The Sound of Heart


Jung Wheein's life is, according to Hyejin, "boring as hell". She is the producer of an internal radio program, likes writing and learning sign language and only has a few close connections except for her three housemates. But Wheein never expects that one day, she's got a new partner for her radio program - Kim Taehyung. And he, like an upbeat melody, starts rumbling her life and even her heart. Ironically, it is also when Wheein sees herself tangled in unprecedented situation.


"Hello Purple Line citizen, this is FM The 9th Hour and I am Jung Wheein. How are you today?"

That is the intro to my radio program at Purple Line Corporate. That line has been repeated for more than a year, since I started my job here.


My radio program was called FM The 9th Hour, meaning that after 8 hours of working, the 9th hour was for relaxation and entertainment. The radio MC career came to me as a surprise as prior to that, I used to be an intern scriptwriter at a small TV broadcasting station. I was introduced by a senior to take up script writing for an internal radio program in the company of that senior’s acquaintance – the program was in trial stage so they preferred a temporary staff instead of a full-time one. 


After lots of consideration and taking in advice from other acquaintances, I decided to give up my career at the broadcasting station to begin my role as the person in charge of internal radio. Back then, the only thought I had is to make effort to step out of my comfort zone and somehow, I had achieved that as the radio, surprisingly, turned out to be a huge success. Yet, after that, I resorted myself to only doing the things I can do best – internal radio.


And my life is therefore somehow repetitive: going to work on weekdays, relaxing by myself with writing, hanging out with my girls or taking up sign language lesson at weekends. But I just enjoy it, even though the roommate in my apartment of four girls Ahn Hyejin usually refers to it as boring as hell. I have never thought of breaking the routine. In other words, for someone who had had mental problem before like me, going beyond the comfort zone too much is not a good choice at all. 

Damn, writing this chapter brought back so many memories of commuting to work, both by bus and trains. The social distancing period has been way too long for me. And yeah, I hope you like this chapter.


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Ardya1815 #1
Chapter 16: Wow and wow, I really enjoy ur story and I will patiently waiting for your update.
Thank you so much and I hope you will finish this story
Happy new year
Stay healthy and happy
chocmint417 #2
Chapter 11: this is so beautifully written! thank you so much for the update:)
Chapter 2: wheetae fics are already scarce (especially the good ones ) so that makes you a rare unicorn dear writer! The lack of quotation marks in dialogues almost put me off this story but once I see pass through it is a refreshing trope!
Chapter 3: De verdad me est gustando, esperemos la interacción de amor/ rechazo de este par..gracias por actualizar no hay muchas historias Wheetae