Ch 3

PART II of T3SM: Sin

Chapter three
MAIN SONG: big bang- Tell me goodbye

 “Hello, _____________.” Jessica smirks at you than look at your mother. “Hi, mother you look so pretty.” She held your mother’s hand and said in

“Mother? hahaha… Well I guess I can go ahead and call you my daughter in law.” Your mother chuckled patting her hands. You couldn’t do anything or say anything beside stare at the smiling face of Yo Seob.

“____________? You look beautiful.” You turn to face Doo Jun who is dressed in a white casual shirt and black formal pant. “Hello, aunty, Yo Seob…  and Jessica, it’s been a while little cousin.”  

“Cousin?” you asked and Doo Jun nodded.

“Jessica’s father is my uncle, my dad’s brother so that makes us first cousin.”  Doo Jun said. You display a fake smile, yet your tears are blurring your vision.


“You look beautiful.” I thought as I stare at her and display an ‘I-don’t-care-about-you’ attitude. I stand and watch as Doo Jun touch her pale cheek and continue to force on a smile.   The flashback of our man conversation that night made me face reality again. Our love is a sin and our love will only cause others pain.


That night when I also her due to my anger I return back to my room. Three hours later I walked into her room, and look at her before leaving the house.


“What did you wanted to see me for?” Doo Jun asked taking a seat beside you in the quiet and cozy bar.

“Stay away from ___________.” I said taking another glass of beer.

“I know how you feel man. I understand she’s your sister now and I know you don’t want her to get hurt, but I think I’m in love with her.” Doo Jun said and I choke “Dude, you all right?” He chuckle as he pound gently on my back. “You don’t need to worry about it because I’m done playing games. I’m in love with _________.”

“Don’t think. You have to be positive.” I said refusing to look at him.

“All right I’m positive I’m in love with her. I mean I never met a girl like her before and I didn’t realize that I even fell for her until I thought it through with the help of Jessica of course.”  Doo Jun smiled like a teenager who just fell in love for the first time. “So what do you say Yo Seob? Can you hand over _____ to me? I can take better care of her than you.” He smiled

[Best Song to listen too: BEAST- SAY NO]

After a long silence I quickly turn away from him and wipe the tears in my eyes and look at him with a smile. “___________’s favorite flower is white lilies. She at dancing, she loves pineapple and her favorite movie is “Tree of Heaven.” And….” I said and tears continue to well up in my eyes. I stare at the ground to avoid him seeing my tears. “She hates being lied too.” I said and let out a sigh.

“Hold on let me write it all down.” Doo Jun grabs more napkins and pulled out a pen to scribble down everything I had just said.

I got home and stare at her door for hours before walking in my bedroom.  

“The pain is killing me baby, because I still love you.” I said quietly and lean against my door as the tears cascade down my cheek. I knew I should let her go now. Doo Jun may not believe in love, but by his action I knew he has really fallen in love with her. He’s a good kid, a good friend and I know he’ll treat you well.


The party finally started when the light dim down and everybody took their seat. Yo Seob sat beside Jessica while Doo Jun and you sat across from them. Danny and your mother sat in between you guys as dancers and singer came out to perform on stage. After all the performance Danny left the table and walked up to the stage.

“Thank you to everyone for attending my party.  You all must be thinking what the big occasion is for this party and I want to tell you something very important. First is my son; Yo Seob will be getting engaged to Mr. Jung’s daughter Jessica Jung and you will received the invitation once we find a date.” Danny said and everyone clapped except for you.  “Second, I want to introduce my new daughter _______.” He pointed to you. “________, I know I’m not your real father and you may feel uncomfortable that your mother is now married to me and I absolutely understand your feeling. But even though you don’t have my blood in you I want you to know that I consider you as my own and I love you like my own daughter. I hope you can depend on me like a daughter can depend on her father because I don’t want you to feel like you’re not a part of me because you are. You’re my lovely, beautiful and gorgeous daughter and I love you dear.” Everybody clapped louder and tears fill your eyes as you listen to him. He said it so sincere that it hurts you for not being a good daughter because you’re in love with your own brother. Everyone present clapped except for you and Yo Seob.  Danny sighs and smiled ear to ear. “Angel, because of you I’m able to live again and smile. Thank you for all the happiness that you gave me I really appreciate and I love you with all my heart… Last, but least I want to announce the good news to everyone. My wife is pregnant.” Everybody stood up, clap and cheer. Yo Seob and your jaw dropped, and your face turn as white as a ghost when you heard the news.

