
Blood and Love



“Where the hell were you guys-!” Kyungsoo had his hands over his hips.


The two demigods rushed inside the hotel room, shutting the door behind them quickly. Baekhyun was the last to enter, he slid down the door breathing heavily.


“What on earth happened?” Adrian asked from his bed.


“And who is this?” Kyungsoo pointed at Mina.


“Let me explain.” Baekhyun said.





“So what, we’re expected to believe this normal looking ambrosia satchel is some immortality potion? Kyungsoo turned the bottle over on it’s side to inspect the contents.


“I’m not even sure,” Baehyun admits, “I mean-in my dream Prometheus talked about it, but he never really explained how it was different.”


“Perhaps he hadn’t meant it to look different from regular ambrosia. An extra thing to make Zues feel bad. I mean, imagine making a healing potion like ambrosia and then Prometheus comes out here with an immortality ambrosia that looks exactly the same. It’s textbook greek pettiness.” Adrian explained.


The son of Athena did not lack knowledge. He knew what he was talking about. After all, they’d lost importance in finding symbols in things. Everything came down to a small fight between gods or titans. Nothing was ever a normal or  justified fight. 


“It’s sad.” Chanyeol said, “That Ezo is going along with Prometheus thinking he’s getting his revenge on Zues and the other demigods-when really he’s just being used as a pawn.”


Adrian’s head turned to Chanyeol, “Y-you saw Ezo?” He stuttered.


Chanyeol hadn’t meant to blurt that out, but he would have had to tell him sometime.


“Yeah, sorry man...he wasn’t doing well.”


The son of Athena nodded, “Did you kill him?” He asked.


The way he had asked the question, wasn’t so much curiosity as it was confirmation. Adrian had prepared for this. To see the man he once loved so much die at the hands of his own friends. It was inevitable to say the least. 


“No…”Chanyel looked down, “But...Mina knocked him out.”


All three demigods turned their heads to the tiny girl who seemed about their age sitting with her t-shirt and jeans on the floor in front of them. Her legs were to her chest and her was a mess from having run almost three kilometers.


“ guys are cool and all-but do I have to be here? I mean-I don’t know what happened. I can’t really explain it-actually I don’t want if you guys would let me, I’ll just get going.” Mina said.


Kyungsoo tapped his chin thoughtfully, “We can’t let you go now.”


Mina looked devastated, “Why not?”


Chanyeol spoke up, “Because we need to protect you. It’s our duty.”


“Y-yeah but, I don’t really need protecting. I mean-whatever type of thing you guys are doing it doesn’t seem like I’m not  important to this.”


“You saw us fight a gorgon. There’s no way you're going back to work acting like nothing happened.” Chanyeol pointed out.


Mina pursed her lips, unsure about the situation at hand. On one side she was anxious about what she’d just witnessed and on the other hand she hated the fact that she was hiding something from all of them- that this wasn’t the first time she’d seen those ‘monsters’ and those ‘creatures’. It’s part of the reason why she’d agreed to follow Chanyeol. She wanted answers. And she wanted them now.


“I agree with the mortal. We should let her go.” Baekhyun raised his chin and crossed his arms over his chest.


Chanyeol threw a sharp look his way.


Kyungsoo noticed the tension, so he immediately waved it off and took leadership on the decision of whether to let Mina go.


“We’re keeping her. We have no choice.” Kyungsoo said with finality. 





“Why are we packing, where are we going?” Mina asked, looked around to see everyone filling their bags up with necessities: tooth brush, ambrosia nectar.


“We have to run while we have time. Ezo probably already woke up and told Prometheus everything. They probably want us even more than they did before because we have the ambrosia.” Kyungsoo explained.


“Wow...I can’t believe Greek Mythology exists.” Mina reamined starry eyed, asking a multitude of questions.


