You are the antidote to all of my pains

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Summary: Wang Yibo, a multi talented artist , was hired for a party organized by a big Company from the medical industry. An unexpected extra challenge was to seduce the owner of the Company, doctor Xiao Zhan, with his dancing art.



Note:   The story content is marked as Non-MRated, but at some point (probably to the end of the story) ,  it will be added an extra MRated chapter that will be announced beforehand, and published in a separated book.




It is said that tomorrow it will finally be  released Oath Of Love, so I felt the need to bring doctor Gu Wei in my stories too, just that my doctor's name will be Xiao Zhan, not Gu Wei.







Note: Images/ videos are not mine, the credit goes to their owners!






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Lahunhan520 #1
Chapter 9: que emoción!
kyuwon1013 #2
Chapter 9: I'm happy for this update!