
Mr. Right

You were applying makeup when suddenly your phone rang for an incoming message. You stop at what you were doing and went to reach for your phone. You smile when you saw whom the message was from.

From: L yeobo
Hey sorry darling but looks like I can't make it for the meeting with the wedding planner again. I'm sorry~ :(

You were totally fed up now. You threw you phone on the bed not borthering to reply to that message. It has always been like this. The only time L was there for the planning of the wedding was when both of you met the wedding planner for the first time to check out on the wedding packages. Then you were planning the rest with wedding planner and Hoya. Sometimes you fell that L wasn't even serious in marrying you in the first place. You're phone rang again and you drag yourself to read the incoming message.

From: Hoya
Hi, I'm a loner today. How about you?

From: Haemin
Hi. As usual, I'm forever alone too *sigh*

From: Hoya
Really? Looks like we'll be the only ones for today... again -_- . Anyways see you later and have some fun together ok!^^

From: Haemin
No surprise... Ok! *excited* See`ya ^-^

After you are done getting ready, you took your time while walking down the stairs. You informed your parents that you were going out before saying goodbye and head on to wear your favourite black wedges. You bit farewell to your parents again by the door and push the door closed infront of you. When you turned around, you were shockingly greeted by a handsome face. You gasp as his smiley face were just inches from yours.


"L-L wha-what are you doing here? I thought you have a schedule today?"

"I lied"


"I personally ran away from my manager so that I can finally help you get our wedding preparations done. Why? Are you shock?"

"Y-yeah. Are you sure it will be ok? You don't really have to come if you're busy..."

"What's wrong with my finacee oh? When I can't accompany you, you began to sulk but when I want to, you're asking me to go away?"

"N-no that was not what I had in mind"

"You're still angry at me aren't you? You didn't even borther to reply my message this morning. Admit it. You're mad at me right?"

"Well, I can't lie by saying I was not..."

"But I'm here now right? Please don't be mad anymore..." L began to shape his mouth into a pout.

You didn't do or say aything. You just stood there dumbfounded. *If L is going to the bridal shop with me today then what about Hoya?* You jumped when suddenly L's left hand slowly wrapped around your waist and pulling you closer to him. He had his eyes fixed only on you. He then revealed a small bouquet of roses, smelling it and then hand it to you with his charming smile.

"For you..." He whispered and winked.

You awkwardly took the bouquet and try to contain the rushes you felt on your face. You tried to wriggle free but then L's grip just tightened on you. He turned his profile to the side to show you his cheek. You knew exactly what to do. You lean towards him while your right hand softly hold on his chest for support and planted a soft kiss on his face.

L let out a small chuckle and gaze at you with loving eyes. "So am I forgiven then?"

You nod your head like a child and he gave you a bear hug. He then gentlemanly guide you to his car and off the both of you went to the bridal store. During the journey, you felt your head feeling fuzzy. There was too much to take earlier and that you were lost on what to do. Your heart were happy that finally L spare a time for you and the wedding preparations but your head kept thinking about Hoya. You don't know how to explain that you can't be with him. You tried to sent him a message but L kept on stealing glances at you. So you gave up and only play around with the bouquet of flowers.

"I'll wait for you inside while you park the car ok?" You assured L and he went off to find a parking space.

You quickly enter the shop to find Hoya and explain everything to him before L came. You search for him frantically, your eyes darting from corner to corner. Then you finally saw Hoya's back profile and rush towards him with a wide smile.

"Ho- ...ya" You mumbled at the last syllable as your smile vanishes.

Hoya turned around to look at you. He bears a shock face as his eyes were wide open and his mouth were gasping like fish out of water. Your vision moved from Hoya's face to Eunhee's and back at him again. Suddenly the words were at the tip of your tongue but refuse to be pronounced. You felt a stabbing pain on your heart as you swallow your saliva hard.

"Oh hi Haemin! Here for a fitting session?" Eunhee chirp.

"Y-yeah..." You tried to compose yourself and force your mouth to curve a smile.

You're eyes were scanning the gown Eunhee was trying on. It was the exact gown you tried on and took a picture with Hoya. Your throat began to feel a little sour and you didn't know why. Hoya was just looking at your face and Eunhee's, still looking stunned.