It reminded Chanyeol of when he first came to camp half blood. He was so eager and anxious. HIs mind was everywhere. It wasn’t everyday that you learned you were half god and half human-it was exciting to say the least. He imagined Mina felt something that had been kept secret from mortals for eons.


“It sure as heck does,” Chanyeol grinned, “Believe me though, the gods aren’t all unicorns and rainbows.”


“Have you guys met Achilles?” Mina asked.


“Achilles is dead.” Baekhyun deadpanned.


Chanyeol rolled his eyes, “Please don’t mind him, he’s a bit of a spoil sport.” 


“Okay, guys that's enough, first off we need to devise a plan. Me and Adrian were thinking we should take the express subway and reach southern france.” Kyungsoo threw his bag over his shoulder.


“Southern france? Why?” Chanyeol asked.


“We can’t stay out here forever. Plus, Adrian’s time capsule has a force field that we could benefit from at the moment.” Kyungsoo glanced at Adrian who could barely even lift himself off the bed.


Baekhyun nodded in agreement, but excused himself to the washroom.


Chanyeol sighed, “Okay, fine. We’ll go lay low in the time capsule for now.”


When it came down to who was going to be carrying the immortality ambrosia there was no doubt a common agreement that since it was Chanyeol’s bag he would be held responsible for carrying it. 


“Where did you even get the ambrosia anyway?” Adrian asked, examining the perfectly normal satchel.


“I don’t know. To be honest, when I was trying to follow you guys to your quest, I hadn’t even remembered packing ambrosia.” Chanyeol shrugged.


Kyungsoo nodded, “Someone definitely planted it there. Which were meant to go on this quest, Chanyeol.”


“Told ya so. Alright, well let's finish packing a few more things and hit the road-it’s gonna be a long journey. “ Chanyeol said




Kyungsoo, Mina and Adrian were all packed. They all stood outside the lobby conversing with Mina about the new found world she’d been catapulted into.They had somehow gotten the son of Athena his own crutch for his leg. With more ambrosia he would hopefully heal within a week or so. 

Chanyeol in the meanwhile had been waiting for Baekhyun to get out of the bathroom.

Knocking on it frantically, he only received a low grunt from Baekhyun on the other side.

It was only them in the hotel room.

What the hell was he doing in the bathroom for so long?!


“Open up! We can’t wait forever.” Chanyeol sighed.


He decided to sit back on the bed and take out his duffle bag. He’d almost forgotten to search for the very thing he’d thought about retrieving his bag for. He reached inside the small hidden pocket with a zipper on the side. Digging his hand, he froze when he realized it wasn’t there.

The bracelet he had bought for Baekhyun, that he had been meaning to give him since almost a month ago. It wasn’t in the exact pocket he’d left it. Chanyeol immediately panicked. He turned the bag upside down, rummaging through the contents of shampoo, a toothbrush, deodorant. Nothing else. The bracelet was gone.


“…” Chanyeol ran his finger through his hair in stress.




Chanyeol immediately jumped when he heard Baekhyun’s voice come from the bathroom. His heart began beating a thousand miles per hour. He knocked on the door, but when he got no response he made the executive decision to break the lock with all his upper body strength. 

Standing there in front of the mirror was a jaundice looking Baekhyun who in  utter agony was holding his left hand.


“What happened-”


“None of your business, just get out, I’ll handle it.” Baekhyun closed his eyes tight.


Chanyeol gulped, taking a step forward to look at Baekhyun’s hand. It was twisted, dislocated almost. His ring finger was upturned and the palm of his hand was bleeding. 

That is when Chanyeol briefly remembered Ezo crushing his hand with his feet a while ago. 


“Are you kidding me?” Chanyeol took Baekhyun’s hand in his own.


Then, in one swift movement he made Baekhyun sit on the lid of the toilet seat while Chanyeol crouched down and immediately began tending to his wound.  His eyes were focused on the fingers that seemed to be doing not so well. 

