
Mr. Right

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#HAPPYHOYADAY everyone^^~


You were walking down the road passing many stores in a rush. You were grinning from ear to ear as your heart skips between beats. *Finally... finally he's here* You skillfully dodge passerbys while humming to youuself. It has been such a long time since you were this happy. You were dying to see his face after a long time. You knew he is busy with his drama schedule and had no extra time to spare. But today was different, he's schedule end pretty early today and he's here to witness one of the most important day of your life. You turned to a corner and found the store sign, "Weddings & Laces". Before going in, you took a deep breath to hide your anxiety and prepare yourself for a pocker face. As you pushed the door inwards, you can hear your heart beating loudly followed by the clinking sounds of the bells.


You looked around the interior of the store to find that usual bridal workers and helpers busy with their tasks. You slightly nod to greet all of them and head further in to search for your fiancee.

"L? Kim Myungsoo are you here?"

You walked at the gowns section slowly as your eyes dart from one end to the other to catch a glimpse of him. Suddenly you heard a familiar ringtone and fish out your phone from your bag. It was a incoming call from no other than L himself.

"Yeobo! Where are you? I'm already here"

You listen intently to his husky voice from the other end of the phoneline. Just hearing his handsome voice makes your heart pump even harder. It was hard for your to make out what he was saying because of all the background noise. For some reason, you thought about L's profile and smiled like an idiot to yourself.

"...anyways I'm sorry. The director is not please with the scenes being shot today and we have to reshoot everything and it might end very late" Your smile suddenly dropped.

"So you can't come to view my fitting session today?"

"Sorry darling, I can't. I promise I will come for our meeting with the wedding planner. Promise"

"You always said that..." You mumbled and look at the person standing at the mirror infront of you. The smile that was once on your face is totally gone. All you felt was emptiness, loneliness and especially hurt.

"What? I can't hear you. Can you repeat- Alright, I'm coming! Sorry darling, I can't talk to you any longer. I need to go now. Love you. Bye!"

You heave a long sigh. You know this would happen anyways and that you are prepared for it but why does it hurt so much? Its not like this is the first time L was unable to attend to any of the fitting session or the meetings with the wedding planner. Including today, it was the third. You felt like a fool putting up you expectation and anxiety so high up to be dissappointed yet again. Hot tears began collecting and you closed your eyes to away the tears.

"Oh Haemin!" You turned towards the familiar voice.

"Oh, hi"

"Alone again today?" There was the feeling again. You felt your heart being shreaded by a sharp knife. You could only muster up and tight smile and nod.

"Me too, forever alone aren't we? Hahaha" Hoya gave his usual smiley face while laughing. Sometimes you wonder if he's just trying hard to laugh or just plain sarcastic.

"So where's Eunhee?" You sat on a couch while boredly flipping through a wedding magazine that features the different types of wedding dress offered by the store.

"Nothing new... work. She had a last minute law case to settle or something like that..."

You looked at Hoya's profile and sense sadness and disspointment even though he shot a quick smile to you. He then continue to occupy himself by looking at various wedding magazines. Both of you had the same side of the story. Both the future spouses are busy with their individual work while Hoya and you spent the time trying to settle the wedding reception yourself. You stared at your engagement ring that L got it for you a year ago.


"Oh look! Here it is" You point out to the big sign board; "Weddings & Laces"

"Let's go oppa!" You hook onto L's left hand and head into the wedding store.

At the entrance, both of you were greeted with a couple of workers and politely greeted back. They guide you to the couches for a seat while waiting for your wedding planner to arrive as she would be a little late. Just like any ordinary young couple, both of you cuddle with each other while rummage through any fashion or design magazine to kill time. Both of you were like two love birds at the peak of love. A worker places two cups of tea and some snacks as refreshments.

You turn your attention to a chocolate cookie from L and the magazine and took one piece. You took one bite and was savouring the chocolate melting in your mouth. It was the most delicious cookies you ever had. Without realising, you began stuffing your mouth with cookies after the next. L tried to gain your attention to the discussion earlier but you just couldn't be borthered. You just placed a cookie into your mouth when L pushed your body to the couch. You turned to face L glaring at you with his emotionless facial expression. Then you felt his right hand wrapping around your waist which gradually tightened.

