The Barista

Blood and Love


After Chanyeol is thoroughly briefed on what exactly was going on with the whole quest-and-how Prometheus was involved. Little by little, they were making sense of the confusing prophecy. Yet, there was still much to determine. Like why was Prometheus even after them in the first place? Why had Ezo and him joined each other's ranks? 

Of course, they both hated Zues, but why did Prometheus need a mere demigod to help him? Did he have an ulterior motive?


“It’s complicated and we have to fight monsters ever other day. We can’t even get out of this godforsaken hotel room because every chance they get they attack.” Kyungsoo explained to Chanyeol.


“Well, we have four bodies now, we could take a couple of monsters.” Chanyeol pipes up.


“It isn’t that simple. Somehow, the mist isn’t working.” Kyungsoo sighed.


Chanyeol raised his eyebrows, “The mist? Wait you mean to say-”


“The mortals can see what we are doing, every jab we take, the blood and gore of killing a monster. If we so far as show them any more than that-we would be disrupting the realm between the gods’ dimension and the mortal world.”

“So what? We’re stuck here?” Chanyeol looked around the hotel room, perhaps calculating how long it would take for them to run away without getting sniffed out by a monster.


“Yeah. You’re a big three. With you, we’d attract even more monsters,” Kyungsoo said.


There was a clam silence that rested over them. Suddenly, when Chanyeol’s brain felt a little rested, he jerked up when the bathroom door opened, revealing a showered Baekhyun whose hair was still damp as he patted it down with a towel.


“I’m sure as hell not staying put here.” Baekhyun said with determination.


While Adrian slept soundly on the hotel bed near the window, Chanyeol and Kyungsoo had their legs crossed on the bed near the bathroom door watching Baekhyun restlessly think of a plan.


Chanyeol opened his mouth to say something, but knew whatever idea he gave out, Baekhyun would just ignore it. They had come to that point in their relationship where they were at each other's throats. At least last year, Chanyeol found it endearing whenever Baekhyun went all psycho on him, but now...he was over it. He continued to have feelings for the man-even after they’d been through so much. Even after Baekhyun had told him to go back to camp like it meant nothing to him.

His mind went back to his small backpack he’d brought from camp to follow everyone. He knew he’d kept a couple of essentials including an untouched sac od ambrosia and ofcourse, tucked into the pocket was Baekhyun’s bracelet Chanyeol had planned to give him. Of course, that never happened considering the fact that they had broken up. It was still an important item to him.

As Baekhyun began to talk about their next steps in the quest with Kyungsoo, Chanyeol worriedly went over to the second bed where Adrian was sleeping-or perhaps passed out.

Ducking beneath it, he squinted his eyes to try and find his black duffle bag he carried around everywhere.

To his disappointment, it wasn’t under the bed.


“Where the heck-” Chanyeol began, running over to the bathroom to check the drawers and cabinets for his bag.


This wasn’t good news. Well at least for Chanyeol. He knew that he told the rest of them that he lost his bag; they would have just shrugged it off, told him that they had enough ambrosia, since they assumed the only important thing in it was ambrosia nectar for healing.

Little did they know, Chanyeol had kept the bracelet he was going to give Baekhyun in it too.

He retraced his steps from the last time he’d had his bag. Chanyeol remembered he’d snuck out of camp, then he’d followed them on the plane...then..the cafe..

Right, that's where it should have been. He needed to get to the cafe, but without making it obvious that he needed his bag a lot.


“Guys I'm hungry.” Chanyeol came to stand before Baekhyun and Kyungsoo.


The two demigods looked at him in confusion. “We’re in the middle of discussing how we aren’t going to die in the next few weeks.” Baekhyun scowled.


“I know, I know, and I would join you...but I just don’t have the energy.” Chanyeol complained.


Kyungsoo sighed looking at Adrian who had still fallen asleep soundly despite their constant talking. 


“Fine we'll go out to get something to eat, but someone has to stay here and watch Adrian,” Kyungsoo looked between the two of them.


Baekhyun looked like he was going to volunteer, but before he could Chanyeol blurted out his own name. 


“I-I’ll watch him,” Chanyeol cringed.


he hadn’t meant to stay behind. He needed to get out-find his bag-get the bracelet back. Yet, here he was in the name of love offering to look after Adrian-who had pretty much ruined his entire relationship with Baekhyun.

It would be hard not to strangle the son of Athena in his sleep.


Clenching his jaw, Chanyeol watched in annoyance as Baekhyun and Kyungsoo threw on their coats and headed out towards the grocery store.







Kyungsoo decides it's in his best interest that he takes Baekhyun outside away from Chanyeol for the time being. The promise to come back with groceries since they currently don’t have anything in the fridge and since it was about 10pm, the hotel wasn’t offering room service.

As the two of them detoured, Chanyeol stayed within the room, looking out from the window, his hand plastered on his face in boredom.