They only had a couple of minutes so Chanyeol took a strong badnage and wrapped it across his hand.


Baekhyun sat there in silence, staring at the ground, his eyelids heavy from exhaustion.


“Just so you know,” Chanyeol was almost finished wrapping the wound, “I don’t despise Adrian anymore. We kinda made up-so you don’t have to be so mad about that.”


Silence again.


“I was wrong to think that he was...trying to do anything with you. I should have trusted him. He’s a strong demigod and we needed him more than anything on this quest.” Chanyeol continued on.


Chanyeol looked up to catch Baekhyun’s far away expression. Was he giving him silent treatment? His hand lightly brushed up against Baekhyun’s to which he desperately wanted to kiss him right there. Oh how much longer did he have to wait to have the son of Aphrodite in his arms again. An eternity? He could probably wait. 


“Oh and sorry about the whole-disobeying Alec to come on this quest..I don’t know I had this gut feeling that I was supposed to be here-you know-” He said.


“I talked to your father last year at Mt. Olympus.” Baekhyun interrupted him.


His voice was shaking, quiet and nervous. It wasn’t the Baekhyun Chanyeol knew.


This was news to him. Baekhyun hadn’t told him Zues and he had spoken. Why?


“What did he say?” Chanyeol narrowed his eyes.


Baekhyun cleared his throat, “At first I despised him for what he said...but now I’m realizing he may be right.”


“Baekhyun, what did he say?” Chanyeol’s voice grew cautious.


“He advised me to stay away from you. I wasn’t as busy as I said in the summer. I was anxious. Afraid. That if I were to contact you Zues would-”


“What?!” Chanyeol said.


“You don’t understand. He was right. I’ obstacle for you. He said that he wanted his son to be a hero and I was only in your way and he was right.”


Chanyeol, despite wanting to ask a million questions, knew that he had to make things right.


“No, Baekhyun he’s wrong.”


“You came on this quest because you have a ‘gut’ feeling, but that wasn’t a gut feeling. You came on this quest and risked your life for me. Your fatal flaw is devotion. Once you become close with someone-once your with someone its like you can’t let them get hurt.” Baekhyun’s words were getting too real.


Chanyeol froze. He didn’t want to accept the fact that despite the absurdity of what Baekhyun was saying,there was some truth to it.

After all, if Chanyeol wasn’t coming on this quest to protect Baekhyun, then why had he remembered to pack the bracelet, why had he been thinking about him this entire time? Even when he was trying to get his duffle bag he had only thought about the bracelet.


“Is that what you were going to tell me when I came to camp? That we should break up because of some stupid thing my dad said?” Chanyeol asked.


Baekhyun didn’t answer.


“I gave up immortality for you, I came on this quest for you-but, my dad is wrong. That doesn’t make me any less of a hero.” Chanyeol said confidently, “You make me a hero, you're the one thing I wake up for everyday and fight monsters and continue to live this crazy absurd life of mine.”


The son of Aphrodite looked up with his teary violet eyes, staring at the man he so deeply had fallen in love with a year ago. He imagined what life would be like without Chanyeol and he could never imagine it. 


Slowly, Baekhyun stood up from the lid of the toilet seat and tiptoed to plant a quick kiss on Chanyeol’s lips. It had been so long. So long that Chanyeol had lost track of the last time they kissed.

To provide him more support, Chanyeol brings Baekhyun's waist closer, careful not to hurt his injured hand as they continue to kiss each other to their heart's content. 

After a while, Chanyeol brought his hands under Baekhyun’s white t-shirt, grazing the top of his chest in a smooth motion. That earned him a light heavy breath from Baekhyun.


“W-wait, we should go down to the lobby they are waiting for us.” Baekhyun stuttered.


This was the first time Chanyeol had ever made his boyfriend flustered. Oh-but should he be calling him that so soon? After all, Baekhyun had only kissed him, that didn’t mean they were back together.

