Chapter 2

PART II of T3SM: Sin

Chapter Two

“Since when did you get here?” Yo Seob smiled and handshake Doo Jun. Growing up together Yo Seob took Doo Jun as his own older brother even though he’s just a couple month older than him.

“I just arrived this morning.” Doo Jun turns to face you and smile, but you remain to stare at the ground “I was companying your sister today.”

“Such a gentleman like always.” Yo Seob shook his head and face you. “Why don’t you go on inside sis we got some man talk to catch up on.”

“Thanks for today. Bye.” You bow and quickly hurried inside.



“So I heard who this new girl of yours is?” Doo Jun asked me once _____ disappeared into the house.

“There’s no girl.” I said and my smiled vanish. The truth is you’re not just a girl, you’re my world, my love, my other half and my everything.

“Come on man, I heard rumors that you fell deeply in love with her and it’s not Jessica.” Doo Jun nudged me, but I remain still like a statue.

“No one special” I said and nudge him back.

“I never ask anyone before if they’re okay if I date their little sister, but since she’s your little sister… What do you say?” Doo Jun smiled and my smile vanishes. Am I hearing this for real? My childhood friend wants to date the girl of my life?

“Drop the innocent, caring and cool act Doo Jun. She’s not here you know.” I said to him and he chuckle. No one knew him more than I do; growing up with him and seeing him around with girls I knew how he played his games. I wasn’t that stupid to not know his little dirty games of being innocent, straight forward, cute and caring. His games may work with girls, but we, man knew he uses his dirty tricks to get into a girls pant.

“Oh come on. She’s not even your real sister.” He laughs and I remain my cool. My hands inside my jacket tighten into a fist as the thought of him with ______ boil my blood.

“The biggest player using innocence to get into a girls pant is after my little sister? She’s not even that hot to get you that excited.” I said playing along with him to avoid him on suspect anything between me and _____________.  

“You’re right, but I’m still going to go for her. She’s pretty hot to me, but what gets me more is her broken little heart.” Once I heard his statement I look up at him with surprised.

“What are you talking about?” I asked.

“Well, her mother told me her boyfriend just dumped her, so she’s in the process of healing her broken little heart.” Doo Jun smirk as he look at me “I’m going to help her forget that er that leaves her and the only reason why I’m doing it is because she’s your little sister and may become my future wife.”  

“What?” I asked, my eyes pop out in shock, my whole body froze and seems like the time just stop as I stare at him.

“Don’t you know? Your dad told me that he wanted me to get to know your sister, get closer to her and if she gives me a chance than your dad’s giving her to me which makes her my future wife.” He said

“What about your dad?” I asked knowing that his dad would want him to marry someone that’s classier for him.

“My dad approve of it.” Doo Jun place his arms on my shoulder and smiled. “What do you say I become your brother in law?” he asked and I fake a smiled. Unlike me Doo Jun never truly love a girl before, he doesn’t believe in the word love or even know how to love someone. I knew that if my father and his wanted him to date and married _____ he was just doing it because of their order. I can’t let him get close to _____ and I can’t let him married her because he is like his father, cruel and selfish.




Knock Knock

I heard the quiet knocking, but I remain still in my bed. I knew who was outside my door, but didn’t care to answer it. I was done with him, not really I mean I still miss him, but after thinking about it, it was also a good thing that he was able to move on so quickly. After a few more knocking the door open and shut, he turns on the lamp beside my bed and removed my blanket.

“What are you doing?” I asked looking at his somewhat angry and worried face.

“Stay away from him.” Yo Seob said and from the look of it I knew he was upset about something, but I couldn’t predict what it was.

“What are you talking about? Please get out of my room I need to sleep.” I stood up from my bed and walk away from him. To be honest I wanted to jump into his arms and kiss him through the night, but the thought of my mother’s happiness and the him all up on the other girl at school disgusted me.

“Stay away from him you don’t know him well enough and you’ll only get hurt at the end.” He grabbed my arms and pulls me closer to him. The scent of him made my heart shiver and all I wanted to do is wrap my arms around his body, but the way he is acting provoked me.

“Who do you think you are?” I said pushing him back.

“What?” He asked in shock.