He’d thought about many scenarios between him and Baekhyun, but he hadn’t expected flat out rejection when he finally revealed himself on the quest. Maybe it was the stress of the quest, but he hadn’t seen Baekhyun so furious. 

He sighed, turning back to check up on his supposed arch enemy whose chest heaved up and down calmly.


“You really are a pain.” Chanyeol glared at a sleeping Adrian.


But then, instead of silence, the demigod opened his eyes all of sudden. As soon as he did, he winced in pain squeezing his eyes shut. 

Adrian turned to Chanyeol who had his eyebrows raised.


“W-what happened? What are you doing here.” Adrian rubbed his eyes.


“You my friend, got into a life threatening situation that I had to save you from. Hmph, it goes to show you just because your older doesn’t mean you're any good at fighting.” Chanyeol laughed at his own joke.


Then, the son of Zues came to sit on the shair lateral to Adrian, who was rubbing his temples, probably overcome with a headache.


“Didn’t...Alec tell you not to come? He said you weren’t part of this quest.” Adrian jabbed.


Chanyeol held back a ring of insults he had prepared and hesitantly changed his tone of voice.


“I understand that...I might seem a little deranged for disobeying our camp consuller, who for all I know is probaby plotting my murder back at camp, didn’t feel right.”


Adrian blinked, letting Chanyeol carry on.


“I couldn’t let my friends go on a quest without me. And I know that sounds super full of myself yadah yadah yadah, but I felt deep down it was the right thing. Rightfully so, I mean you guys were dead before I came.”


Adrian let out a pained chuckle, “I guess I should apologize.” He said.


Chanyeol tilted his head in confusion.


“For not following you plan back at camp for capture the flag. I was...kind of a little jealous of you to be honest.” 


The son of Zues pointed at him, “Me?”


“Yes. You have this unbreakable connection with the camp that I had lost those twenty years ago in my time capsule. To be frank, I’m envious. You are settled, so sure about your life and your purpose. You want to be a hero, someone who will sacrifice themselves on every quest, but I. I am just a lost demigod who left his chances of ever becoming great long ago.”


Chanyeol’s expression shifted from surprise, to sadness.


“As much as I’m loving the compliment, I feel like you have me wrong. I mean, on the outside I may seem like this macho, stuck up big three kid whose only purpose is to save the world from ending, but deep down...I’m lost and just as confused as you are. When I first came to camp...I asked the dumbest question. I asked Alec how I could stop being a demigod. hindsight that sounded super dumb. I one wants to be a demigod, but it becomes our destiny and the fact that I could have been born into any other family, but I ended up as me, is kind of what keeps me going. That and…”


“And Baekhyun?” Adrian smiled.


Chanyeol sighed, realizing everything always came back to him.


“Yes, and even though we may hate each other right now, I know that I’d never leave him. Ever.” Chanyeol said.


Perhaps that moved something inside of Adrian because he suddenly began to laugh at the demigod's serious expression about his love for Baekhyun.


“W-what's so funny?!” Chanyeol blushed.


Adrian shook his head, “Nothing, it's just I really do feel old. Young love always amazes me. Oh and by the way, don’t worry I’m not going to make a move on Baekhyun.”


Chanyeol’s face relaxed. He’d been waiting to hear those words since forever. Still he felt a little sour.


“Then what’s up with all the chuminess. At camp you guys were almost trying to piss me off.” Chanyeol scowled.


“It’s not what you think.” Adrian sighed, “In fact, while I do agree it’s hard not falling in love with Baekhyun, we were just friends. He supported me when...all the Ezo stuff was going on.”


“Oh.” Chanyeol said blankly.


“Me and Baekhyun have a lot in common, really. We both lost our friends to evil. I could relate to Baekhyun a lot. That's why we became close.”


The son of Zues nodded, recounting Baekhyun's past. He’d come to camp half blood after being chased by several monsters. When he’d reached he’d met one of his lifelong friends, Jongdae. In the end, Jongdae had joined a rogue demigod resistance (that Ezo also happened to be in). While Jongdae wasn’t the greatest guy all around, in the end he’d sacrificed his life for the camp. All of this made sense to Chanyeol now, why Baekhyun was so attentive towards Adrian, and took care of him the way he did. They had a common ground.


“I’m sorry I jumped to conclusions about your relationship.”


Adrian nodded his head, as if to accept the apology, but his face grew wary.


“Listen Chanyeol, I’m not one to give relationship advice, have to understand something about children of Aphrodite...their purpose is to love. To be loved and right now, Baekhyun isn’t getting any of that.” Adrian said cautiously.


“What do you mean?” Chanyeol asked.


“I mean...if you don’t get Baekhyun back, his mother may find someone else for him.”





Chanyeol paced around the room clearly losing his mind as he ran his fingers through his hair like he was out of options.


“Calm down,” Adrian advised him.


