Chapter 1

Last Breath

Hi guys~ It's HikariNee , the author of this story... if you still haven't figured it out, please note that any speech between these stars * are thoughts . thanks ! 


"Hey, ~~~~~! Wanna take a ride in my NEW car?" , one of her classmates asked.

~~~~~ shook her head. "No thanks..." 

She made her way out of the gates and headed home.

~~~~~ remembers how Changmin always took her home...


"Yo, ~~~~~! Let's go!", he called. He grabbed your hand and pulled her into his limo before she could say anything.

"Eh?! Ch-Changmin Shii!" 

"Changmin Oppa!", he corrected.

She gulped. "Changmin Oppa, what are you doing?" 

"Bringing you home, of course! We ARE friends now, right?" 

~~~~~ nodded and looked out the window.

"Thanks.. Now what do I owe you?" 

changmin chuckled. "Owe me?"

He smiled brightly.

"Fine, then. You CAN NEVER ride home with another guy, or EVER get a boyfriend, okay?"

"Aww~ Why not?!" , she pouted. 

"Because" he started "I wanna be the first and last guy to ask you out..."

~~~~~ lightly blushed, but it was enough for him to see.

"Oh, cute~" he teased.

"Yah, Oppa!!"


~~~~~ cupped her cheek.

*This is the same cheek Changmin kissed...*

~~~~~ continued walking home with tear-strained eyes.

*Changmin Oppa... Where are you? What do I do? I need you...*

~~~~~ randomly stopped in her tracks. 

*Wh-What have... I done...?* 

~~~~~ continued crying, expecting someone to stop her from crying... But that person she was expecting is... Gone. 

"Okay!" she yells aloud.  "It's my fault! It's my fault Changmin Shii died!!!" 

It starts to rain, and she stands there crying her heart out. 

"Changmin Oppa!! I'm... Sorry!" 

*I'll do anything you want! Just please!! Forgive me!*

"I've... Forgiven you a long time ago..." In

~~~~~ turned around.


There was no one there... Just the rain bouncing off the hard concrete.

"Changmin Oppa..."



*God, ~~~~~! You make everything much harder!*

*Changmin... I know I made a bad choice for falling in love with an idiot... But please... Forgive me?*

Jaejoong grabbed the frame containing a picture of ~~~~~, Changmin and himself, and threw it outside the window. 

"Damn you, ~~~~~...."

"Oppa... Isn't that TOO much?", his younger sister whispered. 

"Hyun Ah! What the hell do you think you're talking about?! That killed Changmin!!!" 

"B-?! Oppa! She's your ing girlfriend! And is it her fault that he saved her?! Is it her fault that he fell in love with her?! Or is it really yours? It could be your fault for falling for ~~~~~ Unni..."

"What the hell, Hyun Ah?! Who said I ever loved her?!", he yelled.

Hyun Ah's eyes widened. 


Jaejoong walked out of his room and slammed the door behind him.



"~~~~~, we're here..." , Jaejoong said while getting out of the car.

"Okay, okay! I know..." 

He held your hand as the both of you walked into the school gates. People's mouths were wide open, and were all staring at her and Jaejoong.

"Ch-Changmin Oppa!", she gasped and let go of Jaejoong's hand.

"~~~~~? What's this? Why are you holding Jaejoong's hand?"

"Changmin Oppa, I..."

"Can't you see, Changmin? We're going out now.", Jaejoong interrupted.

"You're her boyfriend?! ~~~~~, remember our deal?!", he said yelling at you.

"I know! And that was a stupid deal, okay?!", ~~~~~ yelled back angry at him. "I never wanna see you again!"

~~~~~ and Jaejoong left the broken hearted Changmin standing alone...


So that was my first chapter! How was it?! Bad? Good? Okay? Please comment!

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Ahh I love the story... Hwaiting
Joyvin #2
This is so sad~
Guys, if you realised, '~~~~~' became your user name. I hope you're okay with that... Its just that I got a request to do that, and i should have warned you. Please forgive me. *bows*
yubi7997 #4
I cried for every chapter :((((
It's so sad x////
It was very sad...what kind of boyfriend and best friend would blame her for something like that? And then when they found out she has a desease, all of a sudden it's back to normal? Well at least they made her happy again
EpicPinkPanther #6
TTT^TTT River has almost formed from tears~
So heart breaking~~ :P But Epic.
pliss....update soon ur new fic... the final chapter im crying likes waterfall...:"(
*bows 90 degrees*
Thankyou guys for reading~...