“Who the hell do you think you are? You’re able to around with other girls, and I can’t? For your information I’m a grown woman and I can take care of myself and my business with other man is none of yours.” I walked toward the door and open it. “Now please get out.”

“________” the way he said my name almost made me forget my anger for him, but there’s no way I can forgive him. He moved on and I need to move on, this is the chance for me to end everything and start a new beginning in my life.

“Just get out.” I said and once he realized he can’t get my attention he walked out and into his room. Once he slams his door shut, I felt like my own heart has stop beating.  Tears finally fall down and I slowly shut my doors, just like how I’m shutting the doors in my heart. I won’t let anyone hurt me, not even him.



“Class remembers your project is due tomorrow.” The instructor said and once class was over everybody got up from their seat and headed out of the room. You slowly put your books in your bags and take your time unlike all your classmate. It’s been a while since you talked with Lee da and the girls, but you know everybody’s so busy and caught up with their own things. College is so different from high school, back then they always met up after class and hang out for ten minutes and now they don’t even see each other now.

“I don’t want you to go.” A familiar girl voice stops you in your track. You watch as she embrace Yo Seob and you couldn’t believe it.

“I’m already two minutes late for class, Jessica.” Yo Seob said his back facing you. Once Jessica saw you behind his back she smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

“Okay, see you later than.” She smiled and YoSeob walk away leaving you dumbfounded. Once Yo Seob left Jessica walked toward you with that nasty in-your-face smirk on her face as she approach you.

“Hey, __________ long time no see.” Jessica smiled checking her newly nails. “I told you before Yo Seob will always be mine and I will always belong to him no matter what. I knew he’d come back once he was done with you, you’re nothing but just an old toy now.” She smiled, pushed you as she walk away.


“What can I do to make you forgive me? I did everything I even got on my knee for you in front of everybody.” Eli asked walking behind Lee da as they walk the busy street.

“I told you I will never forgive you Eli. You can never change the past and the remove the scar in my heart, so please just leave me alone.” Leeda begged and walked away when the signal ‘walk’ appeared.

“But I love you and I regret it. I really do.” Eli said and held onto her arms.

“Let go of me.”

“No.” He refuses.

“Damn it Eli let me go!” She pushed him. “You know what Eli, stay here and kill yourself that’s the only way I can ever forgive you!” Lee da screamed with tears. She was tired of him stalking her because her love for him was growing again and she hated that feeling. If he continues on doing this to her she’ll fall for him all over again and go through the pain of loving him and she didn’t want to break her vow of loving him again.

“babe” Eli said in a hurtful voice

“Go kill yourself or leave me the hell alone!” Lee da quickly walked away and onto the sidewalk

“OMG!” everybody scream as Eli stood up still in the middle of the street. “WHAT IS HE DOING? HE’S GOING TO GET KILLED!” people scream and shout in horror as they watch the cars coming towards his way.

“Eli?” Lee da turned around and looks at what everybody was starring at. It was him standing there just like how she had instructed him to do. “ELI” she screamed and without thinking she ran toward him.

“If dying is the only thing for you to forgive me than I will because I’m not afraid to die… I’m afraid to lose your forever.” Eli thought to himself and closes his eyes, ignoring the honking from the cars He stood still, very still with his eyes shut tight until someone push him onto the ground. “Lee da?” Eli said once he open his eyes and saw Lee da’s worried, painful, and teary eyes.

“Are you an idiot? Do you want to die! You, stupid son of a !” Lee da yelled at him with tears as she lay on top of him.

“I’m a idiot for not being a good boyfriend to you.” Eli said and wiped her tears. “I’m sorry for everything I’ve done; death is what I deserve… If there’s a next life I promise I’ll remember your face and find you in our next lif----“Before he could finish she encircle her arms around his neck and press her lips onto his.

“Shut up and kiss me.” Lee da said when she looks at his shocking face. Eli smiled like a little kid and pulled her closer to him as he kissed her.

“DO YOU TWO WANT TO DIE? GET OUT OF THE STREET ITS DANGEROUS! GO FIND ANOTHER SAFER PLACE TO MAKEOUT” A old woman yelled standing nearby. “Stupid kids these days always trying to find new places to make out?” the old woman complain to herself and walk away. Eli and Lee da looked at her and laugh.

“Shall we continue this in my car?” Eli asked looking at Lee da’s smiling face.

