
Last Breath

"Jaejoong , put me down!"

Jaejoong ignored every word she just said and went towards her front door.


"Jaejoong Oppa! Don't you dare--"

Before she knew it, Jaejoong was typing in her password. 'J43J00NG'

"Pabo," he laughed. "You still haven't changed your password!"

"Eh?! Pabo?! You're the idiot! You're intruding!!", she screamed.

"Can't you calm down? I know you're happy to see me, but please keep calm..." he chucked.

"Pabo Oppa!"

He lay her down on the couch.



"Aren't you going to say 'sorry'?", she says while lifting an eyebrow.

"Uuhmm... ~~~~~, I'm sorry... For everything... Especially for blaming you for something you didn't do... Please forgive me...?"

"Hmm... I don't know, Oppa... Can I... Think about it first?"

Jaejoong slowly nods his head. "~~~~~, I better head home... My parents must be looking for me..."

"See you tomorrow..."


~~~~~ closed her eyes, and tried to fall asleep.

*Is it really this hard to fall asleep...?*

She felt sweat drip from her forehead.

*It's... So hot...*

~~~~~ stood up to get the air conditioner remote, but then slips.


She fell to the ground, with her face hitting the ground first.

*Huh? What's wrong with me?*

~~~~~ carefully stood up and decided to just go to bed.

*I feel so weak...*

Her mother watched from behind the door, and tears were welling up in her eyes... *My poor daughter...*, she thought. *She's much too young to face this alone...*


'Step it in, Step it out~'


~~~~~ fell out of her bed.


"...Jaejoong Oppa, what do you want this early in the morning....?"

"...WHAT?!", ~~~~~ screeches as she glances at the clock. "I'M LATE!!!"

She bounced off her bed and got ready for school.

"Umma, Appa! I'll be going now~!"


"Yah, why so late?"

"Uhmm, I just overslept...", she answered Jaejoong.

"~~~~~, do you need to go somewhere this afternoon...?"

"Hmm... I don't think so--"


The teacher walked towards ~~~~~.

"Apparently, you have to see the doctor this afternoon, okay?"

"...Arasseo. Kamasaminda, Ms Choi..."

The teacher bowed to her, then left.

*Doctor? Is there something wrong with her?* Jaejoong thought.

That afternoon, Jaejoong followed ~~~~~ to the hospital.

*Why would she need to visit the doctor?*

The doctor invited ~~~~~ into his room, and the door closed after her. Jaejoong made his way to the receptionist.

"Excuse me, Miss? Chan ~~~~~... What's wrong with her? Is she sick?"

"Yes , sir..."

"What's wrong?"

"Um, Mianhe.. I wasn't allowed to give out this information..."

Jaejoong understood her and nodded.

"Arasseo... Kamsamnida"

Jaejoong turned around and saw ~~~~~'s dad.

"Mr Chan?"

"Jaejoong... What are you doing here?"

"Um, sir... I was...kinda worried...about ~~~~~...." he said slowly.

"haha, i see... I know you guys had a fight, but I think I should tell you.. Let me tell you what's wrong with ~~~~~..." tears dropped from his eyes. "She has an uncureable disease, and doesn't have long to live..."

"Wh-What?!", Jaejoong's eyes widened.

"Jaejoong, please don't tell this to her! She won't... Smile like she would... Please..."

Jaejoong slowly nodded.

"I understand,"

~~~~~ came out of the room smiling.

"Ah, Oppa~! What're you doing here?"

"Ah... ~~~~~ ah..."

*I'm sorry...*


Thanks for reading this (crap assed) chapter (:

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Ahh I love the story... Hwaiting
Joyvin #2
This is so sad~
Guys, if you realised, '~~~~~' became your user name. I hope you're okay with that... Its just that I got a request to do that, and i should have warned you. Please forgive me. *bows*
yubi7997 #4
I cried for every chapter :((((
It's so sad x////
It was very sad...what kind of boyfriend and best friend would blame her for something like that? And then when they found out she has a desease, all of a sudden it's back to normal? Well at least they made her happy again
EpicPinkPanther #6
TTT^TTT River has almost formed from tears~
So heart breaking~~ :P But Epic.
pliss....update soon ur new fic... the final chapter im crying likes waterfall...:"(
*bows 90 degrees*
Thankyou guys for reading~...