Hyunseung: A Volunteer



   I just stood there, frozen like a statue and watched her cry. Everyone else went out of the room, leaving me here watching __________ in her sleep. A few moments ago, she began to talk in her sleep and I wanted to wake her up, but as soon as I figured out it was Doojoon she was talking to, I decided to keep silent. Since he sneaked out to see __________ while she was sleeping, Doojoon probably had to come back before any of the guards could see that he was gone. I began to speculate every case that could happen, but after I heard his goodbye to __________, I jumped up and woke her up without considering that idea one more time. That was a terrible mistake. I made her cry and I didn’t know how to comfort her. As everyone walked back in, carrying supplies in big bags; I was so confused that I turned back and looked at them as to ask for a little help. Yoonjie took out a glass bottle and drank from it while throwing me an accussing glare, as if she wasn’t the one who tortured __________ with those training. Junhyung gaped at us and slowly stepped back, shooking his head continuously. Yoseob was the only one acting calmly – he put the bags neatly in a corner of the room, then took his jacket off slowly, hung it on the door and went back rubbing his hands together pleasingly. Right at the very moment __________ saw him; she wiped her tears and jumped down from the bed. A smile flashed through Yoseob’s face as he grabbed a strong hold of his arms.

   “Tell me everything.” She growled.

   “Ah…” Yoseob smiled and got himself a comfortable position on the couch. “I can see that you’ve met Doojoon lately, huh?” __________ nodded coldly as an answer, and Yoseob replied back in a smooth, gentle voice. “I did, too. Since you both asked me to tell you what is going on these days, I think I will rewind the clock a little, to the time you first met us – Junhyung, Hyunseung and I.”

   I sat down on the bed and began to draw lines on my hand with my dagger. There were still some blood from the last Rook I killed, and I decided to taste it. Hm… Not bad at all.

Junhyung stared at me with his eyebrows lifted, but I ignored him and wipe the blood that was left with my shirt.

   “I do remember about it.” __________ said calmly.

   “I shall start with the introduction. There were five men there; one of them is your father. But I’m afraid that even you can’t know him that well. He was not that old weird journalist who you lived with. Well, he doesn’t look like that. He is about our age, around twenty or something like that.”

   “That is not even possible!” __________ objected. “If he is around twenty, then he must have adopted me when he was around fifteen or something. Who would even let him do such thing?”

   “Ah, you’ve got to an interesting point.” Yoseob sighed dramatically. “As I told you, we are all around twenty, but we have been around twenty for a long time ago. Vampires like us are immortal, Mysterie-ah. Your aging stops right as the moment you are bitten. You are around seventeen now, right? Then you shall forever stay seventeen. That’s all.”

   “So, how long have you been bitten for exact?” __________ halted.

   “I don’t know… About forty years ago or so…” Yoseob scratched his head. Yang Yoseob, you headed vampire! I cursed him silently. Why don’t you shut up? Do you really have to tell her that we are old enough to be her grandfathers?

   “Okay, okay, that’s enough.” __________ stood up and stepped back. “That’s all I need to know for today.” She murmured. “Or this week. Or even my whole lifetime.”

   “You are scared, aren’t you?” Yoseob laughed a tiny laugh. “Okay, if you want so, I’ll stop.”

   “I’m just a little tired.” She said weakly and trudged to the bed. “Maybe I’ll go back to sleep a little more and then train later.”     

   “Okay.” Yoonjie nodded and turned back to the controlling board with a smirk. “Since you are already in Level Two, I will have to adjust the system a little.”          

   “You are feeling exhausted not because of the training.” Yoseob spoke up and stood up from the couch. “Another point about vampires is that they never feel tired. You will never have to stop and grab a snack or take a rest. But sometimes you’ll need a drink. Some will take emergency cells, which are blood condensed into pills. But of course, it doesn’t taste that good and it will only give you a small amount of temporary energy. You can also hunt preys and use their blood. This method is a bit time-consuming because you will have to find preys before hunting them, but it is widely used in this kingdom. Drinking from human is an available option, but there will be some disadvantages if we have to travel to their place continually. The final method is to find yourself a contractor. Each vampire is born with their own special amulet, and this will be used as the contract. I won’t repeat about the how-to-use of this method, since you’ve already known about it.”

   “How will the contract be formed?” __________ rubbed her eyes tiredly. “I can’t wait to get this done, so please be quick.”

   “Patience.” Yoseob blinked and returned to his speech. “The only thing you have to do is to use that amulet as the paper and your contractor’s blood as a pen. Once those two things meet, a sign will be formed on your contractor to mark that person as yours. If the mark still exists, you can still communicate with your contractor no matter where they are. But both you will have some little disadvantage, because after the contract is formed, you will only can drink from your contractor and no one else; while the contractor still have to get their own supply of blood. They can’t drink yours since it’s already been intermingled with theirs. Once a thirsty vampire drinks their own blood, the thirst will be worsened. That was the case that happened for Hyunseung. Don’t you follow his track.”