“I’m not calm because for all I know Aphrodite probably caused this break up, maybe she found someone...more suited for Baekhyun? I mean that could explain his anger issues lately.” Chanyeol tapped his chin.


It took Adrian about ten minutes to coax Chanyeol back to normality and when he did, he was at loss of words.

Seeing Chanyeol this way made Adrian think back to the time he and Ezo spent together. They had been crazy in love, but when Ezo had decided to leave him to fight this huge revolution it broke his head. Nonetheless, Ezo had told Adrian that he still loved him and that he’d save him from his time capsule and that he was fighting the war for him. Yet, Ezo hadn’t saved him at all. He hadn’t kept his promise.


“I’ve spoken to Ezo before…” Adrian brought up.


Chanyeol raised his eyebrows, “Yeah, I met him back at some abandoned museum in France. He was…”


Adrian sat up from his bed, interested to hear what Chanyeol had to say.


“I’m sorry, it's something you probably don’t want to hear. He uh-said that he had forgotten about you years ago and that he had no interest in you.” Chanyeol stared at the ground, unable to meet Adrian’s sorrowful eyes.


“I'm aware. He told me the same thing. Ezo came to visit me one last time you know-after he fought you guys at camp and tried to escape. He explained to me he was fighting this entire war for me. He said that it was Zues’ fault that I was in my time capsule.”


Of course how could Chanyeol have forgotten such an integral part of Adrian’s story. He'd vanished to a time capsule because of Chanyeol's father. For what reason, the demigod was still unsure. Adrian had never told them how and why he ended up being punished. 

After speaking to his own father last year at Mt. Olympus had to admit Zues was...kind of a jerk. It wasn’t that he was overtly rude or anything, but it seemed like he had this exuberant confidence and narcissism that Chanyeol didn’t think his own father could have. At that point, he was glad he’d been raised by his mother.


“Why did my dad even punish you? What crime did you commit?” Chanyeol asked.


Adrian smiled,  “You know Gods and their hissy-fits. You see Chanyeol, I didn’t do anything. Matter of fact, it’s not that I did’s that I saw something I shouldn't have.” He explained.


Chanyeol tilted his head in confusion.


“You see twenty years ago when I was on my quest with Ezo...we’d actually met Zues on the way, but to my dismay...I saw him with a woman…”


Adrian paused taking a deep breath, as if he was preparing to say something that would change Chanyeol’s life.


“That woman was neither god, nor titan...I couldn’t understand. Clearly, it wasn’t something I was supposed to see because as soon as Zeus saw me he was more than angry. He wanted to kill me right then and there.” Adrian said.


“ saw Zues have an affair? So what? It wasn’t like he’d had other affairs.” Chanyeol admitted.


“It was a mortal, Chanyeol. The big three pact had just been made at the time-Zues, Poseidon and Hades were not allowed to have children, but your father had broken the treaty and was having a relationship with a mortal.”


Chanyeol’s mouth gaped open, as blinked his eyes in disbelief.


“That woman was your mother, Chanyeol. I’m almost certain of it. When I saw you last year making your way to my time capsule, you looked familiar-you have your mothers eyes and her smile. I was so sure you were the spawn of the big three. It took a lot of will power for me not to murder you that day since I had despised Zues for so long. Then...I realized, you are nothing like him so it pained me that I couldn’t get my revenge. were a good person.”


“ dad locked you up cause he thought you’d snitch on the gods?” Chanyeol’s eyes lit up.


Adrian nodded in the bed cradling his legs close to his body to comfort himself.


“You know as crazy as this story seems, it's kind of cleared up a lot.” Chanyeol eyes lit up.


“What do you mean?” Adrian asked.


“I mean this entire revolution...Prometheus, Ezo. It all makes sense why they’re working’s because they all have one common enemy…”


Adrian’s breath hitched, “Zues.”


They both sat in that hotel room, their brains connecting the dots slowly, but surely.





Tapping his foot restlessly, Baekhyun could have sworn he hadn’t asked to come with Kyungsoo grocery shopping. It was the last thing he wanted to do. Albeit, he had to admit he was a little hungry, but he couldn't understand why they didn’t just order from a near-by restaurant.

When Baekhyun observed the things Kyungsoo was dropping into the cart, he presumed they were broken.


Instant noodles, small coke cans, sour patch kids and pringles. This wasn’t...a healthy diet, but it was going to help them budget.


“Sorry, I kinda blew off all the euro’s we had on the hotel, we kinda have to...lay low on the money.”


Baekhyun nodded, looking around for something to do while Kyungsoo continued to be the mother of the group.

He strolled off into the baked goods sections, eyes ogling at the baked buns and strawberry shortcakes. Mortals really knew how to cook dessert. He couldn't find things like this at camp-half blood. Maybe on special days, but they usually had classics, like lemon cake. 

