First meeting

Yoonhae roller coaster


Yoona opened her eyes awakened by the sound of her alarm. The first few seconds she was confused looking around at the unfamiliar  room. But then she remembered that from this week on, they live in Seoul and this is their new place. She just had to get used to it.

She loved her new room. Just like the old one its walls were in pastel colours. It was very spacious. But what Yoona loved the most was her  balcony. She loved to go out as soon as she waked up to stretch out and say hi to the city and its people.  And one thing more, her bed was huge and she loved it.  The girl rolled back and forth few times and started laughing. She guessed someone heard her because after few seconds she heard knock at her door.

- Come in!

The door opened and her dad entered the room.

- Good morning sunshine!He gave her a kiss on the forehead.

- Good morning dad!

- How do you feel?

He was still a little worried that they moved so fast to Seoul and how this affected Yoona. So she wanted to assure him that she was fine with it.  She smiled to him.

-  I feel great!

- Your mom made our favourite pancakes.

- Really? Her  stomack made some sounds.  Mr Im laught.

- I can see you´re hungry. Let´s go then. He went to the door and opened it, then turned to Yoona. By his expression she knew what´s comming.

- Who gets there first, eats more!  and slammed the door.

- Dad!!! Yoona jumped from her bed and run out in the corridor, but her father was already on the stairs.

- That´s not fair! screamed Yoona, to what mr Im turned back his head and showed her his tongue.

Yoona started laughing.

When the girl entered the kitchen her dad was sitting at his spot pretending that nothing happened.

- Morning mom!

- Good morning darling. Sit down and eat.

- By the way yeobo, you have to give me more pancakes than to Yoona.

Mrs Im looked at him with surprise.

- Why is that?

- Cause I won.

- By cheating! It was Yoona to respond.

- There were no rules!

- Are you playing your games again? Mrs Im looked at her husband.

- You know  dad always starts it.

- You´re both one of a kind.Both Yoona and her dad lowered their heads.  

- Yeobo, you´re acting like a kid in front of our daughter. We are her parents  not the other way.  Yoona was barely keeping her laughter when she saw how her father pouted his lips like a child after beeing scolded.

She and Mrs Im burst into laughter at the same time.

-  Yeobo! Yoona!


Since yesterday Yoona decided to go for a walk to see her new college and the city. Even if they were in Seoul for almost a week, all this time they were busy with  unpacking and settling in the new place. So now , after finishing all this stuff, she could finally  dedicate her time for a little excursion. She was curious not only about the school, but also about the city itself.

It wasn´t her first time here. She and her father traveled few times to the capital before. Besides, last year she came here with her dance group for a contest. But she never had the time to appreciate the city.  Now that she lives here , she wanted to know the city better.


-  I could drive you there. said her father.

- Thanks dad, but I´ll pass. I´m big enough to find it on my own. Don´t forget about the Google maps. And besides, I will ask if I´ll get lost.

-  Ok , I got it. I thought you may need some company.Yoona smiled.

-  Maybe next time. Today I´ll discover it on my own.


After an hour Yoona was fully prepaired for her little trip. She searched through the internet and printed different maps of the city, a map of the busses and one with the metro stations. She said goodbye to her parents and went out.

     The city was beautiful. Even if she loved her hometown, all green with its small houses, Seoul impressed her with its greatness. The mixture of tradition and high tech buildings was unbelievable. She felt inlove with the Han River. Yoona was excited even about the thought of a cruise that she will make one day to see its beauty.

     But what attracted her the most were Seoul´s parks and the atmosfere of happiness in there. The girl was walking across a park taking pictures, capturing how some parents were playing with their children, others were helping their kids learn how to ride a bycicle, groups of people having a picknic or couples lying on the grass warmed by the sun. Every picture that she made was full of joy and smiles. 

     At a moment a tree caught her attention. It was a little away of the main road, an old one with a rich foliage and a swing hanging on its branch. It was strange, but nobody was near it,  like nobody wanted to share its loneliness.

     What got her attention was that this tree reminded her of the one they had in their courtyard back in her hometown with a swing on it. It reminded of her childhood when her dad would swing her and she would feel that she could fly.


     Yoona came closer and took few shots. She lowered the camera to see the pictures she took and felt satisfied. She will definitely come back.

     The girl turned around to continue her walk. After few moments she heard someone screaming.

        - Hey you! Stop right there! 

“That´s so rude”thought the girl. She didn´t turn around convinced that the person wasn´t calling for her. But then she remembered that she had to go back, turned around and bumped into someone.

