ch 4

PART II of T3SM: Sin


Yo Seob nearly choke on water when he heard what _____________ had said. He felt like his heart had stop beating and pause for a second or so, but after seconds of shock he regained his composure. He set the water aside on the counter and forced a smile at her.

“Should… I like Doo Joon?” You asked biting your bottom lips as you wait patiently for his answer.

“Of course… you like anybody.” Yo Seob said refusing to meet your eyes. “I…” You remain quiet and watch Yo Seob scratch the back of his head in frustration. Even though you only been with him for less than a year you knew he did that whenever he get shy, or putting on a show but you ignore that and remain silent for him. “I’m glad you like Doo Joon. “He finally said and a tear cascaded down your eyes right when he said it. You wipe it quickly and laugh like an idiot.

“He’s a nice guy and he’ll treat me well beside don’t you think I should give him a chance?” You asked chuckle as you turn your back on him and pretended to grab a glass from the counter.

“Yeah…” He said in a noninterest tone. “I should go to sleep.” He said looking at your back.

“Yeah, right its late go to bed.” You said and listen to him slowly walk away.  Once he was up the stairs you let out a hurtful sigh and allow your tears to fall freely. He was right you thought it’s time to move on since he’s doing the same too. Their heart‘s like an ocean fill with secrets that they can’t let anyone know and if someone do know it will be chaos…


“What’s wrong baby?” Jessica asked holding Yo Seob’s arm as they sit in her sofa. “Why do you look so sad?”

“Can we erase the past?” Yo Seob said without looking at her and stare at the wall.

“What do you mean?”

“I’m willing to marry you, but can you forgive ___________?” He turned to face her and she released his arms. “Even though ____ and I were in a relationship back then, but now we’re just sister and brother and we both aren’t even dating anymore, so can you forget the past and view her as my own little sister?” Yo Seob look into her eyes and he knew she wasn’t going to forgive or forget because ______ is her biggest enemy somewhat.

“Yo Seob, I hate her. You ed her and you have the guts to ask me to forgiver he and accept her like a sister?” Jessica rolled her eyes in disgust.

“Jessica, we both have our wrongs okay. You ed other guys too so it’s not just me.”

“But I never ed my brother.”

“We both didn’t know that we were going to be sibling.” Yo Seob stood up in anger. “She’s willing to move on and she told me she liked Doo Joon all right. If you truly love me than forgive and forget because I don’t know if it’ll work between us if you keep this grudge on her” A long silences and Jessica stood up and grab hold of his arms.

“I’ll try to forgive her, but it’ll take some time.” Jessica pout

“That’s all I’m asking.”

“But do I have to worry? I mean what if she likes you and what if she still loves you? I don’t want to become close to her than have her take you away from me.” Jessica asked

“You don’t have to worry we’re both moving on. But I want you to give me some space and time too okay I want our relationship to start fresh and as of now I’m in the process of forgetting her so will you give me the time? I promise I’ll forget her completely and fall back in love with you all over again?” Yo Seob asked kissing her hands.

“I know it’s easy for you, but get over her quickly our engagement is only a few months from now.” Jessica smiled and kissed his cheek.

“Can I talk to you for a second?” Jessica asked one week after that night that you had asked Yo Seob’s permission to like Doo Joon. Yo Seob has been ignoring you and hiding from you and you knew why, but refuses to say anything.

“What do you want wanna-be Barbie girl?” Lee da asked giving Jessica the evil look.

“I’m here for ________, not you so back off.” Jessica hiss back. You didn’t want to go with her or even listen to a word that she had to say, but you knew deeply inside that she will eventually become your sister-in-law and you can’t hide from her.  You follow her away from Lee da and other college student into the empty gym.

“What do you want Jessica?” You asked crossing your arms on your chest.

“Yo Seob told me everything even though I still don’t like you we’re going to be a family, so I want us to be grown up like we are and forget the past.” Jessica said and you nearly trip hearing her statement. “I don’t like you and you know that, but since your Yo seob’s sister now and I’m his girlfriend soon-to-be fiancée let’s do it for him. Meet me tomorrow at 2:00 PM at Bridal Dress store I’m going to need your help on selecting my engagement dress.” She smiled and walked away leaving you standing still.

Jessica POV

“What took you so long?” She rolled her eyes at Doo Joon once he sat down across from her.

“My bad, what’s up?”

“Tell me the truth Doo Joon.” Jessica asked crossing her arm as she eyed him.

“What truth?”

“About ___________, are you serious with her or is she just one of the little stars that you’re just picking on for a while?” Jessica asked. “So what is it?”

