Only Room for Three

Blood and Love


Kyungsoo saw Chanyeol first. He tried to hug his friend, but was sad to receive little to no acknowledgement. Who could blame him? The guy had been ignored by his demigod friends all summer.


“What's got you in a bad mood?” Kyungsoo sat beside him on the table for dinner.


“I think Baekhyun  just broke up with me.” Chanyeol said it outloud.


It felt weird, but it was happeneing.


“What!” Kyungsoo covered his mouth to lower his voice, “This has got to be some joke, right?” 


Chanyeol shook his head blankly, “No it’s not. He just broke up with me in my cabin.”


“What for?”


“I don’t even know, ugh-I just wish…” Chanyeol’s voice trailed off.


He put his head into his head, leaning his elbows on the dinner table. This wasn’t supposed to happen. He wasn’t supposed to break up with Baekhyun the day he got back from camp. 

It was true. He didn’t even know himself how it had escalated like so quickly. First they were kissing and all in love the next second as soon as Chanyeol had seen Adrian he went berserk. 

He wasn’t overreacting was he?


Both him and Kyungsoo went off towards the dining area where all the campers were already eating their dinner. As soon as Chanyeol saw Baekhyun coming into the dining hall near the camp bonfire alongside Adrian himself his hate fried up again.

He watched like a stalker as Baekhyun served Adrian food, asking what he wanted, giving him a fork and knife along with a glass of pepsi.


Since when does he need a babysitter? Chanyeol thought.


“Do you know about this whole Adrian plan Alec has going on? What the big deal anyways. Why is this guy at camp half blood. I thought he was being punished by my dad or something.” Chanyeol asked Kyungsoo.


His friend, the son of Ares shook his head, “I really only know the surface. Apparently, Adrian sent an Iris message to camp saying he’d heard about Ezo and he could help the camp find him to end him once and for all.”


Adrian was the son of Athena. Intelligent, wise heck-he was probably wise than most demigods since he'd spend twenty years in a time capsule down in southern France. It was as a punishement. Back in 1999 when the demigod had disobeyed Zues, the god had banished him to France. Usually greek punishments took a minimum of a thousand years tops. All of this wasn't making any sense to Chanyeol.

Chanyeol narrowed his eyes as he watched the son of Athena joining his cabin mates, laughing harmoniously along with them. Baekhyun declined their offer to sit with them and opted to sit by himself on an empty bench. He didn’t lift his head, only sat quietly and ate his food. 

He felt bad watching his...well...ex boyfriend eat alone at dinner, but it wasn’t too far from what he usually did anyways. Baekhyun had always been a lone wolf. This was normal for him. Right?




Before their game of capture the flag they have breakfast the next day. There is a clear tension between Baekhyun and Chanyeol which the other campers can clearly sense. 

Rumours spread fast and everyone had found out the two ‘cc’ or camper couple had broken up. Chanyeol accredited the rumour to Baekhyun’s sisters who were keen on romance gossip. They threw him dirty looks every now and then perhaps blaming the break up on Chanyeol himself.

Kyungsoo had put on his helmet for capture the flag when he saw Chanyeol standing near the training grounds preparing for the game.


“Hey? Blue team?” Kyungsoo asked him.


“Yep.” Chanyeol said, revealing his metal helmet with a blue man that he held at his waist.


“Awesome. We are going to win this. Apparently Alec is offering no camp chores for over a month to the team who wins today’s game.”


“That sounds good.” Chanyeol said dismissively.


“Are you okay?” Kyungsoo asked.


“Why did Alec send Baekhyun to go rescue him this summer? Besides the whole Ezo thing.”


Kyungsoo narrowed his eyes at first, but then slowly softed his expression upon realizing what Chanyeol meant.


“You mean why didn’t he ask you to come with him?”


“Well...we’re a team. Inseparable. It was like...he didn’t want me to mess up his plans. I could have helped him.” Chanyeol sighed.


“You know Baekhyun isn’t like that. He likes to do things by himself-he has an extreme sense of pride. You remember last year? When he came out of the infirmary to fight Oceanus even though he was injured? That’s just the way he is.” Kyungsoo recalls. 


“Whatever, lets win this thing,” Chanyeol brushed off the thought.