“Congratulation” Jessica and Doo Jun said to your mother and your mother smiled shyly.

“Thank you.” Your mother said and turned to look at you. “What wrong dear? Are you upset because I didn’t tell you?”

“I---“Before you can say another word Danny came and hugged your mother.

“Hello, everybody I am Kim and will be your host tonight. As you all know Mr. Yo Seob is very talented in music, so will you all please clap loudly so that Mr. Yo Seob can come up on stage and entertain us?” he said and everybody clapped.

“What?” Yo Seob look at his father with shock. He didn’t know he would have to sing on stage and he didn’t even prepare a song.

“Come on son. I know you’re good at singing, go and sing us a song will you?” Danny said and since he couldn’t refuse all the guest clapping he stood up and walked up to the stage.

“Well, this is a surprise. My dad didn’t tell me I’d have to sing, so I didn’t prepared to practice, but I’ll try my best.” Yo Seob said and whisper something to the host and then after a few second the music begin



“Are you really over her?” Jessica asked as she encircles her arms around Yo Seob’s neck as they dance to the slow love song.

“I’m over her… You know I love my dad and I don’t want to tear”

“Yes, I won’t say a word about you and ____________. The past is the past beside I have you by my side so I don’t care about that.” Jessica said as she smiled at you.

“You seem very sad today.” Doo Jun asked as you and him dance across from Jessica and Yo Seob.

“Doo Jun.” you said with your eyes still focus only on Yo Seob’s back


“Can I hug you?” you asked forcing out a smile as you look at his worried face with tears. He smiled and pushed your head onto his chest and whisper.

“Don’t pretend to be strong, if you want to cry, just cry.” He said.

“I’m sorry… I’m so sorry.” You cried harder as you hug him tighter and release the tears freely.

“He’s here isn’t he?” Doo Jun asked and gently pats your back as you shake and cry.

“Doo Jun and ________, don’t you think they make a cute couple?” Jessica asked and Yo Seob turned to look at you and how you held Doo Jun. Yo Seob force out a smile, but truly it’s killing him inside. Doo Jun takes you out of the party and brought you to take some fresh air.

“I got something for you.” He said and pulled out your favorite flowers. “These are for you.”

“How did you know they’re my favorite?” You asked and he smiled

“I’m a read minder…” He smile and sat beside her on the grass.

“Oh really?” You chuckle and smell the fresh scent of white lilies.

“I can also read what’s on your mind.”

“Whatis on my mind?” You asked looking at the beautiful dark sky.

“You’re still missing him.” Doo Jun said and your smile vanish “So, how was he like?” He looked at you and you just smile in return. “Who’s the jerk that broke your heart?”

“That jerk once made me so happy… made my heart skip a beat. And that jerk broke my heart into pieces…” Tears stream down your face and you sigh. “But I also broke his too.”

“You love him a lot don’t you?” Doo Jun asked

“Who do you love?” You asked trying to change the subject.

“I only loved one woman. I could give up everything for her just to see a smile in return.” Doo Jun said and sighs.

“She must mean a lot to you huh?” You asked curious of the lucky woman.

“More than the world, but life is unfair and god took her away from me.” He point to the sky and smiled with tears.

“I’m so sorry.” You said and smiled trying to comfort him.

“That woman is the only woman who’d loved me, care for me and understand me the most.” Doo Jun said and tears slowly cascaded down his eyes.  You remain silent and after a long minute of silence he stood up and stretch.  “That woman that I love so much is my grandmother.” You look up at him and he bend down to your level. “But in the last month I fell in love with another woman and her name is _________.” He smiled so sweetly.

“Doo Jun, I…”

“Don’t worry about it. I’m just confessing my feeling; you don’t have to answer me. So um, take a walk with me?” He asked and you nodded.


“__________, where have you been?” Your mother asked you once she saw you.

“I was with Doo Jun.” You said “What’s going on?”

“_______, there are you are I’ve been looking all over for you.” Danny said and Yo Seob followed behind him. You look up and took a glance at Yo Seob and Jessica.

“Sorry, I took her out for a little walk.”Doo jun said.

“Oh it’s okay.  ______ why don’t you and Yo Seob take a brother and sister dance.” Danny said and you look up immediately.

