Junhyung: Thanks for Being Here


    I chewed my portion in boredom, just to please the Queen. I was so full of Hyunseung’s blood that I wanted to spit the beef out and grab him outside immidiately.

   But what are you going to do with him? A sleepy but consciously clear voice raised inside my head. I blushed and chased it away without noticing that I have been staring at Hyunseung all the time. He raised his eyebrows at me questioningly while still chewing his portion greedily. I shook my head gently and he focused on fighting with his chewy beef like with an arch enemy. I grinned. He looked so cute doing that.

   “That’s enough with the lovey-dovey, Junhyung.” Yoseob glared at me while taking a sip from his glass. “Do you really want to ruin your ‘lady magnet’ reputation?”

   I choked on my beef. “Whu… What?”

   “Look over there.” Yoseob smirked and pointed down the endless dining table. I secretly gave vampires there a glare and realized that all of the girls from C Class and D Class were staring at me, not to mention some from B Class and A Class. I was just glad that there were no girls in E Class. Well…

   “At least stop staring at your contractor and look somewhere else. This is so embarrasing.” Yoseob shook his head and began to have a decent talk with the Queen. I looked at the other side of the table and realized that __________ and Yoonjie were grinning at me. I gave them a quick V-sign and began to focus on my piece of beef for the rest of the dinner. The Queen said some more grateful goodbyes and almost everyone left, except for Hyunseung, Yoseob and me. __________ stood up and followed the others, but Yoonjie grabbed her shoulder and pinned her there.

   “Your Majesty…” Yoseob looked at her questioningly.

   “I will not beat the bush about this.” She sighed. “An army of Rooks and Black Knights appeared on the mortal’s land. Apparently, they are looking for __________-ssi. Your mission is to go back there and hunt them down. Yoonjie-ssi, __________-ssi, please join them.”

   “Yes, Your Majesty.” We said in unison and left the dining hall. Yoseob sighed:

   “Looks like we will have to leave this place again.”

   “Staying here with those bastards is the last thing I want to do.” Yoonjie grumbled, but Yoseob ignored her. I shrugged and glanced at Hyunseung. He was beginning to list the essentials that needed to be brought already. Only __________ looked confused. She was playing with the golden buttons on her jacket in silence. Yoonjie patted her shoulder sincerely. After all, we all knew how it felt like leaving the place we used to know well and coming back unsure if people we knew would remember us.



   The sound of bedsheets rustling under Hyunseung’s body as he turned his body sleepily woke me up from my broken sleep. I tried to sit up from the bed at quietly as possible while rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. I couldn’t even feel my own hand, it was too cold. The wind was hissing through the door, creating spine-chilling noises. The moon spreaded its bright, cold light all over the place. I got out of the bed and headed towards the window, feeling like standing in a shower of moonlight. It was beautiful, yet lonely, making the unknown feelings inside me screaming in demand for a proper expression on my frozen face. I felt like every single muscle on my face withered, and that I would never be able to smile or cry anymore. Some sort of emptiness made its way through my deepest feelings. I let out a small sigh and chuckled. If I weren’t a vampire, I could have become the second Shakespearre. Mix type of conditional sentence type two and three.

   I turned around to look at the others. Right next to the empty spot I left was Hyunseung using his arm as a pillow with his mouth half-opened. Some people can be gorgeous unintentionally. Then there was Yoseob, who was lying on his side while holding such a strong grip of his arm that his knuckles turned white. Yoonjie was reading a book before falling into her sleep, so she was still sitting there leaning on her own shoulder with a book on her lap. __________ faced the wall curling up like a little kitten in front of a warm fireplace. I ruffled my hair without knowing what to do before the others get up.

   “Hey there, Junhyung-ssi.” A voice resounded through the balcony. I turned around and gaped at the stranger in shock. It was Pawn. “Gotcha.” He chuckled arrogantly under his mask as he saw the expression on my face.

   “You…” I lowered my voice and said huskily. “What are you doing here? How could you find us?”

   “Ah… I know it’s rude to say this, but you all smell so good…” He inhaled deeply, enjoying our scents as if we were his own buffet. “Especially the new girl and your little contractor… I just want them to be mine.”

   I turned around and saw everyone was sleeping peacefully. “I dare you to touch even a single hair on any of them. Just try it over my dead body.”

   “Nah, it will be too easy for me.” He smirked and approached me. I swung my fist ahead, but he dodged too quickly. Grabbing my two wrists, he pulled me closer and said:

   “Don’t underestimate me, hyung. After all, I used to be the bright kid.”

   “Hah, you must be kidding me.” I chuckled. “Yoseob, Hyunseung, it is high time you two woke… Ugh!

   Pawn interrupted my sentence with a punch to my chest. He let go of my hand and I could feel his intense hatred. He kicked me aside and headed towards __________. Just then, Hyunseung woke up from his sleep.

   “I’m coming, Mom!” He rubbed his eyes sleepily. “I told you not to… Junhyung!” His eyes widened in terror at the moment he saw me lying on the floor. Hearing Hyunseung’s gasp, Yoseob sprang up like a machine and pulled his gun out. Yoonjie’s eyes popped open too quickly for a sleeping person as she poked __________ with her elbow. The latter startled and quickly grabbed her weapons under the pillow.

   “Oops.” Pawn cheered ironically. “You caught me.”

   “Stay away from them!” Yoseob growled, aiming his gun at Pawn’s chest. “Another step and you are done, you ing traitor!”

   “Whoa, hyung, be calm…”

   “No one here is your hyung.” Hyunseung stood up and said with a cold voice. “There were only five of us.”

