Shaken comfort

Yoonhae roller coaster


 Yoona was walking through the corridors of the college. It was so strange to be all alone within these walls where usually you could see people talking and laughing.

The hall was silent and empty. The silence was so piercing, that Yoona could feel its touch. Suddenly the sound of her steps on the floor gave her chills.

She should be in the class room right now, thought the girl, where everybody else were, listening for the teacher or dozing off lullabied by the teacher´s voice. But she wasn’t there with them cause she overslept, more precisely they overslept together.

The girl smiled remembering her dad almost flying on the stairs with his jacket in one hand and the bag in the other. It was hard not to smile seeing her usually decent and upstanding father with his hair a little messy, his eyes still puffy from the sleep and the tie inclined more on the left part.

Usually her mother was the one to help him with that and make a final check if everything was alright, but at that moment she was too busy running through the kitchen to make the tea and sandwiches for them.

- Darling, don’t worry, Yoona will eat at the college and I will have something at work, screamed  Mr. Im while putting his shoes on.

- Dad is right, mom. Mrs. Im appeared in front of them.

- But you didn’t have anything. Yoona saw that she was a little upset. She made a step forward and gave her a hug.

- It’s ok mom, don’t worry. We’re pretty late already so it’s better to hurry. She kissed her on the cheek. Love you! The girl opened the door and went out.

- Me too! Mr. Im also made two steps forward and embraced his wife. We’ll eat double tomorrow. He gave her a wink and hurried to follow Yoona.

- Dad, are you crazy to promise something like that? Yoona asked him once they sat in the car.

He looked at her with confusion.

- We’ll eat double tomorrow, remember?  Yoona reminded him.

- Oh that, she’ll forget it till tomorrow. He started the car. Yoona put her seatbelt on.

- Oh no, she won’t.


The girl let out a little laugh. Her mom never lets go of an opportunity to fill them with a lot of healthy food and tomorrow she has the official permission for that.

            She made few more steps thinking if she should go to the class or not. Looking at the watch on her hand she saw that the break will be in 20 minutes, so the girl decided to spend this time in the cafeteria, since she didn´t have her breakfast at home. 

Lost in her thoughts, she didn´t notice that a guy appeared after a corner and was walking in her direction with his phone heads on, typing a message on his mobile. She raised her head at the last moment, but it was too late, they bumped into each other.

            The books she was holding in her hands fell on the floor. Not looking at the person she bumped into, Yoona bowed in apology and leaned down to pick her belongings.

- I’m sorry. I wasn’t paying attention, said Yoona thinking how clumsy she is. Next moment, the girl felt how the person leaned down as well and saw a hand picking one of her books.

- I just wanted to say the same thing. Biane. Yoona raised her head and saw a guy with blond hair. He had a really familiar face and she was trying to remember where exactly she saw him. Yoona noticed the same kind of expression on his face. 

- Oh, he pointed his finger at her, I know you! He smiled at her widely. You’re Yoona, JummaTaeng’s friend, right?

Yoona nodded and bowed her head hiding her eyes, she still couldn’t remember him. He noticed that.

-  The cafeteria incident, with my friend, Donghae, remember?

Yoona looked away in shock. “friend with Donghae.., right, he was there”,  she thought for herself. She gathered her books fast and stood up. The boy followed her.

- Yes.. I remember now. Eunhyuk noticed that the girl´s voice was trembling and she was hiding her eyes. He wanted to ask if she´s ok, but someone interrupted, calling for him after the corner. 

- Eunhyuk-ah, where are you?

Even if he couldn´t see that person, Eunhyuk recognized Donghae´s voice and was waiting for his friend to appear in front of them when he noticed how Yoona made a step back and hid behind a column nearby. Her eyes were widely opened and she looked like a scared deer. “What´s going on?”

- Here you are . Eunhyuk took his eyes off of Yoona and looked at his friend.   I told you to wait for me outside didn´t I? Eunhyuk was lost not knowing what to do. He was surprised by Yoona´s reaction and a little uncomfortable hiding something, anything  from his bestfriend.