His favourite had always been strawberry shortcake. Bending down to look at the price he frowned realizing it was over twenty euros. Go figure, the one thing he wanted to eat had to be expensive. Pouting he turned his head to the lemon cakes instead and found they had a similar price. That’s Europe for you, everything to eat was overpriced. It probably didn’t even taste good, Baekhyun thought. 


“No wonder all we ate at the orphanage was porridge,” He said to himself. 


Baekhyun was so caught up in looking at the pastries, he hadn’t realized a shadow was hovering over him.


“Well, well, if it isn’t a scummy little demigod.”




Baekhyun turned around quickly, almost falling into the baked goods when he saw a tall man, looking to be about six feet tall lurked over him, sporting a mischievous grin. A trickster grin.

Any ordinary demigod wouldn't recognize the man standing in front of him, but Bekhyun recognized the visage from his dreams. 


“Prometheus.” Baekhyun said quietly, looking around trying to see where Kyungsoo wandered off to.


The titan was in a mortal form. He had brown auburn hair that was pulled up into a classy hair style. If Baekhyun had to compare him to a celebrity he looked like a Walmart version of Tom Cruz. He was sporting adidas track pants and a large red hoodie. His olive skin tone made him look a little middleeastern, but his almost shining red eyes made him look devilish.


“Oh, don’t be afraid, half-breed, your friend is too busy buying different types of instant noodles to care where you are right now.”


 (Also wide note Prometheus brings up baekhyun and him both hate Zues , since Zues disapproved of Baekhyun relationship with him.this is the big secret Baek had been hiding) 


“Are you going to...kill me?” Baekhyun reached into his pocket to grab his dagger.


In reality, the demigod only asked this question if he wanted to stall. Considering the fact that there was a fricken titan in front of him Baekhyun was in no position to fight. He needed back up.


Prometheus' mouth curled into a smile, “Oh dear, you have me all wrong. I would never kill a mortal.”


Baekhyun gulped, sensing the sarcasm laced in his words.


“Of course, you’re half mortal, so I think ethically that gives me the right to kill you.” The titan scratched his chin as if he was in deep philosophical thought, “Nonetheless, you’re not of importance to me.”


“I don’t know what this is about-”


“You half-breed, your kind has stooped  to your lowest. You have stolen something very dear to me…” 


Baekhyun didn’t know he was in an alternate universe, but he sensed that this was still real life. He wasn’t sure what Prometheus was going on about. All he knew was that it had to be so important that he’d come here to personally meet him. He’d dreamed about him once and in that dream he also spoke about something...that was stolen from him. What was that thing that he kept referring to? What did he want so bad? It had to be related to Zues since they were enemies. Right?


With all the courage he had, Baekhyun took out his silver dagger and pointed at the titans chest.


Prometheus raised his eyebrows, slowly looking down at the weapon drawn to him curiously. With one swift movement he took the dagger like an extension of Baekhyun’s arm and flipped him over onto the bagels in the grocery store.

Thankfully, Baekhyun hadn’t landed on something sharp, nonetheless, Prometheus had used an indecipherable strength to throw him.

The demigod regained his composure, looking around to notice all the mortals were staring at him in shock.


“Someone call the police! He was about to stab that poor man!” A young woman yelped.


Baekhyun looked at the crowd in confusion. Had they not just seen Prometheus body slam him into the section of everything season beagles?


“What? Not this again-”


“They can’t see me hurting you of course. They see you as a rude teenager hurting a frail old man. Mortals are my creation, I can stop them from seeing the mist whenever I see it necessary. In fact, I would love to eradicate the mist once and for all. I mean are mortals so insignificant and lowly that they can’t see monsters?”


Baekhyun rolled his eyes. Not only was Prometheus annoying, he was unbearably full of himself. He contemplated whether Hercules had thought through saving this titan. Was it really worth it?

It all made sense now, why mortals were seeing their weapons and everything.

Prometheus had removed the mist. This was bad. This was really bad.



“If I’m not the one you want, then why are you here?” Baekhyun asked.



Prometheus smiled, “You’ve studied me demigod and you should know there is only one demigod I could truly kill…”


Baekhyun bolted to the exit. His heart leaping out of his chest.




He was relieved to find Kyungsoo standing in the snack aisle tapping his chin trying to choose a flavour of pepero. 

Baekhyun ran over to him, out of breath.


“What's with you? You look, you just saw a titan,” Kyungsoo joked.


Baekhyun lips made a tight line, “Well I kinda did.”


Kyungsoo dropped the pepro he had been holding in his hand and followed after a concerned looking Baekhyun.


They both ran back towards the hotel. Kyungsoo wasn’t exactly sure what Baekhyun was doing, but he knew to trust his senses.


“Prometheus came here, he followed us.” Baekhyun explained.


“Where is he now?” Kyungsoo asked.


“It doesn't matter because he was just stalling. They're in danger. I know it.”


The son of Ares, “Well thankfully Chanyeol’s there, so he can help Adrian.” He said reassuringly. 


“I don’t think Chanyeol can take on this enemy alone.”


