Chapter 6 part 2

Mr. Right

Your breathing pattern was not as constant as it was supposed to be. Cold sweats were beginning to form on your forehead. You stood there like a statue as your mind trailed off to worst case scenarios like you falling in the middle of walking down the aisle or your butter fingers would accidentally cause the wedding ring to slip from your grasps. You were standing behind the close door with your father, Minhee who was taking care of your gown train from behind, one flower girl and one flower boy right in front. You were too preoccupied with nervousness that you have no time to think about Minhee's short absence earlier.

Like you had always practice with you father at home, your father softly places your arms around him so that you would lock arms with him. He tapped on your right hand to give you some assurance, which makes you feel a little better. Your stomach decided to do double flips when you heard the familiar piano piece being played. That's when the door opens gloriously yet noisily to bring you to the limelight of hundred pairs of eyes.

You saw everyone standing by the white benches looking at you and your wedding gown with awe. The 8 year old flower girl and flower boy had already started throwing red rose petals carelessly on the white carpet while walking down the aisle. You could only stand there while trying to process everything that is going on. Your father nudges you a little as a sign to start on the long slow walk. You gather all the courage you had left within you before taking your first step.

As you walk, you look at every guest’s profile that had arrived. You manage to keep a smile and slightly bowing your head as thanks for their attendance behind your nervous-breakdown. You then look front ahead to see L, standing magnificently waiting for your arrival with his usual mannequin look. When the dreadful walk was done, your father transferred your hand from his to L. You look at L's handsome happy expression as he mouthed the words passionately; "You look beautiful"

You felt your smile creeping up automatically but no red blushes appeared to highlight your cheeks. L smirk silently before both of you turn your attention to the man in front. You felt your heart thumping not the same tune as it had when you were with L, especially when he complimented you. As the ceremony was beginning, you were not really paying attention to anything that was being said. Suddenly you thought about Hoya and your smile fades a little. *I would really want to see you now...* You snap from one of your thoughts when you felt L holding onto your hands and both of you turn to face each other.

"I, Kim Myung Soo, take you, Lee Hae Min, to be my wife. I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honor you all the days of my life, 'till death do us part." L recited calmly with a passionate gaze on you.

You quickly sorted out your mind to get back your composure before reciprocating those words to him.

"I, Lee Hae Min, take you, Kim Myung Soo, to be my husband. I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honor you all the days of my life, 'till death do us part." You then recited as a response with a bright smile on your face.

When the vow was done, it was time for the ring exchange ceremony. L lifted your left hand and slowly fit the wedding ring into you fourth, wedding ring finger. You looked at L who was flashing you one of his sweetest smiles. *This is it. Once this ring is on my hand, I will love Myungsoo till the end and forget about him forever...*

When the ring was halfway in your finger, suddenly you heard the door being forcefully open up followed by footsteps and heavy breathing. All the audience were in shock and turned around to see a man drowned with sweat. Both L and you turned around your attention to the commotion at the back. Just like everyone else, the surprised reaction was gradually intensifying. Your eyes sparked brightly and by instinct, you clench your left fingers while L loses his grip on the ring and it bounces off on the floor. The entire room was filled with the sounds of the ring hitting the ground which then roll off and stopped a distance away.

"I object!" Hoya tired voice was projected throughout the ballroom.

"I beg your pardon.."

"I said... I object to this marriage!"

He was suavely walking down the aisle while looking at you in the eye with deep passion. Everyone was gasping to what Hoya had uttered. The atmosphere was getting chaotic and out of hand. You felt a little bit of hope and yet you felt guilty for that.

"H-hyung.. what is the meaning of this?" L said in disbelieved.

"Sorry, but I can't have you marry Haemin"

"What?! Why?" L voice portrayed absurdity.

"Firstly... it's because of this-" Hoya showed a couple of glossy print photos to L, whose eye widened then looking at you, everyone else and back again at the photos he grabbed from Hoya.

"-and also because...I love her" Hoya caught your eyes and gaze deeply at you. Your eyes almost fell off from you eye socket as you began to blush total red.

