
Big Bang Theory
Kim sat stupefied on the luxurious bed provided to her by YG, never has she been into a hotel room so big that it was bigger than her room and her parents' room combined. She sighed, who could have thought that the little pup she saved was THE G-dragon's Gaho?

The little miracles in life could put her in very strange situations.

She had missed her flight home, what would happen now? She was in no mood to call her dad, simple because she didn't know how to make a long distance call from Korea to Hong Kong.

Thank God her belongings were still with her, and though she just realized she had stood in front of Big Bang, they never had a chance to talk to her nor her to them.

A soft knock echoed through the room, and she ran over so as not to be rude to whoever was in the door. She was surprised to see none other than the stylish leader of Bigbang, clad with the usual stylish clothing.

Kim only blinked, at the other person with him. She had to squint her eyes to realize that it was SE7EN, and she continued blinking.

"Can we come in?"

SE7EN asked with a smooth voice, different from that of GD's when he spoke to her earlier that day. She could tell SE7EN had a lot more knowledge in the foreign language.

"Oh, ummm..."

Yes, she was hesitating because it felt wrong to be in a hotel room with two guys. But of course she had to comply, they were part of the company who provided her the hotel room anyways.

"Of course."

She pulled the door open and they casually strode in, as if this was some daily thing they do.

"Ummm... Can I help you? I mean, thanks for the hotel and stuff but, I think my father will notice that I haven't landed at home and will call me some time soon, so, I'll get out of your hair soon."

SE7EN laughed and GD only smirked after plopping down on the bed, making it bounce lightly.

"We're not gonna eat you. Stay as long as you want, it was orders from the president. I'm SE7EN, though I'm sure you know my real name I prefer to be called SE7EN."

Kim nodded, and averted her gaze to G-Dragon who started to speak.

"G-Dragon imnida! But you can call me GD or Ji-yong."

Kim could understand some basic Korean, and she smiled a little as he mixed in his Korean and English together. She bowed a little and thanked them,

"Thank you for taking me here, I don't really have much money on me right now... I'm Kim Ha-Neul, just call me Kim please."

Though it escaped her why the president YG wanted her to stay in a hotel room. Her dad had a lot of connections seeing as he was in the import and export industry, but his business was not something YG would be interested in.

"Your name sounds Korean."

It was only then that Kim noticed GD was holding a first aid box, for what she didn't know.

"My mother is Korean, my dad is half Korean as well. But I was never raised here, so I know little to nothing about the language."

SE7EN and GD nodded in unison, and they were both looking her up and down, which made her VERY uncomfortable. She rolled her eyes and pretended to not notice while walking over to the bedside table and taking a sip out of her water, just to stay away from their lingering eyes.

"Anyways, we're here check your arm."

Kim turned back to them in wonder, and looked down at her left arm, not knowing what they were talking about.

"No, your other arm."

SE7EN snickered as he said this and she just shrugged moving her gaze to the other. Surprise was apparent in her face when she saw that a graze, rather fresh and pink, if not red, was on her lower arm.

"Don't tell us you didn't notice."

GD said that smirk of his widening. Kim only blinked at him in return and he waved the first aid kit in his hand over his head.

SE7EN watched as the girl slowly made her way towards his junior and sat beside him. Looking closely at the girl she wasn't bad looking at all, in fact his asian features made her look passable to be a model. Long, wavy, raven hair that stopped on her mid back, and a gentle smile that was placed perfectly on her face.

"Thanks for saving Gaho again."

GD said, a slight solemn tone in his voice while he wrapped a bandage round the girl's arm after dabbing it with alcohol.

Kim only nodded, being this close to GD was like a dream. Sure she wasn't one of those fans that would go crazy for him, but a fan is a fan and it made her blush when his fingers glided on her skin.

His hand was so warm and soft.

"So what brings you to Korea?"

SE7EN, being the older and more experienced person didn't let the blush on her face go unnoticed. He had always experienced that with Han-Byul and he always found that blush on his girlfriend's face lovely.