“What?” you asked.

“You dance with your older brother.” Your mother pushed you toward Yo Seob.

“Shall we then?” Yo Seob asked and held his hand out.

“I’ll always be here for you…” Yo Seob said as you dance slowly to the music. “As a brother” He added

“I’ll always love you…” You said and look at him with a sad smile. “in my heart even if we’re sibling.”

“I’m sorry for everything. Doo Jun is a good boy, he’s deeply in love with you and from a brother’s point of view I believe Doo Jun will treat you well.” Yo Seob said refusing to meet your eyes. “He… He can love you and treat you like a princess that you are.”

“Look at me, Yo Seob.” You said and after a few hesitant moments he finally looks into the eyes of the woman he loved so much.  “It’s going to be okay… right?” You asked with tears and stutter. “It’s going to be okay to not be together, hmmm?”

“It… it’ll be” He takes a deep breath. “It’ll be okay ________, it’ll be okay” He looked away as his tears stream down his eyes. You know he’s in much pain as he is. You knew deeply inside your heart that he’s with Jessica because he wants you to move on, and you allow it to provoke you and allow you to move on. In the past he said he could read you like a book, but he didn’t know that you could read his eyes even if you pretend to be happy and smile. His eyes are full of sorrow, tears and pain.

“Time will make me forget you.” You said and a tear dropped down from your eyes. “Why aren’t you laughing and making fun of me?” You thought as you stare at his sad face and the memories of you and him on the dance floor.


One night back in high school

“Yo Seob? Open up?” You yelled bounding on his bedroom door. “What are you doing?” You asked once he opened the door for you.

“Nothing” He lied holding the door, so you wouldn’t come in.

“Who’s in there? Oh my god is someone with you?” You asked provoked

“What? Pssh, no.” He said

“Then let me in.” You said and he refuses. You push him aside and enter the dark room. “Why are there candles? Huh?” You turn and look at him

“Baby, I can explain you weren’t suppose to com---“

“There’s a girl in here huh?” You begin searching the room and he shut the door then hugged you from behind.

“There’s a girl.”

“Where is she? Huh? How dare you---“You yelled but stop once he place his finger on your lip.

“That girl is standing right in front of me.” He said

“Quit lying.”

“I’m not…” He smiled and tips your chin up so you eyes look straight into his. “You weren’t suppose to come yet because I was busy decorating.”

“For what, huh? Don’t lie to me Yo Seob, I hate liars more than anything.” You said

“I know you do… Today is a special occasion for us.” He kissed your hand and grabs the remote on the bed and then a slow love song began to play. “Last month on this day is our -anniversary.”  You both begin to dance slowly.

“-anniversary?” You thought… he was right and all your anger vanished and you smiled. He’s right, last month on this day is really the day you gave up your ity to him.

“And what do you mean by girl? You don’t trust me?” he asked and your smile faded

“What? No, no I believe you I just well hahaha I just you know.” You force a smile because you couldn’t give him a explanation

“Know what?” He looks at you seriously.

“I just… well it’s not that I didn’t trust you I just… hmmm… “ You try to find a explanation but before you knew it he presses his lips against yours and then looks at you with those charming eyes of his.

“I know.” He smiled and hugged you tighter as you dance around in his room. “Baby, you said we have to be honest to each other right?”

“Yeah, honesty and trust is the most important thing in a relationship.” You said

“Well, don’t get mad at me, but you at dancing.” He chuckle and so did you.

“Oh, my bad mister I’m not a good dancer.” You look at him and smile

“It’s all right my lovely angel I can teach you.” He smiled and began to slowly teach you how to dance properly.




“Can I come in?” You asked when Yo seob open his bedroom door.

“Sure.” He move and allow you to enter his bedroom and then shut the door behind you.

“Yo Seob?” You said his name quietly; quiet enough for only him to hear you as you stare at the ground.

“What is it?” He said looking at you. You look up at him with tears and wrap your arms around him tightly.

“I don’t know if I can go on without you… I miss you so dearly and I lied what I said back in the dance floor.” You unwraps your arms and place your hand on his cheek. “Baby, I can’t go on without you. Do you know how much it kills me when I see you with her? Do you know how much I want to pull you away?” You asked and he remained still you look at him and you couldn’t hold yourself back from wanting to kiss him and within a second you kissed him.