“Who do you reckon it is?” Kyungsoo sounded worried now.


“I don’t know, but we have to go now.” Baekhyun hurried them out of the grocery store, their cart of instant noodles left in the aisle.




They burst through the hotel room to find Chanyeol and Adrian against the headboard of the bed watching T.V like it was any Saturday afternoon.

Baekhyun immediately sighed, holding his heart to his chest when he realized...they were okay...he was okay. Chanyeol wasn’t dead. Prometheus was just playing with them.


“What's with you guys?” Adrian asked the distraught looking demigods.


Baekhyun who had run the fastest, sunk to the floor catching his breath, “We-we thought you guys were dead.” He said


Chanyeol tilted his head in confusion, “We are alive and well-but more importantly, where the heck is the food?”


Kyungsoo and Baekhyun looked at each other in embarrassment realizing they’d left all the groceries at the store.




That night, Baekhyun found himself turning and twisting in his bed. They had two kind sized beds. On one slept Adrian and Chanyeol-who for whatever reason were on better terms. And then Baekhyun and Kyungsoo slept on the other. The other three demigods had no problem falling asleep, but Baekhyun found himself overthinking.

Why had Prometheus come to him at the grocery store today? Clearly, he hadn’t meant any harm-and what was the point of threatening that he was going to...kill Chanyeol.

Of course, it took him a while to figure out, but it made sense.

Prometheus was a long term enemy of Zues, so anything that was related to Zues was immediately something he too despised. Perhaps he thought by getting rid of Chanyeol would trigger the god of sky enough to throw a tantrum. 

The titan was smart-in a cunning way. He had something up his sleeve, but Baekhyun couldn’t figure himself out.

He hated admitting it because of his pride, but he was afraid. Prometheus wasn’t like some dumb bumbling titan like Oceanus, he had a brain-he could actually win this whole revolution. 

Baekhyun wanted to overthink more, but was met with sunken eyes and before he knew it, he began to dream.



In his dream he was standing in the same cave, but instead of looking from afar hidden behind a rock, he was up front and centre. Baekhyun stood before a large bronze throne, his body frozen and unable to move.

In front of him was the titan himself, once again in his human form. Prometheus looked pleased with himself. As if he’d been proud to summon Baekhyun in the dream world twice in a row.

Baekhyun would have thrown an arrow if he could, but it was like he was strapped down.


Behind him came a figure he hadn’t seen since last year.

Ezo looked horrible. His eyes were sunken and blood shot, his hair which used to have a ginger tint, was dyed a jet black. The son of Hermes wasn’t himself anymore. Baekhyun’s heart ached, especially knowing that he’d have to tell Adrian all of this-knowing that Jongdae had gone through the same thing.


“What do you want to know.” Baekhyun said in a strained voice.


Prometheus smiled, “Just tell us where it is demigod and I’ll be out of your hair.”


“What do you think, I'm easy? Go ahead, torture me, nothing can make me-”


“You are naive to think that I can’t get under your skin.” Prometheus interrupted him.


Baekhyun froze, “What do you mean?”


The demigod desperately wanted to move his arms, but they were stuck to his sides like glue. It frustrated him. Baekhyun wanted nothing more than to smash the titans face into the solid ground-because he wasn’t liking where this conversation was going.


“I propose to you a deal.” Prometheus surmised.

Baekhyun gulped, watching carefully as Ezo came to stand beside Prometheus robotically. His eyes were lost, but his body was stiff-as if he was being told to do things.

Ezo lifted a hand and immediately an image of Baekhyun came up. It was of him last year before summer break. Him, Kyungsoo and Chanyeol were at Mt. Olympus celebrating their successful quest. Baekhyun had been busy speaking with his mother, Aphrodite and when he had wandered off into the corridor to find his then boyfriend.

To his surprise he was met with the lightning eyes of none-other than Zues himself.

Baekhyun looked at the scene in pain, wondering if Prometheus was going to show him the memory he’d attempted to keep stored in the back of his mind of ages.

Now, it being brought back here like someone had been filming him the entire time made his head hurt.


In the ‘video’ Zeus came to cower over Baekhyun tapping his foot restlessly.


Baekhyun bowed to the king of all gods, but he realized that Zues wasn’t offering him a nice was a brooding and angry look.

On that day, Baekhyun had made a new enemy.


“I take it that you and my son are involved…” Zeus sighed.


At that time, Baekhyun was tired and exhausted from his quest so he hadn’t taken those terms to heart. Yet, watching it over again made his heart hurt again. 

Baekhyun didn’t want to say the wrong thing so he stared at the sky god for what seemed like eternity before he said something.


“You’ll have to end it.” Zues said.


Baekhyun narrowed his eyes, “What are you saying?” 


“I don’t want you around my son anymore. Trust me, I didn’t think he would become anything one day, but look at him-he’s here making allies with the gods, being offered the gift of immortality. You will only slow him down, it’s that simple demigod.”


