
Mr. Right

(Flash back)

You look around the isolated park only to see vast stretches of grass, a big old tree, some benches, lamp post and a few walking tracks. You begin to walk up towards the big tree to get a better view of your surroudings. *Where is he?* Suddenly, you saw a picnic mat placed near the tree filled with a rattan basket. A rose and a piece of paper that wrote; "Haemin's' were found on top of the basket while 2 folded warm looking shawl, one in black (L's favourite colour) and the other in orange (you're favourite colour) just beside the basket. You were really confuse. You had already planned to go on a date with your 2year boyfriend for today. Just before you were walking out from your house, L sent you a message to meet you in the park and when you already reached, he was not in sight. You looked at the sky to see that the sun is setting and its already going to be night soon. You decided to sit on the mat while waiting for your boyfriend to come. As your were busy mesmerised by the single rose on your hand, you suddenly heard a tune. Like someone was playing a guitar to your favourite song; Can you smile. You perk up your ears to find the direction of where the sound was coming from and there you found him, your Infinite boyfriend, sitting on the sturdiest branch of the tree singing meladiously to you. You heart fluttered as he locked you in his gaze and smile genuinely while singing.

When the song ended, L jumped down from the tree and walked towards you.By now, you can't see his facial expression properly since the sun was almost replaced by the moon. You felt he's presence just inches from yours and both of you stood there in silence. When you gathered all your courage to say something, L clapped his hands together and the whole tree was lit up by small pretty lights being decorated around it. You gasp in awe as tears were about to fall from your cheeks. L gently places his hands on yours right hand and gently planted his soft lips on your skin. You almost fainted when he teasingly smirk at you. Out of the blue, he gradually kneel on one knee while searching for something in his pocket. He took out a white box and opened it to reveal a diamond ring. Reddish-pink blushes began forming on your face as your tried to cover it with your hands.

"I know we have been together for 2 years and I had always been grateful for you to love a fool like me. You gave me strength and courage when I was down and about to give up. You were the reason why I'm breathing, why I'm living right now. Only you are the one that is able to make my heart beat like this..." he places your hand to feel his nervous heartbeat.

"...and I want you to know that you're the only one for me and I want to spent my whole entire life with none other than you. So... would you marry me?"

You pull him up so that he would stand on his ground and you quickly wrapped your arms around his neck and accepted his marriage proposal. Tears of happiness were streaming down like waterfall as you hid your face on his chest. L break the hug to study your face. He wipe your tears with his thumbs and passionately kisses you. You smile once again before passionately kissing him.

"I love you Haemin-ah.."

"I love you too, Myungsoo-ah..."

(End of flashback)

Your eyes slowly looked up to view the girl in the mirror, all dressed up prettily in a white wedding dress. *Yes, he's the one I'm going to get married to. He's the one for me and who I love the most in this world; no one else. And I will spent the rest of my life with him, because today I shall become Kim Haemin* You slowly breathe in then breathe out all the negativity and smile at your reflection. Finally, today is the day that you have been much awaited for.

"Omo Haemin-ah!!~"

You turn around to see three of your classmates from university suffocating you with their bear hug. You were sitting in the waiting room while guests were streaming in to the ballroom and some of your close friends would visit you in the room to sent their congratulatory wishes.

After your classmates had left, you continue to sit infront of the mirror while being in deep thought. Butterflies were fluttering as your stomach did a double flip. The time seems to be moving pretty slowly today. You tried to calm your nerves down by doing breathing excercises for umpteeth time and drank plain water like a camel until you had to visit the washroom for countless times. Your ringtone suddenly broke the silence in the room.

From: L yeobo
Hey darling! Or do I have to start calling you boo-in or an-hae? Which one do you prefer oh? Ah, I'm breaking out in cold sweats right now. Can't wait to see my beautiful Mrs Kim later!

From: Haemin
Erm... how about jagiya? :3 I'm nervous too, I feel like I'll go crazy soon >< Can't wait to see you, my dashing Mr Kim

After replying to the message, you place your phone on the table next to your wallet. You direct your eye to the direction of your wallet. You felt your heart sink like Titanic. *Just one look and I'll forget about him totally. Just once. Just one last look* You took out the poloroid picture of you and Hoya. The edge of your finger traces on the cold surface of the photo as you kept all your feelings and everything behind you. Suddenly a drop then two of water fell onto the photo. You looked up the mirror to see your eyes naturally shed some tears. You stare blankly at the tear drop line on your cheek with a poker face as your whole body began to feel numb.

(Flashback; 3 days before the wedding)

*Hopefully I won't see him today*

You pushed the door open and head in the store. You look around to see any signs of him but you didn't felt his presence. You sigh an air of relieve. You were a little paranoid knowing that you have to go back to the store to retrieve stocks of your wedding card invitations. After what happened yesterday at the store and the little talk with Minhee,you just don't want to see Hoya for now. You just want to straightened your thoughts and be back to yourself, before you were close to Hoya, back to where there was only you and Myungsoo.

