Chapter 2

Last Breath


At school the next Day...

"Maybe it wasn't such a stupid deal... It was a promise I should've kept..." ~~~~~ whispered to herself. 

Yoona who sat beside her took a quick glance at her. 

*~~~~~... I know it's right for me to be this way to you... Because Changmin Oppa didn't deserve his death*

Yoona crossed her right leg over her left leg, and accidentally bumped her foot to yours.

"Ah, sorry, Yoona Ah!" , ~~~~~ apologetically bowed to the stunned Yoona.

"I-It's ... Fine. Just never do that again."

~~~~~ nodded, with tears welling up in her eyes. *Yoona Unni... Why are you like this to me? It wasn't my fault... And you're my best friend too... Aren't you suppose to be my support?*

A tear trickled down ~~~~~'s face.

"~~~~~ Ah, are you okay?", the teacher asked.

"Ahhm, please excuse me," she answered and rose from her seat. She ran out of the classroom, and Jaejoong followed her out. He tried not to be seen.

(~~~~~ doesn't know Jaejoong is there)

~~~~~ sobs in the hallway...

"Yoona Unni... I miss you...", she cried.  "When will the real you come back?"

Back in the classroom, Yoona felt quite guilty.

*I really shouldn't of said anything...*

Jaejoong saw how much pain you were in, and a tear fell from his eye too. He was so surprised that he stumbled back. *How could I be crying? Do I pity her?*

Jaejoong turned around, about to make his way back to the classroom, when he heard you blurt out, "Jaejoong Shii! I... I'm sorry!" 

He turned around and saw you with tear-strained eyes.

"Jaejoong Shii... I'm so sorry...", she repeated. "Please... Forgive me"

Jaejoong looked away for a few seconds.

*What do I say?* 

"I don't know" those three words seemed to hurt her, because she turned away and ran.

*...I should've used the other three words, aye?*, he said to himself.

"I love you"

~~~~~~~~~~~~DOUBLE UPDATE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

~~~~~ ran out of Jaejoong's sight, to find a place where she could cry to herself... Afterall, there was no one here to cry to anymore...

She ran to the place where she first met Changmin...

The basketball court.


The class was playing basketball together, and the only two girls who seemed to participate were Yoona and ~~~~~. 

"Pass the ball here," ~~~~~ called to Changmin.

Changmin immediately passed the ball to ~~~~~, and she scored a point for their team.

"WHOO HOO~" Yoona cheered. "And the win goes to us~!" 

Everyone reached for their water bottles, but ~~~~~ forgot hers that day.

*At least class is over... I'll just buy water later...*

"Here," Changmin passed ~~~~~ a bottle of cold water. 

"You can have it", he said smiling.

"But Changmin Shii, I-"

"It's changmin oppa! And how'd you know my name, hmm?"

~~~~~ didn't reply, so Changmin jumped to conclusions.

"You stalker," he muttered.

"Yah, Oppa!" you laughed with him and accidentally spilt water on his shirt.

"Yah, you!!" he called.

~~~~~ ran away from Changmin, as fast as she can, but he still managed to catch up.

"Caught you~!" he yelled while holding you from behind.


~~~~~ smiled at the memory...

She was getting bored so she picked up the basketball and began to play.

She shot a few goals, not knowing that Yoona was watching from the window.

*You still haven't changed, ~~~~~ ah...*

~~~~~ soon got tired, and sat on the ground. She sighed heavily, and lay her back onto the cool ground around her.


~~~~~ walked home once again. She didn't seem as depressed as yesterday, though. She might of lost someone very important in her life, but he wasn't the only important one there...

There were your parents who were always there for you. When you were sad, or upset, they would always be the first to ask you what was wrong... Or of you were having a bad day, they would always be by your side to support you through the day.

There is your teacher, Ms Choi, who understood you. She knew that you would be upset, especially because Changmin died... She knew that Lu needed time and space when you were crying... And she knew when you needed fresh air to calm you down.

There was Yoona, who would always make you laugh. Her jokes were pretty dry, but that's what made it funny... She always tried her best to make you smile once again... But she has a HUGE crush on Changmin, and eversince he died, she's been ignoring you... But even though she's pretty mad, she's always still been there, praying for your safety.

And there was Jaejoong... Who loved you from a far distance... Who played the role as your boyfriend... He loves you so much, but he can't seem to separate his anger from his love... He loves it when you act cute in front of him, and he'd usually forgive you all the time even after you've made him SO angry... 

*But what is it with Yoona and Jaejoong? Why are they so angry? Can't they forgive me?*

~~~~~ continued her way home, and suddenly felt so tired...

*Omo, what's happening...?*

~~~~~ collapsed in the middle of the footpath, and some random stand-byer called the ambulance. The ambulance arrived in no time, and took you to the hospital.


"My poor baby!" cried your mother as she rushed into your ward.

"Doctor, what seems to be the problem?"

The doctor looked deep into the computer screen. "No... This can't be...", he softly whispered.

"Doctor, please speak up... We can't hear you"

"Mrs Chan... Mr Chan... Your... Your daughter has an uncurable disease..."


So... How was chapter 2 ? Please comment~ thanks! ~HikariNee

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Ahh I love the story... Hwaiting
Joyvin #2
This is so sad~
Guys, if you realised, '~~~~~' became your user name. I hope you're okay with that... Its just that I got a request to do that, and i should have warned you. Please forgive me. *bows*
yubi7997 #4
I cried for every chapter :((((
It's so sad x////
It was very sad...what kind of boyfriend and best friend would blame her for something like that? And then when they found out she has a desease, all of a sudden it's back to normal? Well at least they made her happy again
EpicPinkPanther #6
TTT^TTT River has almost formed from tears~
So heart breaking~~ :P But Epic.
pliss....update soon ur new fic... the final chapter im crying likes waterfall...:"(
*bows 90 degrees*
Thankyou guys for reading~...