“___________” he pulls back from your kisses and look at you. “Love is not by our side and there’s no other way. Just… Tell me goodbye.” Yo Seob said and turn his back to you.

“Is this really what you want Yo Seob? I know that you love your father very much and I love my mom too, but why can’t we be happy? Why do we have to give up our love because of them? Why can’t we love each other and not torn them apart?” you asked crying your heart out.

“___________________, your mom is pregnant with our little sister or brother. This is just wrong _________. We were not meant to be together, so just forget the past because I soon will be engaged to Jessica. And soon you will” He wipe your tears. “Let’s not hurt each other anymore.”

“If it was easy like you said I would’ve move on…” You cover your face in your hand and cried as you kneel on the ground.

“I broke your heart being your boyfriend, so let me be a good brother to you instead.  This is my punishment for breaking our promises.” He hugged you gently and kissed your head.  “______” he smile a real smile. “Let me love you like a sister.” He asked and after a long silence of tears you nodded and hugged him.                                                                           


It’s been a week since the party. Yo Seob and I have decided to move on with our life and forget our past on the dance floor. It’s over now, our love is over. But a new love between us is growing; our brother and sister love. 

“Hello?” You pick up your cell. “Oh hey Megan, what’s up?” But before she could say anything back someone knock your cell phone out of your hand and push you onto the ground.  Two girl approach you and pull you up from the ground.

“So are you _________?” the taller one with a pile of makeup asked.

“Who are you?” You asked

“So you are huh?” She pushed you again. “Who the hell do you think you are huh?” She slap you.

“_____________!!!” Lee da came running to your side when she saw you. “Are you okay?” She asked you.

“I’m okay.” You said to her.

“Who the hell are you? This isn’t your business so get the hell away.” The girl with pile of makeup said whiles the shorter girl with her smirk.

“, this is my en business the girl you’re messing with is my cousin and FYI cake face if you want to mess with her you got to get pass me first.” Lee da said walking closer to her.

“Cake face? How dare you call me cake face you ugly .” She yelled back. Everybody gather around in a big circle and watch the fight.

“Leeda, stop…” You pull her back. “Who are you? I don’t know who you are so why are you giving me so much trouble.” You said

“You don’t know me? You freaking .”  She threw the pictures of you and Doo Joon onto the ground. “I’m Sarah, Doo Joon’s girlfriend.”  She yelled and you picked up one of the photo of you and Doo Joon together.  “Are you going to deny all the romance you have going on with my boyfriend? You thick face .” She slaps you across the face.

“You!” Lee da grabs a handful of her hand and pulled her away from you and begins hitting her.

“Lee da!” You scream and then Sarah’s other friend hit you from behind.

“Stay away from my cousin’s boyfriend you .” She hit you again and you block it.

“FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!” everybody cheered.

On the other side of the school….

“”What brings you here?” Yo Seob asked Doo Joon.

“Well, I wanted to see you that’s all.” Doo Joon said and sat beside you.

“See me huh? Since when did you start missing me?” He nudged you.

“Actually I’m just here for find out some dirt.” He said and Yo Seob turned to face him.

“Dirt on who?”

“You went to school with ________? Right? So you should probably know who that guy that broke her heart is.” He asked.

“I…. I don’t know.” Yo Seob lied

“Come on, think back and think hard you must ----“

“YOUR SISTER IN A FIGHT MAN.” One of Yo Seob’s classmates ran into the room and ran out. Yo Seob and Doo Joon look at each other and then ran after him.

“Stay away from Doo Joon!” Sarah yelled and smacked you.

“He never told me he has you!” You yelled back and slap her. Lee da and Sarah’s cousin were busy beating each other across from them. Sarah kicked you and you fell onto the ground, she pushed her hair back and sat on top of you and begins to choke you.

“WHAT THE IS GOING ON?” Yo Seob yelled and grab a hold of Sarah and pulled her off of you. “Are you all right?” He asked you and helps you up.

“Who the hell are you?” Sarah screamed and hit you once again, but Doo Joon grab hold onto her hand. “Doo Joon?” She said and looks at Doo Joon

“Why the hell are you here?” He asked looking at her with a face you never had seen before. “Crystal, get the hell off of her!” He yelled and the girl that came with Sarah release Lee da immediately.