Once they got inside Eli’s car, he drove to a dark alley and parks his car. He missed her and he regret everything that he has done and said to her, but he couldn’t wipe off that big fat smile off of his face as he look at Lee da.

“What are you looking at?” Lee Da pushed his face away from hers.

“I’m looking at my baby girl. Since when did you start getting winkles?”

“WHAT?” Lee Da touched her face in shock.

“But you’ll always be the prettiest, iest, hottest, and cuties girl in this world even if you’re 99 years old with no teeth.” Eli and Lee Da laugh at the thought of it. “Umm…”


“Where were we?” Eli smiled and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

“Well we can always start by me sitting on your lap?” Lee da said and unbuckled herself as she sat on him, facing him.

“Good idea.” Eli smile and implanted small kisses on her neck as he reach down and adjust the seat.


I couldn’t be mad at him anymore. I couldn’t resist myself from wanting him and I still love him as much as I loved him back then. It’s been so long since I had and I’m already, so wet as he rub me down there. He wanted me as much as I wanted him by his action


“HMMMMM….” She moans as Eli pull her skirt up higher and push her to the side and finger her. “Ah, Eli…” she continued on moving up and down as he sticks it in and out. Eli


“I en love you” I said and move it faster and faster in and out of her.  I continue her and on her hard once she pulls her shirt and bra off.

“ it. “She manages to say and I quickly my pants for her. I stop her and on her left than her left. I sat up as she rubs my in a fast motion. Even though I ed so many girls when she’s gone nobody can touch my like she does.

“I love you” Lee da said and slowly sat down on my . “AHH…” She let out a moan as she continues to move up and down faster and faster each time.

“.” I said squeezing her small y booty.

“Ah ” she yelled in joy. I knew she loved it when I gave into her and let her be the boss. She continues to jump on me and I liked that.


“I need to take a shower.” Lee da complains as I drive. It was one of the best ever, and I sure love make up .

“I’m sorry.” I said holding onto her hands as I focus on the road.

“Apologize accept.” She smiled and s my pants and started my .

“Babe, I won’t be able to drive straight if you keep teasing me.” I said and she continue on on my like a lollipop.


“Guess who I saw with Yo Seob?” Megan asked once she sat beside you in the lunchroom.

“Jessica” You answered.

“How did you know?” She looks at you with disbelief. “You’re really okay with it?”

“What am I suppose to do then?” you said and fake a smile. “Don’t worry I’m fine.”

“Hey, can I sit here?” Jessica smiled evilly as she sat across from you and Megan.

“No.” You said but she ignores you.

“I’m going to become your sister in law so you need to get that little attitude of yours checked.” She laughed. “So I heard from Yo Seob that your mother’s a big time .” 

“Don’t en talk about my mom like that; she’s not a like you.” You said and look at her with a dead glare.

“Wow, I guess it’s true what Yo Seob said… you wouldn’t be so angry if it wasn’t true, but I see it’s true. What do you think people will think if they know that you let your own brother ed you? Mother’s a and so will the daughter.”


“You!” Jessica looks at you with a shock and angry face.

“You can talk about me all you want but don’t you en dare talk about my mom like that.” You yelled at her while Megan held you back from killing Jessica

“You!” Jessica stood up still touching her red burning cheek.

“What? I’m so ing tired of you stepping on me all the time you !” You scream and the thought of her and Yo Seob earlier this morning made you so angry that you wanted to pull her hair out of her head.

“____________, stop…” Megan said holding onto you.

“Why did you hit me? All I wanted to do was sit with you guys and become friends.” Jessica said as she makes a sad baby face.

“Don’t en act like you’re innocent you b*tch!” You were fed up with her lies and her fakeness and as you were about to slap her across the face once again, someone grab hold of your arms and push you away.

“____________, are you okay?” Megan asked.

“What are you doing?” Yo Seob asked looking at you like you meant nothing to him.

“She slaps me because I sat down on the table with them when she didn’t want me too… I didn’t know she’d hit me I always thought she was nice, but I was wrong.” Jessica said standing closely by Yo Seob’s side.

“Don’t you en lie!” you yelled.

“ENOUGH!” Yo Seob yelled and stare at you. “Why did you hit her?”

“It’s not ________ fault.” Megan said.

