Sandara: Fortelling Dream


   “Good afternoon, Your Majesty.” Right at the moment I entered the room, he turned away from the window and smiled angelically. Slowly I read his expressions once more to realize it one more time that there were no differences between the two of them; even though the one I was seeing was only a copy of my desires, a perfect version two of whoever’s image that was wandering inside my head.

   “May the moon and the stars watch over your steps in this longing journey; and may the wind always lifting your feet. Yes.” I smiled at him in reply; and he pointed at the bed placed right next to the window signaling me to have a seat as he himself settled down in an armchair opposite. I sat down there and frowned. Even the comfort felt the same. I looked around the room and pretended to examine every picture hanging on the wall, every single book on the case right above the bed and every compact discs next to the player; in spite of the fact that everything was all too familiar. There was no doubt that I could even sort things in there out with my eyes closed and my hands tied behind my back. He watched me with an eagerly amused attitude when I moved uncomfortably in my seat and finally spoke up again:

   “It has been quite a long time since I last saw you, Your Highness. Where have you been all those time?”

   That smile. That trying-to-be-cute way of tilting his head. That way he rubbed his hands together when I raised my eyebrows at him. It was all just so lovingly familiar; and I had to fight back every single cell in my body screaming for just one touch. I rubbed it all off, reminding myself that he was just a perfect copy and nothing else.

   “I know that this is your specialty, but…” I retorted back without even hiding the unpleasing frown on my face. “His room, his face, his expressions… Do you really have to do this?”

   “Sorry, it’s getting more and more like a habit.” The copy of him shrugged casually in a way that brought me relief, because the real him wouldn’t ever do such things. “I just can’t help it when others get in here.”

   Slowly the scene of the room faded away, being replaced by a dark and rather dusty room. All of the furnitures inside brought a mysteriously antique feeling. Decorated with bloody-red roses placed in oddly clean crystal vases, the corner of the room where we were sitting was barely lit by those weak rays of sunlight that could get through the heavy, velvet curtains. The features on his face slowly faded away, bit by bit changing into those of a young man whose red hair was purposely messed up, but the bright color seemed to be too blurry compared to his sunshiny smile. He stood up, looking taller than the version I saw before, and pulled the curtains out. The window overlooked the royal park, right where those red roses were planted. Apart from that, it was nothing else but the blue sky. I blocked the suddenly strong sunlight with my hand as another person stepped inside the room without knocking. He was even taller than the person I was seeing although his face looked young; and his pink hair perfectly matched the tone of his bloody red shirt. Soon I realized it was the youngest of the E Class, who bowed at his sunbae and me with full respect.

   “I apologize for interrupting your meeting, Your Majesty, but they told me you were here.” He explained, as I signaled him to continue. “I saw something, Your Majesty, and it wasn’t what we’ve been expecting.”

   I rubbed my forehead with my hand, feeling more worn-out than ever. Once the young boy of E Class tells me something, it would be far too much to be ignored. Maybe because of seeing the frustrated expression on my face, the young teen took a step backward, hesitant to say more. The redhead returned from the window, looked at the younger into the eyes and said:

   “Okay, Zelo, whatever you see, it is related to them, right?”

   “Yes, sunbae.” Zelo nodded, his eyebrows furrowed with anxiety. “Though it was kind of blurry – I didn’t get to see all of there faces – but I am pretty sure that there was Pawn and Yoseob-sunbae.”

   “Let me see it.” The older offered. Zelo looked confused, but made up his mind a few seconds later as he raised his left hand and touched his sunbae’s forehead. Both of their eyes slowly closed when the contact took place; and it seemed to me that the redhead didn’t liked what he saw. Soon Zelo took his hand away, looking rather tired than before.

   “You can rest on my bed, over there.” The redhead caringly pointed out the place and waited patiently for the younger to trudge there and threw himself down, his back facing us. Soon I could see that he was asleep – minor signs of steady breaths were seen on his back. The redhead sat down on the seat opposite me, his eyes down.

   “She is going to know it.” He whispered weakly, and I couldn’t help but being startled by the statement. “He is going to tell her.”

   “I have always known he wants to do things his way, but this is out of control.”

   “I know, Your Majesty.”

   “Are you really that important to him? And the other way around, is he really that important to you?”

   “Yes and yes.”

   “Let me see it.” Willing to change the subject, I held my hand out patiently and repeated his line as he touched it. Things seemed to be floating towards him as if he was a magical magnet; and soon after, the scene of the dark room was replaced by that of a forest, in a cleared area. Yoseob was standing there facing Pawn, they were both alone and standing in opposite sides. Face puckered in extreme anger; Yoseob stormed ahead and grabbed the latter by the collar, almost lifting him up from the ground.

   “Tell me, what the hell on this Earth did you tell her?” He growled impatiently, though the other just chuckled as if he was well entertained by the act of the knight.

   “Just enough of what she needed to know.” Replied Pawn, who seemed to be emotionless. “I’m not good like you, Yoseob-ssi, but at least I’m not a liar.