“How can you do this to me! I loved you with all my heart you en jerk!” Sarah screamed pushing Doo Joon

“I never loved you! you’re just crazy in love with me!” Doo Joon walks to your side. “Are you okay?” he asked and you remain quiet

“We can start over again!” Sarah said

“Start what? We never even dated!” Doo Joon yelled. “I don’t ever want to see you ever again and if you dare hurt ___________ I swear I won’t let you get away with it!” Doo Joon threatens and Sarah runs away with Crystal running after her.

“Are you okay?” Lee da asked you.

“Are you?” You asked

“I’m fine” she smiled

“____________, I’m so sorry I---“ Doo Joon said but you interrupt him

“I don’t want to see you again until you straighten things out with your girlfriend.” You said and walk away, but he hold onto your arms

“I never even dated her.” He said holding your arms but you pull your arms away and walk away with Lee da.


“Who is that?” Lee da asked you once you two reach the bathroom.

“I don’t know either.” You sigh

“Do you like Doo Joon?” She asked and you look at her with shock

“What? Doo Joon? No, he’s just a friend that’s all.” You said brushing your hair

“Don’t lie to me I’m your cousin.” Lee da laugh

“I’m not lying there’s nothing between me and him.” You defend yourself

“Then why were you so upset with him?”

“What? I’m not even upset?”

“really? Then tell me why  you said those words to him when we left? … Baby girl if people didn’t know you two were just friends they’d think ya are dating each other.” Lee da nudged you and smiled. “I think someone’s falling in love without knowing it.” She smiled

“Love? Doo Joon?” you smiled and shook your head. It was impossible because you only love one man and that man is your brother, yet Doo Joon is very attracted and you can’t deny that. Anyways there is no way you can love him because you only know the fellow for a while… maybe the word is like him just a tiny bit.

“Hey, what’s up fella?” Eli came into the bar and took his seat beside his two favorite pals. They have been so busy with their own life that it’s been a while since they actually hang out and just chill. “Damn Yo Seob, have you been dieting? And what’s wrong with you?” Eli asked Yo Seob and nearly fell off his seat when he saw Dong Jun’s pale, sick face.

“Hey” Yo Seob said in a low voice and drinks his glass of wine.

“What’s up?” Dong Jun said in a dead tone and drinks his glass of wine.

“So I heard the big news, you’re really getting engaged with Jessica? Dude, no offensive but she’s a hoe.” Eli said and nudge Yo Seob, but he remain still “And you.” He looked at Dong Jun. “I heard so much rumors about you and that hmmm… what’s her name again?”

“Her name is Gina and I don’t know what rumors you had heard, but yes I’m in love with a 37 years old woman.” Dong Jun said it with so much confident that Yo Seob nearly choke on his wine.

“37?” Yo Seob turn and look at him with disbelief. “And who is this woman? How come I don’t know anything or heard of any rumors?”

“Because you’re love sick” Eli nudged him again and turns to face Dong Jun. “She’s getting divorce with her husband of six years and after the divorce is settled I’m going to marry her.”

“She’s married?” Yo Seob asked with his jaw dropped

“So it is true huh?  Eli smiled and Dong Jun sighs in stress.

“Somebody want to enlighten me about what the hell is going on?” Yo Seob said and push his glass aside. “If she’s 37 and you’re 20… that means she’s 17 years older than you.”

“Everybody happens so fast you know.” Dong Jun ignore him and said. He never thought he’d fall in love with anyone or fall for someone this deep until he met her. She was his piano instructor and she wasn’t an normal instructor, she was y, hot  and every boy that sign up to be tutor by her personally did it for one reason: To be closer to her. AT the time Dong Jun only cared about getting into her pants, but as time goes by she became his friend and then he fell so deep for her, like a ship sinking in sea.


“Now your turn” Gina said and wait Dong Jun to replay the song that she had just played. It’s been three weeks since he met her and for some odd reason he couldn’t charm her like all the girls that he did in the past. He was nervous, his heart bound so fast and his hands sweat like crazy whenever she sat beside him.  Is this what love felt like? Dong Jun often ask himself that question because when he first lost his ity he wasn’t this nervous like now. Dong Jun  gets so nervous that he couldn’t play the piano right, so that very day Gina invited him over to her house so she can help him more because the school was closed.

“I…” Dong Jun said nervously when he played the wrong key.

