Yoseob: The Plan



“Hyunseung! Come back!” I ran outside and shouted, but only my voice echoed back. “Hyunseung!” Desperately, I gave it one more shot and then I realized that he was gone.

   “Disappeared, huh?” Junhyung appeared next to me, carrying __________ in his arms. She curled up like a ball with her hand clinging tight onto Junhyung chest. I heard her weak, shallow breaths; and that somehow comforted me a bit. Still, the transformation was coming close. We needed to get out of that forest before someone notices us. But we had to find Hyunseung first. “That bastard…” Junhyung mumbled. “Always acting like he is the ultimate hero or something even when he can’t handle himself.”

   “It hurts, Daddy…” __________ moaned unconsciously. Hyunseung’s bite on her neck was swelling badly. I faced the dark, inhaled deeply and began to sort out the scents inside my head. The smell of dirt, the smell of the preys wandering around the area was no match for the scent of __________’s blood. I checked it again, and told Junhyung:

   “He went that way. Let’s go.”

   “Wait…” Someone whispered. I turned around and saw __________ with her eyes wide open and her hands still trembling. Junhyung put her down gently, and she staggered towards. “What is happening?”

   “Hyunseung!” I shouted as soon as I saw his lonely figure under the moonlight. He recognized me and jumped back like a startled rabbit. Just then, Junhyung appeared out of nowhere and hold Hyunseung’s shoulder.           

   “Not so fast, Mr.Troublemaker.” He chuckled. “You won’t just run away like that.”

   “Let go!” The latter yelled and tried to break free from Junhyung’s grip. “The Queen… Doojoon… They won’t just forgive me like that! I ruined your mission!”

   “No…” __________ stepped out of the darkness. Hyunseung gaped at her, shocked.

   “But you…” He whispered. “I thought I….”

   “Jang Hyunseung, aren’t you?” She let out a weak laughter. “I know everything now.”

   Junhyung stepped ahead, getting ready to save _________ from another bite of Hyunseung’s. I got near _________, waiting for her reaction. Surprisingly, Hyunseung kneeled down to the ground and bent his head.

   “I’m sorry. I was the one who harmed you. I don’t know, but somehow I will make it up to you.” He murmured weakly. “You can even kill me if you want.”

   “Yah!” Junhyung thundered, but I stopped him from bursting out in anger.

   “No one is going to kill you, Hyunseung.” _________ smiled and helped Hyunseung stand up. “Apology accepted. I forgive you.”

   “You know…” I smiled. “You are so much like your father.”

   “I know.” _________ said. “Many people told me… ugh!”

   She fell down on her knees, coughing up blood. I kneeled down next to her and examined the situation as fast as possible. Hyunseung gaped at us blankly, he was surely panicking. Just then, I heard the sound of a horse coming. Junhyung sprang up; his face began to turn pale.

   “It’s her.” He mumbled. “The Queen is coming.”

   Just then, I saw the Queen walking – or I should say gliding – towards us. The way she moved was so elegant and she looked somehow indifferent; but I could see some kind of loneliness sweeping past her beautiful brown eyes. As she approached us, she gave us a gentle smile and her fluffy, long brown hair. Junhyung did an elegant bow:

   “Your Majesty.” He took her hand and gently placed his lips on it. The Queen smiled.

   “Good evening, Junhyung-ssi, Yoseob-ssi, Hyunseung-ssi.” She said. “Ah, I can see that you have completed the mission. Another job well done.”

   “Thank you, your Majesty.” I nodded at her respectfully. Hyunseung mumbled something. Our conversation was interrupted by __________’s little cough. The Queen looked at her worriedly and took her hand:

   “You are Yoon __________-ssi, right? I am very sorry that one of our prisoners escaped and took you here; and thank you very much for forgiving one of our most elite knights. The situation of you becoming one of us is unavoidable, but I have got it all under control. Please come with us.”

   She helped us to carry __________ to one of her carriages. Soon, we were heading off to the Invisible Palace.

   We were sitting around __________ inside the Queen’s room. She had fallen asleep before the transformation begun, which was a really great thing for her because she wouldn’t have to feel a single pain. The Queen looked at us, her long and pale fingers were still her hair. She ordered the maids to leave a few second ago, and they left us inside the room with an awkward silence. To kill time, Hyunseung was sharpening his dagger, Junhyung stood near the door while examining the Queen’s enormous bookcase; and I was just staring at nothing. After a long, long, time, when __________’s breaths became calmer, the Queen stood up from her chair and smiled:

   “Gentlemen, please gather around here. I have something to tell you.”

