Chapter 5

I've My Grip On You


"Your son?" Donghae repeated, his eyes widened.

Eunhyuk nodded.

Donghae stared at the boy, dumbfounded, "You're joking right?"

"I am not, Hae. This is my son, my flesh and blood." Eunhyuk replied, Yoogeun still in his arms.

"How old is he?" Donghae asked.


Well... The boy does kind of look like Eunhyuk. He has fair skin and red lips, his face well defined. But still... How is it possible that Eunhyuk has a son this big? Without anyone knowing?

"Uncle Hae, " Yoogeun called out, "Come in... Sit down Uncle Hae."

Donghae could not help but chuckle at the cuteness of it. He reached out and pulled Yoogeun into his arms. He could see Eunhyuk eye-ing at him nervously. What? Did Eunhyuk think he's going to run out of the house and break all ties with him just because he has a son?

He stared at Yoogeun's big sparking eyes. Well, that feature must have been from the mum, as he looked at Eunhyuk's small eyes.

"I am glad he didn't get your eyes," Donghae commented as he walked into the house, Yoogeun tucked in his arms.

Eunhyuk rolled his eyes and smacked the fellow member on the head. Trust him to say the most ridiculous thing when faced with such a serious situation.


Donghae enjoyed his day at Eunhyuk's house. His mum was warm and friendly, not to mention a fabulous cook. Yoogeun... That boy was a gem. He was bubbly, and smart and way too adorable for his own good.

Donghae almost felt a tinge of disappointment when it was time to leave. He got into Eunhyuk's car. For the first ten minutes of the journey, there was total silence. He knows Eunhyuk is unsure of what to say, unsure of what he thinks of this not so little secret that he has kept hidden for so many years.

He had observed Eunhyuk's interactions with Yooguen. And boy, he really really loves his son. Eunhyuk's eyes never left Yoogeun, no matter what he was doing. He was gentle, loving and caring in every single way. If not for the circumstances, Donghae would have teased his friend non stop. Never had he seen this side of his friend before.

"Thanks for having me over today," Donghae said, unable to withstand the silence anymore.

Eunhyuk smiled, as he took a left turn, "Thanks for not over-reacting."

"I am sorry it took me so long to tell you about this... I just didn't know how to..." Eunhyuk trailed off, hoping that Donghae will understand his point of view.

And Donghae did understand. And instead of being angry, he was happy. Really happy that Eunhyuk trusted him enough to share this with him.

"Does anyone else know about this?" Donghae asked.

Eunhyuk pulled to a stop as the light turned green, "Only Teuk Hyung."

Ah. That explains their closeness.

"His mum...?" Donghae looked at him questioningly. If Eunhyuk has a son, does it mean that he is married? The thought alone was enough to make his heart ache.

Eunhyuk paused for a few seconds before answering, "She left."

She left? As in left the family? Or passed away? Donghae wondered, but did not dare to question further as he saw the forlorn look on his friend's face.

"She left to further her studies not long after Yoogeun was born. She didn't want him." Eunhyuk continued, knowing what Donghae was thinking.

Donghae was surprised. She did not want him? What kind of mother will leave her young son alone?

The light turned red and the car started moving again.

"Thanks for understanding, Hae. It means alot to me." Eunhyuk said, touched that Donghae had accepted it so quickyly.

Donghae smiled, "Thanks for trusting me. It means alot to me too."

The conversation ended, and silence took over once again. But this time round, it was comfortable silence. Eunhyuk was glad Donghae did not press him furher regarding Yoogeun's mother. A sense of bitterness surfaced as he thought of his ex-girlfriend. It was not because he still harbor any feelings for her. He was sure he does not feel anything for her anymore. But it was more like... A sense of disappointment. Yes, utter disappoint that she had abandoned him, Yoogeun and all that they had planned together for their future.


He still remembers that fateful day vividly. She had came over to his house, luggage in hands.

"What's with the luggage? Can't wait to move in with me?" He asked jokingly.

But she did not laugh. She looked up at him, apologetically, "I am leaving, Hyuk."

"Where?" He was confused, what did she mean by leaving?

"I am going to America to further my studies." Was her muffled reply. Her hands gripped tightly on the handle of her luggage, her head bowed down.

"America? You didn't tell me about it." He said, millions of questions popping up in his mind.

"It was a last minute decision."

"What about Yoogeun?" He thought of their newborn son.

"I am giving him to you." She answered, tears gathering in her eyes.

He could feel anger surfacing. Giving Yoogeun to him? Is Yoogeun some sort of item that she can pass around just like this? What kind of mother was she? To abandon her own son, that was barely a few weeks old.

"I am sorry, Hyuk. I cannot do this." She muttered, "Please take care of Yoogeun."

And she left. Part of Eunhyuk wanted to pull her back, to demand for an explanation, to scold her, to talk sense in her, to beg her to stay. But, he did not. Because one look at her determined face and he knew that she was leaving, no matter what.

His heart was broken that day.


Hello, sorry for the slow update. The previous chapter was deleted after e site went down a while ago. Unfortunately, I don't backup my stories. So this is my re-make of the chapter, from what I can remember. =) Hope you enjoyed it, do leave some comments! =)

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I know I haven't been updating =( but I hurt my arm recently, and it's hard typing. will update when it gets better! Sorry for the wait!


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myeolchi5424 #1
Chapter 11: Huaaaaaaa!!!! I really hope u will continue this story :'(
elfmocho #2
Chapter 12: waaahhh this is daebak,i'm glad hyuk didn't love those girl anymore. even though there aren't much of haehyuk moment,but i hope in the end they both will be getting married and together raising Yoogeun.
pleeaassee update ths fic,look like you haven't update for a long time
barani #3
Chapter 12: I'm also curious what heechul have done?
please continue it
257471 #4
Chapter 12: please continue this, good luck!!!
Chapter 12: Huaa, I hope u will not abonded this story...

Please update soon...
yekung #6
Chapter 12: update soon!!!
hyukwife #7
Chapter 12: I still have faith on you so update more
Chapter 12: Wwwwooooooo llove your fic sooo much i really love it❤❤❤❤❤❤
hyukwife #9
Can anyone updatee this storyy?!
hyukwife #10
Chapter 12: Why arent you updatin?;( i read this story ince in awhile because i really like this story though it has been a hear since you updated but please updatee soonn cant handle my excietment for the next chapter please update this storyy (:❤