“It’s okay… It’s actually this one” Gina said and press the right key. It was getting late and after a few more tries the door flew open and there enter her drunken husband.  “Daniel, why are you drunk again?” Gina asked and tried to hold onto his arms, but he pushed her onto the ground.

“You dirty ! I am your husband! I can drink at anytime I want!” He slaps her once in the face and tried to slap her twice, but Dong Jun pushed him off of her.

“What the do you think you’re doing?” He said to the drunken Daniel and stood in front of Gina.

“Are you ing him too?” He chuckle and punched Dong Jun in the face, but he duck it and soak three punches in Daniel’s face and he fell onto the ground.


“After that I just became her good friend. She would tell me how bad he treated her and why she married him because of her father’s debt and I feel head over heel for her.” Dong Jun said and sighs as he takes another drink.  “I confess and at first she distanced herself from me, but then everything just fell into places as times goes by.”

“If she’s getting a divorce than aren’t you suppose to be happy?” Eli asked

“I introduce her to my dad and my mom, they don’t approve of our relationship.” Dong Jun sigh



“Dong Jun, I can’t agree to this. She’s 37, she’s too old for you, son” His mother said and held his arm while Gina remain quiet sitting beside him.

“Mom, I love her and nothing matters. Age is just a stupid number you can’t do anything about it when you’re in love with someone.” Dong Jun said and pulls his mother’s hand off his arms.

“DONG JUN!” his father yelled in an angry voice and stood up from his seat. “Tonight’s dinner is done.” Dong Jun’s father walks toward the door of the VIP restaurant room.

“DAD, I love her.” Dong Jun said and stood up from his seat.

“You’re only 20 years old you do not know the meaning of love.” His father said. “Let’s go wife.” He walked out of the room leaving Gina, Dong Jun and his mother.

“I’m sorry son, but your father is right.” His mother said to him and walk out of the room.

2 days later

“We can’t do this anymore Dong Jun.” She unwrap his arms around her waist. “It’s not right.”

“I don’t care if it’s right or not.” Dong Jun said and pulled her closer to him. “Never in my life have I felt this way toward a woman before.” His fingertips ran down her cheek.

“I don’t care about age, it’s only a number.” He whispers in her ears before kissing her but she stop him.

“I can’t do this anymore Dong Jun. Let’s just be friends.” She walks out of the classroom.

Dong Jun tried to contact her but she refuses his call and without notice she quit her job at the college. 1 week later Dong Jun couldn’t take it anymore and appeared at her house.

“What are you doing here?” Gina asked once she opened the door.

“Babe, I love you I really do.” He said holding her hands in his. “I know you’re mad because of what my parent say, but they can’t do anything about it because I love you.”

“Dong Jun… I won’t divorce my husband.” Gina said and Dong Jun stood frozen in complete shock by her statement.


“Your mother is right; I’m too old for you. You’re still young, you deserve someone young and beautiful not someone old and used like me.” Gina said and quickly wiped her tears.

“Baby…” He hugged her. “You’re not old and used. You’re beautiful inside and out…. I miss you so much babe.” He cups her face and lean his forehead on her. “Love will conquer all baby.” He kissed her lips and then kneel.

“Dong Jun-ah” Gina let out some more tears as she stare at him in a kneeling position

“I know I’m still young, but I love you with my heart and soul and I know you’re not divorce yet but I want to give you this.” He pulled out a ring and slides it into her finger. “I may be young and I may not know a lot about the world and I may not have a job now, but I promise you I’ll be a man and treat you right. I’ll work two or three job to support you and I’ll make sure you’ll never cry.” He kissed her hand and she kneeled down and encircled her arms around his neck.

“I love you” She cried hugging him

“I love you so much.”


“Okay, so tell me again why do you look so dead?” Yo Seob asked

“I’ve been working two jobs and going to school.” Dong Jun said. “Life isn’t so easy, but it’s worth it to have the one you love by your side at night.”

“Yeah, that’s true.” Eli smiled like a idiot drinking his glass. “Well, at lease you just have to convince your parent.”

“And why are you smiling like a fool?” Dong Jun asked

“Well, Lee da and I are back together. 2 heart that love each other will always reunited and become one.” Eli smiled ear to ear and so did Dong Jun.

“Lucky bastard” Yo Seob fake a smile. It’s hard for a man to admit that he’s jealous of his pal’s love life but what can he do when the girl he loves is his sister now.  He quietly showed a smile, yet he’s holding back the tears.

