There has to be some type of mistake. As you saw he was kind to me and didnt act like some delinquent." I say frowning.

" NO! Thats him! I'm pretty sure at least.... but he did seem to act...differently." he said kind of confused.

"No, no it cant be" i protest. " He's too sweet and kind and handsome to be a gangster or somethin-..... why are you starring at me like that Taemin-ah...." i say suspiciously

"...Well its hard to explain. I'm glad you found someone but i cant help but worry." he says while having trouble deciding whether to show me either a happy, shocked, or a worried face. "Rumors are starting to spred. Thats why i came running to you when i saw with him."

"Taemin~ your over reacting." i say not denying the part about finding someone and still not beliving that jonghyun was a gangster. I mean theres just no way.


"No buts, we're going to be late for class." I say while already starting to walking  to class. The thought of jonghyun being a gangster did cross my mind. I had heard a bit about a scary gangster that was a player and stuff but it just didnt fit jonghyuns description at least not my jonghyun. Could the rumors really be true? No way! Right?

Jonghyun's POV

I thought it was cute how Key pouted when i said i was going on ahead but i realized that school is not the safest place to be seen with key. I might get him into danger. I may have given up being a bad guy but that doesnt mean other bad guys arent going to be after me. I dont want anything bad to happen to key because of me. So because of that I separate from him at school.

Key kept pouting and i just could resist. I just had to cheer him up somehow. Thats when i invite him to hang out after school and meet me at the station. For the very reason i said earlier is why i chose to meet at the station. I dont want key to be seen with me at school as much as possible. He probably doesnt now who im known as at school.

I hate not telling him but im afraid he'll hate me. im afraid he'll look at me differently. I dont ever want him to see that ugly side of me ever again, even though he already has but doest recognize me.

I just hope not too many rumors go around to affect key. i don't care what they say about me but i wont tolerate anything bad they might say about key.

"Jonghyun!" i hear someone call.

I turn around to see onew, one of the very few friends i trust. "Oh hey onew, whats up?"

"Oh nothinggg~ just heard your targeting someone~" he says in a playful tone.


"Heard u where with some pretty person this morning, and people are thinking that she might be ur next lover"

His words confused me, sure ive gone out with alot of girls in the past but im different now, i though he new that and what did he mean by 'she'?

"What? i wasnt with any girl and i thought u already new im not a player anymore" i say a bit irked by what he said.

"Yeah i know, but people keep say that and I did see u with someone this morning and it seemed like it was a girl so come on tell me who, u dont have to hide it from me~" he say curiously

"I was with someone this morning but it wasnt a girl it was a guy, have ur eyes gone bad onew? geez." i say sighing

" WHAT?! no way i totally thought for sure the person was a girl! i mean, for a guy he has a slender body kinda like a girls!" he said in total shock.

Now that i think about he dose have a slender body just like a girls. From the back someone could confuse him for a girl.

"Yah! u sound like a ! and what made u think i going out with him? I mean, he a guy after all!"

"Hey thats mean" he says pouting and i give him that creeped out look when i see him pout, he just looked creepy when he tried to act cute, ...not like was cute when he did it. "Ahem! and well first of all i though he was a girl and second.... welll the air around u guys seemed... i dont know... flowery?....kinda like when people r in love or something." he continues as he shrugs.

"uhh he's a guy, theres just no way...." i say simply, and suddenly feeling a sharp pain in my chest when i said that. why dose my chest hurt? I wonder to myself.

"i see..." onew just stares at me with suspicious eyes.

"... he is very special to me though..." i say softly not understanding the meaning of my words.

Onew just stares at me with a worried weird face for a moment then sighs and grins. "Ok, ok i seeee~ ... kinda ha ha, i think i just found out something new about u."

" huh? what?"

"Your I very dense person!" he says chuckling

"What?! How?" i say not understanding what he meant.

He just sighs and says "Dont worry im sure you'll understand soon enough. Well I'm going to head to class, see you later!"

I just stare at him leave, still trying to understand what he meant by what he said earlier but i just decide to ignore his comment and head to my class room.

Heres another chapter! sorry for the wait and thank u all who commented, luv u alllll!!! <3

omg this story is turning out longer than i expected lol well i hope u guys like this chapter i know it probablyy im srryyyyy! and i probably made alot of typos sorrry againnn! lol i just came up with chaper as i wrote it i hope its not too bad but thank you all readers! >w<

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And this was updated MORE THAN A YEAR AGOOO!!!
Chapter 14: More, more, MORE~!!! Please!!!!
i totally love iiiit~~~~~~!!
PLEASE up date soon!!
magicbananas #3
Chapter 14: Yay! New chappie!!
I can't wait for what will happen next!!!!! >o<
Chapter 12: Yunho is a persistent idiot... Can you kill him with insecticide?
Chapter 11: Finally, you realize, you idiot dino xD
BaeYeonRin #6
Chapter 10: :X I love this story... GOD! They are so cute, and Key is just perfect for a mother:)) Jjong, don't be sad, I'm here for you:)) kekeke I'm waiting for your update hugs >:D<
Chapter 9: Jonghyun issssssss jellyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy~
anonymous_95 #9
TT-TT Why did it stop there?!?!?! WHYYY!!! Me shall haunt you in your dreams (like what you're doing right now...) "I will punch you in de throat!"
XD *hugs* LUV YA!!! ^^
YAYYYYY! i really missed this lol minkey banter too cute :D i wonder if jjong got jealous :o