   “You!” Yoseob yelled and threw his fist at the younger, but failed as the latter grabbed his hand with an arrogant chuckle plastered on his lips. The bushes behind him moved, and soon Junhyung and Hyunseung appeared with Taeil following them closely. Junhyung was leading the two, a silver badge shining proudly on his collar while the one Yoseob had worn the last time I saw him just disappeared. Taeil’s shirt had changed it color, from black to bloody rest. Only Hyunseung stayed the same way as he was; but I couldn’t tell it if there was something wrong with him or not.

   Pawn looked at the newly arrived and smiled almost welcomingly. “Ah, Junhyung-ssi, Hyunseung-ssi, Taeil, you came too. I should have expected this sooner.”

   “Cut it off.” Junhyung snapped coldly. “Let Yoseob go, Pawn, and then maybe this talk of ours could be less stressful.”

   “Fine.” Pawn pouted like an unpleased child and let the older’s hand go. The latter took the chance right after being released and tried to pull his gun out; but his hand just stopped there in the middle of the movement, as if his body just did not listen to what he wanted anymore. He angrily turned his head to stare Hyunseung down with a rather disappointed look while the latter just crossed his arms and smiled apologetically. “It’s for your own good, Seob.” He mouthed, and the latter closed his eyes as if he was not willing to see anything in front of him. I held my breath wanting to do the same thing, but my eyes were kept glued to the scene. I needed to see it to figure out what was wrong. I needed to fix it. My plan couldn’t go wrong unfer any circumstances. It just couldn’t.

   “Pawn…” Junhyung inhaled deeply and said. “You told her everything, we knew it. But just please tell us you don’t know where she is. Please just tell us you haven’t been keeping her ever since then. Just a sentence and everything would be solved. We will let you go.”

   “I’m afraid I can’t guarantee that, Junhyung-ssi.” Pawn smirked. “But there is someone I want you to meet. The name is Thorn, okay? Don’t be mistaken.”

   There was the sound of leaves rubbing together as someone moved in the forest surrounding them. There I saw a flashing light of a metalic object being moved. There I saw a figure coming out of the dark. There were dark rims under that person’s aggressive and focusing eyes, and her thin lips curved into a sarcastic smirk as she met Yoseob’s eyes. Taeil’s hand flew up to cover his mouth. I too did not believe my eyes as Pawn formally announced:

   “Everyone, this is Thorn. I guess you have all known her already.”

   “Stop!” I demanded and the scene quickly changed into the sight of the antique room. There was the redhead sitting in front of me, his fingers merely an inch away from mine. Apologetically, he chuckled and bent his head down. I stood up quickly and began to walk out of the room.

   “Where are you going, Your Majesty?” He called after me. I turned around to face him again.

   “To make things right. I need to keep Pawn’s mouth shut about this. At least until the right time comes, or else it would be a huge disadvantage for us. Tell Zelo-ssi that he did a splendid job, and please pass my blessings to him. I need to go right now; it might be already too late. See you later, Kikwang-ssi. Have a nice day and may every drop of happiness rain on you when it comes to time of sorrow.”

   “Farewell, Sandara-ssi.” He bowed down at me. “May the sun always be oblivious to your halo, and may the stormy clouds never stop your path.”

   “They have already, Kikwang-ssi ah.” I smiled at him before leaving the room to find another vampire from the E Class. “They have already.”






Author's words: I know it's crap guys, I know TT_TT But I can't leave this abandoned. I need to update TT_TT

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PLOT TWIST coming up next! Sorry but I'm not sure when is the next update coming *bowbowbow*


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dreamybaby #1
@jcamille07: Hehe thank you for liking it and for your kind words :D It's really encouraging :D I've just read this update and realized there are plenty of typos there OTL Did you see how I let Zelo "bow at his sundae"? LOL I turned Kwangie into a redheaded cup of ice cream LOL I'll never forgive myself :)) There will surely be a lot of editing for me tonight :">
dreamybaby #2
@jcamille: Thanks for liking it <3 ^3^ I'm kissing you in my imagination, but it's getting kinda awkward trololol =))
@princezz_hime: Am I that, like, guess-able? You got me right at your first guess how could youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu :(( Just kidding :D
ciel=nu'est ren?? i'm just randomly guessing though... ^^ tq 4 updating!!
dreamybaby #4
@jcamille07: heehee thanks a lot for you support :D<3
ahh seung, don't cry TT jun please be okay...
i'll comment,again...^^ waaa,junseung?? *A* (hide my eyes with my fingers) don't do that in front of the others... be more,discreet?? ^^v btw, romance and yoseob?? i hope so!!!
dreamybaby #7
Thank so much for commenting <3 Yeah, I wouldn't want anything else if Doojoon was my father (because then of course the others will become my ahjusshi keke~). About JunSeung moments, I will be back for more soon <3<3<3 Thank you very much for your words, and please anticipate for more from me >:D<