“I’m happy for you.” You said once Lee Da told you about how she and Eli got back together. You felt jealous somewhat because you couldn’t be with the one you truly love.

“Since Yo Seob and you are over and thought it through to just be sibling I think it’s time for you and him to move on. Forget the past and look forward to the future. You are beautiful, smart and y and he’s handsome, nice and intelligent for a bystander I believe if you two don’t’ move on and forget one another you all will only get hurt.” Lee da grabs hold of your arm and smile. “I don’t want to see you sad anymore. If he loves you he’ll let you go and if you love him you’ll let him go. Do what is right. You two deserve to be happy.”  She said and you smiled yet your tears are streaming down your eyes because you know her words are true.  Lee da drops you off at home and you enter the quiet house. No one is home, your parent left a note saying they will not be home until tomorrow night due to some business crap and Yo Seob isn’t home yet. You take a long shower, ate a small meal and wait for him to return home.

1: 32 AM

“Hey?” Yo Seob gently shake you and you sat up straight. “Why are you sleeping in the living room?” He asked and head toward the kitchen.

“I… Um…” you follow him to the kitchen and watch as he open the fridge. “Yo Seob” He froze for a second when he heard you address him by his name

“wha—what’s up?” He smiled and turned to face you as he open the cap of the water.

“I like Doo Joon…”





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@Ldyxdavil: Yep, he is getting engaged and I hate Jessica too (Just in this story). I’m glad you enjoy it : )
@SuBlaqBlue: Hello! Well I updated as soon as I could and hopefully you like this chapter.
@alwayskeepthefaith: Hey there, Jessica isn’t my favorite in SNSD, but she’s my #3 favorite. Anyways I glad you enjoy the chapter and THANK YOU for supporting me from the start till now. : )
@lyricallies: Hi, wow you really hate Jessica lol. It’s a good sign because everybody is suppose to hate her in this story… LOL, see you next chapter : )
@yan2709: Hello *wave* I’m glad you like the twists and turns… And Doo Joon is a BAD boy, but everybody changes right… : ) Well, all I can say as of now is Yes, Yo Seob has agreed to marry Sicca.
@lilovski: Hey, I’m really glad you enjoy it because I was worried for a second that all my readers (including you) may be bored.  Actually it wasn’t long at all because I was suppose to divide it in half to make it into two chapters, but since I’ve been updating so late I decided to make it a super long chapter just for you guys.  I LOVE DOO JOON too, he’s so cute huh?


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o(* ̄▽ ̄*)o
seobcoups #2
Chapter 9: I was like doesnt she get pregnant? And then boom there it is xD
fren123 #3
omg~~~ i cant wait for the next part...owh man,,,,,who could be the father??? whoa.... please update real soon~~~~
Xianniie #4
Omg I spent the entire 3hours reading your fanfic . It's really awesome and please wrote many many parts and don't end it D: !! Please update the part 3!!!! I somehow want yoseob to be back with her huhu ):
Ahh. I cried again ;( . Jessica is a ing even if she changed for the better T^T , my dearest favourite author . Please make the baby yoseob's . I beg you . Yangyoseob . <3 my baby for life hehhe
I honestly cried EVERYTIME I re-read the fic . With your story ; I can feel the hurt Yoseob gets . I may sound fake. But it's real (: I cried everytime and my heart aches . I really want ____ and SEOB to be together .
annakebana #7
She's not going to be with Yoseob anymore?! Aishh~ I know Dujun is my bias but I don't know why I want Yoseob to end up ______.<br />
Whatever it is, I LOVE your story ;)<br />
I'll be waiting for part three! I'm your no.1 fan! Wohoo! ;D
iimayesiann #8
OHMYGOD! You have no idea how much I cried with this fanfic. It's purely awesome!! I can't wait to read Part 3!! So please post it soon~ I'll be waiting patiently ;D even though i'm not a patient person. keke
Hello ~ I'm a fan of your story from winglin :] . can you have more drama for part 3? I will love it if the baby is Seobbie's one . It may seem possible but Yeahhhs ! . I love your story it's my favourite. But I really want Yoseob and ______ to end up together even if Jessica and Doojoon will be superb sad . Please ! Thankyouus (:
PART 3!!!!!!Yay! xD