Special Chapter

Turn of the tide.

“Ah… Sorry.” Hye Mi apologised as she stepped back a few steps.

“It’s alright.” The person said as he rubbed the spot she bumped into.

“This voice…” Hye Mi thought as she looked up at the guy.

“By-Byung Hun?!” Hye Mi gasped as her eyes widened.

“Hye Mi?” He called out in an unsure tone.

Lee Byung Hun’s POV

“When did my fat and ugly ex turn into such a beauty?!” I thought.

She is staring at me still and I guess I should do something. Stepping forward, I hugged her tightly. It feels different now. Her soft and huge body became all skinny and curvy. It seems like the choice to return to Korea was a right one, after all. Then, I felt her push me away roughly.

“Hey, Hye Mi… I know you are probably still angry at me. I am sorry for being so stupid back then to leave you for that . I came back for you so will you forgive me and get back together with me?” I asked, flashing my most charming smile.

Seriously, no girls can resist my charm and I bet Hye Mi would be no different. Looking closely at her, she looks even prettier than that who ditched me in America.

No one’s POV

“Lee Byung Hun, do I look that pathetic to you?” Hye Mi questioned as she rolled her eyes.

Byung Hun’s widened his in surprise at Hye Mi’s words.

“But I will still accept you.” Hye Mi said as she flashed her sweetest smile.

“Really?” Byung Hun muttered as his eyes twinkled in surprise.

“That’s an easy one huh?” He thought to himself and smirked triumphantly.

He was about to hug her again when Hye Mi suddenly slapped his hands away.

“You didn’t hear me out completely. I will still accept you… in a zillion years’ time.” She said with a disgusted look.

With that, Hye Mi turned about and walked away.

“What the…?” Byung Hun thought to himself, figuring the situation out.

He was not going to give up so easily. Never in his life had he missed a catch especially one that was in his bait before.

“Hye Mi~ !” Byung Hun called out as he ran after her. Catching up with her, he walked quickly beside her.

“Hye Mi, I really missed you a lot after I left for America. Even when I was with her, I think of you all the time. You are the sole reason I return Korea…” Byung Hun said.

Hye Mi ignored him and fastened her steps, trying to outrun him. Seeing the sweet talk method fail, Byung Hun decided to use another method.

“Hye Mi, can I visit your mum with you after school? Is she feeling better already?” Byung Hun asked, faking his concern.

He intended to make use of her mother who favoured him a lot in the past to get Hye Mi back. She stopped walking and his words totally triggered Hye Mi who was still not over the loss of her loved one. She spun around and pushed Byung Hun real hard on his chest, causing him to stumble backwards slightly.

“What are you trying to do now after leaving me behind when I needed you the most?! You abandoned me once my father went bankrupt and fled. You threw me aside when my mum was ill and when I needed your support so much. Back then when I pleaded you to visit my mother, you always say you are busy uninterestedly. Those times, you were probably hanging out with your girls! Now that she’s gone, you say you want to pay her a visit huh?” Hye Mi practically screamed in his face as tears began falling.

She hated those tears which fell, showing Byung Hun her weak side.  

“Jerk.” Hye Mi muttered before running off.

“She… She passed away?” Byung Hun mumbled to himself as he tried comprehending her words.

He felt a little guilty after hearing her words. Those hurtful words he said to her came back to him and guilt was weighing down on him more than before.

Hye Mi ran and spotted Chunji standing some distance away. She found herself running into his embrace and crying against his uniform.

“I am here.” Chunji said as he her hair gently.

Hye Mi cried harder as she gripped onto his shirt tightly. All this while, she missed her mother a lot, a lot. Since the day her mother passed away, she refrained herself from looking at anything that could remind her of her umma. Hye Mi stopped herself from thinking and talking about her mum, hoping to slowly get over the incident. She kept herself away from the topic, protecting herself from the pain it inflicted on her. She missed her mother.

And she thought she had permanently locked up those memories…

After crying for some time, Hye Mi stopped. She was sitting on a bench, waiting for Chunji’s return. Soon, he came back with a bottle of water in his hand. He smiled and handed her the bottle.

“Thank you.” She said as she looked away, trying to hide her swollen eyes.

“Want to talk about it?” Chunji asked in concern.

“It’s about my…my mum.” Hye Mi began as she tightened her grip on the bottle.

Chunji had known about Hye Mi’s mother because Soo Hee had warned him about it on her mother’s previous death anniversary. He nodded his head in understanding and placed his hand on top of hers.