“Shut up I’m not asking you. Even if it’s Jessica’s fault you shouldn’t have act like that? Are you still a teenager? Hitting her is so immature of you.” He said and turns to examine Jessica’s face.

“You’re right I’m immature.” You said with tears and anger. You run away wiping your tears.

“_____________!” Yo Seob yelled your name, but you continue on running.

“Yo Seob, it hurts.” Jessica held onto his arms as he was about to run after you.

“Let go.” Yo Seob push her hands off and ran after you. “__________________!” Yo Seob grabbed your arms. “I—“


“Doo Jun?” You push Yo Seob’s arms off of yours and ran to Doo Jun. “Can you take me home please?” you asked ignoring Yo Seob’s presence.

“Sure, hop in.” Doo Jun opens the door and you step right in. “Later man.” Doo Jun said to Yo Seob and walks over to the driver’s side and got in.

“Thank you.” You manage to say without stuttering.

“No problem. I was coming to get you anyways.” Doo Jun said and smiled. “What happened back there?”

“Nothing.” You lied.

“Don’t hold back the tears.” He smiled and you look at him. “When I was a little kid and when I was hurt or sad my mom would always tell me to cry it out because if you don’t you’ll always feel the pain.” He handed you a tissue and you accepted it. “Don’t be shy; just cry your heart out.” He touched his shoulder. “My shoulder might not be big enough, but it’s always here for you to lean on.” You smiled and wipe your tears.


“Where are you taking me?” you asked once he parks the car.

“I’ll be back just give me ten minutes and I promise I’ll be back.” He wink and hop out of the car leaving you dumbfounded.

10 minutes later

“What’s this?” you asked when he handed you a box and a bag.

“My mom said after you finish crying your heart out you must feed it by eating an ice cream cake.” He said and opens the top of the box.

“It’s…” You look at the words on the cake and you couldn’t believe the words on the cake as you begin to laugh. “Don’t cry bc you look scary with mess up makeup.” You burst out laughing at it.

“After your finish I’ll take you out if that’s okay with you?” Doo Jun asked and you nodded. You were in for anything because you knew if you go back home you’d see Yo Seob and as for now you don’t want to see his face.


“Thank you for today.” You said.

“Are you okay your parent will be fine?” Doo jun asked and you nodded. You wave goodbye and once the car disappeared you head inside. You and Doo Jun were having so much fun playing games at the mall, watching a comedy move and just had fun getting to know each other.

“Where did have you been?” Yo Seob asked once you walk into the dark house.

“You scared me.” You jump in fright.

“Do you know what time it is?” He asked turning on the light.

“I’m a grown woman and I don’t have a curfew.” You ignore him and walked toward the stairs, but he pulls you back.

“What were you guys doing?”

“None of your business!” you scream and push him away.

“Did you sleep with him?” Yo Seob pushed you against the wall. “Did he touch you?”

“Get away from me.” You push him but he held onto your arms. “What is wrong with you?”

“Do you like him?” He asked looking at you with tears. “DO YOU!” He screamed once again this time louder.

“YES! YES I LIKE HIM!” you scream out of anger. You didn’t mean it but you said it because you knew it would hurt him and you did it because he had hurt you today by backing up Jessica.

“YOU!” Yo Seob scream and kissed you.

“Stop!” You cried, but he continues on pushing himself on you. “Yo Seob, please stop!” you cried and begged. “Stop…” You fell onto your knee and cried as you covered your head in your arms. He stood still, frozen by his own action and then leans down and looks at you with tired and sad eyes.

“Sorry… I’m sorry. I---“he push your hair back but you continue on crying. He was also crying because he knew you were much too important to him and no matter how much he tried to forget you he can’t.

“Get away from me…. just go!” You scream without looking at him and after a few second he stood up and walk away from you.  Once you heard the door shut you look up and fix your shirt, your bra and yourself before getting up. You were afraid that your mom and Danny could have heard everything, but you saw the note on the table and it was your mother’s handwriting. They were gone. Gone to Japan for some business and won’t be back until tomorrow night.