Thinking about Baekhyun would only make things worse. He was right. They needed a break from each other despite the fact that they had taken a two month break from each other. Too much time apart was dangerous, but so was too much time together.

Chanyeol side eyed the son of Aphrodite fit on his red-manned helmet, signifying he wasn’t on Chanyeol’s team. 

Although, he didn’t mind the outcome of the teams. It was mostly the fact that Adrian was on the blue team along with Kyungsoo and Chanyeol that irked him. 


“Okay what's the plan?” Kyungsoo asked the team.


They huddled in close so no one else could hear. 


To Chanyeol’s right were several athena kids he couldn’t remember the names of and on his left were Kyungsoo and his brothers from the Ares cabin. Chanyeol realized this was basically the dream team. Strength and brains. What more would you need?

The son of Zues prepared to say a concise plan of what they should do to capture the other teams flag and get the win, but before he could even open his mouth, someone interrupted him.


“I say we stay up in the trees. That’s our best bet. Keep height above the other team and we’ll win no problem.” Adrian said carefully.


Chanyeol wanted to interject, but when he looked at everyone else they seemed okay with Adrian's plan. In fact, they were compliant, their eyes followed his every word and move. Adrian was born a leader. Chanyeol found another reason to hate this man.

In his opinion, the plan was flawed. Chanyeol had tried playing the ‘aerial view over you enemy game’. It never worked. Usually, the other team would somehow find out and then cut down all the trees or somehow gone underground instead. It was an easy strategy to overcome.This was child's play and Adrian didn’t seem to realize it.


“I say we head straight on,” Chanyeol offered instead.


He controlled his voice, trying to make himself confident, but not overbearing.


“I think Adrian’s plan is more simple and doable.” someone from the Athena cabin said.

It was clear as day the only reason the Athena cabin was backing up Adrian was simply because they were siblings.


Kyungsoo looked between the two, sensing the tension. If there was one thing insticutual about the big three kids it was their inability to share leadership or even try to follow someone who wasn’t authority.

Chanyeol hated being challeneged on his leadership.

The son of Ares agreed with Chanyeol for the most part. Adrians plan was elementary, something they’d done many times before. Who could blame him though? The poor guy hadn’t fought a battle or done proper combat in twenty years. Of course, he’d resort to this plan.

Despite that, Kyungsoo decided that perhaps letting Adrian choose his flawed course of action would teach him a thing or two.


“We’ll go with Adrians plan,” Kyungsoo treaded carefully as he watched Chanyeol, “If things go wrong at the last second we switch to Chanyeol’s plan.”



“Fine,” Chanyeol didn’t like the sound of it.


First,  he couldn’t stand being on a team with Adrian and to top it all off, he had to be taking orders from him? He didn’t like it one bit. 



They split up. Adrian and Chanyeol were sent off together, with Kyungsoo trailing behind them like a babysitter waiting for two children to erupt and begin fighting. The son of Ares had seen Chanyeol fight with his own brother before and it hadn’t ended well. If by any means did the son of Zues feel triggered enough to fight, it would only go down hill.

Objectively speaking, without any formal training Chanyeol was one of the strongest demigods here. That was only by default considering his father was Zues.


“Guys wait-” Kyungsoo held his hand out to stop them from walking, “I feel like we are being followed.


The son of Ares crouched down to examine the ground and noticed light, and barley notable depressions of someone’s shoes in the mud. It was silent, but somehow there was something off.

Kyungsoo held his breath feeling a strong presence on his right where Chanyeol ws standing. 

He blinked.


“Chanyeol watch out-!”




Out came one of the Aphrodite kids, Seulgi. She had always been-along with Baekhyun- one of the stronger ones in the camp after having spent seven years at camp half blood.

She had improved her sword skills greatly.

Seulgi swung at Chanyeol not letting him even catch his breath once.


“Yah!” She yelled before going in for another attack.


Adrian watched cautiously, knowing that if he intervened another person would probably pop out of nowhere.


“The west!” Kyungsoo told himself. 


Kyungsoo ran in the other direction, leaving Chanyeol and Adrian alone with Seulgi. 


