New encounters

Yoonhae roller coaster


- Are you hiding from someone? 

Yoona saw that Seohyun bowed her head hidding her eyes. An idea came to her mind. What if ..

- Are you hiding from Donghae?

Seohyun raised her head with a surprised expression. She started to shake her head in denial.

- No!!

- No? Two guys minus Donghae, the answer is obvious. So it´s the other one?

- Unnie.. Seohyun bowed her head again.

Yoona moved a little behind the column to take a closer look to the guy Seohyun was afraid of.

- He looks familiar..

- We had few classes together, whispered Seohyun.

-I remember !! That smarty brat ! 


Flashback. Few days ago.


      - Seohyun is going to kill me! was saying Yoona for herself while running through the corridors of the college searching for the classroom. She was late.

Yesterday she and Seohyun have agreed to meet at the front gates and go for the class together, but since Yoona´s parents left for Daegu yesterday , there was no one to wake her up so  she didn´t make it on time. Besides , because she was in such a hurry she forgot her phone home and couldn´t even send a message to Seo to apologize.

When she found the necessary door, 20 minutes of the class have already passed. She wasn´t sure if she should go in or not. It will be so embarassing to be late since the teacher will surely scold her in front of the entire class. Well , she deserves it today.

Yoona opened quietly the door and saw that the teacher was at the chalkboard with his back towards the door explaining something. Everybody´s attention was directed to him. Seeing this, Yoona decided to sneak in, to the nearest table, not in the first row cause it was too close to the teacher and he could notice that she just set there, but not too far either ,cause she could make noise trying to reach a seat,  so Yoona opted for the second row. Crawling she reached the table and raised her head a little to see where the teacher is. Since he was in the same position she quickly sat on the seat and put her hands on the table making the “I´m so interested in your class” expression, with her bag still on her shoulder. Relieved that nobody saw her maneuver she turned her head to the left searching for Seohyun, when she saw that on the next sit , at a little distance from her was a guy that was staring at her.

- Weirdo! He said that and turned his head to the board.

What?” Yoona turned back to the front trying to understand what just happened. “Did he just called her WEIRDO?” Maybe she did act strange, but to say that to someone you don´t even know, that´s rude” thought Yoona and turned back to face the guy but he was paying attention to the teacher. Seeing that, Yoona decided to forget about this little moment and tried to find Seohyun. Their eyes met since Seohyun was also looking at her. Yoona raised her hands in appologize. Trying to explain with signs that she forgot her phone and she was sorry  that she made her wait, Yoona heard the teacher calling for her.

- Im Yoona-shi?

The girl looked back at the teacher.

- Yes profesor.

- So what´s your answer?

Yoona was taking aback. She wasn´t listening. She looked back, but Seohyun was too far to help her. There was nothing she could do but apologize for not listening, She stood up to talk, but heard something. She looked at her left and saw that the rude guy was covering his mouth with his hand, but she still heard his wisper.

- 19th century...

- 19th century!She spilled the answer imediately, and looked at the guy with a grateful expression. “He´s not that bad after all”

- Is this your answer?

Yoona felt that something was wrong but still insisted.

- Yes.

- Well since the question was “What do you think about the modern pop music” I guess your answer is not correct. .

Everybody started laughing.

- Quiet! Im Yoona- shi , I hope you will pay more attention to the class.

- Yes, professor. I apologize.

She turned her head to the guy and looked at him with a withering glance.

- Kyuhyun-shi, what do you think? Asked the teacher and the guy next to her, the one that just made a fool out of her started to answer.

- I think the modern pop music lacks originality. Every new band or artist is just copying what other artists did. Music is not based on talents anymore, but on looks and money. I don´t understand how people can like this music.

Yoona was a little angry. “How can he be so harsh?”. The teacher noticed Yoona´s reaction.

- Yoona-shi, do you want to add something? 

The girls looked at the teacher with confusion. She didn´t expect him to ask her again. She turned back to the guy and saw that he smirked. “Does he think I´m dumb or something?”

- I agree that the music lacks originality, but it´s hard to be original when there are so many things done already. But what I think is that the modern pop music is diverse, because we are different, we search and listen for the music that fits our personality. So we should respect what other people like.She looked back at Kyuhyun with a “Take that!” expression.


End of flashback.


Yoona looked at Seohyun.

- Did he hurt  you ? 

Seohyun denied it still avoiding Yoona´s eyes.

- Then why are you hiding? It´s ok if you don´t want to tell me.Yoona took Seohyun´s hand. Actually she wanted to hug her, but knowing Seohyun she didn´t. She wanted to show to maknae her support.

- I will, but some other time.Yoona nodded. Unnie,  please don´t tell the girls, ok? She was looking like a child.

- Don´t worry. Yoona hugged the girl and felt that Seohyun hugged her back.

