
Big Bang Theory
The days went by busier, although Kim had not yet finished with the MV for "I Need A Girl", work just seemed to be piling up for the boys.

The next day after filming the MV, 2NE1 and Teddy had left to go to Los Angeles, what for, Kim didn't know.

Today the boys had to go for a BSX shoot, right after that, Taeyang needed to go back to practicing for his solo comeback and Dae needed to go back to practice his musical. TOP on the other hand was releasing his new MV "Turn It UP" and was going to be busy promoting "Into The Fire" as well.

Kim didn't know how these guys could live with only as few as five hours of sleep. It was tiring and stressful at the same time. She on the other hand didn't get any schedules aside from finishing the MV before a certain date, but she wasn't worried about that right now. Finishing the MV wouldn't be so hard.

"Noona? You're staying here all day today?"

Daesung asked as he was sitting on the couch and tying his sneakers. Kim was still in her pajamas and watching the guys scurry about in the room.

"I guess so, I didn't get any orders except finishing the MV."

She yawned, it was still too early in the morning. 4 am to be exact, though she just couldn't go to sleep when they were all awake and working hard.

"That's boring, noona, come with us!"

Kim rolled her eyes and crossed her arms on her chest,

"Seungri-ah, Mr.Yang didn't tell me to go so I'm staying here to finish the MV."

The maknae looked disappointed at this and didn't say anything more. They weren't going to eat breakfast, just like the reckless boys they were.

"Kimmin-ah, make sure to eat breakfast."

GD said from the apartment door, holding it open for the rest of the members.

"Annyonghi kyesayo (Goodbye) noona!"

Dae waved at her with that large smile before leaving.

"See you later, noona!"

Seungri said, giving her a charismatic peace sign to which Kim just raised an eyebro to.

"Take care, Kimmin-ah."

TOP said following Seungri, Kim raised her eyebrows at this. At first it was only GD calling her that and now TOP was following.

"Good luck on work."

Taeyang simply said, before flashing her a smile. GD was the only one left and he smirked at her.

"I'll call you later, chagiya."

Kim glared at him playfully for still making that husband and wife joke.


GD snickered and closed the door behind him before Kim could fling a slipper at him.

The girl rolled her eyes and continued sleeping in her bed for another good three hours, until her phone interrupted her.

She peered at the caller ID before answering, it was a number she didn't know, it didn't look like a long distance call either.


She answered, voice sounding groggy.

"Kim-ah, can you come up to my office?"

Kim sat up on her bed, startled,

"P-President Yang?"

She stumbled out of bed and hurriedly took out her clothes for the day.

"Ne. I want to talk about your additional assignments for the year."

Kim could already feel the pressure burdening her, and once the call ended she rushed to get ready and forgot about breakfast completely.

She wondered what else someone like her could do. YG Entertainment was only a music label, she wasn't specialized in music. In fact the only thing she could help YG Entertainment on was anything that included directing.

YG Entertainment don't produce their own magazines, but they did broadcast their own TV shows like YGTV but they had done quite nicely on that without her.

So when she sat yet again in front of the office table and waiting for Mr.Yang to finish reading what seemed to be a news article, she started to feel uneasy.

"The Bigbang members have their own personal managers."

Kim almost jumped at his sudden exclamation, but she only nodded.

"They're already quite busy taking care of their respective member, they are quite the handful sometimes."

Again another nod,

"I think the company needs a spokesperson."

Kim blinked, and her eyes narrowed,

"Are you saying you want me to be YG Entertainment's spokesperson."

That would be rather difficult. That meant that she had to know the in and outs of YG, not only of Bigbang. But also their other active artists. 2NE1, Gummy, SE7EN and not to mention Bigbang each had their own solo activities.

"For now why don't we limit you to Bigbang, since I see that you've gotten along with them quite well. We'll gradually introduce you to the all around artists here in YG."

I guess that was her best bet right now, but she still didn't know what she had to do.

"When problems like this come up,"

Mr.Yang pushed the newspaper article he was recently reading towards her, and one caught her eye. An article, a scandal if nothing more, of GD and a japanese model, saying that they were "in a relationship".

"These things need to be clarified, of course, if they are true, then the truth is best to be said. If they are false, the gossip needs to be clarified. But please say whats best for the company."

Kim had done this before, but at that time she knew all the right answers. For this, she had to ask GD himself if it was true before replying to the editor of that article that it isn't true. Such troublesome kids they were.