“Chanyeol and  I-”


“Oh I don’t care for all that lovey dovey obscenity that Aphrodite preaches. It makes me want to throw up, to be frank.” Zeus holds up his palm as if to tell Baekhyun that if he were to stay another word, he’d be killed right then and there. 


Then, just like that-Zues vanished.


Baekhyun turned back to Prometheus and Ezo. His heart felt like someone had shoved a metal rod into it. Why had the titan shown him this? The reject he’d gotten from Zues last year was something he’d been meaning to keep in his unconscious for a long time. Yet, here was the master manipulator, prometheus bringing it back.


“Why did you show me that-”


“Because we have the same enemy, don’t we son of Aphrodite.”


Baekhyun’s face fell.


“Zues tormented me for thousands of years-only to bring his heroic, manly, ever so strong son Hercules to my rescue. Such a shame, had they known Hercules never truly cared about me, he just wanted honour-and Zues gave that to him. He used me like a pawn.”


“So what, you don’t have to drag demigods into your personal affairs.”


“You don’t see it do you?” Prometheus, looks at him in concern.


“See what?” Baekhyun asked.


“Zues is doing the same thing with his new son. He will do anything to give his own spawn the centre of attention-and that means ruining everything around him. Zues would have killed you that day-but knowing that childish demigod lover of yours-he would have the face the rest of eternity knowing that his son didn’t have the same glory as hercules.” 


Baekhyun looked at the ground because he knew Prometheus was right. In someways Prometheus had a charmspeak of his own-able to manipulate and use his words wisely. It swayed Baekhyun for sure, but he knew he’d never do or listen to anything the titan asked him.


“What do you want from me.”


“Simply. Give me the nectar.”


Baekhyun looked at him in confusion.


The titan seemed to acknowledge his confusion by titled his head to the side. It seemed he was wrong-the demigod didn’t know about the nectar.


“What nectar? Baekhyun asked.


“Years ago I cultivated a special type of ambrosia nectar that mortals could drink.”


“Why would we have it?”


“Because I can sense one of you measly demigods have it!” Prometheus raised his voice, perhaps annoyed by the new knowledge that the demigods hadn’t been playing dumb and didn’t know where the nectar was. 


“Whatever- even if I found that nectar what's so special about it.” Baekhyun pushed.


“It’s an immortality nectar. I made it especially for mortals. Zeus goes on and on about how he’s better than everyone because he can live forever. Well, my greatest revenge is to give mortals that exact ability.”


Baekhyun thought about the absurdity of it all. How could Prometheus have  been able to make such a thing. And if the Baekhyun and everyone else really had it, was it in one of their bags?
It all started to make sense. Why they’d been tracked by a copious amount of monsters this time around. Of course, the removal of the mist was Proemtheus doing then too. This was diabolical plan? Using mortals to show Zues he wasn’t all that.

The God and Titans fought like kindergarteners.


Ezo since he’d been there, hadn’t spoken since, 


“Master, he is about to wake up.” He advised Prometheus.


But before the titan could keep him any longer in the dream realm, Baekhyun sat up from his dream.




It was morning when he’d woken up from his dream. The other three demigods were still sleeping, but Baekhyun was wide awake as he’d ever be. He didn’t really quite understand the conclusion of that dream. What was Prometheus going to do next? He obviously couldn't get what he wanted by using Baekhyun.

The son of Aphrodite couldn’t get the dream out of his head. He had to find that nectar. The entire world depended on it.

If mortals entered the realm of the gods-the entire world would collapse. 

Mortals could only explain so much after seeing through the mist, but having immortality. That was too far.


Baekhyun stood from his bed and immediately went to search in his bag for his nectar. He opened the water bottle and found and held his nose to the cap, attempting to smell it. Did this immortality nectar smell different? None of them had used the nectar except...Adrian of course.

Had they given him the immortal nectar?

No...there was no way.


How could they even confirm that? Did Baekhyun have to kill him or something and see if he would even die?

Baekhyun let his hands fall into his hands in frustration. Why had he been cursed with these dreams that were driving him insane.


“Why are you awake so early?” He heard from behind him.


Baekhyun jumped in shock when he saw Chanyeol had awoken, his hair all over the place and his eyes squinting at a stressed demigod.


“Did you bring a bag with you and did you lose it?” Baekhyun stood up abruptly.


He knew they weren’t in good waters right now, but Baekhyun needed answers now.


Chanyeol nervously looked at Baekhyun before stuttering, “Yeah, w-why?”


“We need to get that bag.” Baekhyun ran over to the coat hanger and threw on his leather jacket.


Chanyeol continued to sit upright on the bed, clearly confused and appalled firstly that Baekhyun was even on speaking terms with him, but also-why was he so trained on finding his duffle bag?! The bag he too had been desperately searching for.


