The lost innocence

Yoonhae roller coaster



Few years ago:


Smack! Donghae got a hit  on the head. Astonished, he turned around to see who it was.

-   Mom, it hurts you know!

Mrs Lee was smiling to her son.

-   Stop daydreaming!

He took few bites from his sandwitch, took a sip of coffee and stood up from the table.

- Gotta go!

- But you didn´t even eat properly!

-  I had enough mom.

-  Donghae, your mom waked up early in the morning to make the breakfast. Have a little consideration. said his father.

- It was delicios mom , but I need to run.

- Since when is he rushing so much for school? heard Donghae while running towards the door with the bag on his shoulder.

"Since I can see her there". Donghae smiled to himself. He was inlove! Inlove with a wonderful girl, beautiful on the inside and outside.

- Jessica.  He pronounced her name. Maybe it was strange but it tasted like happyness. Donghae giggled. They were friends for the last few months. She transfered to his school last year, but he was too shy to approach her. Thanks to Heechul one  day it happened.

If till then her gaze never stopped on him ,  that day she finally  acknowledged his presence. After Heechul presented him , he tried his best not to stammer, he was so nervous. He wanted to impress her with his sense of humour so he said few  jokes he knew.  He didn´t just  tell them but laugh on them too. He remembered how Heechul tapped him lightly on the shoulder. "Relax man", he didn´t say it loud, but that´s what he had in mind. He stopped in embarrassment, but then Jessica smiled

- You´re funny. Donghae´s face brightened in relief.

Since that day they spent a lot of time together, doing homework in the library, going to eat ramyun, or to see a movie. He was there for her everytime she needed him and he was glad to help everytime she asked for it.


In few days it was her birthday and he wanted her to remember this day as a very special one. He smiled remembering about his plans for that day.

Donghae met her in the corridor. She was talking with Heechul and it looked like they were arguing.

Hey guys! What´s up with this faces? Are you two fighting ??


Heechul smiled.

Of course not! How could we ?

Donghae turned towards Jessica.

-   Jessica, what are you doing next saturday?

She looked at him with a question in her eyes.

-   Why are you asking?

He wasn´t sure if he should speak in front of Heechul, but then he thought that they are good friends, and anyway Heechul knew about his crush for Jessica.

I would like to invite you somewhere.

Jessica looked at Heechul. They exchanged few looks. Jessica turned back.

I would love to!

Donghae was happy. Everything was going according to his plans.

-   Now I gotta go. See you later. Jessica left them.

-   I need to run too.

-  Wait Heechul hyung, Donghae grabbed Heechul´s hand. I need your help.

What is it?

-  Can you help me find a good restaurant?

-  Are you planning to take Sica there?

Donghae nodded. Heechul started laughing.

Well it looks like you want to win her stomack first and then her heart, right?

Donghae hid his eyes in embarrassment.

- Ok, mr Inlove, let´s do it after the classes are over. 

-  Thanks!


Later that day the boys went to different restaurants. Both of them were really tired but they finally found a place that suited Donghae´s expectations.

The restaurant was located on one of the highest cliffs of Seul. From its windows the people could see the city. Donghae was hoping that Jessica will like it. Once the restaurant was chosen, he could start to work on the second part of his gift.




Donghae called Jessica to decide what time they should meet.

I think we should meet at 7. What do you think?

-  It´s ok with me. But there´s one thing. I won´t be able to stay much.  I have to be at home at 9.30. It´s a request from my parents.

He wanted to spend more time with her.

-  It´s ok, don´t worry. I will wait for you in front of the "Sky Center".

- See you there.


At 18.30 he wasalready  there.  Waiting for her, he was smiling in excitement. Every 5 minutes he was touching the bag with his laptop and his smile grew wider. "I hope she´ll like my surprise". The truth was that he wanted to give her a ring. But it took too long to engrave the inscription he wanted. "I will give it to her later". 

She was late with 20 min.

When he saw her comming a big smile appeared on her face. She was stunning! He gave her a bouquet of roses.

Thanks! The flowers are beautiful. So where are we going?

-  You´ll see. Let´s take a cab.

After 10 min the car stopped in front of a restaurant. They entered the place and the waiter led them to the table at the window. Donghae helped Jessica to sit.

-  I chose this table so you could see the panorama of the city.

Jessica looked over the window. The sun was setting and it´s rays were illuminating the roofs of the tallest buildings.

Jessica finally noticed Donghae´s laptop.

Why do you have the computer with you?

-  I passed by a friend´s house to take something.


They had a wonderfull dinner, eating delicious dishes, chatting about different topics, their interests, their hobbies, the plans for the future. He was starving to know her better and was enjoying every moment of her presence.

At 8.45 they were done and since she needed to be at home at 9.30 Donghae wanted to have enough time for the second part of the night.

They walked towards the little park that was near the restaurant and stopped at the little platform. From there they could see the city with its lights. Donghae climbed on the wall, closed his eyes  and spread his hands. He felt like he could fly. The wind was blowing hard trying to get him back on the earth, but he didn´t move. He opened his eyes.

-  It´s beautiful right? He turned to see Jessica. He was happy to share this moment with her.  Thanks to her it was special.

-  There is something I want to show you.

- What is it?

- Let´s sit down.

They walked towards the nearest bench. Donghae opened his laptop and gave her the headphones.

- I prepaired this for you.

Jessica looked at the screen. "For Jessica" was written all over it. Then Donghae´s face appeared. He fixed the camera, moved to sit on the couch  with his guitar in the hands and started singing.

- Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Sica, happy birthday to you!

Surprised, Jessica turned to Donghae. He showed her to look back at the screen. The Donghae in the video continued. 


