
Unexpected Meeting

Key's POV

"I want the Truth"




"why..?"  I say.

Jonghyun gets up off the ground me not understanding y he said he can't tell me what's going on. He just smiles sadly and says "it's not important" I don't understand why he won't tell me who he really is or about his past. Dose he really not trust me that much? I thought we were finally getting close was it stupid of me to believe so? Jonghyun then pulls me up asking me if I'm hurt anywhere. I say no.

It hurt to think that Jonghyun didnt trust me. My heart felt troubled. I know we have only met for a short while but i thought we were connected in some way. Was i wrong?

"Do you not trust me?' i said look directly at Jonghyun's eye's.

He seemed kind of surprised by what i said but he then gave me one of those sad smiles he gave me earlier.

"Thats not it..." he said.

"Then why?" I said in a totally serious tone.

"Because..." he says looking away.


He then grabs my hands gently and leans in and kisses my forehead. I was too shocked to register what just happened. He then smiles at me again.

"I'm sorry...I think for your sake... you shouldn't see me anymore..." he says while letting go of my hands.

"...what?" I say not understanding why he would say that.

He flashes me one last sad smile and turns around and walks away. I just froze there where i was standing. W-what....what just happened? Did he just break the bond we had just created?...I...I dont understand...why? I think to myself. A single tear falls down my cheek. Your and idiot Jonghyun...a real big idiot...


Jonghyun's POV

"I'm sorry...I think for your sake... you shouldn't see me anymore..." were my last words to Key that day.

I can't involve key with the problems I have to take care of my self. Because of my past key was brought in danger. I feel so stupid for allowing that to happen. I can't allow that to happen again. So i chose that it was better that key isn't involved with me.

That way he won't be in danger because of me. But...it hurt to say those things to him. He seem so hurt and confused by what i had told him. It hurt so much to see his face look like that. I don't even have the courage to tell him about my past. I'm such a coward.

All i could do was leave my poor shocked key frozen there. Without looking back. It's for the best. I said to myself. It's for Key's sake. I kept telling myself. But it hurt. It hurt too much to bare. Why do I feel this way?... I said gripping my shirt where my heart was.

Why dose it have to hurt so much to cut ties with him? Is it supposed to hurt this much? I thought to my self. It's not like i won't ever see him again. I can always protect him from afar. I told myself. But it wouldn't feel the same.

I don't understand this prickly feeling in my heart.

Key's POV

It's been a month since the incident between me and Jonghyun. I still saw him on the train but he would sit as far away as he could and wouldn't spare my a glance. I couldn't help but feel hurt my his actions. I have yet to now why he just suddenly cut ties with me. Well i can't ask him now. All I Know for now is that he's a BIG IDIOT! Pabu Jonghyun!

I had finally got  to school, me walking looking at the ground, when I notice a figure walk to toward me.

" Hey! You! Girly!"

I immediately shot my head up to see who dare call my that when I'm obviously a BOY! I only look up to see a familiar face. A stupid face. It was the guy who i consider the cause of Jonghyun cutting ties with me. I don't even remember his name, i think it started with an M.

I give him a annoyed face. " What the hell do you want, and what are u doing at my school."

" Hey my name's not 'you' it's Minho." He said frowning.

" Yeah well for your information my name's not 'hey' 'you' nor 'girly'. So i think i had the right to call u 'you'. " i said in an annoyed voice.

" Well then tell me ur name. geez that way i won't have to call u those" he said annoyed.

" Why should I? I dont even now u." I say frowning.

" Aish! Just tell me!" he said.

"...key..." I said.

" Alright then KEY, do you now where Jonghyun is?" he asked.

"...no...and it's your fault i don't " i said annoyed.

" HUH?! Why are u blaming me. Geez it's not my fault. And now that i think about it. It is kinda weird your not with him. You're his girl aren't you? Why aren't you with him? I though you guys would be inseperable." he said giving me a confused look.

AISH! This guy. He really makes me want to slap him across the face.

" YAH! First of all it is your fault. Ever since your little stunt Jonghyun told me not to see him anymore! and ever since then he dosent ever talk to me anymore! AND second are you BLIND?? Cuz i think u need to get your eye's checked, cuz i don't now why u keep calling me girl" i said super annoyed now.

" Hey! You wouldn't understand my feelings anyway! And wut's so wrong about calling u girl your a girl aren't you?" he said annoyed as well.

-FACEPALM- AISHHH! Someone get me a bat! So I can beat this idiot up! I thought to myself. Then I grab his hand and make it land on my chest.

" THERE! You feel anything?! I HAVE NO FREAKING S DAMNIT! Goddamnit go to freaking eye doctor already! Did you seriously think I'm a girl?!"

His eye's were confused for a second and then they shot out big. " HOLY- Your a guy?! Well something didn't seem right about you being a girl... but... WAIT! dose that mean Jonghyun's gay?!! WTF!!! I leave him alone for a while and this is what happens!"

Wow. He was actually surprised for real. His reaction was kind of funny though. " Wow your stupid. I'm not Jonghyun's 'girl' first of all. I don't even get wut you mean by wut ur saying. we're not together or anything. And why rare u looking for him are you going to cause trouble again? Cuz i won't let you if that's what you're going to do." I say in a serious tone.