“She’s the moon, Jessica not just one of the little stars that I’m just playing with. I really like her for some reason and this tingling feeling inside of me feels so wrong, but right at the same time.” Doo Joon sighs and leaned back on his chair.

“Did you know that Yo Seob and ____... Hmm…uh…”

“What about Yo Seob and _________?”

“So you don’t know huh?” She thought to herself and smiled “Nothing, it’s just that Yo Seob is ______ ‘s older brother and he’s also your childhood friend which mean he knows your games pretty well.”

“Don’t worry about him it’s cool about it.”

“He is?” Jessica asked.

“Of course… If you’re done I got to go find ___________ I need to talk to her.”

“As you wish” Jessica smiled and he stood up from his seat. “Bye.”

 “Later” Doo Joon smile and walked away.

“So what Yo Seob said is true, he’s really over ________. Ha, I knew he couldn’t get over me with ________. Soon I’ll be Mrs. Yang, the wife of Yang Yo Seob and everything will be perfect. And as for ______ I have so many things to do to you… Does she really think I don’t know that she’s still so much in love with Yo Seob? My torturing starts tomorrow.” She smiled evilly as she drinks her hot coffee.


You enter the house and found Yo Seob in the kitchen eating a leftover meal from yesterday night. You smiled like a sister would smile to a brother and pour some water in her glass.

“Oppa” You turn to face him and he pause before looking at you. “I’m going out tomorrow with Jessica to help her find a dress, did she tell you?”

“She did… thanks I really appreciate it.” Yo Seob smiled “Are you hungry? Mom called and said that we should finish the left over from yesterday or else throw it away.”

“Oh” You sit across from him in the table.

“I didn’t want to waste it because there’s a lot of food.” Yo Seob smile and handed her a plate

“Yeah” She smiled and begins filling her plate. “How was your class today?”

“Fine, yours?”

“It’s good…” It was awkward for you both, but you guys managed to finish the food and talk to each other like a real brother and sister would. “Oppa”


“Congratulation” You said refusing to look at him. “I’m really happy for you and Jessica” You look at him with a smiled

“Thank you” He smiled back “Doo Joon is a great guy”


“I’ll get that” You said and left the kitchen “Doo Joon?”

“Hey, can we talk?


“I know what you’re going to say but hear me out first” Doo Joon grab your hand and Yo Seob walk over to the door

“Doo Joon?” Yo Seob stare at him holding your hand and then look at him.

“Hey, man.” He releases your hand and then looked at you “Please? Just five minutes I promise you’ll forgive me?” You look at him than at Yo Seob

“Just 5 minutes?” She smiled and walk out of the door with him following you closely.  “You said you can convince me in five minutes… time is ticking.”

“That girl from the other day is not my girlfriend or my ex she’s just a crazy girl who I…” He scratched his head in frustration.

“Four minutes.”

“Look ___________” He held your hand “I really like you and I don’t want to lie to you even if my gut is telling me too…” He sigh “I don’t even know her name or who she is, but I slept with her.” He looks at you

“Three minutes”

“It’s was a one night stand, I was drunk with the friends and then after that night she just started stalking me and saying that I’m her boyfriend which I’m not and I don’t even like her at all but throughout these years I got to know her not in that kind of way and all I just want you to be understanding and understand what I’m coming from because I really care about you and I don’t want us to end our friendship like this due to a gir----“

“STOP!” You yelled at him. “Take a breath will you?” She laughed “I understand you”

“Ha you do?” Finally he smiled

“Wow, you’re really sweating.” You touch the side of his face and chuckle “Have you been practicing this speech?”

“All day and night” He sighed but then look at her with unease “So are we cool now?” After a long silent of teasing him you laugh and said.

“We’re cool… But”

“But what?”

“A one night stand? So she must really like you a lot huh?” You asked walking with him into the house.


“So why are you telling me everything about yourself?” You asked lying on your bed while he sat on the chair beside your bed

“Because I really like you and I want you to know everything about me… The truth is I never told any girl about me so consider yourself lucky.” Doo Joon smiled

“If being innocent his your game than were you playing with me when you first me time?” you asked and sat up.


“You have to be honest”

“Yes” he nodded “But then everything changed, I couldn’t lie to you anymore because i… I like you” he said and scratches the back of his head. He lean closer to you and look into your eyes “I never liked anyone as much as you” He gently touch your cheek “I want you to like me too” He was only inches away from your lips.

