Chapter 6

PART II of T3SM: Sin

It was like a beautiful nightmare to ______________to  have the one you love, make love to you, but then it’s against your will.

__________’s angry at what had just taken place, yet a desire she has desired for so long has been fulfill.

“_____________, I…” Yo Seob couldn’t even utter a word to her once he was finish with what he was doing. He loved her and she knew that even when he’s pretending not to care. She felt disgusted, and betrayed.

Disgusted for making love to her  true love who is now her brother and now she felt like she had betray Doo Joon.

“_________________” Yo Seob remove himself from her and sat on the end of the bed. He shouldn’t have let his anger taken over his soul and mind, but now was too late to even undo what he had just done. “I don’t know what came over me” Yo Seob said looking at her with regrets.

Without saying a word __________________ pulled the white blanket over her body and walk into the bathroom with tears.


They were finally in South Korea again due to Jessica’s nagging and complaining. Yo Seob and Jessica went their own separate ways leaving ___________ and doo Joon to themselves.

“Hey, you okay beautiful?” Doo Joon asked as he gently placed his hand on top of hers as he drove with his other hand.

“Sorry…” ______________ said and turn away to hide her tears.

“For what?”

“For everything”

“Don’t apologize because with you by my side, everything seems brighter, better and lovelier.” He smiled shyly as he focuses on the road ahead.

“Thanks for the ride” ____________said as she got out of Doo Joon’s car. She watched as Doo Joon drive and disappeared afar before heading inside the house.  The house is empty and her mother and father are probably still working. She head upstairs to her room and once she open the door there he was, standing by the window.

“What are you doing?” __________ asked.

“I’m sorry ____________ I really am.” Yo Seob said sincerely. “I really don’t know what happen to me and why I react that way I…”

“Enough Yo Seob!” __________ said with tears.

“Forgive me” Yo Seob held her hand in his as tears cascade down his pale face. “I can’t do it anymore _______________ I really can’t… I’m tired and I can’t continue on acting to be your brother. I love you and I want you. I can’t take it anymore I’d trade the world if I can just to have you by my side.” He said falling onto his knee and he hugged her.

“Doo Joon is a nice man…” ____________ said refusing to look at him with tears. It kills her and she knows it kills him even more. “You said I should move on and start new. I did as you said and I can’t hurt Doo Joon. If mother and father find out about us they’ll be in deep pain because of us and I don’t want to add another person to hurt. Doo Joon is now my boyfriend, he is my new beginning with what we had in the past I’ll forget it as he and I create new memories together.”

“I love you so much I lied. I lied so you’ll move on and forget me, but do you know how much it kills me to tell you to move on and find another man? Do you know how much I yearn for you each second… I thought I was strong enough to move on, to see you move on without me because with me in your life I’ll only cause you heartache and pain… I don’t care about anything now __________________ I just want you, I just want us to be us like in the past.” Yo Seob begged still on his knee and _____________ kneel down to his level and wipe his tears as hers stream down her own face.

“I know you lied. I also lie too, but we’ve gone too far now to turn back Yo Seob. My mother is now pregnant with our little sister or brother. You will be Jessica’s fiancée soon and I too, will soon be engaged to Doo Joon…  let us remember our love and hope we can be together in the next life.”

“I can’t wait that long, I don’t even want to let go of your hand.”

“Last time you said it, so this time I’ll say it to you… let’s love each other like how a brother and sister love one another.” ______________ said and stood up. “I can’t hurt Doo Joon, your father and my mother…. We’ll hurt too many people Yo Seob. Before I dated Doo Joon I begged you to come back and you wouldn’t. The day I became Doo Joon’s girlfriend that was the day I remove you from my heart.”  ________________ said and walked out of the room.


“Why do you look so sad?” Doo Joon asked holding onto her hands as they walk into his mansion.

“I do? Don’t I always look like this?”

“___________” he stops and pulled her a little closer to him. “Smile”


“Smile for me. Just one big happy smile.”

“I can’t smile on demands” _____________ said and look at him confused

“Please?” He place his hands together and wink at her and she smiled. “See… Now pause”

“Yah, I’m not a television screen that you can pause at anytime.” ___________________ roll her eyes.

“See, that smile I want to see more of it. You look beautiful, princess.” Doo Joon smiled and she looks away with butterfly in her stomach. The only person that made her felt this way has been only Yo Seob, but somehow there’s something about Doo Joon that gets her shy, and feeling like how she felt for Yo Seob in the beginning. Without another word he continued to drag her gently through the big hallway and exit out of the back door of his mansion.