- Are you alright? You´re acting strange, Donghae made few steps towards the boy. There was no time to think, so Eunhyuk did the first thing that came to his mind. He put his hands in front of him screamed:

- Don´t move, stop right there! Maybe because of the shock, but it worked. Donghae stopped looking at Eunhyuk with confusion.

-What? Ya, what´s wrong with you?

Eunhyuk ran towards his friend and started dragging him back to the corridor he just came from. 

- Let´s go out and grab some air.

- But I just came! Donghae tried to resist. Besides we have a class in 15 min.

- There´s enough time, lets go !  Yoona heard Donghae complaining, but he still followed his friend outside. She came out after the sound of their voices stopped.

That was close. she breathed a sigh of relief  How long am I going to run away from him? Someday I will have to face him.”

- Anya, she put the hand on her chest trying to calm her fast beating heart, not today, today I´m not ready. She made few steps and stopped remembering how she embarrassed herself in front of Eunhyuk. “He will definitely think I´m crazy. She put her hand on her forehead.

- Why is this happening to me??




In the evening


- I believe that through this project, you have the opportunity to engrave your name not only in the city’s history, but most important in our citizens’ life.

 Mr. Im looked impatiently at Yoona, who was sitting on the couch in front of him.

- What do you think?

Yoona made a pause before saying something and saw her father looking at her with hope. She smiled and started clapping.

- You were great dad! She got up and came closer to the table where her father was 

 watching the results of their work, a building model.

- It's beautiful! said Yoona. She was amazed by her dad's work and she enjoyed the process of creating a project. Firstly on paper, and after, making the models, cause he was always explaining what exactly he was doing and what were its purposes and advantages. But the best part was to see the result, to see how months later, the little cardboard building she helped her dad making, becomes a real one and see the pride and happiness in her father's eyes.

- You're right, it is beautiful. Mr. Im turned his head to Yoona. He could read the same excitement in his daughter’s eyes.  It's like that thanks to you.

Yoona looked at him with surprise.

- Dad, I just gave you few ideas.

- Maybe, but they were crucial for this project. He turned back and looked at the model. I wanted to make a place where you, mom, our family could spend a great time. He made a pause. I hope they will like it.

- They're crazy if they won't.

- Sweetie, there will be few contestants, so it's normal that just one of us will be chosen.

- But you put so much effort in this.

- I'm sure everyone else also did, and I don't regret it at all, you know it. Besides, you were here to help me, Mr. Im hugged Yoona, and the girl smiled, I love when we spend our time like this. You're very talented.. but he couldn’t end his sentence cause Yoona interrupted him.

- Dad!! Are you trying to convince me again?? She slapped him slightly on the shoulder.

Mrs. Im stopped at the door for few seconds watching them.

- Both of you, go to sleep, now. She said that in a tone that did not accept disobedience. 

-  Yes ma'am. Both of them raised their hands in agreement.

- Tomorrow is a big day. Mrs. Im smiled seeing their reaction. She felt like a mom with 2 children instead of one.

Yoona looked at her father before letting go.

- They will like it, for sure!

Mr. Im smiled and kissed Yoona on her forehead.

- Good night darling, thanks for your help.

- Love you! Yoona approached her mother and kissed her on the cheek.  Love you mom.

- Love you too. Have a good sleep.

Both parents were watching how their daughter was climbing the stairs.

- We have a wonderful daughter don't we?

Mrs. Im heard her husband saying. She turned her head to look at him.

- Yes we do. She approached and took his hand. Now let’s go to sleep.


Next morning


- Yeobo, are you ok? Mrs. Im noticed that her husband wasn't coming out of the bathroom for a long time. Usually it didn’t take so long.  An idea came to her mind so she came closer to the door.

- Yeobo! she started knocking. You're scaring me.

She heard his steps. When he opened the door she covered . He was very pale. She could see he was in pain, but there was no time for panic.

- Lean on me. Let’s get you to the bed. She hugged him and walked him to the bed.

It took few moments to finally reach the bed. Mr. Im leaned on the bed gasping in pain. 


- Is it the stomach again? She was afraid of his answer.

- Yes, I don't feel very well. 

- You look awful.

