
Torn In Two Because Of You
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96 avenue Victor Hugo,Paris




I had spent the morning with Astraia playing a few rounds of chess.She came over every few days, bringing food and news from outside.

“Where are you from, may I ask?” I questioned, placing my pawn across the board.

“ I was born in Greece, but I was sold to a bourgeois family when I was seven,” Said Astraia, who reverted her rook back to its original position before moving her Bishop in front. Once satisfied, she sat back, her arms crossed, looking intently at the scene.”And how about you?You don’t seem to be from here.” 

“ I’m from Germany…,” I said slowly, "Though I do not know if I would ever be warmly welcomed if I returned there.”

I moved my knight closer to Astraia’s bishop.

“Understandable, It’s no wonder Renada has you in her care.”

“What do you mean?”

“Do you know Sophie?”


“ Sophie and my brother could never be separated. He loved her so much that I envied her. Renada and I shared that envy and the feeling of being ignored, forgotten.Back to Charles, he was extremely enamoured by Sophie that he was never the same.To everyone’s horror he even wanted to convert because of her,” Astraia sighed, now changing the queen’s position and took one of my pawns off the board.”All the stupid and foolish things we do for love. My parents were opposed to it.They never forgave him after he left us, not even after he was chosen and arrested by the French police. I was with my employers at that time, and I couldn’t do anything about it.” 

“But you’re also Jewish?”

“Yes. My kind mistress had promised me that if I remained in her household and allowed myself to be betrothed to her eldest son Henri,I would be given protection from the Nazis.”Her eyes trailed to my king and back to the knight."and so I married Her eldest son Henri, but there was hardly any love or happiness between us. I had to conceal all the traditions my family had held precious for years,and eventually changed my surname to a less Hebrewish one.”


                                                                      “אושר אינו דבר שמגיע מן המוכן, הוא נובע מפעילויותיך " 

                                                                Happiness is not something ready-made.It comes from your own actions.


Renada soon came in, her arms laden with bread and other provisions, a large grin on her face.

“Where did you g

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