- Now lets go to the class. 


Yoona was still thinking about Seohyun and Kyuhyun when she got home.  “If that guy hurt her somehow, I´m going to beat him”

- Yoona darling!

- Welcome back mom! How was the trip? She hugged her mother.

-  It was ok. How was your day?

- Interesting! Yoona looked around searching for dad. Is dad home?

- He will be home soon.

- I´ll go upstairs to change.

- Yoona! The girl looked at her mother. Tonight we´re invited for a dinner. I hope you´re going with us.

- Dinner? With whom? Dad´s coleagues from work?

- No, it´s dad´s friend from University. They didn´t see each other for a long time. He invited us to his home. 

- Aaaa, ok, what time are we going?

- At 7 o´clock.

- I have enough time to take a nap.Wake me after an hour please. Yoona was already on the stairs when she was stopped by her mom. The girl turned back.

- Yoona!

- Yes mom!

- What are you going to wear?

-  Mom!

- I´m just making sure you won´t ..

- Don´t worry! It´s going to be fine.

- Ok.Sorry. Yoona smiled. She knew her mom wanted to ask her many times about her school look, but she didn´t. She was sure dad convinced her to wait till Yoona will tell them what´s on her mind.

 She remembered about the girls, about Seohyun, and about Donghae.   Was it a good idea?   



In the car. 

- So it´s your friend from university?  asked Yoona from the back seat. Wait a little, it´s the one you made pranks with?

- Yes , Lee Donghwa. Well he always was the initiator. I just followed along.

- Why I can´t believe it? Mrs Im said looking at her husband.

- Yeobo!!

Yoona started laughing.

- She´s right dad. I could say that from my own experience.

- Yoona!! 

Yoona moved a little to the front.

- Interesting if he acts like you, torturing his child . Dad also started laughing with her.

- Well he was luckier then me to have three kids to work his pranks on.

- Really?  

- Yes, he has twins, if I´m not wrong their names are, Amber and Jonghyun, and his eldest son Donghae. 

- Donghae? Suddently Yoona became nervous. “It can´t be”, but she regain her composure. “Seoul is big enough, with thousands of Donghaes, it can´t be him” but she was still a little nervous. After few minutes they stopped in front of a big house.

- I guess it´s here! said mr Im Wow, he wasn´t joking, his house is huge. By the way, dad turned around and looked at Yoona, it looks like you and his eldest son Donghae attend the same college. Maybe you know him.. Saying that he got out of the car.

Without understanding what she´s doing Yoona got out of the car and followed her parents. “It can´t be his house, right? ” The door opened and a couple greeted them. They exchanged few words and Yoona heard that her father introduced her. She bowed and felt how the woman took her by the hand inviting her in the house. They stopped in the living room and Yoona saw two guys standing there. She sighed in relieve when she saw that none of them was Donghae. “So it was just a coincidence”. She started to register what´s going on around her.

- Mrs Im- shi, you have a beautiful daughter. Yoona smiled shyly to Mrs Lee.

- Thank you.

- Yoona-shi, Mr. Lee led her to the two guys standing in the room, let me introduce you my youngest son Jonghyun. Yoona and Jonghyun bowed to eachother. And this is Taemin, his friend and classmate. My daughter Amber and my eldest son Donghae are not here yet.

Hearing that, Yoona became nervous again. Her worst fear may come reality. Why they keep meeting? The first encounter was a coincidence, but it seems that fate is joking on her, throwing in her way the person she doesn´t want to see the most.. She was lucky to not be recognized that time, maybe because of her new look, but she was sure that this time she can´t hide.

But then her attitude suddently changed. Why she has to be afraid of him? They are just two strangers. It is possible that he won´t recognize her at all.

         - Darling were you talking about Donghae? Mrs Lee approached them.  

         - Yes, I was just telling Yoona that she will meet him later.

         - He just called and apologized for not making to the dinner. I´m sorry Yoona-shi, she looked at Yoona, I guess you will meet him some other time. 

         - Why you didn´t call me ?  

         - Yeobo, he´s really sorry. Let´s just forget about this and enjoy the dinner with our guests. 

Once again Yoona couldn´t believe her luck. She knew that sooner or later they will meet. But that didn´t matter right now. She will figure it out somehow. Suddently she noticed someone else´s presence.

- Good evening!

- Amber! Come closer, I will introduce you. The girl approached them and bowed to Yoona´s parents.

- This is my daughter Amber. Amber, this is Mr. Im , a friend from University, his wife and this is their daughter Yoona-shi. Yoona came closer.

Amber bowed in greeting. She raised her head and her gaze stopped on Yoona scanning her a little. Yoona smiled seeing that the girl didn´t like what she saw. Maybe because her appearance was so different, you could say they were each other´s opposites. Yoona with an elegant dress, high-heels and make-up, and Amber, with a short haircut, jeans, a hoodie, snikers and no make- up.


