Chapter Three : Just Let It Slide, Ya Know?

The Time


Much to Kibum's surprise he was stopped before he had the chance to so much as touch the door handle. There was a small hand wrapped around his left wrist tugging gently, trying to turn him around. He was debating if he should pull away from the grip and make a mad dash to the Hotel, or turn around and be met with the shorter male he knew was standing behind him probably grinning his off; But his decision was made for him as his eyes met with a tuft of blonde hair and bronzed eyebrows.
"Hey, you don't have to go- I mean, it's still raining pretty hard out there...You're already soaked...Just stay long enough to dry off, besides your little comment didn't bother me at all I promise."
It didn't have to bother you, it bothered me!
Within five seconds flat Kibum was nodding, jaw slack and he was sure his eyes had to be sparkling because holy this boy could get anything he possibly wanted with those big, saddened puppy eyes of his. And then he was scurrying back to his seat when the male added a slightly quivering lower lip to the mix and he was so not going to deprive this guy of something he wanted. Ever.
He watched, slightly numb, as the other plopped into the seat across from him and rested his forearm on the table, dropping his chin onto the crook of his elbow.
"So, I should know your name."
Kibum narrowed his eyes.
"Why....? It's not like I'll be coming back."
The unguarded hurt look he got in return made him shrink back, mentally beating himself up. The guy may have been a bit...eccentri but that didnt call for being rude.
"I m-mean I'm only here on a school trip...So..."
"Oh, I see. Now tell me your name."
Kibum tssk'd and rolled his eyes, this guy really was oddly straight forward about things.
"Mines Jonghyun."
Kibum blinked in slight surprise; That name suited him, oddly more-so than Dooly. Which he was so going to call him if he had to keep refering to him as blondie or shorty in his head.
Jonghyun sat up straighter, eyes gleaming with misplaced excitement. Kibum dead panned.
"-I'm still not telling you my name, Jonghyun."
Oh, he liked the way that name rolled right off of his tongue. He was tempted to tell him his own name, just to hear him say it but decided to further for the fun of it.
Jonghyun furrowed his eyebrows, lips setting into an annoyed slight pout.
"I told you mine, now you're obliged to tell me yours!"
"And I told you-"
Kibum was cut off as yet another Korean-looking male came out from behind the counter holding the mug Jonghyun had failed to get down earlier, large eyes measuring him up in a rather intense way that made his skin crawl. Jonghyun tilted his head and raised an eyebrow, following Kibum's eyes-
That earned him not One, but Two face-palms. Especially since he jolted up out of his seat and got his apron caught on his chair, tugging his waist back as he tried to happily bounce his way over to this so called 'Minho'.
"Hyung you really shouldn't be speaking this way about customer's...."
Kibum instantly nodded in agreement; less flirtacious comments and gestures from Jonghyun, meant a less confused Kibum. Yes; he recognized his feelings, but not once had he even considered the fact that he could like the same ....It was shocking to even himself just thinking it, he wasnt sure how Taemin or Jinki (whoever he came across first) would take it-...ok so Jinki would probably blanch for an hour straight and Taemin would say something along the lines of "I knew it." or "YES I'M NOT THE ONLY ONE!". He unconciously tilted his head at the mental image that graced his mind, of Taemin flailing happily around his Hotel room before tripping over that corner of the carpet that was pulled up by the end of his bed....The one he, himself, had tripped on Four times before drilling it into his mind to not step there.
"But Minhooooo look at him, he IS pretty. How could I not talk to him like that, customer or not!"
Minho rolled his eyes at Jonghyun, setting down the mug of steaming coffee in front of Kibum with a smallo smile. Kibum looked at him. JKust looked at him for a few seconds, determining if his stomach curled and knotted the way it did for Jonghyun but he felt nothing other than slight embarrassment as the other Two realized he had been starring and were now looking at him with quizzical expressions.
Jonghyun was the first to break the awkward silence that settled over them.
"Well, how does it taste?"
After Minho had returned to the kitchen, Jonghyun stayed put simply looking around amused and humming lightly to himself as Kibum downed his coffee in an attempt to warm himself up. It helped for about Five seconds before he realized it wouldnt magically dry his soaking wet clothing. And as if Jonghyun could read his mind, he suddenly stilled the fiddling of his fingers and looked up at Kibum with an unreadable expression.
"You look cold. And you're wearing cold, wet clothes. And it's raining still....And we're closing soon..."
Upon glancing at the clock hanging just over the door, Kibum felt his eyes widen. It was already past Six. How someone didnt notice he was missing yet was a mystery; his cell phone hadnt gone off once since hed left, other than a text from Jinki asking for the medicine that was supposed to be a cover for his escape.
"Look, I can loan you something to wear but you have to promise me you will bring it back tomorrow. I can't just let you leave like this, all wet and cold and whatnot...I'd feel all kinds of guilty."
Kibum felt as if he were being treated like (more like saw right through) Jonghyun was trying to gain an excuse for him to come back again, instead of doing it to be nice. But he nodded none the less because he really was cold. 
Jonghyun stood up, untying his waist apron and tossing it on the counter as he walked by to slip through a door that read-...Well, something Kibum couldnt undertand but guessed meant something close to Employee's Only. 
A few minutes went by of Kibum playing around with the bracelet on his wrist, eyes locked on the door as he waited, before his mug was taken from in front of him by Minho- Who, for some reason, froze as he looked down at Kibum's face before setting the mug back onto the table and occupying Jonghyun's previous seat.
They sat in silence; not awkward, but not comfortable in the least. It was like Minho was trying to read him through his eyes, even if he was looking down at the table.
"I'm sorry for the way Jonghyun was talking to you earlier. He's a bit...How do I say this?"
Kibum looked up and smiled slightly.
"Flirtacious? Straight forward? Thick headed-"
Minho nodded quickly, waving a large hand as if to say he got the point before he started laughing. Kibum merely sat and watched as Minho doubled over and smacked the table a few times in great amusement before calming himself enough to talk between deep chuckles.
"That's pretty much it, really. Jonghyun has always been that way in a sense....Just let it slide, ya know? Don't hold it against him."
Kibum was about to fulfill the urge to ask just how he was suppopsed to do that, when the door opened and Jonghyun stumbled out with an armful of clothes. He closed the door with his foot, eyes smiling along with his lips as he sauntered over to the table and dumped the clothes in front of Kibum (carefully of course, as to not knock over the now empty mug in front of Minho).
"Here ya go! Jeans...Minho's...Jeans..."
Jonghyun glared down at said jeans before clearing his throat to continue, earning an amused snort from Minho.
"I doubt mine would fit you. Anywaaaaay theres a shirt and hoodie in there too, youll have to get by with wet shoes though so I hope you arent too far from where youre staying."
Kibum nodded as Jonghyun babbled on about the clothes, looking around for any sign of a restroom which he didnt spot. At all.
"Shirt probably smells like...Lavendar laundry detergant though, my Noona washed it-"
Kibum couldnt help but chuckle at that.
"Ok, so um I need to change..."
He had almost forgot Minho was there as said male spoke up.
"Go right through the door Jonghyun came through earlier, up the stairs and the bathroom is the second door on the right."
Jonghyun pouted off to Minho's side, eyes narrowing as Kibum headed toward the door with squishing sneakers.
"You mean MY bathroom!"
Kibum faultered for a second, blaming it on his wet sneakers. Jonghyun lived above the Bakery? HE WAS GOING INTO JONGHYUN'S LIVING SPACE. HIS APARTMENT. HIS HOME. He smiled to himself, for some odd reason feeling slightly giddy at the thought.
"Ok, uh thanks....."
His answer was Minho and Jonghyun breaking out into a playful wrestling match.
A/N: WOOHOO another update! I was actually going to update tomorrow but I got inspired so I was forced by my muse to update today.  
next chapter will involve Jonghyun flipping and Minho just watching, being the amused sideline watcher that he is. Yes that means a Jonghyun POV :O!!!! (also, that pic always cracks me up so bad o u o")
also, id like to thank all of you subscribers, readers and commenters ~ im really really thankful to all of you for even taking the time to read this, concidering the fact that i really only started posting this for my own need to get it out of my head....but now im like actually getting really excited to update and write, especially so i can see all of your reactions (which, btw, some made me laugh so hard i almost cried ♥) to certain parts of a chapter. So once again thank you, and i love you guuuuuys . w . ~ ♥
(( orz im like super awkward when it comes to this stuff so bare with me.))
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{The Time} -- FINALLY updated! Working on the next chapter as we...type. o U o b