I guess now you understand why I invited you today.  I wanted to spend this special day with you and tell you personally Happy Birthday! Not only me, there are many people that wanted to do the same, so keep watching. 

One by one, friends, classmates, her parents appeared in the video wishing her happiness and all the best. Donghae was looking at Jessica trying to understand what she feels in this moment.

At the end he appeared again.

- Just as the others I want to congratulate you with you birthday and wish you to be always as beautiful , wonderful and special as you are. You have that something that makes me smile and I´m happy to have you in my life.

Donghae saw that the video finished. Jessica took out the headphones.

-   Did you like it ?

-  Thanks Donghae. I didn´t expected. Thanks for this night. It was wonderful. But now I have to run. Ok? I´m sorry. She stood up.

- Wait , I will walk you to the taxi. Donghae stood up to gather his things.

Don´t worry. I´ll go by myself. Thanks again for everything. See you at school.

Donghae was watching in confusion how Jessica  was walking away. He knew that she had to go back, but it happened too fast. “Maybe I did something wrong”.


         Next day:

Donghae was shopping with his mom in a comercial center when he saw Jessica sitting in a cafe with her classmates Tiffany and Sooyoung.

Mom, I´ll wait for you outside, ok?

-   Ok, I´ll call you when I´m done. Don´t go anywhere without me. Donghae smiled.

He walked towards the girls wanting to surprise Jessica. He was almost near them when he heard something that made him stop.

-   ... video, said Jessica.

-   He asked me too, Tiffany started clapping. He´s so thoughtfull. Donghae smiled, but  the next moment his smile disappeared after he heard Jessica´s words.

-  Well I didn´t like it. 

  -  But he tried so hard. 

-   I was expecting something else. What can I do with a video clip. I can´t wear it , or put it on my fingher right?

-   Sica you´re such a material girl,Sooyoung pushed her a little.

-   Yes I am. But lets forget about that. That wasn´t the biggest deception of the night. 

The girls looked at her questioningly.

-   I asked Heechul oppa on a date that night, but he turned me down. I went to his house after I left Donghae, but he didn´t open. I´m so mad!

-   I knew it ! Sooyoung almost stood up from her seat. I knew you like him!

-   Yes I do, but he doesn´t want me. I bet he does that for Donghae´s sake. Everytime I try to speak about us he begins to tell me what a great guy is Donghae.


Donghae felt how the earth is disappearing under his feet. "She doesn´t like me. She likes Heechul hyung."

He  turned around and run away.  What a fool he was to believe that she can fall inlove with him. How blind  to not see the real Jessica. Why did he  attribute her qualities she did not possess?

Sitting in the park he was thinking about this all over again without hearing  the ring of his phone. 


The first thing that Mrs Lee did after comming home was to call for Donghae.

-  Darling, why are you looking for him? You left together didn´t you, asked her husband.

Mrs Lee was worried. She knew that Donghae wouldn´t have left her at the mall without saying anything. She searched for him for a half of hour, kept calling him many times without getting an answer.  She was hoping to find him home, but seeing that he´s not there her concerns grew more. 

Donghae came back after 3 hours.

-  Donghae! How could you do that to us, to your mother, do you know how worried we were?  his father started talking the moment he saw him entering the door, but Donghae passed by without stopping.

-  Are you ignoring me? he wanted to follow him by the stairs, but his wife stopped him.

-   I´ll go. 

She knocked slightly at the door.

-   Donghae, I´m coming in. 

She didn´t recieve an answer, but she  entered anyway. She saw her son sitting on the bed with his back towards her.

-   Mom , I´ll come down in few minutes. 

His voice was shaking. She knew her son very well. He was hurt.

- Don´t hide your pain from me. She came closer and hugged him. Donghae hugged her tight. He started to cry. 

- I don´t know what happened and it´s your choise to tell me or not. But trust me , even if it hurts a lot right now , time heals everything. You´re strong enough to overcome this and I´ll be there for you everytime you need it. 

 -   I will never love again.

Hearing  his words, mrs Lee understood that she was right in her suspicions. 

- You weren´t ment to be. She patted him on the head. You won´t find true love easily. But it exists , trust me. 



Leaning against his favourite tree in the park Donghae remembered about that discution. He remembered how he wanted to change classes, even change schools. He knew it was childish , but he didn´t care. He didn´t want to see her,  remind about his humiliation. But after a month Jessica´s parents decided to move to USA, so she left, leaving behind a completely different guy. A Donghae that doesn´t care about a girl¨s feelings. “Love” , “trust”, “give” were words that were missing from his dictionary.  

Suddently his thoughts were interrupted by a noise that attracted his attention. It was the sound of a camera in the process of taking pictures. Donghae raised his head and looked around. His eyes met the objective of a photo camera wich was directed at him. Next moment the owner inclined her head  fixing something. He was waiting for her to lift her head and meet his eyes so he could show her that she´s intruding his privacy, but the girl turned around and walked away.  


-  You think you can get away like this? smirked Donghae. He stood up and folowed the girl with long chocolate brown hair.

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steiyoon #1
Chapter 9: I love your story, do you still have time to update? I really hope you have. It's a beautiful story, it's really good! Please update..........
demi_16 #2
Chapter 9: Ohhhh update more author :)
Chapter 9: please update more
putrilovefishy #4
Chapter 9: Can u still update this story???
I really love u'r story
update soon please
Chapter 9: I really really love this story of yours!
I am going to waiiiiit ::)
Can't wait to see your update!
yoondeer #6
Chapter 9: i really like yoona's character in this story,, :D
don't worry, i will still follow ur story,,
yoondeer #7
Chapter 8: i'm glad u update this fic.. :D
i hope there is yoonhae moment in next chapter..
Update its been forever now!!!
please update s0on~ ^^
please update s0on~ ^^