   “My father told me that I am his contractor, but I have no marks on me so…” __________ mumbled sleepily. I could see that her eyes were almost closed, but I said nothing. She was right. Finding her a contractor was the most important thing to do.

   “You used to be his contractor, Mysterie.” Yoseob chuckled. “Doojoon gave up other’s blood a year after what happened in the forest. Remember that birthmark on your right elbow? That was your mark.”

   “That’s why…” She mumbled and nodded.

   “Enough speaking, Yoseob-ssi.” Yoonjie interrupted rudely. “First thing’s first. We need to find her a contractor. I can’t, because I don’t want to stick by her side all the time, and I’m pretty sure that she won’t enjoy my kind of blood, too.”

   “I can.” I stepped ahead and Junhyung gaped at me.

   “Jang Hyunseung, you crazy bastard.” He growled. “You cannot become a doubl… Hmph!” Before he could continue with his words, I covered his mouth with my hand as whistled into his ears. “Shut the up or else you are dead.”

   “Mysterie?” Yoseob called her, and she stood up tiredly. “See that bracelet you are wearing? Please take it out. Hyunseung?”

   “Coming.” I replied and took the dagger out. Before I could see what was happening, someone snatched it and cut a long way across my shirt. The lower half fell down, revealing my left side and what I had been trying to hide all those time. It was a mark formed in a shape of a dragon. I turned around and saw Junhyung holding my dagger, a smirk flashed through his lips.

   “It’s for your own good, Troublemaker.” He moved his lips. I glared at him and turned back to see Yoonjie laughing her head out and an embarrassed __________ covering her eyes with her hands. Yoseob took his jacket and threw it to me.

   “Put this on, Hyunseung. You are out.” He said and smiled his happy-go-lucky smile. At that time I just wanted to turn back and give Junhyung a punch, but it would be better to be a nice guy, so I sank down the chair.

   “I guess.” I mumbled calmly, but inside, I was screaming. Argh, just one mistake and I will have to regret this forever! That ing bastard!

   “Junhyung, don’t try to be heroic. You are out, too. Things will become confusing if you keep running after Hyunseung and Mysterie keep running after you.” Yoseob glared at him and said as Junhyung stepped ahead with his mouth open. “We can’t pull the Queen into this, so I guess I have to be your contractor. Come here, Mysterie.”

   She took cautious steps to get near Yoseob as he ed his collar. His smell got near us and I heard Yoonjie swallowed. Blood from a guy like Yoseob even attracted Junhyung. He stepped back and began to stare at the door. __________’s hands were trembling as she pressed her lips against the latter’s neck and bite. I watched her cautiously as her stretched muscles began to relax. Yoseob leaned his head aside and frowned as __________ pushed herself away and gasped for air. He took the bracelet from the latter’s trembling hand and pressed it on the bleeding wound on his neck. In a blink of an eye, the monitoring room was filled with dazzling lights and a mark that looked like a little crown appeared on Yoseob’s neck. He exhaled deeply and buttoned his collar back with a smile.

   “Well, perhaps I will have to wear a turtleneck from now on.” He said. 



Author's words: Today, dreamybaby is back for more kekeke~ I will try my best to update as much as possible until the end of this week. I'm back to school next monday TT_TT Recently I've made a lot of typos, sorry. I'm being easily distracted, so just tell me if you see any, okay? For JunSeung shippers, the couple is back again one more time kekeke~~~ I hope you enjoyed this chapter and if you did, please COMMENT AND SUBSCRIBE! <3<3<3

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PLOT TWIST coming up next! Sorry but I'm not sure when is the next update coming *bowbowbow*


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dreamybaby #1
@jcamille07: Hehe thank you for liking it and for your kind words :D It's really encouraging :D I've just read this update and realized there are plenty of typos there OTL Did you see how I let Zelo "bow at his sundae"? LOL I turned Kwangie into a redheaded cup of ice cream LOL I'll never forgive myself :)) There will surely be a lot of editing for me tonight :">
dreamybaby #2
@jcamille: Thanks for liking it <3 ^3^ I'm kissing you in my imagination, but it's getting kinda awkward trololol =))
@princezz_hime: Am I that, like, guess-able? You got me right at your first guess how could youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu :(( Just kidding :D
ciel=nu'est ren?? i'm just randomly guessing though... ^^ tq 4 updating!!
dreamybaby #4
@jcamille07: heehee thanks a lot for you support :D<3
ahh seung, don't cry TT jun please be okay...
i'll comment,again...^^ waaa,junseung?? *A* (hide my eyes with my fingers) don't do that in front of the others... be more,discreet?? ^^v btw, romance between......me and yoseob?? i hope so!!!
dreamybaby #7
Thank so much for commenting <3 Yeah, I wouldn't want anything else if Doojoon was my father (because then of course the others will become my ahjusshi keke~). About JunSeung moments, I will be back for more soon <3<3<3 Thank you very much for your words, and please anticipate for more from me >:D<