Cherry blossom

Yoonhae roller coaster


  - Mom please! Yoona’s eyes were teary. If he needs help, he must receive it now, you know that!

Mrs. Im looked into her daughter’s eyes and saw her eyes feeling with determination. She was still a child, but at that moment she acted like an adult. The woman nodded.

- Yes, let’s go.


Both of them entered the room and Yoona saw her dad trying hard to put his jacket on. By his slow movements they could guess how much effort he needed to do that. 

- Dad!

- Yeobo!

Mr. Im turned around at the sound of their voice. Yoona noticed how pale he was.

- Sweetie!

Both Yoona and her mom hurried to give him their support by taking his hand and helping him walk to the bed.

- Yeobo, what are you doing? You have to be lying on the bed! Mrs. Im was thinking how stubborn her husband is.

Mr. Im tried to stop them.

Girls, wait a moment, I need to go.

Yoona looked at him with surprise.

- Dad, what are you talking about?

- I have to go to the presentation. He barely finished the sentence when a wave of pain overwhelmed him and he gasped in pain again.

Yoona looked at him with concern and fear, but the expression changed the next moment. There was no time for panic. She must act and do it fast.

- You’re not going anywhere. Seeing he wanted to argue her decision, Yoona added, No objections!   Now lay on the bed. She covered him with the blanket. Mom, give dad  some painkillers please!

- I already did.

- Ok. When did the pain started? Yoona put her hand on her dad’s forehead to check his body temperature.

- Sweetie, I feel a little better now. She felt he was burning. Yoona looked at him with reproach.

- - That’s not what I asked.  Why did you hide it from me? She knew it wasn’t the right time to talk about this so she took a deep breath to calm down. 

- I think we should call the ambulance. The girl looked back at her father preventing his objections. And don’t say you feel better.

- Sweetie..

- We’re going to the hospital.

Despise the situation, mrs. Im smiled noticing that Yoona is just as stubborn as her dad.

- Yoona, I took the painkillers so the pain will let go. It´s nothing serious, please, I have to go.

- Dad..

- Yoona-ya, mr. Lee is not just a client, he is my friend and I can´t let him down.

- If he’s your friend, he will understand. Dad, Yoona stopped trying to gather her thoughts, please think about me and mom. Her eyes were teary, for us your health comes first.

Mr. Im closed his eyes in resignation.



While waiting for the ambulance to come, Yoona was observing every change in her father’s expression. She was trying to stay calm, but it was hard. Memories of their past were hunting her. That day, their nightmare started just like today..

 Suddenly mr. Im opened his eyes and put his hand over hers.

- Sweetie, I have a request.

- Dad..

- It’s not what you’re thinking. I won’t ask to let me go. I know I have no chance. He smiled a little through pain.  Can you go and do the presentation in my place?

Yoona opened widely her eyes. Mr. Im saw that his daughter was shocked.

-  I don’t care about winning, but mr. Lee is my friend and he is counting on me. Besides, we always dreamed to build something together. I don't want to waste this chance, but I can’t go now, and today is the last day to apply.

-Dad..  She didn’t expect this.

- Sweetie, I trust you and I know that you can do it.  We discussed this project many times. He squeezed her hand with affection. Please help me.



Donghae got out of the house and walked to the garage. He was in a very good mood and he didn’t know why. But it didn’t really matter. He stopped and took a breath of the fresh morning air.

- It’s a new day. He closed his eyes and smiled feeling the warmth of the sun on his face. He stayed like that for few moments when he heard their entrance door. Donghae looked at that direction and saw Jonghyun coming out to go to college. Unlike Donghae, who was wearing jeans, a simple t-shirt and a leather jacket, his brother was dressed to the nines. “Our father’s perfect son” thought Donghae. He caught Jonghyun’s eyes and the brothers nodded in silent greeting. Once again he thought how different they were.

Donghae turned around and entered the garage. His bike was waiting for him in the same dark corner. He sat on the bike and started the engine. The loud sound filled the air but it didn’t bother him at all, au contraire, he enjoyed every second of it. For him, the bike wasn’t just a vehicle to move; every second was a challenge, an experience. 

