Mysterie: Insane



   It was my turn to take the first guard. Well, it wasn’t that kind of a true guard since I just had to wander around and make sure that we didn’t let any window stay open and things somewhat like that. Full trust was put on the knights and Yoonjie, as they were the best of the best. But there was something wrong with that Zico guy, I sensed so, it was just my feeling, but I was so concerned by it that I decided to stand in front of the bedroom, with my back leaning against the wooden door. Steady sounds of deep breaths surrounded me – everyone was asleep.

   The night was in such beautiful silence, and the air was so fresh and welcoming. I breathed in deeply, enjoying the fact that those tiny particles of air were blending in inside of me, making me a part of the night. I was home.

   I touched my hair. It was starting to grow longer those days, but I had just realized that I hadn’t been paying much attention to my appearance lately as fate, ironically as it always seems to me, kept on dragging me into crazy circles of this fantasy world.

   Sometimes I couldn’t believe myself anymore. Looking at the past, it was nothing more than a bunch of blurry images, as if I was looking through a thick curtain of fog. The old me seemed to be misssing somewhere, and I felt that I forgot something when leaving that cocoon. Something important, but still, the memory of it was unable to be recalled. I sighed and sat down on the floor, still leaning on my back. Where was my memorizing skill when I needed it the most?

   It wasn’t very amusing holding that feeling that there was something wrong with you, but you couldn’t just sort it out. In times like that I feel rather insecure, however, I often get away from those feelings quite quickly. But still, this time, the thoughts were howering inside my head, making me unable to focus on the main point of the problem. As a result, my eyelids became heavier and heavier. I allowed myself to close my eyes and startled a few seconds later, assuming that I had been sleeping for hours. I heard someone shuffling inside the bedroom, and before I could even react, the door opened. I, of course, landed on my back, right under the person’s feet. It was embarassing. Looking up to see Junhyung frowning at me, he said:

   “You’re getting tired. Go to sleep. The next guard is mine.”

   Realizing that I was tired, I murmured thanks to him and trudged into the bedroom. He closed the door gently behind my back; and I – with only one eye opened – threw myself on the bed, between Yoonjie and the wall. I snuggled into the pillow trying to find a nice position and drifted into dreamland a couple minutes later.



   I opened my eyes again to see myself surrounded by the color of white. It was like someone used a magic eraser and swept away every single color and scene of the world in just few seconds. Rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, I streched my arms out and felt something next to me. It was, apparently, Yoonjie’s arm, and I could still hear her stable breaths; but still, nothing but white is seen. I slowly put my hands into my pocket and grabbed a strong hold of the dagger defensively. Sure, I could use Insane, you thought so. Wrong. To me, it was useless. I mean, who would even try to fire a gun without a single bullet. Obviously, it was not me.

   I stood up cautiously and kicked Yoonjie’s arm by accident. She didn’t react, however; and I took a few more steps ahead. I felt everything under my feet as if I was still awake, but none of them seemed to be reacting. Despite the weirdness, – which didn’t really matter because I was getting used to it already – I decided to run forward.

   Seconds later, I found myself not in the blank space anymore, but in a summer wonderland. The sky was so much blue and it felt wider and taller when the fluffy clouds often seen on it was nowhere to be found. The sun was shining its best, – not too weak, but not that strong either – caressing my arm with its warm, welcoming lights. The wind was dancing its way on the top of the grasses; the latter were also joining nature’s ball. I froze there with my eyes glued to the scenery, wondering how on Earth I could get there. But it didn’t even feel like planet Earth anymore. Maybe I was taken to another planet. Awkwardness is always taking its toll on me.

   That was when I noticed that thing. That person, to be exact.

   With fair blonde hair blowing in every direction, the stranger was standing with the back turned at me, looking at the blue sky in deep silence. The all-white clothing made that person stood out in a scary way. I gulped, wondering if it was a good idea to approach that stranger or not, because if there was something I figured out recently, it was that looks can be deceiving. Maybe that person was just fragile and vulnerable as things seemed to be, but contrary to that, it could be a merciless person who would skin me alive if I even dared to take a step nearer. But I stepped forward anyhow, ignoring the other screaming side of my brain that told me to cut my curiosity off and start to find a way to escape from this place.

   I tiptoed my way next to the stranger and cleared my throat anxiously:

   “Excuse me, but… Can I ask you something?”

   The blondie turned around and I almost gasped at the beauty. I could hardly point out if the stranger’s gender – well, forgive me, but I was looking at those features that stood right in the unstable boundary that lies between a male and a female. Those brown eyes widened and stared at me insecurely, but yet I saw a glimpse of, what can I say, toughness flashing through. The plump, pink lips opened; and a husky voice came out, yet again, in a completely contrast tone. I mean, it was supposed to be loud and scary, isn’t it? But what I heard wasn’t even louder that a child’s whisper; yet it echoed through my brain and maybe, all things surrounding the two of us:

   “Who are you? How can you get here?”

   “Well, apparently, I was sleeping until…” Gingerly answered myself, but the sentence was interrupted as the stranger took my hand in a bold move. My eyes widened, but I did nothing as those slender fingers tangled around mine and a smile appeared on the face of the stranger. That touch gave me a familiar feeling. The stranger’s hand was unbelievably cold, almost lifeless. It felt like… metal. Now that I remember, I got the same feeling holding Insane.

