
Last Breath


"Doctor, you must be joking!"

~~~~~'s parents cried on the side of ~~~~~'s bed. ~~~~~ was still asleep.

"Doctor, can't we do anything to cure her?"

The doctor shook his head. "I'm sorry, ma'am..."


~~~~~ finally awakes from her deep sleep.

"Omo... What am I doing here...?", she asks while looking at her parents.

"Darling, you collapsed!"

"...Ah. Yes... That's right..." she says while giggling. "Silly Me~"

Soon , she was told to be taken home to rest.

"Ah doctor, why do I 'have to' rest?"

"Ahmm, nothing... Just it's better to... You seem tired..."

"Arasseo, doctor..."

~~~~~ bowed and exited the hospital.


"Why mustn't we tell her about this?"

"...It's only going to scare her and stop her from having fun..."


~~~~~'s phone rings.

(KARA's Step ringtone)

'step it up , step it up~'


"J-Jaejoong Ah!" , she hung up on him and threw her phone on the floor.

*This is probably a prank from Yoona and Jaejoong...* she thought while crying...

~~~~~ didn't do what the doctor said she must do... Because she didn't sleep a wink last night... All because of Yoona and Jaejoong.

~~~~~ couldn't forget what happened the night Changmin died.


"Jaejoong Ah, thank you for everything~"

"No problem," he said and kissed her on the forehead.

"~~~~~... How could you...?!", Changmin appeared behind the both of you.

"Get over her, Changmin... She's already mine."

Changmin and Jaejoong started to fight, and Yoona came into the scene.

"Jaejoong Ah! Stop hurting Changmin Oppa!!!", Yoona screamed while helping ~~~~~ separate them.

"Changmin Oppa!! Stop it!!!", ~~~~~ yelled.

Changmin stopped and turned his attention to ~~~~~. Yoona accidentally slips, and bumps into ~~~~~. ~~~~~ gets pushed onto the... road.


Before the car could hit ~~~~~, Changmin pushes her out of the way...

"Changmin Oppa!", you cried. "Oppa!"

Before Changmin closed his eyes, ~~~~~ pressed her lips onto his.

"Oppa, I'm sorry... I love you..."

Changmin's eyes slowly close, and Yoona and Jaejoong stand. ~~~~~ stands too.

"~~~~~, this is your fault!", Jaejoong yells with tears in his eyes.

He hurtfully slapped ~~~~~'s cheek.

"Pabo Jaejoong!", she answered. "How was this my fault...? I wasn't the one fighting with Changmin!"

She slapped him back, only harder. *How could I blame him...? I love him.*

"Fine then... Blame me all you want... But I'll never really love you again!"


*Changmin Oppa... Please come back... I need you here... I'm so lonely right now... Probably forever..*

**** NEXT DAY***

~~~~~ sat in her same spot where she always does.

Suddenly, Yoona spoke up.


~~~~~ turned to her. "What, Unni...?"

"Why do you still call me 'Unni'?"

"Because you still are my Unni," she answers.

Yoona secretly smiles to herself...

On the other side, Jaejoong could see that ~~~~~ didn't look too well... He looked away, before she caught him looking at her.

*Why don't we ever speak anymore...? I miss them both...*

~~~~~ left the classroom when they were supposed to be eating their lunch.

jaejoong stood up and followed her.

"Yah. Aren't you going to eat lunch?"

"No not today... There's no one to eat with," she answers.

"Pabo, do you know how skinny you're getting?!" he says while walking towards her.

"Pabo why are you talking to me all of a sudden?!"

Surprisingly Jaejoong stepped forward and hugged her.

"I'm still your boyfriend... And I miss you."

*Why... Is my heart beating so fast...?! J-Jaejoong...!! ANIYA!*

~~~~~ pulled away from his embrace.

"I'm going home now..."

"Aniya! Just stay here! If you always go home, how are you meant to live your dream?!"

"I probably won't live long enough for that, anyway!" she says. "I'm going home," she says while walking down the hallway. Jaejoong was still following her, and she slipped down the stairs.

"~~~~~!" Jaejoong ran down the stairs to ~~~~~.

"Are you okay...?!"

~~~~~ gets up and continues walking.

"Pabo! You can't walk home like that!"

~~~~~ ignores what he said, and continues walking.

Jaejoong carried ~~~~~ bridal style.

"Eh?! Jaejoong! Let me go!!"


"Pabo, Pabo, Pabo!!", she yells. "Let me down!"


Jaejoong smiles to himself. * I love her so much... *


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Ahh I love the story... Hwaiting
Joyvin #2
This is so sad~
Guys, if you realised, '~~~~~' became your user name. I hope you're okay with that... Its just that I got a request to do that, and i should have warned you. Please forgive me. *bows*
yubi7997 #4
I cried for every chapter :((((
It's so sad x////
It was very sad...what kind of boyfriend and best friend would blame her for something like that? And then when they found out she has a desease, all of a sudden it's back to normal? Well at least they made her happy again
EpicPinkPanther #6
TTT^TTT River has almost formed from tears~
So heart breaking~~ :P But Epic.
pliss....update soon ur new fic...
plis...plis...in the final chapter im crying likes waterfall...:"(
*bows 90 degrees*
Thankyou guys for reading~...