Outside under the shade lied a beautiful table made just for her fill with foods and a box.

“This is for you.” Doo Joon grabbed the flower on the table and handed it to her with a smile. “I didn’t know what kind of flower you prefer, but when I saw this flower you appeared in my mind.” He said and pulled the chair for her.

“Thank you, but what’s the occasion?”

“Having you by my side is like heaven… that’s the occasion” He winks at her and push the white box toward her.

“What’s this?”

“Open it and you’ll find out.”

____________________ open the box and inside laid a beautiful ice cream cake. A big smile dance across her sad face when she read what was written on it, tears of happiness fill her eyes as she looks up at him.

“Your smile captures every inch of this little stubborn heart of mine so smile more beautiful” Doo Joon said what was written on the cake to her and smiled like a little teenager boy in love for the first time.  “Did you know every time you smile my heart beats faster because I know I made you smile.” He smiled at her and pressed a remote and a slow music start playing. “May I have this dance beautiful?” _______ smiled and place her hand in his.

“I’m not great at dancing.” ____________ said truthfully as he wraps one of his arm around her.

“Can I be your teacher than?” he smiled as they move with the song.

“I’m a slow learner though.”

“I’m a very patient teacher”

“You’ll only get mad at the end.”

“With you I’ll never be mad” he wink

“Sure that’s what they all say.”

“My words are true and I go easy on pretty girls like you.” _____________ laugh at his funny remarks

“Pretty girl with a slow brain? Are you sure you can handle it?” ___________ asked.

“I’m sure I can… Now every time you make a mistake you have to give me a kiss on the cheek.” Doo Joon said looking into her eyes.

“Yah… I’ll have to probably kiss you until my kiss is numb.”

“Then you’ll have to pay very close attention to my teaching.” Doo Joon smile and pulled her closer to him.

________________ still love Yo Seob, but is this prince charming by the name of Doo Joon really making her move on and start a new beginning? The pain and the suffering of not being with Yo Seob kills her yet Doo Joon is there to heal the wounds that Yo Seob is causing. Is this the feeling of love that she felt for Doo Joon or is it just a best friend relationship feeling? Is she really over him now and will she be able to ignore Yo Seob and be with Doo Joon or will she end up running back into Yo Seob’s arms? Whatever it may be for __________________ as for right now, she only knows that the night continues on as Doo Joon begins to teach her how to dance properly and we’ll leave it at that…




Hey readers,
Sorry for the super long wait, life has been so crazy for me.
There were times I thought I’d give up on writing and finishing this
story, but I’m not going to let my struggle stop me from finishing this story. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter and be with me for the next chapters. Thank you for all the comments and patient. : )

PS: A few more chapters and then Part 2 will be over….                              

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o(* ̄▽ ̄*)o
seobcoups #2
Chapter 9: I was like doesnt she get pregnant? And then boom there it is xD
fren123 #3
omg~~~ i cant wait for the next part...owh man,,,,,who could be the father??? whoa.... please update real soon~~~~
Xianniie #4
Omg I spent the entire 3hours reading your fanfic . It's really awesome and please wrote many many parts and don't end it D: !! Please update the part 3!!!! I somehow want yoseob to be back with her huhu ):
Ahh. I cried again ;( . Jessica is a ing even if she changed for the better T^T , my dearest favourite author . Please make the baby yoseob's . I beg you . Yangyoseob . <3 my baby for life hehhe
I honestly cried EVERYTIME I re-read the fic . With your story ; I can feel the hurt Yoseob gets . I may sound fake. But it's real (: I cried everytime and my heart aches . I really want ____ and SEOB to be together .
annakebana #7
She's not going to be with Yoseob anymore?! Aishh~ I know Dujun is my bias but I don't know why I want Yoseob to end up ______.<br />
Whatever it is, I LOVE your story ;)<br />
I'll be waiting for part three! I'm your no.1 fan! Wohoo! ;D
iimayesiann #8
OHMYGOD! You have no idea how much I cried with this fanfic. It's purely awesome!! I can't wait to read Part 3!! So please post it soon~ I'll be waiting patiently ;D even though i'm not a patient person. keke
Hello ~ I'm a fan of your story from winglin :] . can you have more drama for part 3? I will love it if the baby is Seobbie's one . It may seem possible but Yeahhhs ! . I love your story it's my favourite. But I really want Yoseob and ______ to end up together even if Jessica and Doojoon will be superb sad . Please ! Thankyouus (:
PART 3!!!!!!Yay! xD