Kim snapped her head up to the man standing in front of them, momentarily taking away her gaze from her arm.

"A university. I'm done with my bacehlors degree. I'm seeing if I can get a masters in another environment. I did say I wanted to stay in my home country for my masters but my dad thinks I need a change of air."

GD was pleasantly surprised, it looks like Kim had the looks, riches as well as the brains. What didn't she have?

"So you're around... 21? 22?"

Kim glared playfully at SE7EN,

"Don't you know it's rude to ask a girl's age?"

SE7EN held up both his hands with a chuckle, forgetting about that rule, apologizing.

"But yea, I'm 21, turning 22 in November."

GD didn't know why it seemed like a fuse had gone off in his head and he had did a mental celebration that the girl was a few months younger than him.

"You're a fan?"

He asked cautiously, finally tying the bandage in a knot, tight enough to keep it together but not too much to hurt her.

Kim blushed and abruptly stood up at the mention of "fan",

"Yea, a big fan of Bigbang, actually."

She said this while flexing her arm, anything to avert their attention from her face.

"But I haven't had time lately to know what you guys have been up to. I'm been busy with my studies."

Indeed she was different from others who would scream whenever they saw Bigbang 3 meters away, she had an air of professional in her.

"I'm so sorry but I love you da geojitmal..."

Kim wanted to bury her head on a pillow as her ringtone continued to consume the room and she fumbled in her jeans to extract her phone and saw a very long phone number on the caller id. Probably her dad using a long distance call.

"Hello? Pa."

Kim rolled her eyes at her dad spurring Cantonese at her, and she answered in English just like she always did.

"Yes pa. I'm in a hotel. Someone called Mr.Yang provided it for me."

A pause on the other line caused Kim to raise her eyebrows, and after a couple of shuffling of papers, her dad started talking in a fast Cantonese pace.

"Huh? You know Mr. Yang? /Huh? Wait! You can't leave me here, I don't know where to stay!/"

In her surprise at the information she had switched from English to Cantonese. Her dad had just told her that he and Mr.Yang Hyun Suk were acquaintances and he wanted her to stay there for a few more and try to find a way to repay him.

Before she could answer, her dad had hung up like the busy person he is and she sighed in slight annoyance. Why did she not know about these things.

Her dad didn't even know that G-Dragon was trying to repay here, not the other way around. But it would be complicated. Knowing her dad, he probably didn't know anything about Korean boy bands and the such.

She sighed, maybe she depended on her dad too much. I mean she IS in college, but still she never tried living on her own. Maybe this was what frightened her most.

"I guess I'm staying here for a while."

She had to learn to stand on her own two feet.

"That so...? Then maybe we should bring you to the YG building."

Kim shook her head furiously, this was too much. As much as she wanted to meet Bigbang it wasn't right to intrude into their property or space. Meeting 2ne1 would be quite great too, but it wasn't really the point right now.

"I think I've intruded enough in your space, please thank Mr. Yang for me too."

Kim said, rubbing her bandaged arm in slight embarrassment.

"But do you have anywhere to stay?"

Kim opened in an attempt to answer, only to close it again in deep thought. No, she had nowhere to go and that caused her to panic a little.

GD chuckled and stood with the first aid kit in hand,

"Then that settles it, you'll come with us to the building. Besides, your dad is an acquaintance of President right?"

Yea, if they're OOC don't blame me, I mean I haven't met them in person, I'm only assuming it like that.

But from what I've seen around here, they always portray GD as a playboy, I don't really see why, but I'm sure he's not that bad.

The words between // are spoken in Cantonese.

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bringbringtelephone #1
bigbang yayy!!
m0zarts0nata-- #2
I'm loving this story!<br />
It's very well written, please update soon~ ^^<br />
butterfly555 #4
omo just read this in one go and im so curious as to what next UPDATE SOON PLZ