The unexpected meeting

Unexpected Meeting

"oh shi-" i say while jumping out of bed.

I was going to be late for school or even worse i was going to miss the train too school! I shouldn't have stayed up reading all those mangas Taemin let me borrow. I quickly get dressed and rush out of the house. I manage to get into the last train to get me on time to school but there was only one problem... it was really cramped I could barely breathe. I told my self Its ok Key just survive until the next station ok? Then you can get out and run to school. I just had to manage in this crowd until the next station, until i feel a hand brush against my bottom. I decide not to think much of it because it may have been accident, with the train being so cramped today and all, so i ignore. Then i feel the same hand touch me again, this time the hand squeezes my . I flinch.

WHA-!! This can be happening, not to me! I thought these kinds of things only happened in manga! WTF!! Doesn't this ert realize im a BOY!!? I think to my self wanting to scream. I was so angry, my blood was boiling, i felt like strangling the person.  ohhh no you didn't, you old fart you are soooo going to die! NO ONE messes with the diva! I'll kill you!! Just as I was about to turn around ready to punch whom ever dared touch me, I hear a whimper and someone shout.

" What the hell do you think you are doing, you ERT!!!"

I turn and see a guy holding up the ert's arm. The guy had brown hair and his eyes... i don't now what it was but they seemed puppy eyed yet vicious... so...maybe dinosaur like? I was so caught up in staring at him that i don't realize that we were already out of the train and police where taking the ert away and that the guy was trying to talk to me. I quickly snapped out of it and ask "w-what?"

"Are you ok?" the guy asks with a worried look on his face.

"o-oh yeah, thank you very much!" I say as I bow.

He smiles and says " I'm glad, You should be more careful, you may not now it but you have a feminine figure which may attract erts." he says in a teasing voice.

I make an annoyed face "What?"

He laughs "My name's Jonghyun by the way, well I'm running late so I have to go, I'm glad you're alright though! Bye!"

I see him run off as i lose my self still staring at him as he runs. Then I realize.... I'm late!!! I think to my self as I jump and start running like the wind. When I get to class I see my best friend,Taemin, waiting for me.

" Key-Umma why are you late? You never come to school late" Taemin says worriedly

Taemin has always called me umma because he says I'm just like a mother to him because of all the nagging I do when he is about to forget something or when I'm at his house and his room is messy, I tell him to clean up or I'll rage. I do the same when I'm in a kitchen. I hate messy things. Taemin is also very cute so i cant help but want to take care of him.

I sigh "I ran into unpleasant things... one thing of it wasn't so unpleasant though" I though of the unexpected meeting with the guy who saved me...... what was his name?....oh! Jonghyun! thats what it was! I think to my self as I brighten up in remebering and find Taemin staring at me weridly wondering why i was so happy. So I tell Taemin the story about what happened to me in the train and he shocked.

"wow I'm glad your ok, at least that guy you were talking about help you out!" he says.

" Yeah, I don't now what I would have done if he hadn't saved me, I was just about to scratch that erts face off!" i say

" ohhhh murder is bad umma" Taemin says as we both laugh.

" So did you get his name?" Taemin asks.

"oh yeah i did, it was Jonghyun i believe"

Taemins face goes in shock. "WHAT!!??" he shouts.

"w-what.... do you know him?..." i say.

"WHAT? you mean you haven't herd of him?! He's pretty scary, I heard he was a gangster. A blood thirty one! he even gose to this school!" Taemin explains.

"what? That can't be the same Jonghyun I met. the one i met was kind and caring." I say in a dreamy voice

Teamin sighs " Umma's in love!" he teases

"YAH! am not!! I'm not gay!" I shout as the bell rings.

" I'm just saying you should be careful because if it is that Jonghyun I think it might be, you should stay away from him, and umma there's nothing wrong with being gay u'know" Taemin says as he runs off to his next class.

I sigh. No, I'm not in love. I don't even believe in love at first sight..... or do do i...? i shake my head in disbelief

As I walk to class, thats when I notice a familiar figure outside. It wasn't Taemin. It was him, Jonghyun. I felt my heart beat faster in excitement of seeing him again. I was so fascinated by him I almost gave in to those idiotic girly thoughts of love.

This can't be love at first sight.... can it? I quickly run to my class and decide not to think too about it anymore. Maybe I'll get over tomorrow I tell my self This feeling is probably nothing... yeah... I'll be perfectly normal tomorrow.

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And this was updated MORE THAN A YEAR AGOOO!!!
Chapter 14: More, more, MORE~!!! Please!!!!
i totally love iiiit~~~~~~!!
PLEASE up date soon!!
magicbananas #3
Chapter 14: Yay! New chappie!!
I can't wait for what will happen next!!!!! >o<
Chapter 12: Yunho is a persistent idiot... Can you kill him with insecticide?
Chapter 11: Finally, you realize, you idiot dino xD
BaeYeonRin #6
Chapter 10: :X I love this story... GOD! They are so cute, and Key is just perfect for a mother:)) Jjong, don't be sad, I'm here for you:)) kekeke I'm waiting for your update hugs >:D<
Chapter 9: Jonghyun issssssss jellyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy~
anonymous_95 #9
TT-TT Why did it stop there?!?!?! WHYYY!!! Me shall haunt you in your dreams (like what you're doing right now...) "I will punch you in de throat!"
XD *hugs* LUV YA!!! ^^
YAYYYYY! i really missed this lol minkey banter too cute :D i wonder if jjong got jealous :o