“Hurry up, will you! We’re going to be late.” You mom bound on the door and you take a last look at yourself in the mirror. Danny is throwing a party and there will be a lot of business people there so you have to look your best. You’ve been thinking like crazy after that incident that took place downstairs. If Yo Seob got so angry because you said you like Doo Jun than that means he still loves you a lot. You wanted to run into his room and ask him if he still love you because you still feel the same, but whenever you wanted too your mothers face appeared on your mind. You sat beside Yo Seob and he didn’t given glace at you he acted as if nothings ever happened and you weren’t even there.  

“Are you feeling okay?” Your mother asked you as she touched your pale cheek.

“I’m fine mother.” You said pushing her hands off.

“Did I mention Yo Seob’s soon to be fiancée will be here? Do you know who she is or how she looked like? I heard from some of Danny’s employee that she’s beautiful.” Your mother said and you look at her with shock.

“What are you talking about?” You asked

“Well, Danny told me that Yo Seob’s has been dating this girl for a long time and since she’s from a good family… he wanted Yo Seob to get engaged this year with her.” Your mother smiled and bow to the guest that were arriving.

“What did Yo Seob say?“ You asked and your mother turn to look at you, but you refuse to look at her.

“Of course he said yes, she’s his girlfriend. Danny will be announcing the news to everyone today and then we’ll set up a date for their engagement.” Your heart sink, and tears stream down your face.

“Mother” Your mother and you turn around to face Yo Seob and there he stood, as handsome as ever with his black suit and by his side stood Jessica, dressed in a pretty pink dress. “This is Jessica, my girlfriend.”  Jessica bow to your mother and smirk at you while Yo Seob ignores your presence like earlier.

“Yo Seob…” You said and he looked at you with a smile.

“Sis, you remember Jessica right?” He smiled and you froze.


 So what do you think of this chapter? I know it’s a little long, but hope it didn’t bored you to death. Anyways I’ll see you next chapter.


@lilovski- hello, I’m sorry for taking forever to update I hope you continue on supporting this story.
@yan2790- Hello, sorry it took so long for me to update anyways Doo Joon is now in the picture and things are getting hot now.
@alwayskeepthefaith- hi there, I’m glad you like it I was worried if I was going to lose any reader! :)
@lyricallies-Hi there! I agree I pity her too, but life is unfair and I wanted to write a fanfic that’s difference from every other fanfic and hopefully it is different. Always if only she knew he was going to be her brother she would’ve never given up her ity to him, but I’m also glad that she did because …. I can’t say it, but like my bf say you can’t regret your past because that what makes you who you are today…
@ldyxdavil-Hello, yes they have met and I guess you’ll have to read to see what happens next to them.

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o(* ̄▽ ̄*)o
seobcoups #2
Chapter 9: I was like doesnt she get pregnant? And then boom there it is xD
fren123 #3
omg~~~ i cant wait for the next part...owh man,,,,,who could be the father??? whoa.... please update real soon~~~~
Xianniie #4
Omg I spent the entire 3hours reading your fanfic . It's really awesome and please wrote many many parts and don't end it D: !! Please update the part 3!!!! I somehow want yoseob to be back with her huhu ):
Ahh. I cried again ;( . Jessica is a ing even if she changed for the better T^T , my dearest favourite author . Please make the baby yoseob's . I beg you . Yangyoseob . <3 my baby for life hehhe
I honestly cried EVERYTIME I re-read the fic . With your story ; I can feel the hurt Yoseob gets . I may sound fake. But it's real (: I cried everytime and my heart aches . I really want ____ and SEOB to be together .
annakebana #7
She's not going to be with Yoseob anymore?! Aishh~ I know Dujun is my bias but I don't know why I want Yoseob to end up ______.<br />
Whatever it is, I LOVE your story ;)<br />
I'll be waiting for part three! I'm your no.1 fan! Wohoo! ;D
iimayesiann #8
OHMYGOD! You have no idea how much I cried with this fanfic. It's purely awesome!! I can't wait to read Part 3!! So please post it soon~ I'll be waiting patiently ;D even though i'm not a patient person. keke
Hello ~ I'm a fan of your story from winglin :] . can you have more drama for part 3? I will love it if the baby is Seobbie's one . It may seem possible but Yeahhhs ! . I love your story it's my favourite. But I really want Yoseob and ______ to end up together even if Jessica and Doojoon will be superb sad . Please ! Thankyouus (:
PART 3!!!!!!Yay! xD