He rode his bike across their front yard and saw Amber going out of house. He stopped for a moment.

- Want to give you a ride?

The girl frowned at him.

- I though you don’t let anyone ride your bike.

- I could make an exception for my little sister. Donghae smiled back.

Hearing his answer Amber shook her head.

                       - I’ll take care of myself, don’t worry.

He put his sunglasses and smirked knowing why she answered like that. The answer was simple. Amber was jealous. Jealous cause she also wanted to have a bike. Both knew their parents won’t allow her to have it for sure. Amber would have killed him if she knew that he supported his dad’s decision. “With her explosive character, it’s better to stay away from this kind of dangerous experiences.”

 Few minutes later he was riding his bike to the college.

Turning to the main street he found himself caught in a traffic jam. Since he was on a bike, he started easily manoeuvring between the cars. The traffic light showed red so he stopped next to a taxi.

Looking around his gaze stopped on the person who was on the back seat of the taxi. It was a girl, but he could not see her face cause she was reading some sheets placed on her laps so the hair was covering her face. From time to time she was making some notes with a pencil and he could sense that she was nervous cause she was chewing the top of it.



Sitting on the back of the taxi and looking through the sheets with the presentation, Yoona was thinking how crazy she was to accept her father’s request.

After she decided to go in her father’s place, everything that followed was like a dream. In 15 minutes she changed her clothes. She left back her jeans and the t-shirt and changed into a classical dress appropriate for the presentation. She took off the glasses and let down her long hair. Looking at her reflection in the window she noticed she was a little pale. She put on a little lipstick and blush to cover the paleness.

She was extremely nervous, but she must do it, for her father.

 The ambulance was here and the doctor was checking her father’s condition. She had no time to wait. The girl went to her parents’ bedroom, kissed her mom and tightly hugged her dad.

- I’m going to be ok. Don’t worry.

She nodded grabbed the papers with the presentation, the model and went towards the door.

- Sweetie, Yoona stopped and looked back, no matter the result, I’m proud of you.  

Yoona felt how all the doubts she had till that moment disappeared in an instant. She still wasn’t sure if she will do a good job, but she knew she will do her best. She smiled and promised to call them immediately after the presentation in order to find them at the hospital.


But now that she was all alone in the car, she felt her hands shaking.

- Yoona, you’re crazy! How are you going to do it? The girl realized she was talking out loud when she saw the taxi ajusshi looking back at her.

- Miss, you said something?

- I was talking to myself. I apologize.

Yoona looked back at the sheets on her laps making notes and nervously chewing the top of her pencil.




         .. Donghae was trying to understand what exactly he was feeling looking at the girl in the taxi cab. “What else could it be? Just curiosity”  He felt that he must see her face hidden behind her silky hair. 

He tried to lead the bike closer to the taxi, but the traffic light turned green so the vehicles started moving. Next moment the car turned left, but Donghae had to drive straight.  There was no way he could follow the taxi at that moment. 



Finally, the taxi stopped in front of the “LEE CONSTRUCTIONS” building.  Yoona got out of the car and looked up. The size of the building impressed her. The girl felt fear going in.

Riding the elevator she noticed how people were staring at her. With the papers and the model in her hands she looked too young for an architect. Getting out on the last floor she felt her knees trembling. With a shaking voice she announced the secretary that she is here for the presentation on behalf of architect Im. The lady didn’t show any surprise and told her to wait a minute. She left and came back in few moments.

 -  Mr. President and the others are waiting for you. Please follow me.

Yoona entered the room and bowed greeting the people present in the room. Everything was blurry and she could not distinguish people’s faces, but she wasn’t really trying to. She was too nervous.

- Let me introduce myself. My name is Im Yoona and I would like to present my father’s project for this social centre.

Seeing that no one is stopping her, Yoona put the model on the table and started the presentation.


- My father’s goal is to build one of the most representative buildings of the city, a cultural and entertaining place for everyone. A place where the people can share, learn and enjoy individually, in groups or as a family.