"Erm, hi. I came here to take my wedding invitation cards" You said to the receptionist.

"Me too"

Your eyes widen as your soul gasped. You know who that voice belongs to. You just frozeup and kept a straight face. While the receptionist were busy searching for the wedding cards, both you and Hoya were standing awkwardly in silence. The receptionist came back with a couple stacks of cards. She then double check, ensuring it is yours and places them in a bag before passing it to you. You grab the bag while smiling and saying your thanks. *I need to get out from here asap!* You slightly bow your head to the left, where Hoya was standing, while your eyes looked at the opposite direction and went out from the store in a rush. You carry on walking down the road as fast as your legs could carry you but then you paused abruptly. You felt a strength stopping you. The grip on your wrist got tighter and you got the message. You turn your head around to see the profile of the person you try so hard to avoid.

"We need to talk..."

Those four words were short yet impactful. You forcefully swallow your saliva as your nerve tense up. Hoya's voice were as serious as his facial expression. You stared at his glaring eyes without intending to give him any response. Impatiently, Hoya turn around and drag you with him. You on the other hand, didn't resist. Instead you follow him from behind quietly as your heart beat pound harder and by the second.

The windy late afternoon breeze were blowing past Hoya and you. Both of you were just standing by the Han River, staring at the the calm waters. Ever since reaching there, none of you spoke a word and Hoya had released his grip on your wrists minutes ago. None of you had spoken but it feels like both of you were speaking mentally. You sigh before turning around and walked away but then Hoya rushes to stop you by the shoulder and turned you to look at him.

"Where are you going?" His voice was harsh.

"Erm.. to sit down there?" You awkwardly pointed at the bench with your is-that-even-wrong face. He looked at the direction of where you were showing and let go of your shoulders.


You assured him that it was ok and sat on the bench as Hoya followed suit. It was silence again but the atmosphere is getting more tense. You wanted to say something out but then the words were just hanging at the edge of your tongue. Suddenly you heard a mellow voice and gave your fullest attention.

"About yesterday... why didn't you tell me that L was there with you? Don't you know that I was panicking the whole day when you didn't reply my message. I thought you left your phone at home or something. You could at least message me saying that L is coming with you right?" Your whole body was filled with irritancy.

"What is this?!" You burst.

"First, you said that we need to talk but now you're accusing or better still, finding faults with me?! You know what, forget it! I'm going now. It was nice talking to you"

You spat sarcastically and went in a huff. Hoya began to panic when you stood on your heels and walking away. He didn't mean to accuse you anything. He was just trying to straightened things out but didn't expect that it got you mad instead. Actually Hoya was pretty mad at you but now things had gone out of hand because of him, he was even more angry at himself.

"Aish!.." Hoya chidded while rummaging his head with irritancy before running after you.

He forcefully grab you on the joint of your left hand as you stare at him coldly. You swipe your hand away so hard that Hoya lost his grip on you. You continue to walk away again but Hoya stopped you again by holding you tightly, this time on your wrist. You struggle to free yourself, trying to avoid Hoya to look at your profile as your eye began to feel watery. *Please Hoya... just let me go...* Just then, you felt a strength pulling you in and ended up into Hoya's arms with your back facing him. You felt him squeezing you tighter as he pant for air. A tear fell off to your chin before dripping on on of Hoya's arms.

"I'm sorry..." He whispered softly.

"... I don't know why I got all boiled up and pissed whenever I thought about yesterday. Maybe you had your reason for not replying my message. Maybe due to some reason, you didn't get to read... you had so many reasons not to reply me but I... When I see you with L... I don't know why but I just felt-" Hoya stopped while thinking of a perfect word to explain his feeling.

"hurt.." Ba-bamp.

"I think about you every single time, every single hour, every single minute to the very seconds. I can't help but want to see you smile, laugh and just be happy when you're sad. I don't know why but when we are apart, I just want to be with you. You don't know how hard and difficult for me to contain my desire to hug you right now. Throughout the times I spent with you, I can't lie that I was on cloud nine but when you're with L, I felt like you pushed me from the edge. I know I just met you and this is crazy, but I.. I just want you to know that I..."

Hoya turned you around to face him. You're eyes were already streaming in tears as you wept silently while listening to him. Hoya cupped your face while wiping away your tears with his thumbs. You looked deep into his eyes and saw that he was crying too, deep inside. *No, dont say it. Please if you say it then...* You tried to say something but Hoya lean closer to your face. Both lips smack onto each other. You felt his tongue ing into your mouth and playfully play with yours. Both of you taste each other as the hearts beat into one. You felt happy but then somewhere inside of you, guilty conscience are biting on your ever nerve.

Hoya finally break the kiss and lean his forehead onto yours as both of you breathe deeply. He locked your gaze with him before saying those words that you didn't want to hear but at the same is dying to have him saying that to you.