Ex-couples sometimes had resurfacing makeout sessions, but this could have meant anything for Baekhyun. 

Either way, Chanyeol couldn’t help but take off the mad grin he had on his face.




Baekhyun and Chanyeol were red and flustered which Kyungsoo was first to notice. He looked at the two up and down before huffing a short laugh.


“You guys better not have cost us anything while you were up there.” Kyungsoo raises his eyebrows.


Chanyeol defensively waved his hands around to make sure that Kyungsoo understood they didn’t ‘do anything’ upstairs. 


After a quick run down of the travel plan, the five of them lugged their bags towards the train station only a couple of kilometers away. So that they wouldn’t have to run into monsters on the way, Adrian had devised a plan of having Chanyeol stand in the centre (the demigod who gave the monsters more of a stench that they were there, and then surrounding him Mina, Baekhyun, Kyungsoo and Adrian.
It worked when they reached the train platform safely. Chanyeol took a sigh of relief.

When they boarded, originally Chanyeol had wanted to sit beside Baekhyun, but the conductor had told them they were not to fray away from their assigned seating.

To  Baekhyun’s annoyance he was paired with the mortal-Mina.


Mina was...almost like a female version of an obnoxious valley girl and interested nerd.


Baekhyun wished he had those ear-bud-music things that mortals used to shut out people when they didn’t want to speak with them. 

Although he was still a little nervous sitting beside Chanyeol, he wished it over sitting beside the mortal.


“Say, you're the son of Aphrodite right?” Mina piped up.


“Yes,” Baekhyun answered dissipointed.


“So...can you tell the future between couples?” Mina asked.


The demigod raised an eyebrow in confusion. Why was the mortal girl so interested in greek mythology. Had this been any other mortal they would have already lost interest, perhaps called the police, but she was different. She wanted to know more. She wanted all her questions answered.

At first glance she have seemed like a clueless stupid pretty mortal girl, but Baekhyun knew she was hiding something.


“Are you not afraid?” Baekhyun asked her.


“Of what?”


“Travelling with four strange men you just met?” 


Perhaps this was another way for Baekhyun to plant in her mind that she could probably run at any moment and the demigod wouldn’t have said anything. He didn’t want to carry around extra baggage like Mina. She was too much or a liability. 


“Well not all of you are strange men. I know Chanyeol,” She said, “Speaking of you think he likes me?”


Baekhyun turned to see Mina’s face light up with genuine curiosity. The son of Aphrodite wasn’t the jealous type, no not at all, but he didn’t like this girl. No. not one bit. She was too perfect...the perfect mortal. Her eyes were pretty and her nose slim with a small beauty mark on the bridge. Her v-line jawline was prominent. It was a wonder why she wasn’t considered a daughter of Aphrodite.


“Why don’t you ask him?” Baekhyun let his head rest on the palm of his hand.


He looked out the window of the train letting his eyes trail along the grassy fields outside.


“Wow...I never thought about it like that.” Mina smiled, “That’s amazing advice. You really are the son of Aphrodite.”


Baekhyun looked at the mortal in disbelief. Were humans this stupid? Well, that wasn’t quite fair to say considering Baekhyun was half human.



“What was he like in High School?” Baekhyun asked Mina.


“Chanyeol? Well...he was super popular amongst girls. He’d get chocolates on valentines day no question. At the same time he fit in, I always knew he was special. I tried to confess last summer, but then he left to...well go to your weird boarding school a day early.”


Oh, Baekhyun nodded. Chanyeol had ditched the last day of summer break to get back to him as soon as possible. Now it hurts. Knowing that he’d ignored him for so long. 


Mina frowned, “You don’t think he likes anyone, right?” she asked.


Baekhyun considered the question, “I don’t know.”


“Hmmm...I thought so he’s really hard to read.” Mina tapped her chin.


The son of Aphrodite disagreed. He could read Chanyeol’s expression with ease.