The son of Zeus was quick on his feet. He took out his own dagger, clashing it with Seulgi’s before she could get a hit to his lower extremities. 

She backed away, going in with her legs to kick Chanyeol and make him lose his balance. Thankfully, Chanyeol saw it coming and pivoted to the side, letting Seulgi stumble over. He caught her wrist and judo flipped her quickly, earring a loud groan from the demigod.


Adrian stared, unsure of what to do. Instead he climbed up the tree again, presumably continuing on with having an aerial view. Except, their normal strategy was not rendered useless considering Seulgi had already known they were up in the tree’s all along.


“We’re doing my plan now!” Chanyeol yelled.


Simultaneously, he was trying to fight Suelgi who was trying her best to get him off the ground, for once very obvious reason: so he wouldn’t run after their flag.


Adrian didn’t listen to him. The son of Athena quickly jumped on the tree’s and continued to do so, running away from the fight that was happening. Instead of going towards the direction of their own flag which Chanyeol knew the other team had already reached, Adrian stupidly ran towards the opponents flag

Chanyeol cursed under his breath. 


“I’m not letting you go so easily.” Seulgi said, “Not after you broke my brother's heart!” She yelled again, raising her sword.


Chanyeol looked at her in disbelief wondering how the entire camp knew the two had broken up so quickly. 


“He broke mine!” Chanyeol said.


He needed to end this fight once and for all. Seulgi wasn’t here to fight him, she was distracting him from the real problem. A bunch of the red team was probably already at their base ready to take the flag.

The sky rumbled and before he knew it had captured a watt of electricity from the sky and aimed it at the daughter of aphrodite.

Suelgi seized in pain when she felt the impact of the lightning strike, dropping to the ground.


“Sorry, I had to do it.” Chanyeol ran, leaving the demigod cursing at him loudly.




When Chanyeol rounded the other side he did a quick check from the top of a tree to see if Adrian was at the opponents flag area. He saw the demigod there, fighting with someone from the Ares cabin that wasn’t on their team. 

Chanyeol ignored him turning his head quickly to the otherside.

To his surprise, he saw Kyungoo there.
However, the demigod was greatly outnumbered. With the entire red team encircling Kyungsoo now. 

Chanyeol was too late, he attempted to run towards their flag as fast as he could, but as soon as he lifted his head upon the hill where it was waving against the wind…


Baekhyun had taken it into his own hands waving it around as if to mock the blue team.


Chanyeol’s jaw clenched.

They’d lost.



When the rest of the blue and red team gathered together talking about the match, Chanyeol saw Adrian come into the clearing looking battered up from trying to get the red team’s flag from the other side.


Chanyeol got right in his face, “Why didn’t you go to our side like I said?”


Adrian, held a hand to Chanyeo’s chest as if to hold him back from getting any closer.


“Calm down man, it was obvious that they were already on our territory. It only made sense to go get their flag.” He waved off.


Adrian sidestepped him, trying to have some space from the fired up male, but Chanyeol’s instinct took over the logical part of his brain. He made the executive decision of pushing Adrian to the ground.


“What the hell!" Adiran stood up.


Then, Adrian proceeded to tackle Chanyeol to the ground. It was a miracle they hadn’t both taken out their weapons, because it wasn’t long before they could have killed each other.

A fight broke out. With Chanyeol and Adrian taking turns punching and shoving each other.

A ring of campers circled around them, shouting at the both of them to stop. Yet, not actually stopping them. None of them wanted to get involved, they knew how strong those two demigods were.


Kyungsoo ran up to the commotion. They were at each others throats now with Chanyeol taking out his own dagger.

The son of Ares knew there was no way to stop them now. 

Chanyeol was angry. And when that demigod got angry…


Instead, Kyungsoo ran over to get Baekhyun who was in the middle of celebrating their win.

Baekhyun watched in shock as Adrian took out his own dagger and began charing towards Chanyeol.

Without wasting another second, Baekhyun used his charmspeak.


Stop!” His voice echoed along the camp forest.


Chanyeol dropped his weapon on sight. His eyes emotionless as the charmspeak overtook him.

But Adrian had stopped not because of charmspeak, but merely the voice of Baekhyun. He lowered his weapon slowly, watching as Baekhyun walked up to them. Angry.






