What??!! Chanyeol has fallen sick???

What Is Love....?

----Chanyeol's POV------

"Woof...Wooof!!" sound of Meonggu can be heard from afar. Life is so different on EXOplanet....In the past, i'll be woken up by nightmares----doorbells, crazy fangirls screaming....sometimes, some are crazy enough to cook for me using MY KITCHEN....That's why i didn't know how to do anything since young. There's always people doing things for me--- I stretched by arms...Ouch! I can feel cramps all over my body and i'm feeling really cold...I pulled up my blanket. Just then...."Bammm!" the door was slammed opened, there stood bubbly Kai and cute Meonggu. "Good morning!! Chanyeol hyung~!! How's your day??" "Woof!! Woooofff!!" "Uh....not very pleasant..." Kai pulled the curtains wide-opened, he pulled away my blanket, he tried to pull me down the bed...but as he make a contact with my cold hands, "HYUNG!!!!!!! Why are you so cold!!!! AHH!! YOU........FEVER!!"

Kai was so dramatic. I wanted to laugh but i seriously have no single bit of energy to laugh. "SUHO HYUNG! KYUNGSOO HYUNG!!!!" Kai was raising his voice so loudly to shout for Suho and Kyungsoo. "Yes?" Kyungsoo came first. "Chanyeol!! Are you alright? You look very pale!!" Kyungsoo walked over and touched my forehead. "Ouch! It's very hot!! You're having a fever??!!" Suho came just in time to hear the word 'fever'. "FEVER???!!!" Suho exclaimed. I touched my forehead....it's indeed hot enough to bake waffles or even cook a sumptious breakfast.....aish....why is this happening to me....Suho went to find all the guys to visit me. Soon all the other nine guys came over to my room. I was embarrassed as having a fever is nothing to flaunt about..."You guys....don't need to come and see me just over a small fever like this...haha..." I said it faintly...i coughed. "Yeah right...Small fever....you look so pale...maybe that's what Earthling do when they got sick----lying that there's nothing....but it's different on EXOplanet. We treat every illness very seriously.....since that invasion and my--- aish....no point telling you that much...." Baekhyun reprimanded me.

"Baekhyun!! Enough of your reprimand....let him have some rest and we shall see if we can help in anything....Chanyeol...Please wash your face....your drool had dried up..." "Ah....?" Chanyeol covered his mouth with his blanket....feeling embarassed to let so many guys see him untidy. The guys giggled. Chanyeol's face turned red.

Everyone was busy. They are trying to do things for Chanyeol. Kyungsoo was, of course, cooking healthy meals in the kitchen. Only Baekhyun wasn't busy. In fact, he was worried about Chanyeol. And as such, he went back into Chanyeol's room. "Chanyeol? Are you sure you're alright??" There's no response....Baekhyun knocked at the door..."YAH!! Chanyeol-ssi!! Are you alright? Can you make some response so i know you're actually fine??" There's a sudden thump on the door from inside. Baekhyun can clearly hear the breathe of Chanyeol. *this breathe....* He suddenly remembered the past...

----Recalling the past---

Baekhyun was around eight or nine years old that year...his grandmother---the leader of EXOplanet....has fallen sick. Baekhyun loved his grandmother alot as he spent most of his childhood with her. His grandmother....had tried her best to fight the illness...that day, he went to the hospital. He cried alot. "Hush...my little Baekhyun. You're granny's superboy...superboy can't cry...right? *Cough*" Baekhyun looked up, still crying.."But...But....Granny!!" Baekhyun broke out into louder cries. "Yah...hush...Baekhyun-ah...Be strong...When granny's gone, you must take care of this planet.....our home...understand? Okay, my little Baekhyun...stop all those girly crying now...hush..." His grandmother patted his head....her breathe was heavy, she can't breath properly. "Granny, can you don't go?? I love Granny alot--" "Ahaha..."The grandmother laughed a little and she coughed, "I'm always in Baekhyun's heart..." She pointed at Baekhyun's heart and she closed her eyes..."Granny!!!!!!" Baekhyun hugged his grandmother tightly and cried his hearts out. His parents tried consolling him...but nothing worked....

In a panic, Baekhyun started to bang and kicked the door of the toilet. "YAH!! Chanyeol!! Don't collapse!! Yah!!! RESPONSE!!!" Baekhyun was in a lost, he had lost the grandmother he once loved so much.... He couldn't afford to lose Chanyeol, he already had nothing left. "YAH!!! Chanyeol!!!! OPEN THE DOOR!!!" 

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Vanja77 #1
Seoulqueenka #2
Chapter 13: Baekhyun remembers right???
this fic so cute anf fluffy! sequel maybe? and did chanyeol need to leave! no he cant of course! done subsribe!!
2AM's "I Love You" is the perfect song for this story~ Its so fluffy~~~ <333333
2AM is the perfect song for this story~ Its so fluffy~~~ <333333
how dare you author-nim making me cried by making its dream xD
i thought it be more dramatic, like the genie pulling Chanyeol to back at Earth, but others EXO stop him.. then BaekHyun sudden got his power bcz of his hurtful love feeling.. then Chanyeol stay there :'D *ends of own imagination* "i love EXOplanet moments more then Earth" :3

kayss i moving to sequal now .. ngee~
...Was That All A Dream? OMG! Chan Yeol Went Back To Earth.
I Honestly was about to cry when Baekyeol had to separate, but then baekhyun showed up in Earth :O
That's what I call fate hehe <3 well I hope Baekhyun falls in love with him :D