“Hey, what about you-you’re super handsome, do you have a girlfriend?” Mina asked, “I’m sure you have a lot of suitors lined up, I mean the son of Aphrodite and all.”


Baekhyun managed to laugh. This mortal could be funny at times.


“You talk a lot.” Baekhyun said.


“Yeah, so I’ve been told. I heard it’s a coping mechanism to get through anxious situations.”


“Go to sleep,” Baekhyun used his charm to speak to the poor girl.


As soon as he said that, her eyes became hooded and Mina slumped into a sleeping position. Baekhyun felt bad for her. She hadn’t chosen to come with them really. Mina was only trying to make the best out of a complicated situation. 


Since she was asleep, Baekhyun reached into his pocket and fished out a shiny silver piece of jewelry. Holding it up to the window where the light hit it, he stared at it for a long time. 

Back at the cafe when he was searching for the immortality nectar he'd come across this small dainty peice of jewley. Surprised at first, he knew he wouldn't have time to ask Chanyeol what it was, so he slipped into his pocked quickly.

Inscribed on the inside was the words ‘fearless’. Baekhyun had been thinking about why Chanyeol had this piece of jewelry in his bag, but when he saw the way he was speaking to Mina it became a little clear. Was this for her?

Either way, he hadn’t heard Chanyeol ask if anyone had seen it, meaning he’d been meaning to keep it a secret.

Fearless...Baekhyun laughed to himself at the thought that his bracelet was ever meant for him.It was for a pretty girl-a mortal girl like Mina. 

Perhaps this was the very reason Baekhyun held back from re-confessing to Chanyeol. Maybe Mina was better off for him? Now that she knew that he was a demigod all the obstacles were gone. Zeus would be more accepting considering she was a woman and could provide him with children-continue his lineage. Baekhyun was just...


“Station leading to southern France is approaching in five minutes, please bring your boarding passes up front to exit the train.”


The intercom interrupted his thoughts. Baekhyun sighed, before stuffing the bracelet back into his leather jacket pocket. He gently tapped Mina on the shoulder to wake her up from her nap.


“We’re here.” 


All four demigods and one mortal exited the train station, looking around at the unfamiliar surroundings. French speaking people passed by them, presumably talking about them because of how lost they looked.


“He said we look dirty,” Baekhyun translated. 


All of them had forgotten how Baekhyun could understand and speak french. 


“That wasn’t necessary to translate.” Kyungsoo rolled his eyes.




Coming back to Adrian’s time capsule felt like a fever dream. It hadn’t been touched since the last time they visited. The same cozy fireplace, the garden full of roses and tulips that was still holding up after all this time. In Adrian’s time capsule it was always summer, even though it was the end of september, the weather was no lower than 15 degrees celsius. 

Chanyeol was the first to make himself at home having been so tired from the trip. When he came over to Adrian’s living room he did notice one difference. The frame of him and Ezo broken and shattered in pieces. He frowned, realizing it was probably very difficult for Adrian to come here considering everything he’s been through. 


“Don’t take too much pity on me.” Adrian collapsed on the sofa, letting his leg rest on an ottoman.


“I won’t.” Chanyeol smiled, “Let's just get our mind off relationships today.” He sighed.


“Ditto,” Adrian said.


Night time came quickly. All of them sat around the fireplace, discussing a new plan and some fighting tactics so that they could somehow defeat Prometheus. When it came down to it, they thought Ezo wasn’t an easy match, but he was doable. Prometheus wasn’t anything they’d fought before. Sure, they’d fought titans, but they were always dumb.

This titan was different, he didn’t just have one brain cell.

While all the demigods discussed important things, Baekhyun reached under the sofa and pulled out a bow an arrow.


Everyone looked at him like he was crazy.


“I kept an extra bow and arrow, just in case. I lost mind back at Germany,” He defended himself.

More than anyone, Mina's eyes widened at the bow and arrow in awe.


