Like an angel

Unexpected Meeting

Jonghyun's POV


I say when Key accepts my invitation to walk to school with me. I was happy to even be talking to him. The truth is I've been watching him for a while now. Not in the really creepy way though; im not a stalker who would follow him everywhere. He probably doesn't remember nor recognize me, you see, we have met before that day when i saved him from that ert, in which i wish i could have punched.

I am known to be a gangster at school, even though im really not or dont want to be, is more how i should say. I only only fight for self defense because of random guys challenging me and attacking me and they just piss me off. I've done things that were pretty bad in my life. i was emotionless and lifeless filled with anger but when i met Key, thats when i decided to change. Even though i still get bothered and challenged by random thugs but i guess its because them that i was able to meet Key.

-story of how jonghyun met key- (even though key doesn't realize it yet)

It all started when i had yet another fight with my parents and ran away from home. I wondered if they really loved me or even cared. they probably didn't. I didn't want to be bothered, i would go drink at a random club and smoke. Random girls would hit on me but i ignored. I didn't want to be bothered, i was pissed off at life and my parents, i wasn't really loved by anyone. Then i just HAD to be hit on by a girl who's boyfriend was the leader of a gang.

"YAH, YOU BASTARD!! YOU HITTING ON MY GIRL?!" He yelled grabbing my shirt.

"I didnt hit on anyone" I said trying stay calm. "She hit on me, and not the other way around."

"WHAT?! YOU BAD MOUTHING MY GIRL NOW? I'LL SHOW YOU!" He said raising his fist ready to punch me, but be fore he could i hit him first.

I snapped, I didnt care that it was the leader of the gang, this bastard had gotten on my nerves, blaming me for somthing i didnt do...just like them...

Suddenly i feel other guys pulling me away and then punch me. The guy's buddies had come to help him and where now fighting me. I kept knocking down one by one but they just kept coming, there where to many. Before i new it i was one the ground getting kicked. They threw me in the street all battered up, i couldn't move and people just walked by not caring at all. Doesn't any one care? It started raining and since i couldn't move i just lay there wondering if i was dieing. That's when a slim figure holding a clear umbrella stops in front of me and stares at me. He bends down to where i lay and hands me his umbrella. I glare at him.

"I don't need your pity, get the hell away from me." I growled.

He just stood there staring, and reached out to touch my forehead. I quickly slapped it away.

"DON'T TOUCH ME!" I shout.

He frowns and gets up, leaving the umbrella and walks off. I sigh. As i thought no one would care but i guess it was my own fault. Then i see that same figure come back running with a bag at hand. He was soaked because of the rain. He bent down and helped to sitting position. I was too shocked that he had actually come back after how i had treated him when he tried to help.

"...I thought i told u not to touch me.." I finally manage to say.

He pinched my cheeks. "Stop trying to act all high and mighty and just accept my help already." He said showing me a smile. "Acting all high and mighty is my job." He said with a teasing smile.

"yah!" I shouted annoyed. I was shocked of the fact of him daring to pinch my cheeks after practically threatening him.

Then he suddenly put disinfectant on my cuts and man did it sting like hell!

"OUCH!!" slapping his hand again.

"Oh stop being such a baby. I thought you where i tough guy." He says frowning and trying to add disinfectant on my cuts again.

"Why are u trying to help me?! Do u pity me?!" i growled glaring at him.

"Pity? No i don't. But i do love puppies and your just like an over sized puppy." he said smiling brightly as he started to bandage my wounds and smacking band aids on my battered face.

Was he making fun of me? I couldn't tell. I just kept on glaring at him. When he was finally done he stood up and looked at me.

"You shouldn't get your self hurt so bad like that. I did my best to do what i can but you should still go to a doctor but i figure someone like you don't like got to a hospital." he said sighing. "Won't your parent worry?"

"They dont care about me" I say in angry tone.

He sighs again. "Your still an idiot though." He bends down to my eye level again, his face and hair dripping wet with rain. He pulls my face to look him in the eyes. "Even if you say that im sure they do care in their own way. Just please take more care of yourself. I don't want my over sized puppy to die ok? I would be sad. I'm sure your probably lonely but im sure there are people who care. So dont do things that will hurt yourself. It will make them sad." he said smiling at me.

I stood there shocked and actually looking at him for the first time for real. Why would a complete stranger care for him so much and now how he was feeling? I felt my heart lighten and beat faster. He.. he was like an angel. Its like he was stent from heaven to save me. I stayed there staring at him making sure to memorize how he looked like in my head. He was really like an angel, so beautiful. I felt like i was saved for the first time in my life. At that point i didn't care if he was lieing to me or really pitying me, for the first time in my life i felt like someone cared. Something inside me had decided to change from that moment on. It was like i was saved from the darkness by the light.

Then he finally gets up. " Well I have to go. You can keep my umbrella so that u can use it for when you finally decide to go home. Don't stay out in this rain too long, you might get a cold." he says and starts to walk off. "And don't get your self hurt anymore!! ok? bye, over sized puppy!" he shouts as he runs to get out of the rain.

I sat there still in shock. Then i wonder if i would ever see that person again or what his name was. My angel.

That wish came true sooner than i thought. I had avoided getting into fights and getting my self hurt and i started to go to school more because of him and on my way to school one day I saw him on the train i took to get to school and soon later found out i went to the same school. I was happy to see him again, i had the urge to walk up to him and say hi but i figured that he wouldn't recognize me because when we met my face was battered pretty badly so there was not he would now who he was. So i decided to watch from afar.

Before I knew it the day came where I was going to be able to talk to him and even help him. After all that commotion i was able to finally learn his name, Key... his name was just perfect for him. He had even remembered my name when i first told him, i was so happy. I didnt think i would a chance to become close to key. My heart fluttered, not understanding the meaning of my heart feeling this way, i decided to ignore it because I was so happy to even have this chance to be with key and become friends.

Hiaaa again sorry for not updating sooner >.< even though im on spring break i've still been very busy. but here u guys go. I was also at a writer's block and i know ppl hav been asking for a jjong pov so i had trouble thinking up how to start it =w= well i hope u guys like ittt!! jjong doesnt realizeing his feelings for key are love but he'll realize soon i promiseee

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And this was updated MORE THAN A YEAR AGOOO!!!
Chapter 14: More, more, MORE~!!! Please!!!!
i totally love iiiit~~~~~~!!
PLEASE up date soon!!
magicbananas #3
Chapter 14: Yay! New chappie!!
I can't wait for what will happen next!!!!! >o<
Chapter 12: Yunho is a persistent idiot... Can you kill him with insecticide?
Chapter 11: Finally, you realize, you idiot dino xD
BaeYeonRin #6
Chapter 10: :X I love this story... GOD! They are so cute, and Key is just perfect for a mother:)) Jjong, don't be sad, I'm here for you:)) kekeke I'm waiting for your update hugs >:D<
Chapter 9: Jonghyun issssssss jellyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy~
anonymous_95 #9
TT-TT Why did it stop there?!?!?! WHYYY!!! Me shall haunt you in your dreams (like what you're doing right now...) "I will punch you in de throat!"
XD *hugs* LUV YA!!! ^^
YAYYYYY! i really missed this lol minkey banter too cute :D i wonder if jjong got jealous :o