“Are you asking me out than?” You asked smiling

“I’m asking you to be my woman” Doo Joon leans in to kiss your lips, but you back away from him

“You know I just got out of a relationship not too long ago”

“I know it’s okay take your time to think about it because I don’t want to rush you if you’re not ready.” Doo Joon sat back in his seat and smiled

“It’s not that” You look at him “I’m willing to give us a try, but can we just… take it slow?” You ask

“You’re willing?” He asked and you nodded

“really?” he asked again and you nodded again. “Excuse me for a second” He said and walk out of the room and shut the door. “Oh yeah, yeah yeah yeah… yes!!! YESS!!!!” Doo Joon cheered in excitement dancing and jumping up.

“is that a new dance move or something?” Yo Seob asked holding onto a cup of coffee.

“She said YES!” Doo Joon jumped higher in excitement “She said she’s willing to give us a try…. Hahahaha I’m the luckiest man on earth!!!” Doo Joon continued to cheer and Yo Seob fake a smiled.



“So what do you think is this one all right?” Jessica asked you holding onto a new white dress

“’I like the other one more” You said, sitting on the chair.

“Really? But I think this one is better” Jessica smiled. “I want to be the prettiest girl ever and I want Yo Seob to melt when he sees me” She turned around and smirks while you sit and take a deep breath.

Buzz… You pull out your cell and read the text message.

From: Doo Joon
Are you having fun with my annoying cousin?

You laugh and text back

From: ___________
Not really it’s boring bc she can’t make up her mind


From: Doo Joon
Do you need me to steal you?

From _____________
and take me far away? I’d love that

You text back and continue to wait for his reply but he didn’t text you back.

“Miss I believe this would make you look beautiful” a man said holding the dress up covering his face

“I’m not looking for a dress, but thanks though.” You said “Doo Joon?” You laughed

“Really? Who said you have to get engaged or married to wear a white sparkling dress?” Doo Joon asked and put the dress back.

“What are you doing here?” You asked him curious once he sat down beside you

“I’m here to kidnap you and take you far away from here.” He wink and grab your purse

“Wait, but Jessica is in the changing room” You said

“I don’t care about her… I care about you beside I can’t let my girlfriend die of boredom.” He smiled and pulled you up from your chair

“Doo Joon I can’t”

“Fine, Yo Seob is on his way here and he’ll replace you” Doo Joon sigh and roll his eyes

“Yo Seob?” You asked looking at Doo Joon

“What’s up?” Yo Seob asked and you two turn around to face him “I heard my name”

“See, I told you now let’s go” Doo Joon dragged you out of the store

“Have fun” Yo Seob smiled at you as you were being dragged away

“So where are we going?” You asked once you sat in his car

“To a far away place”

“And what will that be?” You asked

“You’ll see” He continue on driving and once you got there he told you to get into his private jet.

“Doo Joon, where are we really going?” You asked once the jet took off.

“I’m taking you to Japan” Doo Joon smiled “Yo Seob told me you always wanted to go there so I’m taking you there.”

“But my parent”

“I told them already, Yo Seob knows it too and you will be back in two days I promise”



“Your father owns this hotel?” You asked walking to your room with him

“Yeah so we get everything for free. My room is just across from yours so if you need anything ask me.” Doo Joon smiled

“I didn’t know you know how to speak Japanese” you said and slide the card and the door opened. “Where’s the light?” You asked as you enter the room but then you froze and stare at the beautiful decoration.

“Happy birthday” Doo Joon said and gently drag you to the table “I didn’t know it’s your birthday until Yo Seob told me. Thanks to him I knew what your favorite cake and food.”  You sit down with tears. You totally forgot your own birthday and you couldn’t believe that it’s already your birthday

“Happy birthday to you ______” Doo Joon handed her flowers and a big present box

“What is it?” You asked and looked at the big present

“Open it” he smiled and you opened the lid of the box


“Omg…” You held the little white kitty up in your arms. “She’s so adorable”

“Yo Seob gave me a list of everything you wanted and one of them is a cat.” He smiled and touched the kitty’s head. “Come here” He gently dragged you toward the window and pointed to the black car that is parked in the parking lot with a big red bow on it. “That’s your other present”

“Doo Joon I can’t take it… that car is expensive and I just can’t”

“Yes, you can it’s a present from me.” He gently pulled you in for a hug and for some reason you hugged him back. After Yo Seob left you, you have been so heartbroken and stress out that everything didn’t seem to be right until you met Doo Joon. You never thought you’d feel this warm feeling in your heart and felt like you’re on top of the world again, but now you do.

“Excuse me! People” A bunch of woman came into the room and you couldn’t see their faces.

“Amber, Megan, Susan and Chelsea?” You jumped in joy and ran to them hugging them tightly. “I haven’t seen you in like forever.”