In the infirmary, Chanyeol was tended to for some light gashes and bruises he’s accumulated from his rigorous fight with Adrian. 


“It wouldn’t be camp half blood if Chanyeol was in the infirmary at least once in the year.” The nurse laughed.


Chanyeol rolled his eyes at the sarcastic nurse. She dapped some rubbing alcohol on his scratches making him wince in pain. When she was finished, Chanyeol sat on the chair in the infirmary, his mind thoughtless and yet, so scrambled.

Baekhyun walked in then, crossing his arms over his chest. He looked like a mother who was going to scold their son.


“That was stupid.” He said.


He was being stupid.” Chanyeol looked away like a child.


“You’re unbelievable and you're turning eighteen in November,” Said Baekhyun.


The son of Zues hated fighting with Baekhyun, but technically they were already in a fight. Avoiding each other for ages. Chanyeol deep down felt a slight tinge of sorrow and happiness that Baekhyun was at least talking to him. Is that how desperate he’d become?


“Why did you only charmspeak me? Do you really think I was going to kill him,” Chanyeol’s voice wavered.


Baekhyun uncomfortably tapped his feet on the hardwood floor. He didn’t want to answer the question, but he knew Chanyeol would continue to pester him about it.


“You could’ve.” Baekhyun admitted.


“I wouldn’t hurt a fly.”


“I-it’s not that you wanted to. Listen, big three kids are more powerful than you think. Whether you like it or not-you could have actually killed Adrian-”


Chanyeol stood up abruptly, “Then why don’t go to him? If you care so much about his well being.”


Baekhyun’s gulped down, “I-”


“Well?’ Chanyeol came closer to him, towering over looking at his purple eyes.


“You’re being unnecessarily jealous.” Baekhyun said.


“Then see it from my perspective. You’ve been ignoring me for two months and then boom I come back to camp to see you’ve been with that guy the entire summer.” Chanyeol kept his voice at a leveled tone.


Baekhyun doesn’t say anything. His behaviour this week was uncalled for. Not only had he broken up with Chanyeol, but he was simply denying all the facts he was throwing towards him.


“What’s with you. It’s like you're hiding something from me. You can tell me, Baekhyun. I’m listening.”


Before Baekhyun could open his mouth, rolls into the infirmary in his wheelchair (his human form). He looks between the two demigods, but mostly turns to Chanyeol in disappointment after learning he had started a fight with Adrian.

Just when Chanyeol thinks he is about to be scolded, Alec hits them something he didn’t expect to hear.


“The oracle has spoken.” 




Since Chanyeol, Baekhyun and Kyungsoo had gone on a quest last year it only made sense for them to hear out the prophecy first in the privacy of Alec’s cabin.

Chanyeol had been waiting for this moment. He’d had several nightmares about it. Perhaps he was afraid that this time they’d actually have a backbone to go forth with. 


Alec’s cabin hadn’t changed since first year. The fire was still on despite the warm climate in early september. Chanyeol stepped on the porch with Kyungsoo and he could already tell there were people inside-they seemed to be discussing something very important

When Chanyeol was presented with the sight of Adrian sitting on the couch, his tea cup in hand as usual he felt the immediate anxiousness. It wasn't like last year-where he was all brand new and squeaky clean void of any horror that a quest entailed. Chanyeol had seen death. He'd faced it several times now so a quest didn't sound all nice and dandy. 

Much like Promethethus, a popular titan in greek myths who had gone out of his way to provide humans with knowledge, Chanyeol thought that perhaps knowledge wasn't a very good thing after all. 

  When everyone had settled down Alec retrieved the parchment that had an indecipherable language scribbled upon it. Chanyeol couldn’t make out what it said, but Alec took it upon himself to translate the important text.


A lost soul, will revive from a frozen time


Will suffer the toll of love, a sour betrayal


Enemy of sky will rise in his prime


And joined the likes of a titan until he is able


To defeat the demigods and their shrine


So as to take the blood of one’s true desires


Drink it so that they may join the divine.


Chanyeol tried to repeat the lines over and over again, seemingly getting nothing out of the lines.

