Chapter 8

I've My Grip On You

Eunhyuk glanced at his watch and cursed under his breath, "Late, late late."

He drove as fast as he could without overspeeding and pulled to a stop in front of Yoogeun's school. Pulling his cap down and making sure he had his sunglasses on, he got out of the car. Seeing the swarm of parents and children outside of the gate, he knew that school has ended. He frantically scanned the crowd, trying to spot his son.

When he finally did though, he realised Yoogeun was not alone. He was talking to a lady standing beside him.

"Yoogeun," He called out as he walk towards him.

Yoogeun turned around, grinning at the sight of his daddy, "Appa!"

Eunhyuk swept him up into his arms, and looked up, about to thank the lady standing beside for looking after his son.

But to his dismay, it was the last person he ever wanted to see.


Sherlyn gave him a small smile, "I was trying to look for the kid who bears a resemblance to you and me. Guess I got the right person after all."

"What are you doing here?" Eunhyuk asked in a low voice, not wanting to attract any attention, "Have I not made myself clear enough?"

"I just want to meet Yoogeun, I have to right to." Sherlyn said, her voice firm.

"Let's go Yoogeun, grandma is waiting for us." Eunhyuk turned his attention to Yoogeun, deciding that it was not worth the time arguing with her, especially not in front of Yoogeun.

"Wait," Sherlyn called out, "I have something to talk to you about. Urgently."

Eunhyuk sighed, knowing that she will never give up, "Let me bring him home first. I will meet you at the cafe round the corner of your old house in an hour or so."


"What do you want to talk about?" Eunhyuk asked the moment sat down.

Sherlyn looked up with an amused look, "Impatient much?"

"I don't have much patience for you."

"I know... I know what I did was wrong," She started, not wanting to test his patience, "I am sorry."

"It's too late for that." Eunhyuk snapped.

"I know... But I want to make up for the mistake that I have made," She continued, toying with the stirrer, "I want Yoogeun back."

Eunhyuk froze in his seat. She wants Yoogeun back?

"What do you mean by you want Yoogeun back?" Eunhyuk asked after a moment of silence.

Sherlyn took a deep breath, knowing that this was not going to be easy, "I want to take care of him, make up for the lost time. I want to bring him back to America and raise him up."

It took all Eunhyuk had to stop himself from exploding in rage, "No way."

"I am married. Both me and my husband have stable jobs. We can give him a complete family, we will love him, take good care of him." She persuaded, despite knowing that her words will fall on deaf ears.

"Yoogeun is my son, you have no right to take him away just as you please." Eunhyuk flared, clenching his fists tightly.

"I know what I did was wrong. But won't you give me a chance to correct my mistake?"

"Beside, are you able to take care of him the way I can? Hyuk, I have a normal job. I can bring him to school in the morning, spend time with him after work. I can bring him out every weekends, to amusement parks, to zoos. I can take leave and travel with him when he is having his vacation. Are you able to? You can't even fetch him from school without your cap and sunglasses. How much time do you spend with him every week? One hour? Two hours?" She accused, her eyes looking sharply at the man in front of her.

Eunhyuk kept quiet for a moment before speaking, "I may not be able to spend much time with him. But I love him. And I never did, and never will abandon him."

"You love your career more," She chided, "I might have abandon him, but you are no better. You kept him hidden from the sight of people.You don't even dare to acknowledge him in front of others. Is that love?"

"Don't be selfish Hyuk. You know I can give him the best."

"Why do you want him?" Eunhyuk asked, looking up at Sherlyn, "Why do you want him back all of a sudden?"

Sherlyn remained silence.

"There must be a reason." Eunhyuk pressed on.

"I... I had a tumor in my womb. I went for an operation to remove it, but the doctor said chances are I will never be able to conceive again." Sherlyn admitted.

"So you want Yoogeun back, because you can't have anymore children. Not because you love him or that you realised you did wrong." Eunhyuk retorted, his blood boiling.

"Please... Hyuk," She pleaded, "You can get married and have many more children. Can't you just give Yoogeun back to me?"

Eunhyuk shook his head and stood up, "No, not to someone as selfish as you. You don't deserve him."

He was about to leave when she spoke again, "We will have to turn things ugly then."

"I will bring this to court. I will expose your secret. And your career will be down the drain."

Eunhyuk froze in his steps, not believing the words that just left . He turned back, glaring at her, "Then so be it. If you think I will choose my career over Yoogeun then you are wrong."


Eunhyuk sat in his car, clenching the steering wheel tightly in deep anger. His head was in a turmoil at the moment. Sherlyn's words rang in his ears.

He knows her well enough to know that she meant what she said. How could she be so selfish? So ruthless?

He leaned his head against the steering wheel, his body trembling. If he's career is down to drain then so be it. But what would happen to the rest of Super Junior? Will they be affected? What will happen to Yoogeun? He is still so young, will he be able to take it? Worst still, what would happen to him if she managed to get custody of Yoogeun in the end? Hot tears of anger and worries streamed down his face at the thought of it. He could not imagine life without his son. Fear gripped his heart at the thought.

He took out his phone from his pocket with his trembling hands. There was no way he could find strength to drive back to the dorm at the moment. He called the only person he could think of.

"Hae... Help me please."


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I know I haven't been updating =( but I hurt my arm recently, and it's hard typing. will update when it gets better! Sorry for the wait!


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myeolchi5424 #1
Chapter 11: Huaaaaaaa!!!! I really hope u will continue this story :'(
elfmocho #2
Chapter 12: waaahhh this is daebak,i'm glad hyuk didn't love those girl anymore. even though there aren't much of haehyuk moment,but i hope in the end they both will be getting married and together raising Yoogeun.
pleeaassee update ths fic,look like you haven't update for a long time
barani #3
Chapter 12: I'm also curious what heechul have done?
please continue it
257471 #4
Chapter 12: please continue this, good luck!!!
Chapter 12: Huaa, I hope u will not abonded this story...

Please update soon...
yekung #6
Chapter 12: update soon!!!
hyukwife #7
Chapter 12: I still have faith on you so update more
Chapter 12: Wwwwooooooo llove your fic sooo much i really love it❤❤❤❤❤❤
hyukwife #9
Can anyone updatee this storyy?!
hyukwife #10
Chapter 12: Why arent you updatin?;( i read this story ince in awhile because i really like this story though it has been a hear since you updated but please updatee soonn cant handle my excietment for the next chapter please update this storyy (:❤