"...I love you, Haemin-ah"

In a second you wanted to reply him by saying that you love him too but something stopped you. You stare at him while being deep into thought. "What you felt for Hoya now is just a fling kind of feeling." *Is all of this just a fling?* "You're just mistaking and mixing that feelings with love or attraction." *Am I?* "Myungsoo had been with you for two years Haemin." *I know but-* "You love him don't you?" *Ye-yes I do but then-* "You want to spent the rest of your life with him that's why you accepted his marriage proposal right?"

Hoya tried to lean in for another kiss but you pushed him away. You felt a piece of your shattered heart fell. You look at Hoya with mix feelings while Hoya look at you in confusion. He the began to walk closer to you.

"So what if you love me!" Hoya steps paused.

"So what if I love you too" Your voice were soft but he could hear it.

"Then what about Eunhee?! She's your fiancee isn't it? You're going to get married to her aren't you? You're going to marry her in 3days Hoya. Three days! Then why are you saying all this crap to me?" Another shattered piece fell.

"Just forget about me... forget about us..."

"But I-"


You bite on your lower lips so hard that it began to bleed. You felt your heart contracting that it hurts.

"Goodbye Hoya... It was nice knowing you. Goodbye.."

Upon whispering those words, you turn on your heels and ran as far as your could. You began crying so hard that passerby were staring at you as you ran past them. But you coudn't care less abobut your image right now. The pain of goodbye were just too unbearable for you. Hoya on the other hand, felt as if an arrow were shot on his knees that he weakly fell onto his knees. He continue to look on your back that was getting further and further away as he teared. Hoya teared for you as he felt his heart ripping apart.

[For more dramatic feeling, listen to BtoB - Insane]

(End of flash back)

You opened a drawer and saw a lighter. You took it with you and went to the washroom. You carefully locked the door so that no one could come in. You look at your reflection on the mirror. It looked expressionless. You then turned your attention to the lighter and spark fire on it a couple of time. *I'm sorry Hoya... maybe we'll meet again if we were reincarnated in the next life; hopefully as husband and wife.. as my Mr. Right* You felt the hot burning sensation on your skin and let it go. You could smell the foul burning smell as the fire eat it up slowly.

The poloroid picture of you and Hoya were half burnt. You continue to stare the abandon photo on the sink. Your side of the photo had been left nothing but a black fragile piece of burnt poloroid. Suddenly you heard a knock on the door.

"Haemin-ah, its time" You walked out from the toilet, carefully only reveal yourself and not what you had done in the toilet earlier.

"You have finally made up your mind right?" You looked at Minhee who was wearing a white gown. She was your bridesmaid. You nod your head and mustered a smile.

"Yes... no other than Myungsoo"


 Thank you for subcribing: lastwish, gbjbstr
*flying kisses* :DD heheh <3

Sorry for not updating yesterday. I got too excited while streaming Infinite's Second Invasion Evolution concert that I knockout after it ended hehe. But to show my sincerely apology, I made this update a little more lengthy than usual. Hope you guys like it and that its not too draggy for you^^ Btw, is it me or that almost at the end of the story I make it as if Haemin is going to burn herself up? .___.

Anyways, this is the second last chapter. Are you excited for the grand finale?! Well, I am! kekeke Shout out who you might think Haemin will marry or want her to end up with~ (please comment even if its already pretty much obvious. make me happy lah.. ok! xD) *back to start writing the last chapter*
byeong! ;)

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beyondthstarzx #1

Heh, i will take that into mind^^
Aww~ omg, your words is so... asdfghjkl ;A; Really deep down in my heart thank you :)

HAHAHHA good for you!^^
Aww~ thank you so much! And maybe i would ;)

I like your idea there hahaha

Omg~ Aww~ Thank you, reallyreally!! ;A;

Wah, im touched! ;A;
Thank you and hope you recommend it to others as well~ ^^
izzatybadlie #2
My friend recommended this story to me..
It is a very interesting story.
This is probably one of the mature love stories I've ever read. And yes, all 4 of them are at fault for falling in love with another. So I thought it was unfair for Haemin to slap L since she did respond to Hoya's kiss @ the Han River 3 days before the marriage. Oh is such a bother. Anyway, nice story!! ;)
littlelamb86 #4
can't believe they cheated just when they were planning their wedding....oh well there they can switch partners then...
Wait, whaaat?!?!??! Butbutbut, I thought they'll break the news to everyone and more s will go on (not that I want it to happen). Oh well, it's your choice.

I enjoy this fic, really. It's been a long time since I last read a fic that's really worth waiting and this fic is one of them!
beyondthstarzx #8
Hehehe thank you for the overwhelming love and yeah i've just updated. Enjoy! ^^ <3
beyondthstarzx #10
(cont to gpjbstr) .. cause im still writing the part 2 of it. Ah, i just dont know how and want this story to end~ TT_TT