"Hey hyung and Eunhee" Suddenly L's mellow voice crept from behind.

Both L's hands enveleped your waist like a snake as he rests his head on your shoulder. You could felt L's warm breath on your neck as he hug you tightly. You turned to L and tried to ask him to release you but he ignore it. You place your palms on his chest to push yourself free until he finally let you go.

"Aren't they cute together Hoaegie?" Eunhee said as she looked at you and L dearly.

"I need to use the washroom. Excuse me"

From the corner of your eyes, you saw Hoya disappeared behind the changing room door in a huff. But Eunhee on the other hand block your view while spazzing on how sweet you and L looked together. You and L could only awkwardly smile to every compliment and comments made by Eunhee.


The rest of the day weren't a sweet happy one either. After finalising the wedding gowns and suits for Hoya with Eunhee and L with you, it was time for the food tasting. There were many foods available from meats to pastries and even drinks being prepared.

While all four of you were busy indulging and tasting the foods for the wedding later on, you kept glancing at Hoya to find his facial expression being so foul for the first time. You bit your tongue when you saw Eunhee feeding Hoya with a pastry that she already bite on. You then tried to distract yourself by teasing and showing aegyo to L. You were smiling and laughing on the outside but somehow deep inside you were not really happy.

When most of the wedding preparations were done, it was already night time. The four of you head out from the store as they prepare to close. After hugging Eunhee, L and you bit farewell to Hoya and Eunhee and head to where L had parked his car. While on the journey back home, you look though your pouch and took out your phone and found one unread message.

From: Hoya
Hey, I know this is last minute but Eunhee suddenly showed up at the store saying that her case were cancel. And I guess I can't accompany you this time around. Sorry.

You checked the time of when the message were sent and it was about the time where you left the house. *Oh great, he actually remind me that Eunhee was there so I could prepare myself mentally but I didn't told him about L* You stuff your phone vigorously back to your pouch and stare blankly out from the window.

"Hey darling, you ok?"

"Hmm... just tired that's all" You lied as your head were filled with Hoya's frustrated look earlier.

"I'm such an idiot..." You mumble softly, making sure only you can hear it.


Thank you for subcribing: RusseeLa1015, PororoBJ, cornyking
I swear all the comments by you guys are sooo funny, sweet and touching ;A;
I seriously didn't know I could get much love for this story TT_TT.
Anyways, do continue to comment ( i reply you know; as special subcriber-service keke) and subcribe ( tell the world about this; not to be taken literally but why not? heh) if you haven't.
I on the other hand shall work hard to update this story, hwaiting!
Btw, if the chapter after this has many grammer/spelling errors or not to your liking I would like to sincerely apologise for that because Im down with flu right now so my brain sometimes turns haywire (ya'know what i meaan~)
*Continue throwing virtual over head hearts*

K enough of my ramblings, xoxo.

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beyondthstarzx #1

Heh, i will take that into mind^^
Aww~ omg, your words is so... asdfghjkl ;A; Really deep down in my heart thank you :)

HAHAHHA good for you!^^
Aww~ thank you so much! And maybe i would ;)

I like your idea there hahaha

Omg~ Aww~ Thank you, reallyreally!! ;A;

Wah, im touched! ;A;
Thank you and hope you recommend it to others as well~ ^^
izzatybadlie #2
My friend recommended this story to me..
It is a very interesting story.
This is probably one of the mature love stories I've ever read. And yes, all 4 of them are at fault for falling in love with another. So I thought it was unfair for Haemin to slap L since she did respond to Hoya's kiss @ the Han River 3 days before the marriage. Oh is such a bother. Anyway, nice story!! ;)
littlelamb86 #4
can't believe they cheated just when they were planning their wedding....oh well there they can switch partners then...
Wait, whaaat?!?!??! Butbutbut, I thought they'll break the news to everyone and more s will go on (not that I want it to happen). Oh well, it's your choice.

I enjoy this fic, really. It's been a long time since I last read a fic that's really worth waiting and this fic is one of them!
beyondthstarzx #8
Hehehe thank you for the overwhelming love and yeah i've just updated. Enjoy! ^^ <3
beyondthstarzx #10
(cont to gpjbstr) .. cause im still writing the part 2 of it. Ah, i just dont know how and want this story to end~ TT_TT