“I miss her… I really do. Why did she have to leave me? Why must she be taken away when she is so kind? Why must I be left behind…? Sometimes, I feel like I am the only one left on Earth, all thrown away…” Hye Mi confided as more tears overflowed her eyes. She bit her lower lip, trying to control her emotions which were pouring out of her.

Chunji placed his other hand on her shoulder and brought her to his chest.

“Pabo. You still have me.” He said softly as he placed his chin on top of her head.

After a second round of crying, Hye Mi felt a lot better. All the words and feelings she kept to herself all this while were all released. She no longer felt suppressed with all those bottled up emotions. Walking out of school with Chunji, Hye Mi looked away. She felt a little embarrassed for crying so much before the one she liked.

“I must have looked really ugly crying…” Hye Mi thought to herself.

“You look funny crying so don’t cry anymore.” Chunji said as he broke the silence.

“Whatever. Go on and laugh, I don’t care.” Hye Mi retorted childishly.

“You look prettier smiling.” Chunji answered and looked away shyly.

Hye Mi felt herself blush at his words so she looked away too.

“Let’s go eat there.” Chunji pointed to an eatery shop located not far away.

“O-Okay.” Hye Mi replied with a cute smile.

“Welcome!~” The owner of the shop greeted.

“Hello.” The two said as they bowed politely.

“Aww~ what a cute couple we have here…” The shop owner complimented.

“Aniya, we… we are not couple!” Hye Mi corrected as she shook her hands about vigorously.

“Oh, sorry. I thought you two were couple… But seriously, you two look so good together.” The owner said as she led them to the seats.

After taking their order, the owner walked back to the counter.

“Yah! Why didn’t you refuse when she said we were couple?! I look so weird correcting her alone.” Hye Mi complained softly.

Chunji shrugged his shoulders and took a sip from his cup.

“She said we look good together…” Hye Mi smiled to herself as she was reminded of the shop owner’s words.

After the dinner, Chunji walked Hye Mi home. Reaching her doorstep, Hye Mi turned back and looked at Chunji. She had been dying to ask him something since the dinner time.

“Oppa, can I ask you something?” Hye Mi started.

“Yea.” Chunji answered simply.

“Have Soo Hee moved out of… here?” Hye Mi asked as she pointed to his heart.

“What do you think?” he asked as he moved closer to her face with a playful smirk.

Hye Mi blushed madly and moved back slightly.

“I shall tell you the answer.” Chunji said as he placed his hand behind her neck.

Pulling her towards him, he kissed her lightly on her lips. Hye Mi felt the magical contact on her lips as she closed her eyes. The answer she had been waiting for was finally here. She managed to evict Soo Hee out from Chunji’s heart and take her place.

Now, I am where I always wanted to be…

The next day…

Walking into the school hand in hand, Hye Mi heard some people spreading some news.

“Hey! Did you hear the news already? The fiancé of the Kims Corporation’s youngest daughter is transferring to our school!! I heard that she ditched him for a foreigner in America so he had no choice but to come back… It is rumoured that he is really hot and can speak fluent English!~” The news was passed on from student to student.

Hye Mi overheard the news and rolled her eyes as she was reminded of Byung Hun’s words yesterday. They were nothing but lies.

“Hye Mi, I am sorry for yest-” Hye Mi felt someone grab her other hand.

She turned about and saw Byung Hun. He then looked down and realised that Chunji was holding onto Hye Mi.

“Who is he?” Byung Hun questioned as he grabbed her arm and pulled her closer to him.

“She’s mine so screw off.” Chunj threatened as he moved closer to Byung Hun.

“We are over the moment you left me for her. Just leave before things turn out ugly.” Hye Mi said.

Byung Hun glared at Chunji once more before storming off angrily.

“Woahhh~” Soo Hee clapped her hands as she walked up to them. Myung Soo followed behind her with a grin on his face too.

Chunji tightened his grip on her hand as he looked down at Hye Mi with a warm smile.

“You are finally looking only at me when Soo Hee is around…” Hye Mi thought as she smiled back.

“Seems like love is in the air…” Soo Hee teased and giggled.

Then, Myung Soo placed his hand on Soo Hee’s waist without warning, making her blush a little.

“Oooooohhhh~!” The couple teased, making Soo Hee turn even redder.

“Jealous? You two can do it too.” L said with a smirk.

“Not now. It’s lessons time already.” Chunji reminded.

“Let’s head to the Arts Room before we are late.” Hye Mi said.

Walking to the Arts Room in their couples, they headed to their respective seats. Not long after, the teacher entered class. After greeting the class, she began giving instructions to the students.