Mr. Im smiled a little.

- Thanks for being honest darling, he smiled but then a new wave of pain overshadowed his expression.

Seeing that Mrs. Im decided to call the ambulance. She won’t make the same mistake again. This time they will take care of the problem in time.

- I will call for 119, she grabbed the phone on the bedside, but her husband stopped her.

- I don't have time for that; just give me some painkillers. In an hour and a half I have the presentation. Mr. Lee is counting on me and I can't let him down.

- Presentation?? Are you kidding? I'm calling right now.

- Mom! Both of them turned their heads to the door. Yoona was knocking.

- I know you woke up, I heard you talking. Can I come in?

Mrs. Im turned her head to her husband and saw how he shook his head. 

- I don't want her to see me like this.

Mrs. Im nodded. She knew very well what he was thinking about. She remembered that terrifying period when her husband was fighting for his life on the hospital bed. The constantly worries and concerns for her father’s life made her daughter lifeless. Mrs. Im shook her head trying to erase the image of that old Yoona, so pale, with no energy and interior light. She couldn´t bare to see her like this again.

- We'll come down in few minutes. Mrs. Im answered with a trembling voice. But it seems like Yoona didn’t notice it.

- You have to send her to school. whispered Mr. Im.

 - I'll give you the pills first. She entered the bathroom to look for the medicine chest. 

- Yeobo, please, go, I will take it on my own.

- Just do as I say. She found the pills and came back to give it to him.  I will go down and be back in few minutes.


When mrs. Im entered the kitchen she saw that Yoona already took care of their breakfast. The coffee that Mrs. Im loved so much in the morning was getting cold in her favourite cup. Mr. Im's green tea  and the cereal flakes that he loved to eat for breakfast, were already on the table.

- Where is dad? asked Yoona when she saw her mom entering the kitchen.

- He will be down in few minutes, but you’d better hurry for college, don't be late like yesterday.  

- Don't worry mom, today I don’t have the first class, and besides I have to kiss dad for good luck.

Mrs. Im looked at Yoona. She knew it's not going to be easy, but she must try for her own good.

- Let's start eating. Yoona looked at her with surprise.

- What about dad?

- Since it's an important day, I'm sure he will spend a lot of time preparing to look good in front of the client.

She saw Yoona looking attentively at her.

- Mom, is everything ok?

- Yes baby, of course. Mrs. Im answered without looking at her. With the corner of her eyes she noticed that Yoona set on her chair. But the next moment she jumped in surprise scared by the sound of a fallen cup on the table. It was Mrs. Im’s cup and with confusion the woman was watching the coffee spilling on the table.

Seeing that, Yoona grabbed a towel and started wiping it.

- It’s ok mom. I’ll make another cup for you.  Yoona looked at her mother and saw that she was still looking in front of her, while her hands were shaking.

Yoona felt panic. From the beginning she felt something was wrong. But she was afraid to believe in her intuition. She came closer and took her mom’s hands in hers. Yoona  waited until the woman looked at her.

- Mom, something happened with dad, right? Tell me..

Mrs. Im avoided her daughter’s gaze.

- Yoona-ya ..

- Let’s go upstairs, right now!  Mrs. Im tried to stop her, but Yoona was a little stronger. Suddenly she stopped and looked at her with pleading eyes.

- Mom please! Her eyes were teary. If he needs help, he must receive it now, you know that!


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steiyoon #1
Chapter 9: I love your story, do you still have time to update? I really hope you have. It's a beautiful story, it's really good! Please update..........
demi_16 #2
Chapter 9: Ohhhh update more author :)
Chapter 9: please update more
putrilovefishy #4
Chapter 9: Can u still update this story???
I really love u'r story
update soon please
Chapter 9: I really really love this story of yours!
I am going to waiiiiit ::)
Can't wait to see your update!
yoondeer #6
Chapter 9: i really like yoona's character in this story,, :D
don't worry, i will still follow ur story,,
yoondeer #7
Chapter 8: i'm glad u update this fic.. :D
i hope there is yoonhae moment in next chapter..
Update its been forever now!!!
please update s0on~ ^^
please update s0on~ ^^