“Whoa, it’s so huge. Do you kill monsters with that?”


At first, the demigods didn’t think anything of it, but then it suddenly hit Baekhyun. They weren't in Germany anymore where the mist had ceased to exist. How was Mina able to see the bow and arrow?



“Mina...can you see that arrow?” Chanyeol pointed at Baekhyun’s hands.


The mortal tilted her head in confusion, blinking her eyes, “Y-yes.”


All four demigods looked at each other.




“This has to be some kind of mistake. She’s a mortal, there's no way she would be able to see through the mist.” Kyungsoo argued.


“Perhaps, not seeing the mist made her immune to it for a while in Germany.” Adrian attempted to explain.


“That’s impossible…”Chanyeol said.


Baekhyun who noticed Mina’s eye flicker in fear when her head kept looking between the demigods as if she were in trouble-or worse she looked like she was hiding something.


“You’ve been seeing the mist longer than you told us, haven’t you?” Baekhyun had figured it out.

Back in the train he noticed Mina was asking a lot about Greek mythology. It was all making sense now. She wanted answers for having seen monsters for so long.


Chanyeol, Kyungsoo and Adrian turned to the mortal girl for an answer. To which she pouted and nervously looked to the floor, near tears. 


“Yes. I’ve been seeing things ever since I was young. I’m sorry I lied to you guys, but I just didn’t think you guys would believe me.”


“Great now this changes everything.” Baekhyun sighed, “If she’s not a mortal, then what is she.”


“Stop calling her a mortal. She has a name.” Chanyeol said sternly.


Mina looked like she was on the verge of tears. Kyungsoo took this as a sign to calm everyone down and get her to a quiet place to speak with her. In the meantime he told the demigods to calm down.

Baekhyun rolled his eyes and decided to take a stroll outside.


Adrian watched Baekhyun storm out furious. 


“Go after him.” Adrian ordered Chanyeol.


But Chanyeol was feeling extra stubborn today, he crossed his arms over his chest. 


“He’s being difficult. I’ll let him cool off,” He made an excuse.


“If you’re not going to follow after him ,then I will.”


Chanyeol closed his eyes making a face that told Adrian he had given up. He slipped on his sneakers and ran after Baekhyun.



When he came outside, he was surprised to see Baekhyun wasn’t anywhere to be seen. He expected that he wouldn’t have gone far, but he wasn’t on the porch or near the garden. At first, Chanyeol didn’t think anything of it as he tapped his foot restlessly on the porch turning his head from the right and then the left waiting for the male that had stormed off angrily earlier.

Perhaps Baekhyun had walked farther along near the forest. Chanyeol put his hands into his bomber jacket pockets and strolled along the path that he presumed Baekhyun had taken to get some fresh air. 

Chanyeol wandered around endlessly, his brain not registering that he’d been out and about for twenty minutes and there was still no sign of Baekhyun.

HIs mind started racing then. His heart almost beating out his chest. Where the hell did he go. 

The son of Zues, drew his dagger, running in the direction of cabin.




Adrian, Kyungsoo and Mina were all tied to individual chairs, placed right in front of the entrance between the kitchen and living room. They were gagged with duct tape over their mouths so they could not speak. Baekhyun other hand had his tied, but was standing up next to Prometheus who was holding him by the back of the collar. It looked like he’d just dragged him from outside. 

Behind them was Ezo with a dull and almost dead look on his face. He didn’t seem to recognize Adrian as he called out his name.

They weren’t supposed to know that they had come back to southern france. Heck, how did they even manage to get through the forcefield. Oh, perhaps through the ground the same way the demigods had come in last year.


Chanyeol held his dagger up, pivoting from Ezo to Prometheus with caution as all four of his friends were tied up.


“How did you know we were here.” Chanyeol held his dagger up, pointing it at Ezo and then back at Prometheus. 


“Simple…”Prometheus proceeds to put his fingers together as if he is going to explain the elaborate way he found their hiding spot.


