
Torn In Two Because Of You
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Rhine river, France



He couldn't be dead 

He could never be.

I kept saying that to myself.

I clung on to Sasha, who's eyes were wide open,frozen,livid, reeling from what we had witnessed.

"Let's go, Leo."

"Nein. I don't believe it, I won't , I swear I won't-"

"Leo, you have to. It's too late."

"IT ISN'T,"I wailed insistently.

"HE'S DEAD, LEO. WON'T YOU LISTEN TO ME?" She bellowed at the top of her voice that left my ears ringing.

After a moment, she whispered softly.

''Are you alright?''

'' I…I  wished I was,'' I answered before stifling a sob.

'' If you want to cry,then let it all out. If you want to scream then scream it all out, for only one can live so long to hide the pain. It is like  standing in a room full of people and feeling completely alone in the world.'' 

The smoke from the debris that was miles away seemed to billow in the cold breeze. The burnt scent of rubble and melting ores permeated the air in the quiet, forested area. There was the sound of sirens that blared in the distance.I looked down at my hands.

They were covered with grime and soot, there were cuts everywhere and the collars were already frayed due to the flames.

We had made it, but at such a cost.

We both strode to the scene despite Sasha's pleas to stay away.

The plane was in shambles, the wings broken and bent, the Co

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