“I know. Omg look at you I haven’t seen you in a month and you still look as beautiful as before.” Megan said

“Happy birthday!” Amber cheered and handed you a present

“So who’s the boyfriend?” Chelsea stuff herself some muffin that was on the table

“He is cuteee does he have a brother? Cousin?” Susan asked laughing.

“I’ll leave you guys to catch up on things okay” Doo Joon smiled and winks before turning on the light and left the room

“He got a cute ” Susan said checking out his as he left the room

“This is good” Chelsea said and stuffs herself with more food

“How did you know I was in Japan?” You asked

“Well, you know we all were sent to Japan to work on our project and Yo Seob called us and told us to come meet you in this hotel and we came because we knew it was your birthday, but I didn’t thought you’d come with another guy.” Megan said

“So is it really over with you and Yo Seob?” Amber asked and you nodded

“WE both decided to just be sibling because it’s the best for us.”

“Oh… how sad.” Chelsea said “But hey look at the bright side that cute guy is spoiling you and he sure looks pretty nice.”

“I think you and Yo Seob is doing the right thing. If I were in your position I’d do the same too that guy looks very nice and it looks like he loves you a lot.”

“I know…” You said smiling

“What’s his name again?” Megan asked

“His name is Doo Joon, a childhood friend of Yo Seob and we’re dating now.” You said

“Enough with the man stuff it’s time for some girl talk.”Amber said and you all sat down on the sofa.

After meeting up with your girls you and Doo Joon went out and explore Japan. You both came home late and just chill in your room drinking wine and talking about life.

“Thank you for everything.” You said leaning your head on the sofa as you sit beside him. “Gosh I think I’m drinking too much.” She laughs

“Who’s the idiot that broke your heart?” Doo Joon asked setting his glass aside

“Can we not talk about it?” You laugh and wipe your tears. You knew you at drinking and you get emotional when you’re drunk and now you couldn’t keep your tears in. “Let’s not talk about that idiot”

“We won’t talk about it than.” Doo Joon wiped your tears and kissed your forehead. You look into his eyes and he begins to kiss your cheek and then your lips. You spread your leg and wrap it around him as you continue to kiss him passionately. His hand roams up your shirt and his other hand on your leg.

“Doo Joon! Doo Joon.” You push him away and breathe heavily

“What’s wrong baby?” What’s wrong?” He asked looking into your eyes

“I’m…I’m not a ” You said with tears and again he wipes it off your cheek

“I don’t care because I love you and that’s what matters.” He said and you pulled him closer to you as you kiss him again but then again you could only see Yo Seob’s face as he planted kiss on your neck. “Doo Joon.” You push him off of you and stood up with tears. “I’m sorry…. I’m so sorry I can’t” You being to stutter.

Sorry this is a short chapter but I hope you enjoy it.
I read all your comments and thank you again. & sorry I
couldn’t response back to you all! Anyways
what do you think would happen next?
I’ll see you next chapter…



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o(* ̄▽ ̄*)o
seobcoups #2
Chapter 9: I was like doesnt she get pregnant? And then boom there it is xD
fren123 #3
omg~~~ i cant wait for the next part...owh man,,,,,who could be the father??? whoa.... please update real soon~~~~
Xianniie #4
Omg I spent the entire 3hours reading your fanfic . It's really awesome and please wrote many many parts and don't end it D: !! Please update the part 3!!!! I somehow want yoseob to be back with her huhu ):
Ahh. I cried again ;( . Jessica is a ing even if she changed for the better T^T , my dearest favourite author . Please make the baby yoseob's . I beg you . Yangyoseob . <3 my baby for life hehhe
I honestly cried EVERYTIME I re-read the fic . With your story ; I can feel the hurt Yoseob gets . I may sound fake. But it's real (: I cried everytime and my heart aches . I really want ____ and SEOB to be together .
annakebana #7
She's not going to be with Yoseob anymore?! Aishh~ I know Dujun is my bias but I don't know why I want Yoseob to end up ______.<br />
Whatever it is, I LOVE your story ;)<br />
I'll be waiting for part three! I'm your no.1 fan! Wohoo! ;D
iimayesiann #8
OHMYGOD! You have no idea how much I cried with this fanfic. It's purely awesome!! I can't wait to read Part 3!! So please post it soon~ I'll be waiting patiently ;D even though i'm not a patient person. keke
Hello ~ I'm a fan of your story from winglin :] . can you have more drama for part 3? I will love it if the baby is Seobbie's one . It may seem possible but Yeahhhs ! . I love your story it's my favourite. But I really want Yoseob and ______ to end up together even if Jessica and Doojoon will be superb sad . Please ! Thankyouus (:
PART 3!!!!!!Yay! xD