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Chapter 16: aawwwww Taemin's confession was so so cute, totally adorable, I can't wait to see Jinki's reaction, I hope it's good, love OnTae so much; I really hope that OnTaeKey are able to make up soon, at least Key can see why Taemin did and said what he did, even though it still hurts; can't wait for more update really soon. ;-P
Chapter 16: Asdfghjjkl
I hate the OnTaeKey drama thing LOL
I kinda guess they ALL stepped too far and said hurtful words.
But omg, Key is like... I guess getting obsessed with Jonghyun, a man he only met for a short period of time...Hmmm
Chapter 15: lmao @buttnugget XD hope everything goes well
Chapter 15: Awww!
i hope all this family drama issues will end @n@

I also read about your brother's first date -- they seem so cute! :D
Mind you, I would be squealing if I was you as well :P
GoofyElla #5
Chapter 15: Oww, good luck with the family drama. Been there, done that and it really >.< so haha :P
We can wait for your awesome story~ ;)
Don't mind haters and look at us WHO LOVE YOUR STORY :D
Chapter 15: just ignore them hun, actually for guy's that was pretty tame; I really hope that your family stuff settles down for you soon; ;-)
Chapter 14: OMO they are so, so cute, I love it;
Chapter 13: OMO, your brother and his boyfriend sound so adorable, good luck to them. <3 ;-P
Chapter 12: OMO I can't believe that Key did that, poor Jinki, my poor baby, I hope he's gonna be ok; and I really hope that he sorts his head out soon, his stupid family have him in turmoil over something he can't control; I hope him and Key make up soon too; Minho is just o sweet looking after Jonghyun, and poor Jonghyun, his poor hand, that must have really hurt, Key will look after him though. <3
Chapter 11: I love it, fantastic job hun; I wonder how their gonna work out who's gonna be who, keke; Minho is just so adorable, I hope he gets with Songdam, I think that they would be so cute together; poor Taemin, Jinki was really deeply asleep, or was he faking, and heard what Taemin said, keke; I knew Taemin would have taken Jinki sweatshirt by mistake, it's always the way when you wanna forget someone or something, something always happens to make you think about, and what better why than to be surrounded by their scent; I really don't like that he found ciggaretts in Jinki's pocket, I really hope that there's another reason and that he doesn't smoke those horrible things, and if he does that Taemin gets him to stop, and fast, I really hate them; can't wait for more, really love this. <3 ;-P