The Time


Jonghyun stood in the middle of the Bakery, jaw dropped and eyes glued to the clock. The Bakery was dead; not a single person was there...Including that pretty nameless guy that he had leant his favorites clothes (plus Minho's jeans)  too. He handnt shown up and there was a grand total of ten minutes to closing. Jonghyun doubted he would be showing up. No matter how badly he wanted him too, no matter how badly he wanted to at least know his name or where he was from. It was starting to get dark and Jonghyun knew this guy wouldnt be willingly walking back to the Bakery alone in the dark- Again.
"Hyung, calm down."
Jonghyun shot Minho a glare before tilting his head as he realized he had somehow ended up by the counters. How the heck had he walked over there without even noticing?! WHY WASNT THE GUY THERE YET?! WHY WAS THERE BREAD CRUMBS ON THE DISPLAY CASE?!
As Jonghyun reached out to swipe the offending crumbs away, a deep voice interrupted him.
"Hyung. I can hear your thoughts screaming from here."
Jonghyun huffed irritabely and slapped away the crumbs before stomping over to sit on the counter; just the way Minho always told him not too because it was "disgusting and childish". But really, he just wanted to annoy someone and Minho was the only person in eye sight.
"Shuddup, you giant freak."
There was a snort from the kitchen, followed by a round of loud deep laughter. Jonghyun didnt resist the sudden urge to put his feet on the counter along with his bottom. That would surely teach Minho a lesson.
"YAH! Get your off the counter!"
This time Minho's head popped up over the divider with a warning in both his features and voice.
Without a second thought Jonghyun layed down, arms folded behind his head and one knee propped up on his other- And then there was a loaf of over cooked bread (or was that a brick?) flopping onto his stomach, almost knocking the wind out of him.
He shot up, bread falling into his lap, and proceeded to throw handfuls of crumpled napkins and tooth picks at the divider- which mind you Minho wasnt even behind anymore- with a frown on his face. He didnt have to be sulking like he was, he knew he was just being childish. But this guy was Korean....and pretty....and they didnt get many guys like that! He was snarky and beautiful and cute and he was all kind of perfect....He was worth throwing more than just one hissy fit over. Plus he had Jonghyun's favorite hoody.
He had to come back.
"You know what Jonghyun-"
Just as Minho had furrowed his brows and looked more than about to start yelling, there was a familiar feline-eyed boy standing just outside of the door holding a bag. Jonghyun felt his heart seize and his eyes go all glazed and dreamy because holy crap he actually came back?! 
"Uh, Hyung why did you lock the doors early?"
"I didn't!"
Upon hearing a rather impatient knocking sounding from the door Jonghyun shot off of the counter and was twisting the lock on the door in record time, ignoring Minho snickering, and flinging said door open a little too enthusiastically. If the look on-
"My's Kibum."
Oh. Kibum.
"So you finally decide to grace me wi-"
"Us, Jonghyun."
"-.....I'm sorry, US, with your presence...Kibum."
The second that name left his lips Jonghyun felt light headed. His name was Kibum and he was pretty and cute and Korean and perfect and he even dressed well
"Jonghyun here, your clothes?"
All Jonghyun could do was nod dumbly and extend a hand, which ended up brushing against Kibum's wrist and ooooh my God his skin is soft.
So, so soft.
So pretty.
"I'm sorry but can I correct you?"
Jonghyun snapped his head up as Minho's laughter rang through his ears- And crap Kibum was looking at him like he was ready to kill him. But that was ok because it was kind of cute the way his eyebrows furrowed and his eyes narrowed and his lips pursed into a pout. He had to resist the urge to smoosh Kibum's cheeks together and coo at him. Which was hard seeing as he was just so damn adorable.
"I am not pretty, I am not a girl. You either call me handsome, hot, y, whatever. Just not pretty. Or beautiful!"
Jonghyun snapped his jaw shut as Kibum added on that last one- He had been just about to say "Does beautiful count? Because you are totally beautiful." But hey y worked....too...wait was Kibum giving him permission to hit on him? Was that his way of saying he wanted Jonghyun to hit on him?! That could so work for him.
"y it is, then!"
Kibum flushed a shade of pink that Jonghyun decided he rather liked, and ground his teeth together as he stormed past Jonghyun and into the Bakery and- woah woah wait why was he going- WHY WAS HE GOING UPSTAIRS?!
Minho watched Kibum storm by with wide eyes, raising an eyebrow at Jonghyun and nodding his head urgently toward the Employee's Only door. Jonghyun stood in the front door dumbly for a few seconds before jolting out of his reveree and shook his head before he scramled his way in front of Kibum to fling his arms across the doorway dramatically. Kibum looked anything but amused as he stopped in his tracks.
"Why are you going up there?!"
Kibum rolled his eyes impatiently and reached out for the doorknob that Jonghyun oh so convieniently threw his own hand over.
"I left my glasses in your bathroom from yesterday, Jonghyun."
Minho burst into yet another failed-to-her snicker as Jonghyun backed off and hung his head in ....embarrassment...why the heck was he embarrassed? He had no reason to be! Kibum had already( Kibum...his name was Kibum. hehehehehe) been up there, seen his Bathroom Kitchen and Living Room and probably a peek of his Bedroom. Hed already seen it so why did it feel like Jonghyun was letting a lover into his apartment for the first time? Like he was going to be judged and scolded for leaving his work clothing strown out all over his floor? 
He watched Kibum pull the door open and head up the stairs, so of course he followed.  He was embarrassed for no reason, nervous for no reason, oh God what was this guy doing to him? He didnt even know where he was from, how old he was, if he was even gay! All he knew was his name and he had just learned that not three minutes ago.
Kibum slipped past the kitchen without so much as looking at it, much to Jonghyun's relief, and headed straight for the bathroom- wait the bathroom.
Jonghyun felt like his eyes would pop out of his head if his face got any closer to Kibum's. If his body so much as twitched because holy he was on top of Kibum, in his hallway, and Kibum smelt really really good and felt really good and now he really regretted pouncing on him before he could reach for the doorknob to the bathroom. 
"What...the heck? Jonghyun get off! ! ! HELP ME!"
In a matter of mere seconds he felt the body beneath his own shake with laughter. He vaguely wondered why, as he was shoved off and onto the floor as Kibum rolled onto his side and clutched his stomach, laughing to the point of almost tears.
Jonghyun didnt understand.
Not one bit.
Did Kibum want his face to be eaten off by his Noona's dog? Well, did he?!
Kibum continued laughing, which in a way made Jonghyun want to laugh really badly because even Kibum's laugh was unique just like he was. So Jonghyun laughed too, without really knowing what Kibum was laughing at- before he was told, bluntly, that what he had said could be taken so, so dirty. He kind of really wanted to die.
But then Kibum stumbled to his feet and wiped his eyes before opening the door-
"Kibuuuum, I told you not tooooo!"
Out came a little Dashound, scampering its way into Jonghyun's bedroom to return to the shredding of his sheet music that had been oh so tasty that morning- tasty enough to get the little devil locked in the bathroom on timeout. All Kibum did was coo and follow after the puppy, ignoring Jonghyun's whinning, clapping his hands and bending over to be closer to eye level. Into Jonghyun's bedroom. Kibum was IN his bedroom. Where he slept and-....Oh God.
Damn. It. All.
Jonghyun let his forehead slam into the floor, repeatedly, as Minho ran up the stairs and Kibum skidded around the corner and out into the hallway.
"HYUNG ARE YOU REALLY...going to ...Kibum...wait what?"
" my entire life."
A/N: OH WOW LOL WHY DO I DO THIS TO JONGHYUN?! Because its funny, thats why e u e
this entire chapter is nothing but crack! wtf?! I was trying so hard to keep this under control but hot damn did it get out of hand . - .
be excited that I posted this chapter because I was seriously debating if I should start over lol
Next chapter involves a few flashbacks, a puppy named Roo (e w e cutest lil thing everrrr if I do say so muhself) and a very very confused Kibum.
be essited you guuuuis ~ ♥
(and may I just fangirl for like 5 seconds of your lives, about how Key used to actually have muscle mass in his arms? because I never noticed before! I saw this pic and was like e Q e for about five minutres straight.)
Le arm moosclllllles and his smile and his always gaaaawgus hands that are so big and manicured ♥ Q ♥ and his cute dog too, of course orz it looks so soft xD can you tell im a Locket?
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{The Time} -- FINALLY updated! Working on the next chapter as we...type. o U o b