He remembered last year that Kyungsoo and Baekhyun didn’t even have a prophecy to go by in their quest, and yet, here they were with one. Somehow, it was making things more confusing.

Who was the lost soul the prophecy was referring to? Was it perhaps Jongdae? The man who had passed last year a result of being possessed by the titan Oceanus? Or did they mean it figuratively? 

Chanyeol paid most attention to the line: “The enemy of the sky”

He knew that they meant Zues, but who was his enemy? There were several Chanyeol in his mind, but he wasn’t sure who would be after him right now. After this he’d need to do an in depth search about his fathers enemy, which he was sure wouldn’t be too hard.


“This prophecy...doesn’t tell us anything. It’s all word play,” Kyungsoo said.


“Yes, I agree unfortunately. However, this is all we have for now to go by.” Alex said.


Lost soul?” Kyungsoo  took the parchment and turned it upside down as if to read it a different way, “What does this mean?”


Alec tapped his chin thoughtfully, but before he could respond Adrian intersected, 


“It could mean several things, a lost soul...someone who isn’t  alive, someone who’s vanished from earth or…” Adrian trailed off.


Alec nodded in agreement. Sometimes he forgot that Adrian was mentally much older than the rest of them.

After what seemed like hours of going through the prophecy, Alec finally took away the cursed parchment and rolled it back up, placing it on the saddle of his wheelchair.


“Now, I didn’t only call this meeting for the prophecy.” Alec sighed, “Ezo is creating an army. I have reports that he’s in Munich, conjuring up a storm with one of the most deadliest titans known to the gods.”


At the mention of Ezo, Chanyeol could tell Adrian grew tense. 


“Munich? Germany?” Kyungsoo asked, turning to look at Baekhyun, “Weren’t you there the entire summer?”


Baekhyun shrugged, “I didn’t notice anything off.”


“He’s much more skilled than we think. He was only a rookie demigod before he became rouge, but...hatred prevails. We need to plan every step because chances are Ezo has it all figured out.”



The demigods nodded carefully grabbing onto every word that Alec had to say. They knew to trust their camp counselor. He, like the gods, was immortal. He’d seen the downfall and the uprising of the gods. If there was one person they’d listen to it was him.


“As all you know, the reason why Adrian is here is because he will be our bait. He knows about Ezo’s whereabouts and how we can reach him. Therefore, I’m asking you guys to  go on this quest.”


Chanyeol narrowed his eyes then. Not only was he appalled that Adrian was here in the first place, but he was also going on this quest? Nothing about this made sense.


“Four? Isn’t that an unlucky number in Greek?” Chanyeol brought up bitterly.


Afterall, there were four of them in the room. He didn’t hear good things about having more than three quest members. One guy from the Athena cabin had told him the fourth person always died on the quest-it was never a good omen.


Alec gave him a nervous look before turning over to the tray of tea cups on the fireplace. Chanyeol knew everytime Alec made tea he was about to hit them with something they didn’t want to hear.


“You won’t be going on this quest, Chanyeol.”




Chanyeol barged out of the cabin, barely hearing Kyungsoo calling him to stop. He couldn’t believe what he’d just heard. Not only was Baekhyun going on a quest, but Chanyeol wasn’t?

It was like he’d left camp, but everyone else had stayed and continued on without him. He felt left out, confused and annoyed all at once.


“Chanyeol wait-” Kyungsoo caught up to him right at the steps of his own cabin, “Don’t be mad, okay. We tried to convince Alec to let you come with us. I mean, you were the one who’d saved the camp last year if anyone deserves to go on a quest, its you. I tried my best, but he won’t budge.”


“I feel like you're not telling me something. Like I’m out of this high secret society that Adrian guys have going on.”


“It’s not like that. We just...wanted you to have a normal summer break with all your mortal friends. We didn’t want you involved in all this,” Kyungsoo explained.


Chanyeol shook his head in dismay, letting out a strained laugh.


“I am involved in this! I fought Ezo last year. I know him better than anyone and don’t forget that I’m a demigod too. So, whether you like it or not, I’m involved in this.” Chanyeol’s fist automatically clenched.


Kyungsoo was at loss for words. He knew Chanyeol wouldn’t listen to him. With the break up and everything his mood seemed to be spiralling. Kyungsoo knew talking to him any longer would just cause trouble.