   As we gathered around, the Queen walked towards her window and leant there for some time. Then she cleared with a small cough and said:

   “As you all have probably known, a long time ago, our former Emperor planned to conquer the mortal’s land. Surprisingly, a mysterious force appeared and stopped him from doing this. The leader of this force, to whom we are very grateful, is no one than Yoon Doojoon-ssi, who is also the one who adopted __________-ssi here as a foster daughter. Unfortunately, because he performed such an action that changed some facts in our past and future, the Committee decided to send him away, to somewhere we don’t know yet. But the illegal hunters are still seeing his daughter as an attractive prey; that was the reason why Pawn took her here – not only for his revenge, but also for the illegal hunters’ scheme. Hyunseung-ssi’s act was totally unexpected, but coincidentally, it was a part on my plan.”

   “You mean that…” Junhyung raised his eyebrows questioningly. The Queen nodded with a gentle smile:

   “Yes, I am talking about turning __________-ssi into one of our hunters, and maybe we will even promote her into one of the knights, just like you. It might be risky, but it will have some other effects, too, because the illegal hunters are still showing some respect to us. Since her name is quite uncommon here, I think that we have to call her by something else. This will be discussed later on. Also, her appearance needs changing. Do you have any questions in order to improve my plan?”   

   “I think that your plan is perfect, Your Majesty,” I stood up and said. “But what will happen when Doojoon finds out about this? He will not approve of the idea of turning his daughter into a vampire. Secondly, why don’t we turn her into a complete knight? That would be easier for her, since an illegal hunter will never touch an honorable knight of ours.”

   “Ah, I see your point, Yoseob-ssi.” Said the Queen, as she glided towards __________ lying unconsciously on the bed. “But Doojoon-ssi will approve this, no matter what happens. He wanted me to make __________-ssi a vampire. You can check it in his will later. I also have considered about the idea of turning her into a knight, but I am afraid that rules are rules. One has to train severely to receive such an honor of becoming a royal knight. You all know what this means. But I got it all under control. Kim Yoonjie-ssi will be training with __________-ssi from now on, and it is her responsibility to protect our hero’s girl. You do not have to worry about it.”

   “Thank you, Your Majesty.” I bowed and sat down. Her point was right. She gave me a smile one more time, and then went out of the room to see Kim Yoonjie.

   “She won’t be fine with that drama queen.” Junhyung chuckled and tried to make a joke, but no one laughed. “I guess…” He mumbled and sank down into his chair. Hyunseung put away his dagger and looked at ________ anxiously.

   “I just hope that she will be fine.” He said.

Author's words: Hey, it's dreamybaby here, again. I decided to change a part of the story lately, so everything got messed up. Now the story will have to go round and round and round until it reaches its final destination :D Sorry for that, but I promise I'll update faster to make it up to you guys <3 Anyway, if you have been enjoying and are going to enjoy this fanfic of mine, please COMMENT AND SUBSCRIBE!!!

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PLOT TWIST coming up next! Sorry but I'm not sure when is the next update coming *bowbowbow*


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dreamybaby #1
@jcamille07: Hehe thank you for liking it and for your kind words :D It's really encouraging :D I've just read this update and realized there are plenty of typos there OTL Did you see how I let Zelo "bow at his sundae"? LOL I turned Kwangie into a redheaded cup of ice cream LOL I'll never forgive myself :)) There will surely be a lot of editing for me tonight :">
dreamybaby #2
@jcamille: Thanks for liking it <3 ^3^ I'm kissing you in my imagination, but it's getting kinda awkward trololol =))
@princezz_hime: Am I that, like, guess-able? You got me right at your first guess how could youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu :(( Just kidding :D
ciel=nu'est ren?? i'm just randomly guessing though... ^^ tq 4 updating!!
dreamybaby #4
@jcamille07: heehee thanks a lot for you support :D<3
ahh seung, don't cry TT jun please be okay...
i'll comment,again...^^ waaa,junseung?? *A* (hide my eyes with my fingers) don't do that in front of the others... be more,discreet?? ^^v btw, romance between......me and yoseob?? i hope so!!!
dreamybaby #7
Thank so much for commenting <3 Yeah, I wouldn't want anything else if Doojoon was my father (because then of course the others will become my ahjusshi keke~). About JunSeung moments, I will be back for more soon <3<3<3 Thank you very much for your words, and please anticipate for more from me >:D<