“You demigods are idiots,” He says instead, “Leaving your trails behind, oh and we can’t forget about your stench. It’s horrid.”


Baekhyun turned to Ezo who seemed to have a blank expression on his face. Had the man forgotten he was also a demigod? He wondered how many times Prometheus had insulted him and how many times he had willfully ignored it.


“Mhmpph!” Adrian struggled against the rope tied around his legs and wrists. 


All the while Kyungsoo and Mina had fear laced in their eyes as they watched Ezo’s careful movements behind them. His black sword drawn ready to be used at any moment. 


“Let them go,” Chanyeol warned.


His sword was also drawn.


“It is not that simple, idiot son of Zues.” Prometheus sneered, “We want the nectar.”


“You're not getting it-” Baekhyun started.


But suddenly, he was on the floor, with Prometheus bulldozing his body with only his one hand right into the hardwood of the house. It hurt like a . Baekhyun tried to stand up, but Prometheus was already breathing down his neck.


“Give me the nectar your imbecile!” He yelled.


Chanyeol skillfully used the of his sword to push Prometheus off Baekhyun. When Ezo saw Chanyeol move, he shifted to his master's side and tried to pick him off the floor.


“No you fool, get him!” Prometheus pointed at Chanyeol.


Baekhyun watched as Ezo and Chanyeol immediately began clashing with their swords. At one point, Ezo had the demigod in a tight chokehold, but the demigod quickly took his free hand and simply touched it causing a spark to form. Ezo was electrocuted and off guard for a moment so that Chanyeol could kick his shin and have him fall to the floor.

The son of Aphrodite, ran over to Prometheus who had just stood up from being forcefully kicked and he began to push his face into the ground with his bare hands.

Prometheus was stronger, though. He took Baekhyun’s slim wrist and flung him across the room into the entrance door. Baekhyun got back up on his feet, running over to the closet where he kept his arrow. Somehow, this action enabled Baekhyun to be fully free of his tied hands.

He knew it was pretty stupid to use a long range weapon in such closed quarters, but he had a differen’t trick up his sleeve. The arrow that he’d skillfully hidden he took to his chest and aimed.

As Prometheus came on to Baekhyun again, he took his arrow and aimed it at his heart, causing the titan to raise and eyebrow curiously. When the demigod didn’t shoot Prometheus snatched the arrow away and snapped it in two with one hand.


“You coward.” He spat, “Can’t even shoot an arrow without worrying about your poor friends behind me.” Prometheus smiled.


The titan then took Baekhyun’s chin into his fingers and began to press into it. 

Baekhyun shut his eyes in pain, but somehow used his hand to notch another arrow into the bow.

Prometheus laughed knowing Baekhyun wasn’t going to be able to shoot at him.


Except...that isn’t what he meant to do anyways.


The son of Aphrodite aimed the arrow under Prometheus' arm as he continued to crush his jaw and managed to fling it in the direction of Kyungsoo.

The aim was to say the least...shot with such precision that Baekhyun himself was impressed.

The arrow flew right between Kyungsoo’s legs where the rope was attached. 

That is when Promthesus knew he had spoken too soon.


Now that Kyungsoo was free to move around his legs, He stomped right his leg onto the wooden floor, looking at Adrian as if to say sorry before he completely wrecked his floor.

The house shook and then suddenly a crack opened up from the ground.

Ezo and Chanyeol who were in the middle of fighting lost their balance.


Prometheus cursed under his breath.


“Never call me a coward.” Baekhyun kicked the titan in the stomach, flinging him several steps back to Kyungsoo's feet.


The son of Ares took his strong arms and smashed Prometheus face into the floor-making the titan groan in pain.

Chanyeol didn’t have time to admire Baekhyun’s geniusness, because Ezo was already attacking him with his sword again. He realized Ezo had changed his fighting style greatly. It wasn’t so lazy and improper. He’d trained hard and the results were showing. 