After all, Chanyeol didn’t have the best self-control when it came to his powers. Last year he’d gotten into a fight with someone from the Ares cabin and not to mention the numerous fights he’d had with Baekhyun.

Even though the son of Zues had been untrained back then...he was reaching the age of seventeen and according to legend, the children of the big three didn’t fare well with their powers after they reached adulthood. They would become overwhelmed. Out of control. Just like Chanyeol had been rough with Adrian he could have been with anyone else. 





The son of Zues almost breaks the door of his cabin when he closes it shut hard. His mind is boiling with anger. Forget the fear of missing out, Chanyeol felt uninvited, useless, worthless. All the hard work he’d done with his combat skills and trying to control his powers had all been rendered useless because he wasn’t going on the quest. 

Had the quest been completely unrelated to him, he would not have cared, but this was Ezo. An old enemy they had kept  an oath they would fight. It wasn’t fair. None of this was fair.

He laid on his back facing the ceiling, trying to calm himself down before he could cause another disaster. 

Chanyeol closed his eyes attempting to fall asleep, but he heard the slight sound of footsteps making their way outside.


His door creaked open revealing a stern looking figure who he hadn’t seen for so long.


“Junmyeon?” Chanyeol said in disbelief. 


“Well are you gonna stop sulking? Lets train.” He led Chanyeol out of the cabin.


“Where have you been? I didn’t see you on the first day of camp.” Chanyeol asked.


Junmnyeon sighed sadly, “Alec sent me to go find Ezo this summer.”


“What? You too?!” Chanyeol eyes grew wide.


“Don’t worry, not all of us went on secret missions. I had a lead. I heard that he was trying to get close to a titan. Turns out I was wrong.” Junmyeon said.


The son of Poseidon didn’t show it, but it seemed that he wasn’t telling Chanyeol something. Like the information he had uncovered on his secret quest was not good news at all. He looked tired, worn out. Junmnyeon had probably fought so many monsters this summer without question. It made Chanyeol feel bad for enjoying his summer a little too much. Peace and quiet. He couldn't imagine what it was like for campers who went on quests. Perhaps...Chanyeol was being a little dramatic?


“Listen, I don’t know exactly what Ezo has got planned, but we need to be prepared.”


Chanyeol gulps, nodding his head.




Junmnyeon and Chanyeol trained until their limbs felt they would fall off. Chanyeol hadn’t used his elemental powers-much less honed them for so long. Only Junmnyeon was the one who could properly train him since he too possessed them.

It wasn’t all rainbows and fairies when it came to their powers. 

First, at one point in a demigod of the big three’s life their powers would overwhelm them- cause distress in life, perhaps even increase their testosterone and anger issues.


“It’s normal. To want to break everything and feel the need to destroy everything at a glance. Your powers are growing, you are coming of that age.” Junmnyeon explained.


They were sitting in the dining hall after practice. The sun had gone down and everyone was enjoying their dinner around their usual bonfire. Some people would throw their leftovers in the fire, giving tribute to their god parents. The atmosphere was homey, but he could feel the tension around him. It seems the entire camp had figured out that three demigods would be going on a quest: Baekhyun, Adrian and Kyungsoo.



“What about you? When you were my age, how did you handle your powers?” Chanyeol asked his mentor.


“I am five years older than you, so this would have happened around the time of my first quest with Jongdae and Baekhyun. I say the least very rowdy and unfiltered. I had broken a lot of things. Including my friendships. In the end, it's about owning up to your mistakes. This power surge is only temporary. It comes to every big three child at around seventeen years of age. It’s a stage of life for us.”


Chanyeol nodded, looking out towards the bonfire, mesmerized by the flames. He hadn’t thought that he’d become the demigod he was today. Strong-yet hard headed- nice and yet stubborn.


“Chanyeol!” Kyungsoo came running behind them moving his plate of spaghetti across from the two demigods, “Where have you been all day?”


Chanyeol, who was still a little bitter that he wasn’t going on the quest, used all his power to speak to his friend, “Training with Junmyeon.”


Kyungsoo nodded, looking behind Chanyeol distracted when he spotted his two quest mates walking over to the bench table.

