Meet Me Halfway

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Yeh Shuhua and Seo Soojin are very damaged people, who come from traumatic childhoods. They both cope with their emotions differently, but what happens when they constantly fall into bed with each other and develop feelings for each other? Will they continue to use their past as an excuse to protect themselves from the dangerous game that is love, or will they fight for each other and meet halfway? 


See you in the next update lovelies <3


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soojinsbxby #1
Please update 😭😭😭😭😭 I read the whole fic in two days
chibss #2
jin_jincherry #3
Chapter 39: I remember this fic today and I really missed it :( is still one of my favs
1242 streak #4
Chapter 1: Reading this and Keenan Te at the same time is a perfect combination 👌
Chapter 39: I'm speechless. My heart mourns for Shuhua and Soojin. Suicide is a very sensitive topic. It takes courage and a mindful heart to even talk about it. This is not a typical fanfiction. Meet Me Halfway paints the real world, real life, real battle a lof of us face. I'm here to stick til the end.

You touch hearts and souls, author. Please continue writing this way, ur genuine way of telling stories. I can't remember the last time a fanfiction was able to bring out so much emotions from my chest that I thought I didn't have in me.

You're awesome. Happy holidays to you too.
Chapter 39: That was one very selfish decision he did, and too cruel too. And I understand why Soo's acting that way. I hope Soojin doesn't isolate herself completely again, I hope she gets through this with Shu and the gang's help. Thanks for the update Author! 💜🍒
Chapter 39: soojin is so damn stubborn they're a perfect fit alright 😭 but i get her if that's how she chooses to cope.. like to witness something as gruesome as suicide would've traumatized everyone else too. but to shut people out, especially shuhua is really getting out of hand. she has to deal with it sooner or later :(
Chapter 39: Soo is one damn stubborn but i understand where she came from
Chapter 38: Soojin hoping nothing more from you sir. You being alive is enough for her. The bar so low but you get a shovel. You put so much burden and pain on her shoulders and as if it not enough, you really have to make her witnes you death. Horible is an understatement for a dad like you
Chapter 38: Her dad really thought its a good idea to s word infront of his kid like soojin have enough trauma already sir 💀