"Oppa! What are you doing?! There are people watching! Stop it" You mumbled with a cookie still in your mouth.

But he turned to deaf ears. He shot one of his eyebrow and clinching gradually closer to you. Your heart was beating fast as you force yourself to swallow a clump of saliva. Inching closer, you felt his warm breath on your face and you slowly melting under his gaze. You inch backwards until you're almost lying on the couch and L continue to do the same. Suddenly he opened his mouth and bite a large piece of cookie from your mouth. After he finished muching, he turn to look at you and smirk.

"And that's what you get for ignoring me earlier"

"Yah! That's seriously not funny" You smack his hand and he retaliate by tickling you.

"Oh, L!"

"Hyung!" Both L and you looked up to see Hoya with a girl beside him.

"Hyung what are you doing here? And who's that girl over there?" L asked as he stood up and you follow suit.

"I'm here to buy kimchi... I came here to prepare for my marriage reception of course, hahaha" Hoya laughed at his hidden joke while everyone just looked at him.

"By the way, this is my future wife, Eunhee. Eunhee meet L, L meet Eunhee. And she?" Hoya pointed his index finger towards your direction.

"Haemin, Lee Haemin" You introduce yourself.

"Correction... future Kim Haemin" L intervene.

"Oh hi future Kim Haemin. When are you guys intending to get married?" Hoya cheerfully asked.

"3rd April. You?"

"What a coincidence! We also set the date on 3rd April! Why dont we plan our wedding together?" Eunhee suggested.

"Sure, yay!" You high-five Eunhee and began chatting with one another like you both were bestfriends for years.

"Women..." L and Hoya said in unison while shaking their heads.

(End of flashback)

"Haemin? Hello you there? Haemin!"

You got a shock when you saw Hoya's face just centermeters away from yours. You back away until your spine touched the corner of the couch. Your heart began pounding as you tried to cover your blushing cheeks with your hair.

"Sorry, did I scare you?" You only manage to shake your head as a sign of 'No'.

"As, I was saying since we are already here and none of our future spouses are here for our fitting sessions, why don't we both just go ahead with it and help each other out? Well, that is if you're ok with it that is"

"Hmm... yeah. Ok sure let's do it!" You manage to speak after gathering back your composure.

Both of you went to the male section of the apparels and saw many suits. Both Hoya and you were browsing through the different suits to find the right one. In the midst of browsing, you took out a suit that catches your eye. You then began imagining L being in that white suit. *If only he was here...*

"Oh! That's nice" You felt Hoya's presence behind you as you came back to reality.

He's hand brush againts yours when he he tried to grab the suit from you. You froze. Hoya on the other hand was standing opposite the mirror while placing the suit infront of him. After trying different pose with the white suit, Hoya went to walk towards the male changing room.

"Why don't you sit there while I try this out alright"

He turn to look at you while waving the suit in his hand and smiling. You smile and nod. One of the workers followed behind Hoya who covered the curtain while Hoya went in to the changing room. You then obediantly sat on a chair while waiting for Hoya's entrance with the suit on. *If only L was the one wearing it...*

He was taking exceptionally a long time to come out so you kept yourself busy by reading more gown magazines, flipping pages after pages impatiently. You kept checking your watch after a few minutes in between. *And I thought girls takes a longer time*

"Ok, the groom is ready!" You heard one of the workers voiced out and you straightened you back.

In a second, you heard the cutains being drag a side by the woker earlier with a huge smile on her face. You were confused as there was no one standing on the stage. Suddenly, you heard footsteps and there Hoya emerge elegantly with a white suit over him. His hair is suavely gel up and the suit was crips on his toned body. He look masculine yet charming. Hoya awkwardly stood there as you stare at him. You didn't know what happen but you felt as if he took oxygen away from you. For once, you thought your eyes will dropped off from your socket. He just look stunningly drop dead gorgeous.

Hoya scratches the back of his head in uneasiness since you have yet to comment anything. He let out a chuckle while waving his palms at you to get back on your attention. Ba-bamp. You finally woke up from your daydreaming andbegan showering him with praises and comment. For every word you say, you saw Hoya smiling and laughing awkwardly. You even caught his cheek flush in pink as you continue to praise him. Hoya then told you that this was the first time he was this embarrassed infront of someone. You have never seen this side of Hoya and you being the first person actually made you a little happy.