-   Watch where you´re going! She heard the man saying.

-  I´m sorry, I´m sorry. She started to bow in apology. I didn´t mean to.

-  Of course you didn´t. I must say I´m impressed with your ingenuity. You wanted so badly to get an autograph from me that you played this little scene.

Yoona raised her head and looked at the man that was talking (author´s note: it was Donghae). “Is he talking with her?”. The guy was looking at her. “Yes, he is talking with her”.

-   Even if my shoulder hurts, he rubbed his right shoulder, I´m touched, but don´t do this again. And one more thing. If you want to take a picture of me, you better ask first.

It took her few minutes to understand what he´s talking about. Nonsense, complete nonsense. “He´s crazy” thought the girl and turned to run away from the crazy guy.

Hey! I didn´t give it to you! screamed the boy, but since Yoona didn´t stop he run after her and stoped in front of the girl.

What do we have here? You´re beautiful. He cupped the girl´s face, but Yoona immediately removed his hand.

Don´t touch me. She tried to pass by, but the guy grabbed her wrist. She felt how her heart skipped a bit.

Yoona looked questioningly at the guy.

-  What do you want?

-  You felt that too? That something between us? You and me, I think  it´s destiny.He winked.

Yoona ignored the little tiny buterfly in her stomack. She hated this type of guy. The one that think they could win a girl´s heart with some cheesy words and a wink. The type of guys so full of themselves.

She laughed.

-  Are this your pick up lines? You should learn something new cause this ain´t working.

She turned around and walked away.


For the rest of her jorney Yoona tried to forget about the guy that she met in the park and concentrate on the beauty of the city. She found her college and it scared her a little. It was a huge building with few campuses. It was very different from her old school so her fears came back with a huge wave. “What kind of life will she have here?”, “will she make friends?”, “will she be hated?” were questions running through her head. Well, she will answer them one by one starting with the day after tomorrow. One thing she knew, was that she will be quiet, she will get mixed with the crowd, away from the  troubles and complications.


After few hours of walking through the city she stopped at a little cafe to have something for lunch. While eating a sandwich she took her camera and started to go through the photos she made earlier. She stopped at the pictures with the tree and only now she noticed that there was someone leaning on it. It was the crazy  guy that talked with her. Watching the picture she decided to go back.

     In 20 min she was there. With a cup of tea that she bought in the nearest cafe Yoona was walking towards the tree, looking around for the crazy guy, hoping he´s not there. She smiled laughing on herself for her concerns. “Why would he be here? I´m sure I will never see that guy again.”

     She sat on the swing. Drinking her favourite strawberry tea the girl was enjoying the moment of peace.

     Little did she know that on the opposite side, leaning on the same tree, was Donghae, the crazy guy she met before. With his earphones in his ears he was writing lyrics for his new song.

     “I hate to be watched, I hate to be followed.

      With every  flash of your camera you take away a piece of me.

       You think you know who I am, you think you´re inlove with me,

  But what you love is an image, a fantasy. ”

         And she would “love” to know that she was the one that inspired him.


Few days later

Yoona opened her eyes. Today was a big day. It was her first day of college. A new college. A college where she doesn´t know anybody. Where nobody knows her. “Well that´s the full part of the cup”, thought the girl and jumped from the bed to get ready.

         She entered the kitchen and just as usual she greeted her parents. But her appearence caused quite a shock.

From her head to toe everything about her was different. Used to see Yoona in dresses and skirts now her parents were seeing their daughter wearing jeans with a  t-shirt of a bigger size that she was usually wearing. The new look was completed by no makeup on her face,  a ponytail and a pair of glasses on her nose.

-  Oh my God! her mom put her hand at .

After the first moment of shock Mr Im smirked.

-  I guess the old Im Choding is back.Yoona rolled her eyes.

I didn´t even know you had this stuff in your closet. She heard her mom saying.

The girl smiled. She didn´t. Till yesterday. She found all this in a shop and she will definitely go back.

-   Dad, are you ready? Let´s go!

-   You didn´t have your breakfast!

-  I´m too nervous. I´ll eat at the college cafeteria. I´ll take my bag  and come down.

-  Ok.


After Yoona went out of the room mr Im turned to his wife. 

-  Yeobo! Mrs Im wanted to say something, but her husband didn´t let her. He took her hand.

-  The things she wears don´t change who she is.

-  But yeobo!

-  Maybe it´s one of her experiments. Just let her be who she wants to be. We decided that a long time ago and she never failed us. Right?