Chanyeol climbed off the bed, and threw on his own bomber jacket, noticing how quickly Baekhyun was ahead of him holding the door. Did the demigod even want him to come with him? After all, he’d asked him about the bag. To add on, Baekhyun didn’t even know what his duffle bag looked like.


“Well, I'm not going to wait here forever,” Baekhyun walked out the door.


Chanyeol stumbled behind him.




Early morning Germany was beautiful. There was the fragrance of nearby cafes that filled Chanyeol nostrils. There was also the bustling work peoples that bustled through the streets. These were locals, it seemed. They had places to go. They were busy. 

The city was beautiful.

Chanyeol turned to Baekhyun who had since not spoken, only nervously biting his lower lip to the point that he saw blood coming out.

What was getting him in such a twist?

Chanyeol sighed. Of course, he was in such an amazing city with Baekhyun of all people. He’d always wanted to visit Germany-especially when he’d learned Baekhyun would be spending his summer break there with his father-which speaking of, he hadn’t heard anything about. 


“In this cafe?” Baekhyun snapped him out of his thoughts.


Chanyeol looked to where he was pointing, at that same parisian looking corner building. There were way too many people walking out getting their morning german coffee. 


“I remember I came here before I caught up to you guys. I probably left it at some table or something.” Chanyeol remembered.


Chanyeol watched in awe as Baekhyun strutted up towards the barista who seemed completely busy in that moment of the morning coffee rush.

The barista had on a black apron, her hair was in pigtails and face slightly sweaty from probably working all morning. 

She  watched in confusion as Baekhyun cut the line and slapped his hand on the counter. To any mortal, Baekhyun looked like he was about to rob the tiny cafe.

The son of Zues, carefully tapped the demigod's hand so that he could move it away because the barista seemed a little over whelmed.


“Uh, sorry, my friends kind of tired,” Chanyeol stepped in front of Baekhyun, who looked at him like he’d done nothing wrong.


“What can I help you with?” The girl asked, narrowing her eyes a little when Chanyeol came into his field of view.


“Do you guys have a lost and found?” Chanyeol asked.


The barista raised her eyebrows. As if she’d  finally connected her dots of confusion. It was as if a sense of familiarity grew between the both of them


“Wait, Chanyeol. Is that you?”




They found themselves in the breakroom where the barista had pointed to a bin nestled behind a table that was lazily labeled ‘lost & found’. Baekhyun set to work, turning the bin over and searching for Chanyeol's bag.

Meanwhile, the other demigod began speaking with the barista-who get this, he actually knew.

It was Mina. A girl Chanyeol had gone on a camping retreat with over the summer. To his knowledge they’d only ever spoken once, and when they had it had merely mean a small greeting. It was odd that this acquaintance had somehow recognized her.


“We actually go to the same High School,” She reminded him, fumbling with the strings of her apron.


“Oh wait-what class were you in?” Chanyeol taps his chin.


Mina laughed, brushing her hand against Chanyeol’s arm that rested on the break room table.

“Come on silly, I was in your math class-oh and don’t forget Mr Guerro’s spanish class.” She smiled.


Chanyeol recalled Mina as being the quiet student who used to sit at the back, but nothing more than that. Perhaps, he had been friends with her, but his time at camp half blood had made his connections back home weak.


“So then, what are you doing in Germany?” Chanyeol asked.


“An exchange program. I thought I’d pick up a job to get adjusted as a local here as well. It’s been fun so far. I wasn’t expecting to meet someone back from new york though,” She looked at Chanyeol brightly.


“Well I’m glad we got to meet,” Chanyeol said sincerely. 


“Say, why are you here in Germany? I heard you’re going to some private boarding school now. Didn’t know it was in europe.”


At that moment, Chanyeol froze. He wasn’t sure how to respond. Of course, how stupid of him. How was he going to explain that every year he went to a camp filled with people that were half human and half greek god like himself. 


“I-uh, well you see-”


Before he could cultivate a made up answer, Baekhyun cleared his throat, holding up Chanyeol’s black Adidas duffle bag.


“Uh-we should get going-” Chanyeol noticed Baekhyun’s irritated look.


“Wait! So soon? We should catch up.” Mina said excitedly, “You know I have the yearbook, I have pictures of Kai and them.”


Chanyeol's eyes lit up from hearing the name of high school friend. He desperately wanted to speak with Mina, not for any specific reason besides the fact that he longed to have a normal conversation with someone. Someone who hadn’t experienced fighting gorongs and mintaurs. Someone who was just a normal person-who wanted to live their life without worrying about prophecies and death.


Mina prepared to let the two demigods go, but suddenly the ground rumbled beneath them.

The barista tumbled over, catching Chanyeol’s arm to hold on. Baekhyun held on to the chair beside him, side eyeing the other demigod like he wanted to shoot an arrow at them.


An earthquake?



The glass from the break room window shattered, and out came a man with jet black spiky hair. Ezo huffed in triumph when he noticed how taken aback the two demigods were. In his hand was an obsidian black sword and beside him was a gorgon.