" Huh? oh... no.. I'm not... I quit the gang as well. Ha ha I took quite a beating for it too that's why i didn't show up untill now. I took Jonghyun's words to heart. I want to look at things the way he dose now. I want to understand what changed him. And i guess I realized I want to find something to really live for as well." he said shyly. " I was hoping to patch things up with him. Because he was the only true friend i really had." he said smiling shyly.

Oh wow. He actually has a pretty cute side. And now that I think about it he dose have some bruises left on his face that are kind of noticeable. Being in a gang is really dangerous I don't understand why he would join if this would happen when he wanted to leave. But I do see sincerity in his eyes, he's the type to really care about his friends. I suddenly don't see him as such a bad guy anymore.

"I see....well like I told he hasn't talked me since that one time... so don't now where he is sorry" i say more calmly now.

" Oh alright, well I'll be going to this school from now on, and i was hopeing to become friends with you.... but first i feel like i should start over since we started off on the wrong foot so...... Hi! I'm Choi Minho! It's nice to meet you!" He says smiling and extending out his hand.

" Ha ha ha! Oh wow your weird! Well ok then...Hi! I'm Kim Kibum but prefer to be called Key as i told u before, It's nice to meet you too." i say taking his hand and shaking it.

"Hey! I'm not weird!.... AM I?" he said kinda worried.

As I let go of his hand from the hand shake, I started laughing so hard that I was holding my stomach. Then I feel two hands pull me back, and i find myself standing behind a figure i knew very well.

What was Jonghyun doing here? I thought he told me not  see him anymore and that's why he's been ignoring me, right?

"What are you doing here?! What did you do to key?! I though I told you not to come back for trouble!" Jonghyun said looking angry.

" What? I didn't I swear! and I didn't do anything to him!" he said shocked by Jonghyun's outburst.

" Don't lie to me!! Right now Key was holding his stomach! Did you punch him!?" Jonghyun said angrily.

"No!! I Didn-"

" Jonghyun! He really didn't do anything to me! I was holding my stomach because i was laughing too hard!" i said grabbing his arm that was reading to hit Minho.

Jonghyun turns to look at me and turn back to look at Minho again. " ..... Then why are you here Minho?"

Minho sighs in relief. " well i was going to telling you i quit the gang...... and i'll be going to school here with u guys"

" WHAT!? You quit?! Why?!" Jonghyun said totally shocked.

" I...took your words to heart?... ha ha" he said smiling shyly.

" Oh.... I see...."

" HEY! I'm still here u'know! " i said kinda annoyed.

I don't understand why Jonghyun is suddenly acting as if nothing happened which kind of annoys me. Did he suddenly forget about what he told me? Jonghyun can be so confusing. Well I'm going to use this opportunity to ask him though.

I then grabbed Jonghyun's sleve. Damn, why am I nervous all of a sudden? Is it the fact that he might push me away? Yeah. Probablly.

"....Jonghyun.....why did u suddenly tell me those things that day?.....Please don't run away from me... can't you at least tell me that much?..." I said smiling saddly and looking into his eye's. Oh how i miss looking at his perfect eye's.


Jonghyun stayed quiet for a long time but then he finally said something that would become more questions added to the questions of the untold things i wanted to ask him and get answers of.

" ,,,I want to protect you..."




*Hides* hiaaaaa =3=;;;; me  has finally upadted! yay I'm sorry i kept u waiting!! *bow* it's just i felt discouraged about writeing. I felt my story isnt good enough and felt like i rushed some stuff. but then my friend encouraged me to write again. ( more like she kept telling me to update already or she will come after me lol but me luv her >w<) I worked on this chappie at 10pm and now its 2:30 am i hope ur happy, thats how much me luvs u guyss!! btw if there's ant typo's me sooryyy me didn't look through it cuz i wus too tired. so sorry in advance >3<

Btw u guys should look at my friends story!!! it's not a jongkey but me thought it wus cute and sad at the same time, me liked it :3 here u go ==> A Short Journey




welll ima go to bed now and die of tired nesssss


wut? u still here?


u disturb my sleepy time me will attack uuuuuuu =w=


..... one last thing WHEN DID THiS HAPPEN O_o lol cute though


well im out cya later guys -w-





me luvs u guyssss <3


ok now me really going to bed now! bye!~ luv u guys!! <3

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And this was updated MORE THAN A YEAR AGOOO!!!
Chapter 14: More, more, MORE~!!! Please!!!!
i totally love iiiit~~~~~~!!
PLEASE up date soon!!
magicbananas #3
Chapter 14: Yay! New chappie!!
I can't wait for what will happen next!!!!! >o<
Chapter 12: Yunho is a persistent idiot... Can you kill him with insecticide?
Chapter 11: Finally, you realize, you idiot dino xD
BaeYeonRin #6
Chapter 10: :X I love this story... GOD! They are so cute, and Key is just perfect for a mother:)) Jjong, don't be sad, I'm here for you:)) kekeke I'm waiting for your update hugs >:D<
Chapter 9: Jonghyun issssssss jellyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy~
anonymous_95 #9
TT-TT Why did it stop there?!?!?! WHYYY!!! Me shall haunt you in your dreams (like what you're doing right now...) "I will punch you in de throat!"
XD *hugs* LUV YA!!! ^^
YAYYYYY! i really missed this lol minkey banter too cute :D i wonder if jjong got jealous :o