You tried to distract yourself from looking at Hoya by shooting L a demanding look. For once you saw L's frantic expression. Curiously you snatched the photos from L's hand and there you felt your heart being ripped apart. You felt lost. You felt deceived. You shot L a glare as a tear dripped off.

"When- Since when Myungsoo?" Your voice was shaky.

"I-I can explain Haemin-ah"

"I asked you since when?! Answer me, Kim Myungsoo!"

You raised you voice so high that you could hear your voice echoing in                                                                                           the ballroom. Whispers and chatters began to fill up the room. L's profile was downcast to the ground. He hesitated before saying, "I'm... I'm sorry"

Anger was firing up blazingly inside of you. After throwing the photos to the ground, you rose up your hand real high and plastered a tight slapped on L's cheek. This time, the chattering and whispers turned into a deadly silence.

"How could you Myungsoo... how could you? You're despicable!" You cried while glaring sharply at him.

"And you too!" You turned your head to Hoya who gave a shock yet confuse look at you.

As tears we threatening to fall out, you quickly sprinted out from the ball room as fast as your legs could carry you. You even pulled out the bridal veil from your hair while in the midst of running. You felt really hurt. Hurt by both Myungsoo and Hoya. All this while you were kept in pitch darkness. You ran without any destination in thought as reality began slapping you right in your face.

As you ran, people were looking at you in hilarity like you were a caged animal out for display in the zoo. It was partly not their fault since it was not an everyday sight to see a girl in a wedding dress running around Seoul with tears mixed with mascaras and eyeliner streaming on both cheeks. You wobbly ran with your heels on until one of them broke. You fell hard on the ground and scrape your knees badly. But the painful feeling couldn't beat the pain you felt in your heart. Tears kept falling one after another as you sob in the middle of nowhere. You wept until no tears could form and you could only stare blankly ahead as you sniff to prevent mucus from falling.

That was when suddenly you notice a handkerchief bobbed in front of you. Without a second thought, you quickly snatched it and began to wipe your dried tears and blow you nose noisily. Then you heard a familiar chuckle. You clench your hand with the purple handkerchief while looking at the direction of the laughter to see Hoya looking down at you. He instantly stopped laughing when you piercingly glared at him. You rolled your eyes and turn your head to the other direction.

He showed his hand right in front of you to help you up but then you ignore his gestures. You were just too pissed with him at the very moment. He tried waving his palm on your face to get your attention which you smack it away angrily.

"Are you mad?" Hoya asked but you just remained silent.

"You are aren't you?" You still kept mum.


Suddenly Hoya began to get down on his knees right in front of you and signaling to hope on to his back. Instead of doing as he directed, you rolled your eyes and turned your back on him. Then you heard a faint sigh before he sat next to you, shoulder to shoulder.

"Since when..." You tried to finish your sentence but somehow those words got stuck on your throat as you felt tears began to form.

"That Myungsoo had an affair with Eunhee?" You could only nod your head while trying to up your tears.

"To be honest, I just knew- get it confirm yesterday night..."

You turn to look at Hoya's profile that wasn't looking at you anymore. He was caught up in one of his flash backs as he look beyond the view he could see right in front of him. He gave a mix expression of anger, confusion and especially sadness. Out of the blue he snaps from his daydream and turned to look at you who quickly turned away, to show that you were still mad with him.

 "I was actually giving a seriously thought about what you said the other day. I tried to forget you, forget about us…” Hoya’s voice was mellow.

“-and start loving Eunhee again. The night before our wedding, Eunhee called for a meet up and there’s when she began to come clean with me…”

(Hoya’s flashback)

“To be honest, there’s something I’ve been keeping from you. I didn’t want to build our family foundation based on a lie, so I decided to tell you the truth. Because I believe that you had the right to know…”

“So what is it?” Hoya’s expression was trying to remain calm.

“Actually… I’ve been secretly going out with L behind your back. I didn’t know how it happened or why it did but all I know was that I felt as if I was in love again. Both L and I, we fell in love with each other at first sight. During the times where I kept saying I was busy with work and didn’t had time to help with the wedding preparations, it’s when we secretly go out together without you and Haemin knowing. But as times goes by, I felt guilty. It was as if I’m cheating on you and betraying Haemin. I know I didn’t have the right to say this but… I really love you Hoya. You’re the one I want to marry. I know this might sound like an excuse but I realize my affection for L was maybe for lust.” Eunhee overlapped both of Hoya’s hand as she hold on to them tightly.

