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Chapter 4

Hyo on the phone with Doojoon

H: hey.. what happened to Taeng?

D: don’t worry bout it..

H: why not? We’re friends? Talk to me!

D: we’ve been fighting recently.. *Sigh*

H: why? What’s the reason?

D: ugh.. it’s coz she thinks i love this other girl..

H: well.. do you? And who is it?

D: maybe? I don’t know.. i still love Taeng.. but i think i’m in love with this girl too.. you don’t know who it is..

H: what? Since when did you have another girl other than Taeng?

D: since ages ago.. she noticed that i always go to this girl whenever she calls me..

H: but you go to Taeng too whenever she calls..

D: i don’t know.. I don’t know what to do.. Ottoke?!

H: are you thinking of breaking up with her?

D: i don’t want to.. i don’t want to lose her.. but i love this girl too.. she has a boyfriend you know.. but i don’t think she knows that i love her..

H: how long have you been keeping this from me?

D: huh? What do you mean?

H: how long have you liked this girl? I didn’t know at all..!

D: oh! *i thought she knew that i was referring to her* uhm.. since we were young..

H: huh? Since we were young? I don’t know any girl that hangs out with you and me.. hmm

W: hey.. i’m gonna show you something!

H: ok! Hey Doojoon.. gotta go.. wooyoung’s calling me :D hope everything’s gonna be fine between you and taeng~ g’nyt

D: *talking to himself on the phone* it’s you babo ya! It’s you.. T_T




sorry i updated a bit late >.< and this chapter is so short.. i just want you guys to know that Doojoon *keke~* likes/loves Hyoyeon~.

I was trying to make the main photo for this fanfic.. then my computer suddenly shut down with out me saving the work T_T ugh!

well anyways.. hope you guys didn't wait long and don't forget to COMMENT and SUGGEST anything ^^

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congrats :)
jayrunner #3
Luv it~ :)
oh i just noticed you havent logged in a while :/
~in process of reading~
congrats :)
melodyfartlek #9
Congrats on the feature:)