   “You found me.” The stranger reluctantly let go of me and took a step back. “But can I at least know your name?”

   “I’m Mysterie.” I whispered in a tone that was almost drowned in the rising of the wind. That person smiled again, and the sun was getting brighter and brighter moments later. I heard the sound of my name echoing in the air and looked at the stranger suspiciously. Sheepishly, a shy gaze was sent to me and the person said again as things got back to their normal state – blue sky, warm sun and gentle wind:

   “I’m really sorry. It’s just that I have the right to control this place. It’s my heart.”

   “Your heart?” I repeated the last words dumbfoundedly.

   “I have been staying here for quite a long time. This way no one would be able to harm me.” The stranger replied in almost a sing-song tone. “But somehow I see something in you, and that was why you are brought here. A part of mine called you here.”

   I kept silent and began to work my brain out about the things the stranger said.

   “My name is Ciel.” The person said shyly. I looked up into those pupils and had a feeling like I was hypnotized. That look was just unresistable. “But mostly people call me Insane.”


   “Yeah.” Ciel said, as if my mind was public to every single people. “I have two parts, and you are having one with you.”

   “This?” I took Insane out of my pocket, handing it to another so-called Insane. Ciel it lovingly and smiled again:

   “I was seperated into two parts – body and soul. You are having my body here – or at least my usual body. And what you are looking at is my soul. I’m so glad you found me, Mysterie, or else I’ll be trapped here forever. I need someone to put my two parts together, and only that will make me fully alive.”

   I looked at the beautiful features again as Ciel grabbed my hand and put Insane back there. As the cold surface of metal touched my hand, Ciel began to, literally, fade away. The lines on that beautiful face were getting blurrier as seconds past. Still, Ciel managed to touch me again and whispered.

   “It was really, really nice to see you. Call me when you need me and I will surely be there. You have such a beautiful name, Yoon __________.”

   I startled, realizing that I was left there alone on the green field. How could Ciel know my name? I mentally asked myself.

   But before I could get an answer, I felt someone shaking my shoulders violently.



   “__________! Wake up!” I slowly opened my eyes to see the impatient Yoonjie crossing her arms at me; her eyebrows curved up into an incredible bow. “It’s noon already!” She said while getting out of the bed. I sat up sleepily and looked at Yoonjie, who was now pulling the curtain out, letting the bright sunshine to come into the room.

   “Yoonjie, do you know someone called Ciel?” I asked her only to receive a confused look on her face.

   “Ciel? I haven’t heard of that name before. Why are you asking?”

   “No, I was just having a little dream. It’s not a big deal, after all.” I jumped down from the bed and trudged my way to the bathroom. Yoonjie shrugged and told me to hurry before leaving the room, closing the door behind her back.




Author's words: Finally, an update!!! Sorry I took such a long time to squeeze this out and if this was crappy. I'll do better next time *bow*

Time is flying, guys TT___TT Final exams is coming soon; and we've got Civic Education next Thursday *facepalm* I don't know what can I study in just three days TT____TT

Anyway my Mom is out to visit grandma for a few days so... FREEDOM AT LAST!!! I will try to update more these days and then, maybe, go hiatus until the week after next week's Saturday. Sorry guys, but if I wanna make it to the next grade, I have to TT_TT Anyway we have three days left, so HWAITING! *mostly to me, but to you guys too xD*

And FYI, the Ciel mentioned in this chapter is NOT 21's CL; although I really want it to be her. But I do think about a person and took that one as a role model for Ciel, guess who? (Hint: This person is young and HAWT! xDxDxD)

Please comment more, it gives me more determination to finish this! Thank you for supporting me! ^3^


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PLOT TWIST coming up next! Sorry but I'm not sure when is the next update coming *bowbowbow*


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dreamybaby #1
@jcamille07: Hehe thank you for liking it and for your kind words :D It's really encouraging :D I've just read this update and realized there are plenty of typos there OTL Did you see how I let Zelo "bow at his sundae"? LOL I turned Kwangie into a redheaded cup of ice cream LOL I'll never forgive myself :)) There will surely be a lot of editing for me tonight :">
dreamybaby #2
@jcamille: Thanks for liking it <3 ^3^ I'm kissing you in my imagination, but it's getting kinda awkward trololol =))
@princezz_hime: Am I that, like, guess-able? You got me right at your first guess how could youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu :(( Just kidding :D
ciel=nu'est ren?? i'm just randomly guessing though... ^^ tq 4 updating!!
dreamybaby #4
@jcamille07: heehee thanks a lot for you support :D<3
ahh seung, don't cry TT jun please be okay...
i'll comment,again...^^ waaa,junseung?? *A* (hide my eyes with my fingers) don't do that in front of the others... be more,discreet?? ^^v btw, romance and yoseob?? i hope so!!!
dreamybaby #7
Thank so much for commenting <3 Yeah, I wouldn't want anything else if Doojoon was my father (because then of course the others will become my ahjusshi keke~). About JunSeung moments, I will be back for more soon <3<3<3 Thank you very much for your words, and please anticipate for more from me >:D<