At first she started the presentation with a weak voice; she felt it could crack any moment. But then, little by little she regained her trust. It was her father's project, his pride, so she will do her best to not let him down.

She tried to look into the eyes of every person present in the room. She had faith in her dad’s work and she wanted to convince everyone. At a moment her eyes met mr. Lee’s eyes and what she saw gave her more straight. He was looking at her with her father’s eyes. A little surprised at first, but with admiration, pride and affection.


- The building is organized in a way to offer different proposals of culture, leisure and sports for all ages. Our construction represents a fusion between our traditions and the opportunities and capabilities of the 21 century

 Exhibitions, concerts, lectures, children's workshops, physical activities of all kinds, reading areas or just a place to have a coffee, we want to create not just a simple building but a social centre for all the generations, a place where they can develop through different activities and live beautiful and memorable experiences.

Yoona stopped, but then remembered one last sentence.

 - We believe that through this project, you have the opportunity to engrave your name not only in the city’s history, but most important in our citizens’ life.

            Yoona stopped to catch her breath. She let everything out, not forgetting anything. Now it was these people’s choice. And she hoped they will appreciate her father’s talent and dedication.

Thank you, Yoona-shi. The girl looked at mr. Lee. It was a beautiful presentation. Now I will ask you to follow my secretary to my office, I will come in few minutes.

Yoona bowed her head thanking them for their attention.

- Good job.

- Thank you, ms. Im.  She heard few of them saying and went outside the room leaded by the secretary.



Mr. Lee’s eyes followed Yoona till she disappeared behind the door. He was very surprised when the secretary told him that she will do the presentation on behalf of her dad. He had few seconds of doubt, but then remembered mr. Im, his dedication and commitment to work, and their dream to built something together. He knew he would not risk it.

Now he wanted to end faster the discussion with his partners and talk with Yoona. He was sure something must have happened with his friend if he had to send Yoona to the meeting in his place. One of his partners was the first to start talking.

-  Well we didn't expect that such a young lady will do the presentation, but the project is very interesting and well developed. The young lady was great in showing us the creator’s ideas and intentions. I think all of us think the same way. He looked around and the others nodded in response.   Personally, I would like to sponsor it.

- I agree.

- Me too.

- Then I guess it’s decided. Mr. Lee got up from his seat. I will contact mr. Im and will invite him to a next meeting where you could meet him to discuss the details. Thank you everyone. Now please excuse me.

On his way to his office mr. Lee was smiling happily. “He did it!” He was proud of his friend and glad that they will finally make real their dream of creating something together.

He opened the door of his office and saw Yoona standing at the window. Illuminated by the sunlight the girl radiated purity and beauty. He stopped for a moment. For some reason the image of the blossoming cherry trees came to his mind.

Now he understood why his wife was so impressed and kept talking about Yoona. An idea came to his mind and he smiled thinking how happy his wife will be when she’ll hear what he’s up too.

-  I have good news. 



Author's note: there is one more little chapter I will add before moving to another story. I know all of you are waiting for a YoonHae moment, trust me , me too :)))). But I just follow  the course of the story. I know it sounds crazy , but there are so many details I want to mention.. I hope you will still follow  this story.  And like it too ! :)))


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steiyoon #1
Chapter 9: I love your story, do you still have time to update? I really hope you have. It's a beautiful story, it's really good! Please update..........
demi_16 #2
Chapter 9: Ohhhh update more author :)
Chapter 9: please update more
putrilovefishy #4
Chapter 9: Can u still update this story???
I really love u'r story
update soon please
Chapter 9: I really really love this story of yours!
I am going to waiiiiit ::)
Can't wait to see your update!
yoondeer #6
Chapter 9: i really like yoona's character in this story,, :D
don't worry, i will still follow ur story,,
yoondeer #7
Chapter 8: i'm glad u update this fic.. :D
i hope there is yoonhae moment in next chapter..
Update its been forever now!!!
please update s0on~ ^^
please update s0on~ ^^