"Alright, now its time for the bride!" A worker chirp.

Now it was your turn. Both Hoya and you were back at the apparel section for females. There were many stunning and gorgeous gowns available but none of it were to your taste. You were about to give up until the worker earlier came by with beautiful lace gown. You took it to inspect it further.

"Beautiful isn't it?" You nod your head in agreement.

"This actually come with a set with the suit that gentleman is wearing now" The worker whispered to your ear. Hearing that, you're eyes were wide opened.

"I bet it looks nice on you. Go on, try it out!" Hoya said enthusiatically.

"But..." Before you can say anything Hoya pushed you to the female changing room and the door shut closed behind you.

"But shouldn't this be for Eunhee?..." You mumbled softly while leaning your back on the door.

Your eyes were shut as the makeup artist skillfully apply makeup on your face. You could felt the brushes tickling the surface of your skin and smell the powder that was added to your face for touch up. Your long black hair was carefully done and curled to the tips. The makeup artist then places a bridal veil on your head before concluding that you set to go. You look at yourself in the mirror and was moved to tears. You didn't know that you could look this beautiful ever in your life. Suddenly you remembered about L and there your heart shattered to pieces again. *Its a shame he can't see me like this*

You walked out from the changing room to the stage where Hoya once stood. The curtains was still closed. You deeply breathe out so that you can forget about everything for now and muster a smile. A worker passed you a bouquet of fake flowers while another worker slide opened the curtains. Surprised, you turn around to see Hoya sitting with his mouth slightly opened. He was zoned out for sometime and unknowingly, you felt a rush on your cheeks and you began to smile sheepishly.

One of the workers pull Hoya from the chair and push him towards you while she hold on to a poloroid camera. Hoya clumsily slips and almost fell to the floor. You hold on to him and held him up to the stage. When he looked at you, he's eyes were gently gazing and catching yours. Ba-bamp. The worker signal that she was about to take the photo so both Hoya and you break the eye contact. It was pretty awkward taking a photo with him as he was not your supposedly fiancee or your future husband. Nevertheless both of you pose with a curled cresent lips. After the first poloroid picture was taken, both of you tried to relax while the worker put away the first photo to take another one.

"Y-you look bea-beautiful..." Hoya stammered.

"Th-thanks..." You shyly hide your face. Deep inside, you felt butterflies flying out from you.

"One more photo... Smile!"

When the short photoshoot was over, the worker hand a poloraid each; one for Hoya and one for you as memories. Then both of you thank the worker and went to the changing room to change back to your normal clothings.

After you are done changing, you look at the poloroid for once last time before keeping it in your wallet. You smile from ear to ear while touching the surface of the photo. You snap to reality and guilt began filling you up. You slapped youself really hard and stare at yourself on the mirror reflection. *Stop it Haemin! He's someone else's husband and you are someone else's wife*

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beyondthstarzx #1

Heh, i will take that into mind^^
Aww~ omg, your words is so... asdfghjkl ;A; Really deep down in my heart thank you :)

HAHAHHA good for you!^^
Aww~ thank you so much! And maybe i would ;)

I like your idea there hahaha

Omg~ Aww~ Thank you, reallyreally!! ;A;

Wah, im touched! ;A;
Thank you and hope you recommend it to others as well~ ^^
izzatybadlie #2
My friend recommended this story to me..
It is a very interesting story.
This is probably one of the mature love stories I've ever read. And yes, all 4 of them are at fault for falling in love with another. So I thought it was unfair for Haemin to slap L since she did respond to Hoya's kiss @ the Han River 3 days before the marriage. Oh is such a bother. Anyway, nice story!! ;)
littlelamb86 #4
can't believe they cheated just when they were planning their wedding....oh well there they can switch partners then...
Wait, whaaat?!?!??! Butbutbut, I thought they'll break the news to everyone and more s will go on (not that I want it to happen). Oh well, it's your choice.

I enjoy this fic, really. It's been a long time since I last read a fic that's really worth waiting and this fic is one of them!
beyondthstarzx #8
Hehehe thank you for the overwhelming love and yeah i've just updated. Enjoy! ^^ <3
beyondthstarzx #10
(cont to gpjbstr) .. cause im still writing the part 2 of it. Ah, i just dont know how and want this story to end~ TT_TT