“I know I’m foolish but I really can’t imagine building my family with any other but you. Please forgive me Hoya. We can put all this aside and start afresh when we get married tomorrow. I’ll be faithful to you and only love you. You love me-“

“Did you sleep with him?” Hoya’s voice began to sound harsh as he stared into Eunhee’s eyes. Guilt began shouldering her that she can’t look directly into his eyes.

“I- I’m sorry… But I was foolish then. Trust me Hoya, please-”

“No I’m the foolish one. I am the biggest fool”

Hoya tried to pull his hands away from Eunhee but she began to hold on tighter. He had no other choice but to roughly retrieve back his hands and turned to leave Eunhee behind as she began crying on her knees.

“And what about those photos?”

“Through my instinct, I felt as if something was wrong. So I decided to hire a private investigator to spy on Eunhee. After that meeting with her, I went back home and found a parcel in my mailbox. When I check to see what’s inside… it felt like a double blow for me. I just couldn’t believe that everything Eunhee said was true”

You glance at Hoya’s side profile as he tried to cover part of his face with his fringe. You could sense the disappointments and sadness that he felt at that time. Thinking about it, both of you had also cheated on Myungsoo and Eunhee. None of you guys were in the right. Everybody was caught up with their lust for love.

“Maybe we weren’t meant for each other” Hoya looked up to the sky, still with his face covered by his hair.

“And maybe… just maybe… we could be meant for each other” He turned his head slightly and glanced at you from the side of his eyes.

He crept closer to you and slowly helped wipe away the left over mascara on your face. His face was less than an inch from yours. Your eyes widen as you stare at his profile up close. The beating of your heart skipped a beat when your eyes, without realizing, were looking at his lips. His thumb stopped caressing your face but he was still holding on to your face while looking deep into your eyes.

“If you would give me a chance, I would love you like nobody’s going to love you like I do. Maybe we could restart everything from the very start. Because all I felt is pain without you by my side. I felt lost without your love… baby.”

“So would you give me the honor to love you and claim you as mine? As my Lee Hae Min?”

You wrapped your hands around Hoya’s neck to bring him closer before planting a kiss on his soft lips. Both of you exchanged a passionate kiss as he cupped your face with both of his hands and yours rummaging through his hair. There was just something about the kiss you both shared. It felt really sweet. It feels like… love.

He broke the kiss and was resting his forehead against yours. Both of you looked deep into each other eyes as your nose touches his.

“I love you Haemin-ah”

“I love you… Howon-ah”

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beyondthstarzx #1

Heh, i will take that into mind^^
Aww~ omg, your words is so... asdfghjkl ;A; Really deep down in my heart thank you :)

HAHAHHA good for you!^^
Aww~ thank you so much! And maybe i would ;)

I like your idea there hahaha

Omg~ Aww~ Thank you, reallyreally!! ;A;

Wah, im touched! ;A;
Thank you and hope you recommend it to others as well~ ^^
izzatybadlie #2
My friend recommended this story to me..
It is a very interesting story.
This is probably one of the mature love stories I've ever read. And yes, all 4 of them are at fault for falling in love with another. So I thought it was unfair for Haemin to slap L since she did respond to Hoya's kiss @ the Han River 3 days before the marriage. Oh is such a bother. Anyway, nice story!! ;)
littlelamb86 #4
can't believe they cheated just when they were planning their wedding....oh well there they can switch partners then...
Wait, whaaat?!?!??! Butbutbut, I thought they'll break the news to everyone and more s will go on (not that I want it to happen). Oh well, it's your choice.

I enjoy this fic, really. It's been a long time since I last read a fic that's really worth waiting and this fic is one of them!
beyondthstarzx #8
Hehehe thank you for the overwhelming love and yeah i've just updated. Enjoy! ^^ <3
beyondthstarzx #10
(cont to gpjbstr) .. cause im still writing the part 2 of it. Ah, i just dont know how and want this story to end~ TT_TT