Today is The Day

Last Breath

Hey Guys~! Just a warning... This Fan Fiction is ending soon... Sorry guys, but I'm starting to run out of ideas! Hmm, maybe you can read my other Jae+You Fan Fics??? Anyways, Thanks for reading! Comments are really appreciated. Kamsamnida~!



*No... This isn't right! Jaejoong Oppa must forget me before I die!*

you pushed herself out of Jaejoong's arms.

"I'm sorry , Oppa, but I won't let it happen this way!"

She took a steps back , as Jaejoong's facial expression changed. Now, Jaejoong is angry.

"Yah, you! What the hell is wrong with you?! I don't need to forget anyone! All i need to do is love you!", he yelled.

"J-Jaejoong Oppa... You must not do this.. Please find someone else... We should be getting over each other now...."

"WAE?! is this only because you think you're going to die?!"

"Yah!", she yelled back. "It's got nothing to do with that! I-It's because I don't love you anymore!"

Jaejoong couldn't see that she was completely lying.

Tears were starting to come into her eyes.

"J-Jaejoong, just leave. I don't ever want to see you again," she said looking away.

"Heh. Fine... We'll do this your way..." he muttered as he slammed the door behind him.

you closed her eyes as tears rolled down her cheeks.

*Oppa! Pabo... Why does it have to be so hard?! Just fall in love with someone else already! You have to accept that we were never meant to be together!*




"you, where's Jaejoong Hyung?" Junsu asked.

"I-I don't know... Sorry," she politely answered back and bowed 90 degrees.

"ah, it's alright," he answered as he walked away.

*Oppa... Please come to school... I know I shouldn't be seeing you ever again, but I just can't stand it... I love you*

Suddenly, the classroom's atmosphere changed once Jaejoong stepped into the classroom.

He looked at her with no simple emotion, then took his seat across from where she sat.

"Yah, you Ah... What's happened to you and Jaejoong?" Yoona asked while taking a seat beside her. "Did you guys fight or something?"

"Ne, we did..." she answered lowering her head. *I hope this turns out the way I want it to...*




"Yah, you..." Junsu called. "Why are you hanging out here all alone?"

"Uhm, I just wanted to, i guess..." she answered trying to keep her sentences short.

"Mind if I join you?" he asked as he took a seat beside her. "So how are you and Jaejoong Hyung?"

"I-I don't know..." she whispered. "We're kind of in the middle of a fight, Junsu shii..."

Junsu nodded slowly as a tear dropped from you's eye.

"Ah! Gwenchana?!" Junsu asked wiping her tear with his tie.

She smiled and giggled. "Yah, Oppa... I'm alright..."

She leaned on his shoulder , and his fingers ran down her hair as she slowly closed her eyes.

Junsu smiled as she fell asleep...

Suddenly, as he took his hands away from her head, he realised that a heap of hair came with it.

*HUH?! What is this?!*

He looked down at the hair he had in his hands.

*Her hair?!* Junsu remembered about the lesson that they learnt from their teacher today. She said that when hair unexpectedly falls from a person's head, they have the disease that doesn't have the cure...

Jaejoong was watching from a distance, and saw the hair that has fallen out.

He started crying, as Yoona walked to his side.

" has been through a lot, hasn't she?"

Yoona started to cry with Jaejoong as they watched her from afar...



Hey Guys! I'm VERY sorry! But this IS the second last chapter!! T____T I'm so sorry, guys~ But I'll try to finish this Fan Fiction well... ^0^  kamsamnida~!

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Ahh I love the story... Hwaiting
Joyvin #2
This is so sad~
Guys, if you realised, '~~~~~' became your user name. I hope you're okay with that... Its just that I got a request to do that, and i should have warned you. Please forgive me. *bows*
yubi7997 #4
I cried for every chapter :((((
It's so sad x////
It was very sad...what kind of boyfriend and best friend would blame her for something like that? And then when they found out she has a desease, all of a sudden it's back to normal? Well at least they made her happy again
EpicPinkPanther #6
TTT^TTT River has almost formed from tears~
So heart breaking~~ :P But Epic.
pliss....update soon ur new fic... the final chapter im crying likes waterfall...:"(
*bows 90 degrees*
Thankyou guys for reading~...