Chapter One : 'Luxurious' My !

The Time


Jinki was about ready to curl up and die on the bathroom floor, stomach uncomfortably clenching and head spinning. He didnt care that the floor was rather dirty or that everything kind of smelt funky; He was sick of feeling well...Sick. Apparently he was not a person to be airborne. He wiped his mouth with some nearby (clean, thank God) toilet paper and dragged his feet over to the closest sink. He cringed at his reflection, beenie falling down the back of his head and his hair in a mess, his eyes were glazed with tears and exhaustion, said tears leaving tracks behind on his cheeks from where they slipped down. 
All in all, he looked and felt like .
With a tired sigh he attempted to fix himself up, failing and giving up, before there was a knock at the door. He turned his head and smiled at one of the School Staff, reassuring the male that he was alright and would only be another second.
When Jinki finally made it back out to the Hotel's lobby, he couldnt help but smile at the sight in front of him; Kibum was getting after Taemin, yet again, for napping on a chair. Poor kid was going to suffer from bad posture one day. And possibly cronic headaches from the amount of scolding and nagging Kibum loved dishing out. 
"Put your legs down! YAH! Listen to- Jinnie?"
Kibum dropped his amused expression and quickly moved over to stand in front of Jinki, hand held up to his forehead and brows furrowed with worry. 
"Listen to Jinnie? Kibum you aren't making any sense."
Jinki watched over Kibum's shoulder as Taemin wiggled around in his chair to face the two, his eyes going wider and his lips pulling into a slight pout. And then he watched Kibum ignore Taemin completely, tugging his lip up in a slight cringe.
"Jinki you're warm...This doesn't look like just a case of Jet Lag....Have you been staying up studying again? Yah I bet you were! Jinki you know how unhealthy that is!"
All he could do was stare at the younger with a dead pan expression, soon being joined by Taemin, as he ranted about just about every reason why Jinki could have been sick; From kissing a girl with Mono to a bus window and somehow contracting a sickness unknown to Doctor's and Scientists alike. Some times Jinki really did wonder how Kibum ended up that way...All dramatic and ridiculously nosy. Maybe he got it from his Father, seeing as his Mother was all cool and laid back. 
With a jolt he was brought out of his thoughts, Kibum gripping his shouldlers and his usually sharp feline eyes all large and drowning with worry.
"Uh, yes?"
Kibum narrowed his eyes, darting to both of his sides to indicate Jinki to look behind him. Oh...When did everyone start staring at them? Kibum leaned in to whisper in his ear.
"Jinnie, you look like death. And you totally smell like it too."
Off to their left Taemin held back a snicker, coughing lightly to cover up the squeak that escaped his lips. Jinki sighed heavily and nodded.
If a Hotel room was supposed to be luxurious and large....Then this place was most definitely false advertising. There was one bed, an old Television with antenas (one broken) and a small bathroom that looked tight enough to cause a panic attack. 
"Luxurious Hotel in Italy my ."
Jinki grimaced as Taemin flung himself onto the bed and huffed, a small cloud of dust flying up from the comforter.
Taemin quickly rolled off of the bed coughing, planting himself on the floor and shooting the offending comforter a sharp glare of disgust. This was so not the way Jinki had pictured his long awaited Senior trip. He pictured things to be a bit different, like for instance rooming with Kibum, the room being larger and a bit cleaner at least....Yet here he was in a tiny, dusty Motel-like room with the class trouble maker. How could things possibly get any worse for him?
That night was a bit- Or more than a bit really- awkward.
Changing in the bathroom proved to be difficult as he couldnt even stretch his arms out to get his shirt on properly so he ended up changing, back-to-back with Taemin, in the middle of their room. He could have sworn he caught Taemin sneaking a peek at least Four times before  he dove for the bed and told Taemin to take a pillow and sleep on the floor because god forbid two boys share one bed. Taemin sent him an annoyed huff and grabbed his pillow, surprising the older by leaving the room completely. Jinki didnt know where he was headed too but he was too exhausted to really process the fact that he could have just sent Taemin to his ultimate and untimely death. He really couldnt bring himself to get up and go after him as his eyes almost snapped shut with the need to sleep, limps going numb and mind quickly fading off to dream land.
He did, however, wake up when the rooms door slammed open and a very angry Kibum dragged Taemin in behind him, still clutching his pillow.
He sighed tiredly and waved them both off to go back to sleep when Kibum growled and literally chucked the youngest of the Three onto the bed before storming back out and flipping the light off.
"Hyung, your elbows is in my stomach."
"Then move."
"I dun wanna, too sleepy...Just move your elbow."
"No, I'm sick, you move."
There was a huff as Taemin scrambled to get under the (thouroughly dusted off) comforter, making sure there was no touching between the two males. Jinki happily fell right back into his sleep as Taemin grumbled to himself for at least Two hours before finally falling asleep.
Kibum's POV
"No Mom, it's...Uh...Great. Really really great."
As if. This place was a wreck.
"Are you sure, baby? You don't sound so enthusiasatic...At least not as much as you sounded a few days ago-"
"mom I said its fine. It's just a bit cramped and-"
Kibum glanced over at his roommate for the time he would be there, rolling his eyes as the male dropped his pants seemingly shameless.
"-.....Interesting I guess you could say."
There was a sigh on the other end of the line, an indecation that his Mother wasn't buying anything he was saying, before she spoke up.
"Kibum you can always just tell me. It's not like I will be offended or anything, you know that."
And he did know that. He really did, but he was afraid to say this outloud- Not to just his Mother but even to himself, because he trully did not want to believe that the entire trip would be like this. This was what he was supposed to be doing; Meeting foreign girls and eating the best Italian food he could afford, shopping and sight seeing....But so far...It was as if he were stuck window shopping. He could think about these things all he wanted but he would still be in this ty hotel, stuck with a ty roommate. 
"Yeah Mom, I know. I'm just tired so I'll call you tomorrow or whatever, I'll learn the time difference later."
Like tomorrow, while I'm supposed to be scowering Italy but instead am probably going to get rained out. With this luck, anything horrible was possible. Highly, possible.
"Alright...I hope you sleep well, Bummie. I have to go to work now anyway. MWAH! I love you."
With a chuckle Kibum gave his goodbyes before hanging up and dropping his bag onto the bed- ignoring the grumble from the male on said bed, face-first in the pillows and more then half asleep.
"Oh shut up, its not like I broke your leg."
Another grumble of incoherent complaints sounded but Kibum ignored them in favor of trying to pull out his pajamas without having to dump out his entire bag. He ended up dumping it out with a shock as there was a rahter noisy knocking at the door, followed by a very familiar whiny voice- Taemin was begging to sleep in his room, seeing as his own roommate was "being a , telling me to sleep on the nasty old carpet with mystery stains! I wouldnt agree to that even if he told me hed have with me after!"
The following morning found Kibum waking up to rain, of course, pelting against the windows loudly. He lay looking up at the ceiling with a foot not belonging to him rubbing against his leg awkwardly, eyes glazed and chest huffing with sighs. He had totally called it; This trip was officially not even worth trying to fix anymore. Although it did kind of lighten up his mood when he dragged himself to hang out with Jinki and Taemin, only to find the two in a rather compromising position. He had to swear on his life that he would never speak of them spooning after Jinki threatened to take his life with his own bare hands. And Taemin's shoe laces.