The dinner was quite funny. The dads were reminiscing about their university life, all the funny moments they had, and their wifes were complaining about their sometimes childish behaviour. It looks that the two friends didn´t change since their student years. Yoona noticed that  Mrs and Mr Lee´s relationship was very similar to her parents´ , bickering all the time, but she could see how much they love and respect each other. Jonghyun was very quiet, Taemin was also a little shy. The person Yoona was curious about the most was Amber.


- You have a beautiful daughter Mrs Im. She´s so feminine, continued Mrs Lee, I wish our Amber would be like that, but she is the definition of tomboyish girl. She hates the dresses and the skirts and is not interested at all with cosmetics.

- Mom! Don´t start it again! 

- Together with her older brother they make the rebel team of our family, added Mr Lee.

Yoona smiled. Sometimes she acted like a tomboyish girl too, but without the dresses and skirts hatred. She looked at her parents and saw that both of them were smiling. She knew they were thinking about the same thing.

- We´re big enough to decide our future. At this age the interference of the elders could inhibit our personality.

- Amber !  Mrs Lee tried to stop her daughter.

- No, please let her finish, just like Yoona, her dad was curious about Amber.

Seeing that they are listening for her, Amber continued.

- As I said we´re big enough to discern between the good and the bad. We  grow and we do this by learning what´s around us. We´re not the helpless children that can´t do a step without parents´ help. We want to go on our own, express ourselves  the way we want to. 

- I think she is right. We decided to have this kind of relation with Yoona. The best way to educate our child is on her own mistake. Like this she will understand what´s good and what´s bad for her. 

- It´s not that I´m against your hobby. Mrs Lee tried to explain herself. 

- It´s not just a hobby mom.

- Ok, ok. But rapping? I want to see my daughter wearing dresses and skirts, go out for shopping together. Am I asking too much? 

Everybody started laughing.

- You have Jonghyun to go shopping. As for the skirts and dresses, there is a solution. Marry Donghae and you´ll have your daughter in law for that. Yoona-shi for example. She´s a good candidate. 

Yoona opened widely her eyes. How could this dinner change into a discussion of her marriage.

- They are too young. Mrs Lee said with a note of doubt in her voice.

- I´m not saying they have to marry right away.

- I´m sorry, can we change the subject? Yoona didn´t know how else she could stop this embarassing discussion. Everybody at the table understood how she felt so they started to talk about architecture and construction business. Yoona sight in relieve.

Payback time!” thought Amber.


Flashback. Few hours ago.


- Amber, are you crazy???Amber was smiling at her brother´s shocked expression. Dad will freak out! I´m not saying anything about mom, she will faint for sure!

What caused this reaction was that  she got her septum pierced. She wanted to go for a nose ring , but since it was too obvious, she prefered the septum retainer cause she could flipp it up into the nostril, so it couldn´t be seen at all at home and show it when she was somewhere out.  

- You´re not gonna tell them, right?

- Of course I won´t. Or it will become a huge scandal. Just be carefull so nobody home will see it.

      Amber was laughing when something on the table got her attention. It was a flyer, a flyer for a tonight concert with some  local rock bands that she liked .

         - Oppa? Donghae looked at her. Are you going for this concert? She raised her hand with the flyer between her fingers. Donghae knew she will be mad.

         - Kyuhyun invited me. We are going with the boys.

         - What about me ?

          - Not this time Am. Besides, you have to be home tonight. The dinner, remember? It´s enough that I won´t be there.

         - You mean I have to stay at a boring dinner when I could enjoy the atmosphere in a rock concert? And more, I have to cover your ?

         - I covered yours so many times! And you just asked me to do it again! Sorry Am, but this time you have to do this. Amber!

He called for her but she went out of the room slamming the door.

She´s mad.”


End of flashback.


Amber smiled for herself. Now Donghae will have a little hard time with their mom trying to persuade him. It´s not that she took this idea in serious, but she will definitely nag him for a while. “That´s for not taking me to the concert!”

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steiyoon #1
Chapter 9: I love your story, do you still have time to update? I really hope you have. It's a beautiful story, it's really good! Please update..........
demi_16 #2
Chapter 9: Ohhhh update more author :)
Chapter 9: please update more
putrilovefishy #4
Chapter 9: Can u still update this story???
I really love u'r story
update soon please
Chapter 9: I really really love this story of yours!
I am going to waiiiiit ::)
Can't wait to see your update!
yoondeer #6
Chapter 9: i really like yoona's character in this story,, :D
don't worry, i will still follow ur story,,
yoondeer #7
Chapter 8: i'm glad u update this fic.. :D
i hope there is yoonhae moment in next chapter..
Update its been forever now!!!
please update s0on~ ^^
please update s0on~ ^^