“Here we go again,” Baekhyun took a breath.




The gorgon was first to attack leaving no mercy when it enlarged its talon and slashed at Baekhyun. Having been defenseless, Baekhyun dodged the creature by ducking, but to his element of surprise, the monster quickly turned around and tried again. This time it dug into Baekhyun’s forearm a little, just enough to let out blood, but not enough to have him wailing in pain.

He reached into his leather jacket in time and took out his dagger. The clanking of the metal and the gorgons talons met with a screech.

Chanyeol in the meantime, ran over to his dropped duffle bag and retrieved his own sword, holding up in front of his body to defend himself as Ezo came running into him


“Yah!” Chanyeol slashed his sword, only missing slightly from Ezo’s face.


They fought for about ten minutes, going at each other in different ways. Both Baekhyun and Chanyeol had been so focused on figuring out how to defeat Ezo and the gorgon, they had completely forgotten about the mortal that was witnessing the entire thing.

Mina hid behind the table, crouching down. Her eyes were opened in fear, but she seemed very calm for someone who was witnessing two demigods fight a demon and a rogue demigod.

At one point, Baekhyun had stabbed the gorgon successfully. Out of breath, he managed to turn to see Chanyeol struggling to hold off Ezo. 

The demigod was stronger than before. His skin wasn’t as flushed as it was in Baekhyun’s dream-he was prepared to fight.

Baekhyun looked to the ground where he saw the supposed immortality ambrosia nectar in a hot water bottle type of satchel. He understood why they were here. Of course Prometheus had been keeping a close eye on Baekhyun ever since that dream. He planted the idea of that ambrosia to get him to find it. He didn’t actually know if the demigod actually had it-he’d used him.

As fast as he could, Baekhyun ran over to the duffle bag. Just as he was about to hold in close to him, he felt a foot step on the strap from the other end.

Baekhyun pulled on harder, hoping it would come loose. He looked up and found Ezo smiling evilly.

Looking back to where he was fighting Chanyeol he saw the son of Zues was already out of it. His head spinning from being hit hard by Ezo. Baekhyun hadn’t seen the whole fight so he wasn’t sure how everything was happening so quickly.

Baekhyun took out his dagger. He was on the ground with his stomach down. He closed his eyes shut before somehow swinging with his dagger while gripping on to the bag at the same time.

If he didn’t get the bag then the entirety of humanity was doomed. 

His jaw was clenched, he was sweating, about to loose his strength.

Ezo let go of the strap and proceeded to smash his foot into Baekhyun’s hand. 


“Ah!” Baekhyun yelped.


Ezo pressed harder, making Baekhyun curse, tears daring to come out his eyes.


Chanyeol in the meantime hadn’t gotten up still, everytime he’d push himself up with his arms, he’d fall back down in an unconscious state. 

Basically, if the son of Zues did nothing right now, Baekhyun was screwed.

Baekhyun only had one trick up his sleeve.


“Let go. Get off-go back to-Ah!” Baekhyun screamed in pain when Ezo almost crushed his fingers.


Baekhyun’s charmspeak was useless against Ezo right now. If he wasn’t energized enough he could have been able to use it-but he was so damn tired and exhausted he couldn’t bring himself to do anything.


When the demigod finally weakened his grip on the bag, he could feel Ezo reach out to grab it, but as soon as he did he was knocked back violently.

Ezo fell to his knees-presumably unconscious.

Baekhyun sputtered out a painful cough, before holding his injured hand close to his chest.

When he looked up to see who had knocked the out of the rouge demigod he was more than surprised to see that girl-the barista, holding up what looked like a serving tray for coffee.





Authors note: Hello dears, I am back with a banger! I tried to make a thick and fat and juicy chapter this time around! Another one may come up within the next few hours as well I just have to make it more robust. Some exciting things are coming up be preapred. Tell me what you think about this chapter? The addition of the new character...if you read percy jackson I kind of based her off Rachel (but dono't worry she won't be the oracle). Anyways enjoy the read guys! 

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Chapter 11: Aphrodite was right though. That's the beauty of love!

This was so good. I love how things are progressing. Moving onto the 3rd book :D
Chapter 10: Gosh why? When they could've been happy 🥺
Chapter 9: The cliffhanger!!
Chapter 8: Curiosity gets the best of me with each chapter!
Chapter 7: Is it Mina who is the mole or is it Adrian (I still don't trust him) 😒
Chapter 6: Oh no Baekhyunee 🥺
Chapter 5: What a chapter! Is it Baek's time to be jealous now? 🤭
Chapter 4: Their bickering is the best part. Pretty sure I'll see more in the upcoming chapters :D
Chapter 3: Chanyeol should've seen the way Baekhyun Hughes Adrian 🤭
Chapter 2: Adrian is already getting on my nerves and others are surely hiding something from Chanyeol