He saw that his wife was still a little confused. He was too. He didn´t know what caused this changes in Yoona, but what he knew is that he will support her no matter what. One day she will confess what´s in her mind. But till then he will be the silent observer ready to help her if she´ll ask for it.

You´re right. Let´s see how this will end. Our daughter never fails to impress right? Mr Im smiled to his wife. She was right.

Yoona came in and kissed her mom.

-  Have fun in colledge!

-  Thanks mom!


In the car, while driving, mr Im looked at his daughter again.

Next time when you´ll decide to do something like this, let us know in advance. You know your mom is very sensible.

Yoona started laughing.

Don´t worry dad. I know what you´re thinking. I´m fine. I just want to try something.  

 - Beware teachers and students! Im Choding is comming to your colledge.

They both started laughing.


Do you need me to come with you ? His car stopped at the gates of the colledge.

Thanks dad, I´m big enough to handle it on my own.

-  I trust you. Have fun! He kissed her forehead.

Yoona walked a little , turned around and waved to her dad.

-  I love you sweety.Mr Im drove his car away from the college.


After few minutes Yoona found the teachers office. She presented herself and asked for her classes schedule. She met Gangta sunbaenim that was their homeroom teacher. Maybe because he was young she felt confortable with him.               Walking through the corridors of the college and showing her around he spotted someone and called her.

-  Taeyeon- shi!

      -  Good morning sunbaenim!A bright girl greeted him.

-  This is Yoona-shi. From now on she will be a student here.

The girls greeted each other. Yoona looked attentive at the girl. She was glad to feel positive vibes from Taeyeon.

Can you take care of her and show her the colledge?

-  Yes, of course sunbanim.

The teacher left them in an awkward silence. Yoona wanted to break the ice, but Taeyeon was the first to do it.

So you´re an art student just  like me?

-  Yes, I love theatre and music.  And you?

-  My choise is painting and sculpture. But I love to sing.

-  Wow! I hope someday you´ll show me your paintings and maybe I´ll have the chance to hear you singing.

Taeyeon smiled.

-  How old are you?

-  I´m 20. I was born in may.

-  I was born in march, so you can call me unnie.

-  Can I?

Taeyeon nodded. Yoona smiled.

- Taeyeon unnie,  please take care of me.

-  I will. I hope you´ll like to study here.

Taeyeon showed Yoona around and led her to her first class.

After the class is over, I will come to take you. We will go to the cafeteria and I will present you some of my friends.

-  Thanks unnie.


One hour later

-  And this is our cafeteria. I´m so hungry, what about you?

Yoona smiled.

-  Me too. I was too nervous in the morning to eat anything.

-  Lets go then!

Yoona put on her board a sandwitch, an orange juice and an apple. Looking at Taeyeon´s board she saw that it had the same. The girls exchanged few looks and started laughing. Checking the room Taeyeon finally spotted someone.

-  My friends are there. Lets go.

Walking towards the wanted table and talking with Taeyeon about her first class Yoona didn´t noticed that a guy who was talking on the phone was walking in their direction.  

After few moments they hit into each other and the juice from Yoona´s board has been spilled on the guy´s shirt.

-  What the hell!He looked angrily at the stain on his shirt.

Yoona started to bow.

-  I´m sorry, I appologize. She felt how someone grabbed her by her t-shirt and her eyes met a pair of brown eyes, a face that she saw before. “The crazy guy from the park” She was shocked to see him. And here she was dreaming about a quiet college life.

How dare you?

Donghae, take your hands from her. Yoona heard Taeyeon saying.

“This can´t be happening to me”thought the girl. Yoona closed her eyes avoiding his gaze and turned her head to the left praying that he won´t recognize her.  

 “He won´t recognize me, right?”



P.S. I hope you´ll like this chapter. I´m not that good at poetry... :)). Stay tuned for the new chapter. 

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steiyoon #1
Chapter 9: I love your story, do you still have time to update? I really hope you have. It's a beautiful story, it's really good! Please update..........
demi_16 #2
Chapter 9: Ohhhh update more author :)
Chapter 9: please update more
putrilovefishy #4
Chapter 9: Can u still update this story???
I really love u'r story
update soon please
Chapter 9: I really really love this story of yours!
I am going to waiiiiit ::)
Can't wait to see your update!
yoondeer #6
Chapter 9: i really like yoona's character in this story,, :D
don't worry, i will still follow ur story,,
yoondeer #7
Chapter 8: i'm glad u update this fic.. :D
i hope there is yoonhae moment in next chapter..
Update its been forever now!!!
please update s0on~ ^^
please update s0on~ ^^