Using all his strength, Chanyeol knocked Ezo on the floor, tackling him and getting his sword up to his neck. When Ezo pushed back, the other demigod raised his sword to the sky and electrocuted the enemy. 

Ezo wouldn’t last long if he kept fighting Chanyeol-especially with his elemental powers. 

When Prometheus recovered from Kyungsoo's strong hit to the ground, he finally came to his senses realizing he had to think of something fast before they lost.

So he did what he did best. Used his cunning mind.

Kyungsoo had been in the middle of releasing Adrian’s rope ties, when Promtheus stumbled over to a terrified Mina who screamed for help as the titan began to remove her ties and pick her up.


“Mhmhm!!” Mina flailed her legs around.


Baekhyun heard the screaming first and he lunged at Prometheus holding on to his ankles when he dived.

Taking the broken piece of the arrow the titan had smashed, he sunk it into Prometheus’ flesh, earning a loud howl of pain.



“Let go of her!” Baekhyun dug the arrow deeper.


Prometheus moved his legs around attempting to kick off the demigod that was planted at his foot. To his demise, Baekhyun was far stronger than he thought. That and...Baekhyun was using charmspeak to get Prometheus to let go.

When the titan dropped Mina, she crawled over to the fireplace, trying to look for a weapon to defend herself.

The titan looked at Baekhyun for a moment and then turned back to find the mortal.

But Baekhyun knew that he didn’t do something now...Mina would be taken by Prometheus.


“Take me instead.” Baekhyun said in a demanding voice. A charmspeak voice.


Prometheus stopped in his tracks, a small smirk began to form.


“How come I hadn’t thought of that before.”


The titan raises his hand up to stop Ezo from attacking Chanyeol. When the son of Zues turns around he's confused to see Prometheus looking at the demigods as if he’d just won a bet.

He lowered his weapon just as Ezo does.

The room was silent.

Baekhyun looked at Chanyeol sadly.




Prometheus grabs Baekhyun’s arm and makes him stand in front of him. He holds his own dagger to the demigods throat in a threatening manner. Then, for extra defence, Ezo uses his sword to shoo away Kyungsoo and Adrian who stood with their own weapons cautiously. 


“You wouldn’t.” Chanyeol said to Prometheus.


Baekhyun shook his head, as if to tell Chanyeol. Lay off, I’ve got it from here. Take care of everyone.


“Who said I would? This low-life demigod offered to do so.” Prometheus brought the blade closer to Baekhyun’s neck the more Chanyeol got closer.


“What are you going to do to him?” Kyungsoo said carefully.


“Well, it all depends on you. Come find us if you dare, but if you don’t come back with the nectar, I’m afraid this demigod will perish.”


Then, just as quickly as he’d said those last words, Ezo, Prometheus and Baekhyun disappeared in thin air.


Authors note: Hellooooooo everyone! Enjoy the chapter wasn't planning uploading, but I haven't since a minute. ENJOY. Leave a comment and I'll most likely post sooner rather than later. 

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Chapter 11: Aphrodite was right though. That's the beauty of love!

This was so good. I love how things are progressing. Moving onto the 3rd book :D
Chapter 10: Gosh why? When they could've been happy 🥺
Chapter 9: The cliffhanger!!
Chapter 8: Curiosity gets the best of me with each chapter!
Chapter 7: Is it Mina who is the mole or is it Adrian (I still don't trust him) 😒
Chapter 6: Oh no Baekhyunee 🥺
Chapter 5: What a chapter! Is it Baek's time to be jealous now? 🤭
Chapter 4: Their bickering is the best part. Pretty sure I'll see more in the upcoming chapters :D
Chapter 3: Chanyeol should've seen the way Baekhyun Hughes Adrian 🤭
Chapter 2: Adrian is already getting on my nerves and others are surely hiding something from Chanyeol