"That and, depending on how the "I Need A Girl" MV turns out, I'll consider if we'll ask you to conitune making several more MVs for upcoming songs."

His brief ended at that. So now Kim was a spokesperson, if ever a problem came up, and she was now responsible for directing some MVs if her first one turned out good.

She wondered if she was cut out for this. Maybe she needed some fresh air.

"Ah, Mr.Yang, I hope you don't mind that I go out for a walk today."

Being cooped up there for a week felt like she had lost contact with the outside world.

"Do you need a car or bodyguards?"

She almost winced at the thought, that was not necessary at all. She wasn't famous, it was what she liked about working behind the scenes, only little people would know about them.

"I don't think I need them, but thank you."

She had no idea where to go, she hoped that she wouldn't get lost around Seoul.

As she walked around the city, looking around the coffee shops, she realized that she still had no money. She was able to stay in Korea, she had a visa since her mother was born here, but she just had nothing to spend and she could only window shop.

That, and she was getting tired of the same attire. She only took a months worth of clothing and it was getting repetitive, if she was to live here, she needed clothes and the money.

But she didn't want to ask for money just yet. That would be far more embarrassing than anything she had gone through.

"Aigoo... What do I do..."

She came across a clothing retail store which was showcasing clothes that suited her style. But she was unable to do anything but stare.

Her stomach grumbled and she hung her head in misery when she just remembered that she hadn't eaten breakfast. It was noon now, and yet she had nothing to eat.

It frustrated her, in the end she still had to depend on others for money. It wouldn't be a good idea to get a part time job, she was already busy with the stuff at YG, but she had to wait till the end of the month for her pay, if she even gets any, based on her work.

She sighed, there was only one way to get out of this now, and that was to ask her dad to send money for her. She took out her phone and pressed through the call log, hoping to find the number that her dad called her with a few days ago.

Surely enough, she found it and dialled.

"Pa? It's me, Kim."

Chattering on the other side deafened her ears, and as usual, her dad was always a loud person.

"Pa, I need some money down here, could you possibly send me some? Yeah... Yeah... It's great, Mr.Yang offered me a job so I'm taking it."

Even if her dad was a bit on the authoritative side, he still cared and agreed to send her money.

"Ok, thanks pa, It'll be there in five minutes right?"

Telegraphic Transfers was very fast and with a VIP card, there would be no hassles. Kim found herself counting the money that she had just picked up from the bank, he had sent her 10,000 Hong Kong dollars, equivalent to a heaping 1.4 million won. The wonders of exchange rates confused her.

But of course she wouldn't spend it blindly, just to get past the day with lunch. She ordered Bulgogi from a food stand and started skipping back to the YG building, but found herself utterly lost.

She sighed and took a detour to a nearby wall, looking at shoes, clothes and books. But she held back on spending, she wouldn't waste that money away.

She munched on her Bulgogi while walking around the mall aimlessly, there was a Fila store in front of her, and she was looking through the glass window. Bigbang's picture was on one of the walls in the Fila store, and she only smiled at it.

She never noticed how lucky she was to be able to work with five unique guys.

Five unique HOT guys at that.

Her phone rang yet again, she hoped it wasn't Mr.Yang again, but instead, she smiled brightly when she saw "Ji-yong" on her phone screen.

"Oppa, are you working hard?"

Lately she felt closer with Ji-yong, more so compared to the other members, maybe it was because of his constant joking, but she never knew the real reason why.

"Of course, chagiya. I still have a lot to do, I'm just checking up on you."

Kim rolled her eyes but she was thankful GD wasn't there to see her blush.

"YAH! Seriously, drop the chagiya joke already, and I'm old enough to take care of myself!"

A chuckle from the other line, she could just picture the grin on his face.

"Araso, just making sure."

Kim didn't mind being busy as long as she was rewarded by Bigbang's sweet smiles.

I think I need to make a disclaimer O.O
Everything on here is a work of fiction. I do not own Fila, YG, Bigbang, 2ne1 or any of their MVs, I'm simply making a fanfiction for pleasure.
I do not mean to advertise, but as I said, this is a fanfiction. =))
I'm open for comments and critiques, by the way.
Visit my story site, if you're interested.
I write fanfics for anime, games and I have one thats ongoing about Jacob Black.

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bringbringtelephone #1
bigbang yayy!!
m0zarts0nata-- #2
I'm loving this story!<br />
It's very well written, please update soon~ ^^<br />
butterfly555 #4
omo just read this in one go and im so curious as to what next UPDATE SOON PLZ