A/N: damnit i missed my own deadline by 30 minutes. well, I have a legit excuse lol my tire decided to be flat on my way home from Uni today, so I sat there trying to jack my car up so I could help this really nice dude who stopped to help me out....and i got covered in fire ant bites from my toes to my knees. how fun, huh? today was an interesting day - _ -"
but hey at least I got this crappy update up, yeah? 8D
im hoping this has forced my writers block to go away, but I guess tomorrow will be the judge of that, seeing as Im going to try to update again before tomorrow night ~


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{The Time} -- FINALLY updated! Working on the next chapter as we...type. o U o b


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Chapter 16: aawwwww Taemin's confession was so so cute, totally adorable, I can't wait to see Jinki's reaction, I hope it's good, love OnTae so much; I really hope that OnTaeKey are able to make up soon, at least Key can see why Taemin did and said what he did, even though it still hurts; can't wait for more update really soon. ;-P
Chapter 16: Asdfghjjkl
I hate the OnTaeKey drama thing LOL
I kinda guess they ALL stepped too far and said hurtful words.
But omg, Key is like... I guess getting obsessed with Jonghyun, a man he only met for a short period of time...Hmmm
Chapter 15: lmao @buttnugget XD hope everything goes well
Chapter 15: Awww!
i hope all this family drama issues will end @n@

I also read about your brother's first date -- they seem so cute! :D
Mind you, I would be squealing if I was you as well :P
GoofyElla #5
Chapter 15: Oww, good luck with the family drama. Been there, done that and it really >.< so haha :P
We can wait for your awesome story~ ;)
Don't mind haters and look at us WHO LOVE YOUR STORY :D
Chapter 15: just ignore them hun, actually for guy's that was pretty tame; I really hope that your family stuff settles down for you soon; ;-)
Chapter 14: OMO they are so, so cute, I love it;
Chapter 13: OMO, your brother and his boyfriend sound so adorable, good luck to them. <3 ;-P
Chapter 12: OMO I can't believe that Key did that, poor Jinki, my poor baby, I hope he's gonna be ok; and I really hope that he sorts his head out soon, his stupid family have him in turmoil over something he can't control; I hope him and Key make up soon too; Minho is just o sweet looking after Jonghyun, and poor Jonghyun, his poor hand, that must have really hurt, Key will look after him though. <3
Chapter 11: I love it, fantastic job hun; I wonder how their gonna work out who's gonna be who, keke; Minho is just so adorable, I hope he gets with Songdam, I think that they would be so cute together; poor Taemin, Jinki was really deeply asleep, or was he faking, and heard what Taemin said, keke; I knew Taemin would have taken Jinki sweatshirt by mistake, it's always the way when you wanna forget someone or something, something always happens to make you think about, and what better why than to be surrounded by their scent; I really don't like that he found ciggaretts in Jinki's pocket, I really hope that there's another reason and that he doesn't smoke those horrible things, and if he does that Taemin gets him to stop, and fast, I really hate them; can't wait for more, really love this. <3 ;-P