Chapter 6: Max & Brandon (Brandon X Max)

Together Forever (Nikki X Mackenzie)

Max had always been into Brandon, but he was too shy to do anything about it. Brandon was nice and attractive, so he liked him. 🙂

Max was too scared to ask Brandon out, even though he was very interested in him. Instead, he chose to follow him everywhere and take secret notes in his journal about all the things that he liked about him.

One day, Brandon asked Max on the spot to go on a date with him. Max was so excited! He never thought that this would ever happen to him.

Brandon and Max hit it off really well together, and quickly became a couple.

Brandon was very happy to have Max as his new boyfriend. 🙂

He could tell that Max was very shy, but he didn't mind at all.

He just wanted to be with him more and more every day. 🙂

After a couple weeks, Max decided to tell Nikki about his new relationship with Brandon. He couldn't wait to tell her! 🙂

He knew that he was very happy, and knew that Nikki would be happy for them too.

Nikki was happy to hear that Max's crush on Brandon had worked out so well. She had never really seen Max in this way, but she could tell that Max was very happy, and she hoped that he would continue to be.

Nikki thought that Brandon and Max were a very cute couple, and she was happy that her friend had found someone new to love.

Nikki always liked to tell Max cute stories about love, and the two of them would often talk all day long. 🙂

They became best friends right away, and they loved talking about everything under the sun.

Max couldn't believe how everything worked out for him. 🙂

He was happy with Brandon, and happy to have a new best friend in Nikki

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