“Okay, since grading is over, this lesson shall be free drawing. You guys can draw anything you want but you must be drawing… You better be drawing because I will be walking around, checking on you. You may begin now.” The teacher said.

The students sighed and picked up their pencils reluctantly. Soo Hee held the pencil in her hand and a smile emerged on her face. Then, she looked up and spotted Myung Soo staring at her, not moving his pencil. She giggled a little and mouthed to him, asking him to start drawing. He shook his head like a kid and continued staring at her.

“Mr. Kim, may I know what you are staring at and why your pencil is not in your hand?” The teacher walked up to Myung Soo with a raised brow.

“I…errr…was looking at the wall.” He said nervously, making the class laugh at his funny answer.

Myung Soo looked down in embarrassment and started drawing. He drew a simple infinite sign and bolded it by darkening the lines. He didn’t why he drew it but it was the first thing that came to his mind so he merely sketched it out. On the other hand, Hye Mi drew a guy’s chest and on his left chest, she drew an empty heart. Inside the empty heart, she drew a cute girl, representing herself.

Chunji drew a boy and a girl playing on a swing. The boy was pushing the girl on a bright sunny day and it was him. The chubby girl on the swing soaring into the skies was the old Hye Mi. He reminisced the moment they had together and putting it down on paper brought a smile to his face. He was determined to create more moments with her from today onwards. He wanted to fill up many, many sketch books with their memories.

Soo Hee placed her pencil down in satisfaction. Her drawing was a simple one with two pairs of hands holding tightly onto each other. Her detailed drawing makes separation of the two hands seem impossible. She had finished off the drawing with three words scribbled at the bottom of the page. “Happily ever after…” was what she wrote. Smiling in satisfaction, she closed the sketch book.

Life may not seem like a fairytale and you may not be a princess but that’s not the end. It’s the beginning of your tale…


Author's Note:
Hello! (:
I hope you guys like the special chapter I wrote...
A big thank you to those who voted in the poll I created.
I really appreciate if you people will leave me a comment since I doubt I will be updating this fic any longer.
I would certainly love new subscribers and views <3! (hope this fic will exceed 4000 views^^)
If you have the time...
Please check out and support my new fic collaborated with Pistachio called "Through the Memory Lane"
Thank you very much ~ <3

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niena98 #1
Chapter 18: This is lovely!!! And cute too!! They're soo cute together~ she is tough although everyone around her laughing at her. Be well author-nim and make another yet amazing stories!!~ I would love to read it^^
chocogirlMT1 #2
Chapter 18: aaawww - i really do live this story ... i even cry my heart out when soo hee was insulted ... it just that i am same like her character ... u r awesome writer n i really appreciate ur work , u can describe her each feelings perfectly .. i really do love ur story n i read ut in a one go . (fan)
keep doing ur work <3 :)
Chrisyjin #3
Chapter 18: Both Chunji an myungsoo is my bias...n its so hard to choose...i don't know which guy she should end up with *pout pout*...he2
but i love the ending... waiting for more :)
Chrisyjin #4
Chapter 18: Both Chunji an myungsoo is my bias...n its so hard to choose...i don't know which guy she should end up with *pout pout*...he2
but i love the ending... waiting for more :)
Chapter 18: Oommmggg... Tears, almost falling. Wooowww I found the story and read constantly, finished it all (prequel too) in two days, and omg its ammaaazzzinnnnggg. I know you weren't planning on writing another sequel at first, but i am sooo happy you did. Thank gahd she had a happy ending, and chunji went with hye mi. I was starting to get annoyed with his chasing of so hee, and a little worried, wince i shipped soo hee and L all the way... But yaaay, omg such a good mood right now :D:D:D
Chapter 18: hihi. i saw the previous comments before me and i got quite shock. it's almost a year since then. however, i gonna ignore all that and comment.
i really enjoy reading this story a lot. at first, i know how this story will turn out without reading it but i just can't pass by this story of yours like that, so i keep reading it. when i reach the ending, i seriously don't want this story to end but i definitely love the ending. love your great ideas and this writing style of yours. ^^
gotta check out your other stories. :)
to be honest, im not really interested in this story at first, until chunji came xD and now im in love in this story and i really love the ending ^^
imveryloser #8
Chapter 18: ahhh i just love your writing style! ; u ;

i'm so happy that soohee managed to
become happy in the end after all the
pain caused to her by everyone c':
i'm upset that the story already ended
though, but it's my fault for reading it
so eagerly /slapped/ but i can't help
the fact that your writing is so great ♡

now i hope you don't mind but i'm
gonna go read more of your fics c;