   “Well, in that case, I think I have to use some violence on you.” Pawn chuckled and flicked his hand. Just then, a bunch of Rooks appeared out of nowhere, surrounding all of us. Yoseob cocked his gun with a cold expression on his face. Yoonjie smirked and __________ took Insane out. Hyunseung held his dagger while standing in front of me. I chuckled. For a short moment, I felt like he was protecting me.

   “Go!” Pawned ordered and the Rooks sprang ahead. So did Yoseob and the others. In a few minutes, all I could see and hear was blood and shouts. As his gun ran out of bullets, Yoseob threw it aside and began his hand-to-hand combat session. Yoonjie moved around the house without making any noise, stabbing the Rooks fast and skillfully. __________ gave up Insane the very moment the fight started and began to attack the Rooks with her old faithful dagger. Hyunseung was the usual Hyunseung in battle – calm and dangerous. Sometimes I wondered why I was placed above him in the knights’ scale. I should’ve been the weaker one.

   Yoseob took Insane away from __________ and got next to Pawn, training the gun at him. “Game over, Pawn.”

   “Yeah,” The latter scratched the back of his neck. “Better luck next time for me. Bye, hyungs. See you next time.” He laughed and disappeared with the survived Rooks. Yoseob threw Insane down the bed and walked towards me. He gave me a helping hand and I stood up.

   “You okay?” Yoonjie raised her eyebrows. I nodded, “Yeah, he just punched me so…”

   I stopped in the middle of the sentence seeing all eyes on me. Before I could figure out what they were looking at, my legs felt so weak that I had to sit down and things were just spinning around.

   “Junhyung-ssi…” __________ whispered weakly and pointed at my stomach. “You… you are…”

   I looked down and my eyes widened in terror. this .

   Blood was streaming out from the wound. I didn’t even know I had a wound back then. I just thought it was a normal, harmless punch. Pawn must have hid something in his arm. Hopefully it wasn’t poisonous. ___________ dashed out of the room and came back with an emergency kit on her hand. Yoseob ran out to the balcony and jumped down; his clear, innocent eyes became red with hatred.

   “Hey…” I objected weakly, but he had already disappeared into the darkness. Hyunseung snatched the kit from __________ and got next to me. Yoonjie pushed the latter out of the room and closed the door behind her back. He began to sterile my wound without saying a word. I opened my mouth wanting to say sorry, but the glare he gave me was so fierce that I kept it shut. He finished dressing my wound and went back to his spot on the bed. I saw him holding his head while mumbling something. As I got closer to him, his words became clearer:

   “You ing dare to tell me I act like Superman? What about you? You should have called us right at the freaking moment you spot that ty traitor instead of trying to mimic that crappy superhero. Stop the ing way of thinking that nobody will cry if you die. Stop the ing way of thinking that you need to make sacrifices to the world. Being a knight doesn’t ing mean that you have to act like that, you stupid bastard. See Yoseob? He is the top knight, but he didn’t even shed a single cell of blood, for God’s freaking saken. Fine, just continue to act your way until…” A sob prevented him from saying the rest of the sentence. He quickly wiped his tears away and stood up looking at the door.

   Are you crying because of me?

   “Hyunseung…” I called his name weakly and he turned back facing me. Tears were streaming down his chubby cheeks, and his beautiful eyes were gleaming under the moonlight. He chuckled and turned away from me again.

   “. I can’t even stop this and it’s your fault, Yong Junhyung.”

   I kept silence until he fell down on his knee and cried his eyes out just like a baby whose candies have been stolen. I hold him in my arms for a long, long time. He snuggled his head onto my chest and grabbed a strong hold of my shirt. My shirt was wet in his tears as he gave loud hiccups:

   “What… what if I lose you? I can’t bear it, Junhyung. I can’t even stand the thought of living without you. Tell me you’ll be fine. Please…”

   “Yeah, I will.” I rested my chin on his head and hummed a soft tone. “And thank you… thanks for being here for me.”




Author's words: dreamybaby is back again with MORE JUNSEUNG BWAHAHAHAHA~ Anyway I still think it's a little corny so please tell me what you think :"> Please also check out the poll on my latest oneshot, On Rainy Days and vote! Silent readers please subscribe~ I love you :x

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PLOT TWIST coming up next! Sorry but I'm not sure when is the next update coming *bowbowbow*


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dreamybaby #1
@jcamille07: Hehe thank you for liking it and for your kind words :D It's really encouraging :D I've just read this update and realized there are plenty of typos there OTL Did you see how I let Zelo "bow at his sundae"? LOL I turned Kwangie into a redheaded cup of ice cream LOL I'll never forgive myself :)) There will surely be a lot of editing for me tonight :">
dreamybaby #2
@jcamille: Thanks for liking it <3 ^3^ I'm kissing you in my imagination, but it's getting kinda awkward trololol =))
@princezz_hime: Am I that, like, guess-able? You got me right at your first guess how could youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu :(( Just kidding :D
ciel=nu'est ren?? i'm just randomly guessing though... ^^ tq 4 updating!!
dreamybaby #4
@jcamille07: heehee thanks a lot for you support :D<3
ahh seung, don't cry TT jun please be okay...
i'll comment,again...^^ waaa,junseung?? *A* (hide my eyes with my fingers) don't do that in front of the others... be more,discreet?? ^^v btw, romance between......me and yoseob?? i hope so!!!
dreamybaby #7
Thank so much for commenting <3 Yeah, I wouldn't want anything else if Doojoon was my father (because then of course the others will become my ahjusshi keke~). About JunSeung moments, I will be back for more soon <3<3<3 Thank you very much for your words, and please anticipate for more from me >:D<