Chanyeol tensed when he saw Baekhyun who ignored him and sat beside Junmyeon with his plate of mashed potatoes and steak. Adrian also sat beside him. It was like the two of them had become inseparable ever since the son of Athena had been rescued. The demigods may have found their relationship normal, but Chanyeol knew Adrian well enough to know that he wasn’t a nice and perfect man. This demigod was hiding secrets, he’d been in a time capsule for twenty years he had to have something up his sleeve!


“Are you guys ready for the quest tomorrow?” Junmnyeon asked the three of them politely.


Meanwhile, Chanyeol sulked at the edge of the table a little envious. 


“We packed our bags and ambrosia. According to Adrian, Ezio's hideout is in Germany.” Kyungsoo announces excitedly.


“Cool,” Chanyeol said half heartedly as he took a sip of his pepsi. He already knew that, why were they trying to rub it in their face?


“This is my first quest in twenty years. It's thrilling.” Adrian’s eyes lit up.


No one asked. Chanyeol thought in his head.


Baekhyun turned to Adrian smiling sweetly before rubbing his forearm,


 “You’ll do amazing.”


“I’m going to head back to my cabin now.” Chanyeol stood up suddenly.


Kyungsoo looked at him and then back the demigod's food. It was untouched and had turned cold. From the looks of it, Chanyeol’s face was twisted in anger. He left his plate and stormed out of the dining hall.

Even Junmnyeon didn’t have the strength to follow him back.




Chanyeol slammed his wooden door and fell to the ground with his hands to his face. He proceeded to punch the ground in frustration. He couldn’t get the scene of Baekhyun puting his hand on Adirans. Them budding up so close to one another. It was like Chanyeol didn’t even exist in his life anymore. 

This isn't happening. This was all just a bad nightmare. Right? 

Chanyeol stared at his wooden floor of the cabin, lost in thought. It suddenly hit him. This was happening, this was real. 

His mind began to race. He stood up and flew open his closet door, taking out his black backpack that he’d used to pack some of things for camp. It was empty, but soon enough Chanyeol began to stuff in a shirt, extra ambrosia, snacks and the weapons he’d need for battle.

He couldn't tell if it was the sheer adrenaline of having to see Baekhyun go on a quest without him tomorrow, but he knew he couldn’t sit around at camp any longer.


“You’re being too rash,” came Junmnyeon’s voice.


The son of Poseidon was leaning against the door frame of his cabin, tapping his foot restlessly as he watched Chanyeol break apart, packing his bag. 


“I’m not. I have a gut feeling I have to be on this quest.” Chanyeol grumbles.


Junmnyeon looked at Chanyeol with disdain as the demigod flung his bag over his shoulder, breathing heavily.


“You expect me to keep this from Alec?” Junmnyeon raised an eyebrow.




Just like that Chanyeol stormed out of his cabin, ready to go on a quest he was never invited on. 



Authors note: OKAY IM SORRY THERE'S A LOT OF STORMING OUT THAT CHANYEOL IS DOING hahaha. Anyways, I made this chapter extra long so you guys could have a good read tonight or morning what ever time it is where you are. Tell me about how you feel things will turn out in the next few chapters? Do you think Baekhyun and Chanyeol will get back together? How do you think Chanyeol is gonna get away with following the three of them on their quest-afterall he did say four is an unlucky number in greek :)


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Chapter 11: Aphrodite was right though. That's the beauty of love!

This was so good. I love how things are progressing. Moving onto the 3rd book :D
Chapter 10: Gosh why? When they could've been happy 🥺
Chapter 9: The cliffhanger!!
Chapter 8: Curiosity gets the best of me with each chapter!
Chapter 7: Is it Mina who is the mole or is it Adrian (I still don't trust him) 😒
Chapter 6: Oh no Baekhyunee 🥺
Chapter 5: What a chapter! Is it Baek's time to be jealous now? 🤭
Chapter 4: Their bickering is the best part. Pretty sure I'll see more in the upcoming chapters :D
Chapter 3: Chanyeol should've seen the way Baekhyun Hughes Adrian 🤭
Chapter 2: Adrian is already getting on my nerves and others are surely hiding something from Chanyeol