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Chapter 16: aawwwww Taemin's confession was so so cute, totally adorable, I can't wait to see Jinki's reaction, I hope it's good, love OnTae so much; I really hope that OnTaeKey are able to make up soon, at least Key can see why Taemin did and said what he did, even though it still hurts; can't wait for more update really soon. ;-P
Chapter 16: Asdfghjjkl
I hate the OnTaeKey drama thing LOL
I kinda guess they ALL stepped too far and said hurtful words.
But omg, Key is like... I guess getting obsessed with Jonghyun, a man he only met for a short period of time...Hmmm
Chapter 15: lmao @buttnugget XD hope everything goes well
Chapter 15: Awww!
i hope all this family drama issues will end @n@

I also read about your brother's first date -- they seem so cute! :D
Mind you, I would be squealing if I was you as well :P
GoofyElla #5
Chapter 15: Oww, good luck with the family drama. Been there, done that and it really >.< so haha :P
We can wait for your awesome story~ ;)
Don't mind haters and look at us WHO LOVE YOUR STORY :D
Chapter 15: just ignore them hun, actually for guy's that was pretty tame; I really hope that your family stuff settles down for you soon; ;-)
Chapter 14: OMO they are so, so cute, I love it;
Chapter 13: OMO, your brother and his boyfriend sound so adorable, good luck to them. <3 ;-P
Chapter 12: OMO I can't believe that Key did that, poor Jinki, my poor baby, I hope he's gonna be ok; and I really hope that he sorts his head out soon, his stupid family have him in turmoil over something he can't control; I hope him and Key make up soon too; Minho is just o sweet looking after Jonghyun, and poor Jonghyun, his poor hand, that must have really hurt, Key will look after him though. <3
Chapter 11: I love it, fantastic job hun; I wonder how their gonna work out who's gonna be who, keke; Minho is just so adorable, I hope he gets with Songdam, I think that they would be so cute together; poor Taemin, Jinki was really deeply asleep, or was he faking, and heard what Taemin said, keke; I knew Taemin would have taken Jinki sweatshirt by mistake, it's always the way when you wanna forget someone or something, something always happens to make you think about, and what better why than to be surrounded by their scent; I really don't like that he found ciggaretts in Jinki's pocket, I really hope that there's another reason and that he doesn't smoke those horrible things, and if he does that Taemin gets him to stop, and fast, I really hate them; can't wait for more, really love this. <3 ;-P